Chapter 105 Two Cat Bosses
After Luo Hui left with his wife and mother, Mo Yanxi and his party moved to another township. In the next few days, it was raining again and again, making it inconvenient to go out, so they went into the game to hunt monsters upgrade.

There is also rain at the base in city A, and it doesn't stop all day long, as if God wants to wash away all the filth.

Regarding the smooth escape of Team No. [-], Bai Xueqi was almost pissed off. The plan was perfect, but she missed it and lost to that little fat guy, Pei Zixuan. Therefore, she hated Pei Zixuan even more.

To be exact, she didn't like children very much. She always thought that children were naughty and troublesome.

Regarding the matter of Pei Zixuan being taken hostage, Pei Lixing thought it was because Bai Xueqi didn't take good care of Pei Zixuan, so she ignored her for several days. Only after Pei Zixuan was sent back did she have the courage to try to please Pei Lixing again.

On this day, Bai Xueqi was dressed up beautifully, her long hair shawl was made into pear flower rolls, her rosy face was complemented by a sweet smile, and she was wearing a white dress and pink skirt, which was extraordinarily pink and eye-catching.

She also sprayed a pre-apocalyptic precious perfume, which has an aphrodisiac effect. It was a gift from Pei Lixing, and he liked it very much.

When they arrived at the villa, Bai Xueqi happened to meet Pei Zixuan throwing the bowl in a temper tantrum. If she hadn't stepped back two steps in time, the bowl would definitely bloom on her head.

Looking at the dining table, Pei Lixing was also there, with a dark face, obviously angry at his son's refusal to eat.

Bai Xueqi was secretly delighted, knowing that the opportunity for her to perform had come, so she curled her lips, stepped on her high-heeled shoes studded with gorgeous rhinestones, and said softly, "Xuanxuan, what's the matter? Did you make your father angry again?"

The bear child was cared about and cared about, and he became even more bearish, and continued to throw vegetables and bowls on the spot: "I don't want to eat these! It's so bad! I want meat! I want custard! I want cake!"

"Lixing, since the child wants to eat, why don't you ask Aunt Cook to do it?" Bai Xueqi looked at the fried noodles and porridge that were scattered all over the table, feeling a little puzzled.

"The aunt who cooks is sick. She won't be able to find someone to cook for a while, and she doesn't dare to use strangers, for fear of another accident." Pei Lixing was afraid that his son would be kidnapped again, and Luo Hui had already found out that it was the one who did it. However, Luo Hui had already fled without a trace, and he couldn't kill everyone if he wanted to.

For a while, Bai Xueqi didn't know how to coax the child anymore, this was not something she was good at!

Pei Lixing looked at her and said, "By the way, Xueqi, don't you know how to cook? You can cook for him. I still have something to do, so I have to deal with it!"

The man got up, and before he left, he warned: "I have added soldiers to guard, you don't go out casually no matter what, Xueqi, I have entrusted my son to you to take care of me again, don't let me down again!"

"Don't worry! I will take care of and protect Xuanxuan like my own son!" Bai Xueqi promised with a smile, but she vomited to death in her heart.

Pei Lixing took a few more glances at Pei Zixuan and left.

As soon as he left, Bai Xueqi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She returned to the dining table and said to Pei Zixuan, "I won't cook for you. You don't want to eat these. If you don't eat, you'll be hungry!"

When the bear child heard this, he was unhappy: "I don't want it, I don't want it, I don't want it!"

"No?" She was very annoyed, and threatened him viciously, "If you don't obey, I will throw you out of the city to feed the monsters!"

The monsters outside the city are so terrifying. Pei Zixuan has seen them with his own eyes. He remembers that when he was in the academy, many classmates and teachers were killed by monsters...

So, he was frightened, and forgot that his father was the head of the base who could protect him, and cried in great fear: "No, no, I will be obedient, don't feed me to monsters... "

"Why don't you eat something quickly?"


After finishing the bear child, Bai Xueqi felt a little bored, so she wanted to go to another game world to have a look: "Go to bed after you finish eating, I will come back later, if I don't see you sleeping in the room obediently, just wait and see." Give it to the monsters for dinner!"

"Yeah..." Pei Zixuan tried his best to pick up fried noodles with a fork, and kept nodding.

In fact, he doesn't like this woman very much. Except for his mother, he doesn't like all the messy women around his father. However, it is said that stepmothers will abuse children. If she becomes his stepmother, he will be miserable...

Just when Pei Zixuan was racking his brains on how not to let Bai Xueqi be his stepmother, Bai Xueqi had already logged into the other world of the game.

She didn't have a team, her magic level was low, her skills were sloppy, and she didn't have Nangong by her side, so she didn't dare to fight monsters at all, so she could only walk around.

She sent many messages to Nangong, but unfortunately she never received a reply. For this reason, she felt very disappointed.

Because Team Fuji's previous leveling location was still near the base in City A, she happened to meet her, but the opponent had a large number of people and a high combat effectiveness, so she could only quietly hide from the side and peek.

Mo Yanxi and his group were fighting the boss, but they didn't notice her existence through the barrier.

This boss is particularly difficult to deal with. They are two cat-like monsters, each with three tails. They are fighting desperately. Once they are killed, one tail is missing.

I thought it would be enough to just grind their tails to death, but I didn't expect that when there was only one tail left in the end, I couldn't kill them anyway, because their tails would grow back.

After repeating it several times, Li Xinran was so tired that her hands were sore: "This boss is crazy! Infinite resurrection..."

"It would be great if there were strategies, but what are their weaknesses?" Mo Yanxi also had a frown.

Chu Tianyu continued to cast dark magic, beating the boss until he yelled, "Everyone stick to it, observe carefully, and we will definitely find a way to kill them!"

"I'm about to die..." Lao Qi ran out of magic energy and was so exhausted that he wanted to lie down on the ground to rest.

The fourth child's golden magic is very powerful against bosses. After all, it can condense metal, which is very effective in defense: "You say... are these cats siblings or husband and wife?"

Such a sudden question immediately caused the third child to complain: "Fourth child, what time is it, you are thinking about such boring things..."

Chu Tianyu seemed to be awakened by the old four's words: "By the way, I remembered, old seven, do you remember a game we played before, and the two bosses had to die at the same time to pass the level. "

"I remember, I remember, we fought for hours that time! I wanted to cry!" Lao Qi was so excited that he quickly absorbed a fire totem to replenish energy, and then threw a fireball.

Mo Yanxi understood the new battle plan in seconds: "Then let's try it and kill them at the same time!"

(End of this chapter)

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