Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 171 We Know We Were Wrong

Choosing to use the iridescent feather to resurrect the Phoenix King Menus is bound to bear a certain risk, and this risk is that Menus may no longer look like Menus.After the resurrection, Menus may be a more powerful Pokémon, or it may be an extremely weak Pokémon. This is uncertain, and even Feng Wang cannot decide.But if this opportunity is not seized, the resurrection of Menus will be far away. This is not what Wang Hao wants to see, so he decides to take this risk.

As long as Menus can be revived, so what if she becomes the weakest Pokémon?Wang Hao didn't mind this at all, so he didn't hesitate at all, and directly expressed to Emperor Yan that he was fully prepared for the resurrection.

"Now that you have prepared yourself, I won't say anything more! From now on, you only need to go to the Bell Tower, and there is nothing special to pay attention to! But there is one thing I want to remind you, when your After the Pokémon is revived by Master Fengwang, not only that Pokémon will become a member of our guard, but you will also become one of us! There is only one huge difference between you and us, that is you There is no need to make an agreement with Lord Fengwang, nor be restricted by Lord Fengwang, let alone perform the task of monitoring the Pokémon world as a guard."

Wang Hao knew before that after Menus was resurrected, he needed to reach a certain agreement with the Phoenix King, and at the same time he would join Yandi, Suicune and Lei Gong as a member of the Phoenix King Guard, but Wang Hao did not expect that he would also become the Phoenix King Guard a member ofAlthough from Emperor Yan's words, it seems that Wang Hao, a member of the Phoenix King's Guard, doesn't need to do anything, but what is going on?
"Although Master Fengwang has the ability to revive Pokémon, this ability also has a price! Therefore, Master Fengwang will require an agreement with every Pokémon he resurrects, and use this agreement to limit these Resurrected Pokémon! This is the origin of the Phoenix King's Guard, but there has never been a human being as a member of the Phoenix King's Guard. The main reason for this is that Master Fengwang has never resurrected a trainer. Pokémon, so Master Fengwang informed us temporarily about making you a member of the Phoenix King's Guard! As for why he made you a member of the Phoenix King's Guard, Master Fengwang didn't tell us in detail. You need to ask him when you see him!"

It was the first time that Emperor Yan, Suicune, and Lei Gong had heard of human beings as members of the Phoenix King's Guards. They didn't question Phoenix King's decision, but were just a little surprised.Moreover, the duty of the Phoenix King Guards is not just to protect the safety of the Phoenix King, there are many other things to be performed, which are far from being such a simple matter.It's just about these things, neither Emperor Yan, nor Suicune, nor Lei Gong explained to Wang Hao any more.

Emperor Yan had explained everything clearly to Wang Hao, and he had no intention of staying any longer. He took Suicune and Raiko to bid farewell to Lattios and disappeared into the ruins of Alufu.After the members of the Phoenix King's Guard disappeared, Wang Hao discovered that all the damage he had done to the ruins during the battle with Lei Gong had been restored.The entire Alufu ruins are just like when Wang Hao first came, quiet, solemn, and desolate.

Although Wang Hao didn't know why the ruins of Alufu could be restored to their original state quickly, he guessed that it had something to do with the Fengwang Guards!Wang Hao, who didn't get entangled in this anymore, immediately let Xanadu take him to teleport to Yuanzhu City!Wang Hao, who returned to Yuanzhu City again, was in a very happy mood at this time, he was finally going to revive Menus!However, instead of rushing to the Bell Tower immediately, he went to the Pokémon Center to recover his Pokémon.

In this duel with Thunder God, Ghost Stone was completely defeated, and Lucario, Pokkisi, and Xanadu were also injured to varying degrees. If they are not treated in time, they will have a certain impact on the body.So Wang Hao resisted the urge to rush to the Bell Tower, and stepped into the Pokémon Center in Yuanzhu City!
When Wang Hao walked into the Pokémon Center, Matsuba happened to be talking to Ms. Joey.When Songye saw Wang Hao, she couldn't help but stop talking with Ms. Joey, and turned to ask Wang Hao: "Wang Hao! Why are you here? How is the test of the Phoenix King's Guard going? You have to work hard! Water Kyo told me that he was rejected by Suicune, but that didn't seem to affect that guy's enthusiasm for Suicune! He started chasing Suicune's tracks again!".

"Matsuba! Has Mizukyo started chasing after Suicune again? You really are a guy who never gives up! I have passed all the tests of the Phoenix King's Guard, and I have successfully obtained the Rainbow Feather!"

Wang Hao's words made Songye excited in an instant. He hurriedly came to Wang Hao from Miss Joey's side, and then hugged Wang Hao: "Are you so powerful? You have already passed all the Phoenixes. The test of the king's guard? After you get the rainbow feather, are you planning to go to the Bell Tower to summon the Phoenix King? When you summon the Phoenix King, take me with you! I always want to see the Phoenix King!".

