Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 245 Suspicious clouds inside the flame ball

It was too radical to recklessly choose to smash the ball because Devon's flame ball was locked.Wang Hao didn't expect such an explosion to be caused by smashing the ball. Seeing the astonishment, horror, and unbelievable complex expression on the player's face, he was probably quite frightened.

After a while, Serena rushed over with Miss Joy from the Pokémon Center.However, when she saw the unrecognizable scorched black body in the big pit, she couldn't help but froze.As a doctor, Ms. Joy seemed to be able to see the stunned situation at a glance, and the sadness spread from her body in an instant.

"What did you do to this Pokémon? Why did you make him look like this, completely lifeless, how can I save him?"

Miss Joy's sad words instantly caught the attention of the dumbfounded player, who couldn't believe what he heard.What does it mean to have no breath of life?What is how to save?Could it be that Joey, as a healer, couldn't save this wound?
"Miss Joy! Do you know what you're talking about? Are there any Pokémon that you can't cure? Although the situation of the sluggish hunchback is a bit serious, generally even if the Pokémon is dying, you can treat them all." Did you save it? Do you need any props? I can find them all, as long as you can save my dumb hunchback! Please!"

The dull camel player moved towards the scorched dull camel step by step, and kept begging Miss Joy for some assistance.However, Miss Joy has nothing to do at all. The situation of the dumbfounded hunchback is already completely dead, not a simple near-death state.No matter how clever the treatment methods of the Joy family are, there is no way to bring the dead back to life. She can only helplessly express her incompetence to the dumbfounded player.

Regarding the fact that Pokémon will die, no one knows better than Wang Hao and Serena.The sacrifice of Menus back then and the process of finding Phoenix King to revive Menus are still vivid in my memory.Wang Hao also saw the love of the Duo Huo Tuo player for his Pokémon, he couldn't bear to see this scene at all, so he told the Du Huo Tuo player about it.

"Pokémon will die! When the damage is too serious or in the dying state for too long, it will die. Although this situation is rare, it is real! If you If you really care about what caused the death of the sluggish camel, then I suggest you go to the Johto area after you make up your mind. The Johto area is said to have the ability to revive dead Pokémon. But what is needed to find Feng Wang is not something as simple as luck!"

Wang Hao didn't hide anything, he directly explained to the dull fire camel players the details of finding the Phoenix King and resurrecting the dead Pokémon.As for the final decision whether to go to find Feng Wang?Whether to revive the dull camel?That's all the choice of the dull camel player himself, so Wang Hao won't interfere any more.The dull camel player has to pay a certain price for his recklessness, but Wang Hao doesn't want the price to be the life of the dull camel.Although it is very difficult to find Feng Wang and resurrect the dead Pokémon, there is still hope.

After listening to Wang Hao's explanation, the dull camel player seemed to have made up his mind.He and Wang Hao exchanged contact information, and then left Kanaz City with the scorched black camel.Looking at the sad figure of the dull camel player when he left, Wang Hao couldn't help but have some unpleasant thoughts about the flame ball sold by Devon Company this time.

"Can you explain to me what happened? The power to instantly blow up a Pokémon is not something ordinary destructive power can do. At least it must be beyond the full power of a legendary Pokémon. This is possible. I have been Joey for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen a Pokémon die."

Miss Joy from Kanaz City turned her attention to Wang Hao after the dumbfounded player left.She had also heard about Wang Hao's method to revive Pokémon, so she didn't get too entangled in this matter.On the contrary, I have a deep fear of the power that can cause the death of Pokémon and an eagerness to understand it.

"The only one who can explain it to you right now is the people from Devon! The reason why that player's sluggish camel became like this is all because of the flame ball launched by Devon last night!"

"Flame Ball? Is it the new Poké Ball that the button fails, locks up, and you can't check the status of Pokémon? I also received feedback from several people at the Pokémon Center today. Store it with me, I hope I can find a way to find out the status of the Pokémon in the Poké Ball! But, what does this Poké Ball have to do with the explosion?"

