Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 219 Unknown Move Learning Machine

Looking at the crowded open-air market in Kaina City, Wang Hao and Serena were indeed a little scared.I hurriedly asked the nearest person to inquire about the market situation, and then they learned about it.It turns out that the open-air market in Kaina City is now selling limited-time props, unknown move learning machines.

The effect of the move learning machine is very clear to experienced Pokémon players. It is a prop that allows a Pokémon to learn specific skills and moves.However, what is this so-called "unknown move learning machine"?Neither Wang Hao nor Serena had heard of this thing.Is it a new prop?

"The so-called unknown move learning machine is a special prop that can be used by any Pokémon. The effect of this prop can allow the Pokémon used to randomly obtain a skill move that they can learn but have not mastered so far. Because all The skill mastered is unknown, so it is called the unknown move learning machine!"

The passers-by who were questioned by Wang Hao and Xiao Wei looked at the two men's faces covered in circles and explained briefly, and then joined the crowded crowd again in a hurry.After listening to the explanation of this prop, both Wang Hao and Serena were completely dumbfounded. This is a brand new prop, but the effect of this prop is really terrible.

Pokémon will naturally master some skills as they level up and evolve. This is a move that all Pokémon can learn.But in addition, Pokémon can also acquire many different types of skill moves through move learning machines, egg laying, professors, etc.Now there is actually an item that allows Pokémon to randomly obtain an unknown move that can be learned but has not yet been mastered. What a terrible thing.

You must know that there may be many players with the same Pokémon, but their respective Pokémon will have different developments and characteristics due to the different moves they master.For Pokémon, mastering one more skill move other than learnable moves is not just a simple matter of improving combat power, but also the most effective way to make up for its own shortcomings.

For example, fire- and flying-type fire-breathing dragons are double restrained by water-type Pokémon, but such a fire-breathing dragon can use the move learning machine to master the electric-type Thunder Fist to counter water-type Pokémon Dream.So this "unknown move learning machine" is an absolute weapon for every player to improve Pokémon.

However, Wang Hao also noticed that this prop also has certain problems, that is "unknown".Unlike ordinary skill move learning machines, the skills that can be mastered after this prop is used by Pokémon are not under your control, and there is a high probability that the skills you master are not what you expected.This is completely a gamble on luck, but overall this item is still of great value, no wonder so many people snapped it up at this time.

Later, Wang Hao and Serena learned from the staff in the open-air market that the sale of this "unknown move learning machine" is still three hours away, and each person is limited to buying one, priced at [-] gold coins.For Wang Hao and Serena, [-] gold coins is not a particularly high price, but there are too many people, so they have to hurry up to buy them.

The main reason why Wang Hao wanted to snap up this "unknown move learning machine" was to croak and make frogs.The current level of the croaking frog is still low, and the skills he has mastered are relatively few. No matter what the skills obtained through this item are, it will only help the croaking frog.The main purpose of Serena's panic buying is much simpler, he just wants to collect this new rare item.

Based on their respective purposes, it took Wang Hao and Serena two and a half hours to finally purchase the "unknown move learning machine".When they each got the item, suddenly a siren sounded in the whole Kaina city.Wang Hao immediately released the waveguide along the source of the siren, and then discovered through investigation that the siren came from the port of Kaina City.

The location of the port is being surrounded by a group of people wearing blue and white striped T-shirts, blue shorts, and black headscarves with special logos on their heads.Confronting this group of people was a middle-aged man wearing a suit, a top hat, and a mustache.

"If you don't look for a way to wake up Gaioka, what are you doing here to grab my design? That's not something you can get your hands on? Now the alarm in Kaina City has sounded, Miss Junsha and the people from the police station quickly I will come and return the things to me quickly!"

Although Wang Hao didn't know what the design drawing the man with the mustache was talking about, from his words, Wang Hao already knew that the group of people who surrounded the port was the Ocean Team.Because of the "Indigo Orb", Wang Hao didn't want to have anything to do with these people. Now that the alarm has sounded, let Junsha and the police do this kind of robbery!

Just when Wang Hao was about to turn a blind eye, a thick, muscular man with dark skin, bare upper body, and strong muscles stepped out from the crowd of Ocean Team.With one kick, he kicked the man with the mustache a few meters away, and then said viciously.

