Fast Traveling Plane Mall

Chapter 892 Replaced (17)

Chapter 892 Replaced (17)

It's just that Jiang Xun won't let them have it so easy.

That night, Jiang Xun sneaked into Wang Shouyi's house and stole all Wang Shouyi's money. Nowadays, these people are not in the habit of depositing money in banks.

Wang Shouyi hid the money very secretly, but there were spy mosquitoes around monitoring them, so it was useless no matter how concealed it was.

Including the 1 yuan given by the fake Fu Zuozhi, Jiang Xun found a total of more than 5000 yuan from Wang Shouyi.

Now Wang Shouyi still owes money to some villagers and wages from the pig farm, and even some money for pig feed has not been paid yet. He is waiting to settle the bill together after the pigs are sold.

The total amount of money must be at least three to four thousand, which means that without the money, Wang Shouyi still owes three to four thousand, and those people must have heard the news here and will come to ask for the account soon. If the money is still not available, the fake Fu Zuozhi is still needed to solve the problem...


With a plan in mind, Jiang Xun left quietly. Although Wang Xiaoqiao and the fake Fu Zuozhi had always wanted to perform the courtesy of Duke Zhou, Wang Shouyi disagreed and would break up when they saw the excessive intimacy between the two.

There is no other reason. Men know men best. He is afraid that once Fu Zuozhi succeeds, he may abandon Wang Xiaoqiao, so the two of them are still innocent until now. Wang Shouyi watches closely and does not give Fu Zuozhi any chance.

This is cheaper for Jiang Xun, he doesn't have to worry about whether he has to prevent the two from climbing the wall in the middle of the night.


The next day, Wang Shouyi didn't realize that the money was missing. After all, the money was kept in it whole and he didn't take it out very often. He only took some money occasionally, so it would take a long time to find out that the money was missing. Three or two days.

All the pigs in Wang Shouyi's family have died. After cleaning up the pig farm today, they are not going to raise any more pigs.

When they got up early in the morning, Fu Zuozhi had agreed to take them to the city. For this reason, although all the pigs were gone, Wang Shouyi still had a smile on his face and started to show off when he saw the villagers.

His son-in-law is taking him and his daughter to the city.

The villagers were originally a little gloating about his misfortune, but after hearing this, they could only smile and say that he had a good daughter, but in fact, they all felt jealous in their hearts.

By the end of the morning, almost everyone in the village knew that Wang Shouyi and Wang Xiaoqiao were going back to the city with Fu Zuozhi.

Jiang Xun was alone in the room and looked at Spy Mosquito from time to time, still preparing some medicinal powder in his hand.

She went to the mountain to collect these medicines in the morning and they will be used in the next two days.

As for the lame old man who didn't show up or say a word all day, the surrounding residents didn't pay attention. This man was not easy to get along with. Sometimes he would go hunting in the mountains and stay there for three or two days.

What's more, the neighbors in the neighborhood now know that Jiang Xun is a powerful character, and they guard the lame old man tightly, beating him twice every three days, and no one asks questions out of boredom.

After a busy day, Jiang Xun didn't eat at all and was hungry at night, so he spent a few more dollars to buy a little rooster from Lingju and had it cleaned up.

Although Ling Ju was jealous, what else could he do if he didn't make any money? He just said that Jiang Xun was a prodigal woman who spent money to eat chicken every day, so why didn't he die of it?

The leader was chatting while packing the chicken. Jiang Xun heard it clearly, but Jiang Xun didn't say anything more.

Next time she goes to another store to buy, hehe, she will be so angry if she buys eight out of ten!

In addition to the mushrooms picked from the mountains in the morning, Jiang Xun still made chicken stewed with mushrooms. It was so delicious that even after eating it twice in a row, I still didn't get tired of it.

When it got completely dark, Jiang Xun changed his appearance and walked into Wang Shouyi's home.

Wang Xiaoqiao's bedroom door was locked by Wang Shouyi, and a urine bucket was placed inside. The fake Fu Zuozhi was staying under Wang Xiaoqiao's window and talking to Wang Xiaoqiao, and was bitten by mosquitoes from time to time.

Finally I couldn't bear it anymore so I went back to my room to get ready for bed.

At this time, there were no smart phones to relieve boredom. Wang Shouyi only had an old-fashioned black and white TV at home, which was rare in the village. However, the TV was in Wang Xiaoqiao's room, and the fake Fu Zuozhi had nothing else to do except sleep. .

Jiang Xun understood a little bit, why did one person have so many children in ancient and modern society, but people in modern society no longer want children...

Probably because...

There was nothing else at this time, it was getting dark, and there seemed to be nothing else to do except work.

And modern society...

Mobile phone and computer game consoles are dazzling...

It seems to make some sense.

After correcting his thoughts, Jiang Xun blew a puff of the poison directly into the window of the fake Fu Zuozhi. After a while, the fake Fu Zuozhi passed out.

Jiang Xun dragged the man back without any effort.

The villagers usually went to bed early, so Jiang Xun didn't meet a single villager along the way, and there were almost no people on the remote section of road she took.

After successfully dragging the fake Fu Zuozhi back to the lame old man's home, all his clothes were ruined and turned into rags.

Afterwards, Jiang Xun took out a bowl of dark medicine from the kitchen and gave it to the fake Fu Zuozhi to drink.

This drug not only makes people paralyzed, but also makes them unable to speak.

Even if the fake Fu Zuozhi wakes up, he can only be like a vegetative state. Except for a pair of moving eyes, nothing else can move, and he can't even hear the movement outside.

After giving the fake Fu Zuozhi some medicine, Jiang Xun threw him into the room where the lame old man slept.

As long as he doesn't die, it's okay. Anyway, what's in this body now is someone else's soul. We'll wait until we find the real Fu Zuozhi.

When Fu Zuozhi first came, the driver brought him, so when the driver left, he drove the car again, and agreed to pick him up in a week. Now there are still three days until a week, and Wang Xiaoqiao will be solved within three days. , and then go to town to deal with Wang Dafu’s clothing factory.

After a night, Jiang Xun still spent most of the night practicing the body tempering technique, and only had a short rest.

At this time, the fake Fu Zuozhi had already woken up. His eyes were round and full of fear. He wanted to get up and look around, but he couldn't move at all. He couldn't even hear the slightest sound.

Jiang Xun disguised herself as a rare and beautiful woman in the world. She came to the room wearing plain clothes, fed the fake Fu Zuozhi some water and then left quietly.

The fake Fu Zuozhi was still in a daze until Jiang Xun left, and he didn't react for a long time.

Jiang Xun sneered and took off his disguise, then took a car from the village leader to the town. Before leaving, he placed the spy mosquito in Fu Zuozhi's room to monitor him.

(End of this chapter)

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