In the Pokémon Center, Ms. Joy can heal the Pokémon in the Pokémon through the Poké Ball, and there must be a way to detect the situation of the Pokémon in the Poké Ball.When the poke ball is locked, the first reaction of most players is to ask Devin for an explanation, and then some players think of checking the status of their Pokémon in the poke ball through Ms. Joey.

Since there are some locked fireballs in the Pokémon Center, it might be worth checking out there directly.If the scientific equipment of the Pokémon Center can detect the situation in the flame ball, then it would be the best.If it doesn't work, Wang Hao can also try to use the power of waveguide to check it out.Therefore, Wang Hao explained to Ms. Joy why the player's fire camel was blown to death, and at the same time expressed to her that he wanted to check the situation of the flame ball with her.

Since Wang Hao knew a lot about the flame ball, Miss Joy agreed to Wang Hao's request.Afterwards, they returned to the Pokémon Center with Serena, and came to the observation room where the flame ball was stored.

"I just planned to scan the internal situation of this flame ball. I used the scanner we usually use to check the Pokémon in the trainer's pokemon ball! Now let's try if this instrument can work? "

After speaking, Joey placed a flame ball on a metal table.Above the metal table, a blue laser slowly scans the flame ball.However, after a period of time, the computer connected to the scanner did not display any information about the interior of the flame ball, only a blank expanse of whiteness.This made Ms. Joy feel very headache: "My scanner is the latest model, and even it can't check the inside of this kind of flame ball, so there are almost no other scanners that can check it smoothly. This is the internal point! How could Devon launch such a strange product? What are they going to do?".

Just when Miss Joy was confused because she couldn't detect the inside of the flame ball, Wang Hao had already diffused his waveguide power into the flame ball on the metal table.During the detection of the waveguide, the internal structure of the flame ball was clearly presented in Wang Hao's mind.The first thing Wang Hao saw was the power of the fire attribute filling the entire flame ball. This power was extremely irritable and unstable, as if it would explode at any time.

The source of this fire-attributed power is the fire-attributed Pokémon encased in the flame ball.When he saw this, Wang Hao finally understood why the ignorant camel players would explode when they smashed the flame ball. The whole flame ball was like a bomb with an extremely unstable inside. When it was destroyed, the fire attribute power in it was detonated instantly, causing a big explosion.

It's just that Wang Hao doesn't understand, why does the Pokémon put into the flame ball keep releasing the power of fire attribute?In order to find out this point, Wang Hao tried to communicate with the little fire horse in the flame ball through the power of waveguide.But no matter what Wang Hao said to the little fire horse, he didn't have any reaction, but just blindly released the power of the fire attribute.

This situation is very strange, and this is the first time Wang Hao encountered a situation where he could not communicate with Pokémon through the power of waveguide.In order to verify whether there was something wrong with his waveguide power, he also tried to talk to the water arrow turtle in the poke ball on Serena's body, but got a timely reply from the water arrow turtle.This means that there must be something in the flame ball that makes the Pokémon contained in it lose their autonomous consciousness.

In order to verify this, Wang Hao asked Ms. Joey to take out other flame balls stored in the Pokémon Center.Although, he explored the situation one by one, and tried to communicate with the Pokémon in it.As a result, no Pokémon in the flame ball could communicate with Wang Hao through the waveguide, and at the same time, these Pokémon were still releasing fire-attributed power.

This practice of releasing the power of one's own attributes all the time is actually a huge harm to Pokémon.The power of the overdrawing attribute will make the Pokémon unable to perform any moves related to this attribute for a short period of time, and the Pokémon in the flame ball does not seem to care about the problem of overdrawing, but just releases its own power blindly.If it continues like this, I'm afraid that these Pokémon will become exhausted, die frequently, or even die due to excessive overdraft of attribute power.

What is the purpose of Devon's sale of this flame ball?Is it just to let the fire-attribute Pokémon continue to release the power of the attribute until death?Even now, Wang Hao still has not been able to figure out what Dewen Company really thinks.He explained to Serena and Ms. Joy what he had detected through the power of the waveguide, but they also looked completely incomprehensible.

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