"Does our Ocean Team need to report to you if we want something? Of course it is useful to get your design drawings. You'd better stop pestering you, or even if Junsha and the police come, you won't be able to keep you. I will kill you in minutes." Can crush you to death!"

The arrogance and arrogance of the rough man formed a great aura under his muscular body. Wang Hao guessed that this man should be at the level of a marine team cadre.The blueprint that can be dispatched by one cadre and so many members to snatch it must be of great value, and may even be directly related to the cause of awakening Kyoka.

However, without the "Indigo Orb", it is almost impossible for the Marine team to wake up Kyoka.Even if what they are robbing now has something to do with awakening Kyoka, it is impossible to have the "Indigo Orb" as important, so Wang Hao thinks that if it is robbed, it should be robbed!It doesn't matter!However, the middle-aged man with a mustache didn't think so. Although he had been kicked far away by the rough man, he still stood up firmly and walked towards the rough man.

"This blueprint is my painstaking effort! No matter what, I can't let you take it away so easily! If you want to snatch the blueprint in front of me, then kill me!"

The middle-aged man with the mustache is very resolute, and even his aura has improved a lot, but he was kicked away by the rough man again after all.After being kicked away, the middle-aged man with the mustache got up again, and continued to entangle the thick and thick man, so repeatedly entangled, was kicked away repeatedly, until he swallowed blood.Seeing this scene, Wang Hao couldn't bear it any longer. How could there be such a stupid person?Is it that hard to give up a blueprint?
The siren in Kaina City was still ringing, but neither Junsha nor the police showed any sign.Wang Hao even used Bird's power to search around, but he didn't find the police coming.If you continue to allow the cadres of the Ocean Team to punch and kick the middle-aged man with the mustache, the middle-aged man with the mustache will really die here.Wang Hao really couldn't stand it anymore, so he released Xanadu and asked him to use teleportation to teleport himself and Serena to the side of the middle-aged man with a mustache.

"Uncle! You grab things as soon as you grab them. What do you want to do by beating people like this? Junsha and the police are coming soon! Are you sure you don't want to leave quickly? Take it when you see it, and leave as soon as you get it!"

Wang Hao said warning words to the cadres of the marine team, while helping the middle-aged man with a mustache full of blood, and asked Serena to help take care of him.The cadres of the marine team were very displeased with this stunned and ignorant Cheng Yaojin who suddenly appeared, and he quickly scolded him.

"Where did the little baby come from? What do you think you are? Our ocean team dares to grab things here, so we have made perfect preparations! Junsha and the police have long been dragged by our people. Now I Even if we kill you all, there is still time!"

It's no wonder that Junsha and the police haven't been seen after the alarm in Kaina City has sounded for so long. It turns out that these members of the Ocean Team have already made preparations.Wang Hao had anticipated this before teleporting over, and the task he gave himself now was to delay as much as possible.After all, it is too difficult for him and Serena to deal with the fifty marine team members and one marine team cadre currently in the port.

"There are so many of you! Of course we are not opponents! It's just that? This uncle just wants to get back his own things. Why don't we have a Pokémon duel? If I win, you will take the uncle's design. Again?"

"Hahahaha! I heard it right! You want to fight Pokémon with me? Who in the Hoenn area doesn't know how powerful our Ocean team is, and you dare to fight with me? What if you lose? What are you going to do? manage?"

"If I lose, then I will let you handle it!"

Wang Hao was a little moved by the middle-aged man with a mustache on the design. In order to help him and delay the time as much as possible to prevent the design from being taken away by the Ocean Team, Wang Hao could only think of the Pokémon battle.Fortunately, this cadre of the ocean team really fits the characteristics of "simple mind and well-developed limbs", and he immediately agreed to Wang Hao's request for a duel.

Wang Hao didn't choose to take out other Pokémon, but let Xanadu directly fight.The cadres of the marine team dispatched stinky mud.Although the poisonous stinky mud restrained Xanadu twice in terms of attributes, Wang Hao was very calm.Because Xanadu's super power attribute also has a restraining effect on the poison attribute.In terms of skill restraint, the two sides are actually split [-]-[-], and each has certain advantages.

However, just as Wang Hao was about to have a Pokémon duel with the marine team cadres mainly for delaying time, a small submarine floated up from the water near the port.

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