Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 162 Showdown with the Phantom Phoenix King Guard

When Latios' mysterious guardian shrouded the entire room, Wang Hao let Lucario, Pokkisi, and Xanadu start a reckless offensive.And among the three Pokémon, it was not Xanadu who had teleportation, nor Lucario who had super speed, but Pokkiss who launched the offensive first.

The first skill that Pokkisi launched was yawning, and that big sleepy yawn went straight to Phantom Yandi.The phantom Yandi who had been hit by this trick began to sleepy, as if he was about to fall asleep at any time.Then Pokkisi slashed a blade of air at the phantom Yandi.The silver-white air blade rushed towards the sleepy-eyed Phantom Yandi as if it was about to tear apart the space.

Although Phantom Yandi was indeed drowsy, but when the silver-white air blade rushed towards him, the sharp aura brought him an instant reaction.A jet of flame from the mouth was sprayed out in time to block the air blade.But this jet of flame only blocked the air blade, because the Phantom Yandi fell into a sleep state in the next second.

It was this opportunity that Pokkisi was waiting for, and the air slash attack was just to guide the Phantom Yan Emperor to sleep quickly!When Phantom Yandi fell into a state of sleep completely, Pokkisi used primitive power to take out a few huge rocks from the surrounding walls out of thin air, and then smashed them hard at Phantom Yandi.

When Pokkisi launched the original power on Phantom Yandi, Phantom Thunder God was ready to support Phantom Yandi.When Phantom Thunder was about to rush out with a flash of lightning, Lucario blocked his path ahead of time with super speed.At the same time, two slender bone sticks were held in Lucario's hands early on, ready to attack Phantom Thunder God at any time.

Looking at Lucario holding a bone stick, Phantom Thunder God did not impulsively go to support Phantom Yandi, but first erected several reflecting walls around him.This is obviously to defend against Lucario's physical attack. When Wang Hao saw this skill, he was also very surprised, as if he had been calculated.

But now is obviously not the time to care about these things. Lucario is still waving his bone stick towards Phantom Thunder. The bone stick hits Phantom Thunder after smashing the reflecting wall. The damage is still not low.Phantom Thunder naturally knew that the reflective wall could not completely block Lucario's attack, but he still did not launch a counterattack against Lucario, but let Lucario hit him with the attack.

When Lucario, who was holding the bone stick, bombarded Phantom Raigo, his body began to emit a dazzling light, and a powerful electric current also spread from Phantom Raigo's body to the surroundings.Wang Hao immediately realized that it was not good, because at this time Phantom Lei Gong was using the discharge skill, which was an area skill, which could cause damage and paralyze the opponent at the same time.

Although Lucario would not fall into a paralyzed state because of Latios' mysterious protection, Lucario did not feel well when he was attacked by electric discharge at such a close range.However, Wang Hao noticed that Lucario inserted the bone stick in his hand into the ground, and guided most of the current to the ground through the bone stick. Therefore, the discharge of Phantom Thunder did not hurt Lucario as much as Wang Hao imagined. .

When Phantom Raigong's discharge attack is released, all surrounding Pokémon are affected, and this effect is indiscriminate, including Phantom Entei and Phantom Suicune.Phantom Suicune didn't expect Phantom Raigui to launch such an offensive suddenly, so he didn't even think about defending, and finally suffered a discharge attack in vain.

When Xanadu was affected by the discharge attack, he immediately used teleportation to transfer to the back of Phantom Suicune, and then a magic flash shot down from Phantom Suicune's back vertically, directly knocking Phantom Suicune away. I was crushed.

After giving Phantom Suicune a magical flash, Xanadu quickly withdrew without staying on Phantom Suicune's back.Although Magic Shining's attack is very powerful, it is obviously impossible to completely defeat Phantom Suicune with this blow alone, so Wang Hao asked Xanadu to evacuate quickly when she caused damage to Phantom Suicune.As long as Xanadu maintains his superb mobility, then as long as he launches a few more attacks, Phantom Suicune will be consumed sooner or later.

So far, whether it is Phantom Entei, Phantom Raikou or Phantom Suicune, they have been completely suppressed by Wang Hao Pokémon, which is the benefit of interrupting the cooperation of the three Phantom Pokémon.Although Wang Hao's combat method needs to command three Pokémon at the same time, the effect is not what ordinary trainers can achieve!Lattios has been silently watching Wang Hao's command, and has also seen the cooperation between Lucario, Pokkisi, Xanadu and Wang Hao. That kind of instant reaction and absolute trust cannot be achieved overnight. Forming!