Song Ye suddenly asked to go to the Bell Tower with Wang Hao to summon Feng Wang, which Wang Hao never expected.But even if you bring pine leaves, it shouldn't hurt!So, Wang Hao said: "No problem! I'll restore the Pokémon first, and then go to the Bell Tower to summon the Phoenix King!".

Afterwards, Wang Hao handed all the elf balls on his body to Miss Joy, and asked Miss Joy to recover.After Ms. Joey finished recovering all the Pokémon, Wang Hao and Matsuba hurriedly left the Pokémon Center and went to the gate of the Bell Tower.

The Bell Tower is a tall tower located in the northeast of Yuanzhu City. In order to better manage the condition of the Bell Tower, the citizens of Yuanzhu City repaired a bell sound path and the gate of the Bell Tower in front of the tower.All those who want to enter the bell tower need to go through the gate and the monks guarding the bell trail before they can pass.When Wang Hao and Songye came to the gate of Bell Tower, a monk in black cassock stopped them.

"You two! The bell tower is in front of you, and monks who are not in the tower are not allowed to enter!"

"Master! Apart from the monks in the tower, there is another kind of people who enter the Bell Tower. As long as they have iridescent feathers, they can also enter the Bell Tower! Am I wrong?"

Song Ye naturally knew the rules of the Bell Tower. In the early years, he also thought about going to this tower to find out, but in the end he was expelled by the monks in the tower.But the situation is completely different now, Wang Hao is a person with rainbow-colored feathers, and Songye is full of confidence by Wang Hao's side.

"That's right! People with iridescent feathers can freely enter and exit the Bell Tower, even the top of the tower, which we ordinary monks cannot set foot on! But is there really anyone in the world who has iridescent feathers? I am here to guard After ten years, I haven't seen even one person with rainbow-colored feathers appear!"

"Then you should have a good look at it today! The person next to me is the owner of the Rainbow Feather! Wang Hao, take out the Rainbow Feather and let Master check it!"

Checking the rainbow feather is obviously a necessary process, so Wang Hao can only take out the rainbow feather from the backpack in accordance with what Songye and the monk said.When the colored feathers with colorful brilliance appeared in front of Songye and the monk, both of them were completely stunned.It was the first time for them to see the iridescent feather. They never expected that the iridescent feather would look like this. The colorful brilliance was not only gorgeous, but also had a warm and soft halo!

The appearance of the rainbow-colored feather made Songye and the monk look a little crazy, Wang Hao had to cough lightly, and then said: "Master! This rainbow-colored feather should prove that I have the qualification to enter the Bell Tower! If there is no problem, then I will go in!".

After saying this, Wang Hao was about to step into the gate of the Bell Tower.At this time, the monk recovered from the shock of seeing the rainbow feather, and he quickly said to Wang Hao: "Please wait a moment! For the honored guest who owns the rainbow feather, please allow me to inform the tower first. !You are the first person with rainbow-colored feathers to appear since the departure of the Phoenix King. I only welcome you on behalf of all the monks in the tower! Is the purpose of your visit this time to call back the Phoenix King? If so If so, we need to make some corresponding preparations!"

Calling Feng Wang back actually requires preparations?Although Wang Hao didn't know what the preparations the monk said meant, but he had already reached this point, so let's implement what the monk said!Wang Hao didn't try to break into the Bell Tower any more, but stood silently aside, waiting for what the monk said to prepare.

Not long after, a group of monks also wearing black cassocks came out from the gate of the Bell Tower.One of the old men came out supported by two monks, and asked slowly: "Where is the rainbow feather? Who owns the rainbow feather? I never thought that I could still see it in my lifetime." With the appearance of the rainbow-colored feather, it is indeed beneficial to live a long time!".

"Old abbot! It's the young man in front of you! He is the honored guest we have been waiting for for a long time! The appearance of the honored guest means that King Feng will come to our Bell Tower again, and the glory of the Bell Tower will once again shine on the entire Yuanzhu City, and even the entire city. City area!"

The monks guarding the gate became more and more excited as they talked, and Wang Hao also noticed that he was not the only one who was excited. Every monk in a black cassock looked at Wang Hao with sparks in his eyes, as if the long-awaited thing was about to come true Same, full of excitement.

Seeing the excited expressions of the monks, Wang Hao couldn't help but start to feel agitated.The old abbot looked at Wang Hao, stretched out his right hand tremblingly, then held Wang Hao's hand and said: "Owner of the Rainbow Feather, please let Feng Wang stay in this Bell Tower, we have already I know I was wrong!"

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