From the bottom of his heart, Lattios thinks that he is lucky to choose to be Wang Hao's Pokémon, and he also hopes that one day he can cooperate with Wang Hao like Lucario, Pokkis, and Xanadu.Of course, these thoughts of Latios are only clear to him.Wang Hao is still commanding Lucario to launch an offensive against Phantom Thunder.

Lucario blocked most of Phantom Thunder's discharge attacks by inserting the bone stick into the ground, and Wang Hao also took advantage of Lucario's reaction, and immediately directed Lucario to use the bone stick inserted into the ground to blow the entire floor to the ground. Set off, in order to form a second blow to Phantom Thunder.

When the floor raised by Lucario hit Phantom Thunder, Phantom Thunder used a mysterious force to suspend the floor in the air.This mysterious force not only prevented the floor from attacking Phantom Thunder, but also threw the floor back in front of Lucario.The trick that Wang Hao originally used to counterattack was used by Phantom Lei Gong in an instant, which surprised Wang Hao, but Wang Hao also reacted in time.He immediately threw the bone stick out of Lucario's hand, allowing the bone stick to collide with the floor in the air.

The moment the bone club shattered the floor, Lucario rushed straight to the side of Phantom Thunder with super speed, and then beat him again and again with the bone club.This bone stick attack is completely different from the attack just now, because at this time, there is no defense of the reflection wall around Phantom Thunder God, and the bone stick attacks are all bombarded on Phantom Thunder God.After this violent beating, Phantom Lei Gong looked a little dying, and looked like he was going to be knocked down at any time.

Seeing the appearance of Phantom Thunder, Wang Hao immediately asked Lucario to use the wave missile.At this time, it is most suitable to use the wave missile, because the attack of the wave missile must be hit, and where is the skill more suitable than the must-hit skill when harvesting?When the blue wave missile pierced through the phantom Leigong, Wang Hao knew that the first phantom had completely disappeared.

However, Wang Hao did not relax at all!He turned his attention to Phantom Yandi and Pokkisi!With its primitive power, Pokkisi caused a lot of damage to the sleeping Phantom Yandi, but the damage was not enough to make the Phantom Yandi disappear completely.When Wang Hao was about to let Pokkisi cast a deadly skill on Phantom Yandi, Phantom Yandi broke free from his sleep state.

But even if the Phantom Yandi breaks free from the sleep state, it will not change his fate of disappearing, because at this time Wang Hao not only directed Pokkisi to attack him, but also commanded Lucario who had just solved the Phantom Thunder.Two Pokémon with the power of wave guides respectively use their respective wave guides to form the strongest wave missiles to bombard the newly awakened Phantom Entei.In the end, the two wave missiles also penetrated the body of Phantom Yandi, making the second phantom completely disappear.

When only Phantom Suicune was left among the three Phantom Pokémon, it seemed that the atmosphere of the whole room changed.Phantom Suicune, who was overwhelmed by Xanadu's magical sparkle, just got up from the ground and saw the scene where his two companions disappeared one after another, which made him a little at a loss.However, he didn't seem to give up.

The overall temperature in the room instantly dropped to freezing point, and white snowflakes began to float in the room.This is a harbinger of a blizzard. Once Phantom Suicune successfully uses this skill, it is very likely that the entire room will be frozen.Therefore, Wang Hao quickly directed Lucario, Pokkisi and Xanadu to launch a joint attack.

First, Xanadu appeared behind Phantom Suicune with instant movement, and interrupted the blizzard of Phantom Suicune with a strong mental attack; secondly, Lucario circled to the side of Phantom Suicune with superfast speed. The collision knocked Phantom Suicune into the air; in the end, Pokkisi performed a vacuum slash on the Phantom Suicune that was knocked into the air, completely cutting the last phantom into pieces.

Although he was facing the Phantom Phoenix King Guards, Wang Hao spent a lot of energy on every command and attack, which was not something that could be done simply!When the three phantom Pokémon completely dissipated, Lattios couldn't believe it. After all, it only took a few minutes from the appearance of the phantom to its disappearance.

After solving the Phantom Phoenix Guards, Wang Hao also discovered a strange thing, that is, the black box in the original room has now become an ordinary wooden box, and there are no shackles on the wooden box, which seems to be free. Same as opening.

Looking at the wooden box, Wang Hao still didn't dare to touch it lightly, so he could only use Xanadu to open the wooden box with super power again.But this time, when Shanaido's super power came into contact with the wooden box, the wooden box opened easily, and inside the wooden box was just an ordinary diamond-shaped stone.

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