Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 268 The Snoring Lazy Otter

The compensation method proposed by Dawu Zifuqi for the trainer who was injured by the flame ball was quickly approved by his father, the president of Devon Company, Zifuqi Hibiscus.The specific compensation plan was finalized quickly, and not long after that, the Devon Company announced the entire limited-time flame ball rush event and the incident of the lava team's invasion of the headquarters on the information platform of the entire Fengyuan area.

For the damage caused by the flame ball to the trainers, Devon not only provided a solution, but also explained in detail the content of the compensation.Trying to regain the trainer's trust in the Devon Company bit by bit.Of course, this process was not so smooth, and some trainers expressed dissatisfaction with Devon's response and compensation.But these trainers are in the minority after all, and the vast majority of trainers are still willing to trust Devon.

After all the dust settled, Zifuqi Mujin invited Wang Hao and Serena to the headquarters building of Devon Company again, and expressed his sincere thanks to them.Of course, some valuable rewards for both of them are indispensable in the process.Among them, they promised to give Wang Hao and Serena a pair of super stones and key stones as rewards, but for the time being they do not have existing super stones and key stones suitable for Wang Hao and Serena Pokémon.Therefore, this reward can only be regarded as a verbal promise.

Although it was just a verbal promise, this alone made Wang Hao and Serena very excited.You must know that the system has updated the relevant content about super evolution. The method of obtaining super stones and keystones is only to trigger through specific instances.But when such a specific dungeon can be encountered is a huge problem?At the same time, whether the Super Stones and Keystones given by the quest rewards can match your own Pokémon is another matter.

If you can get super stones and key stones that match your own Pokémon without having to find and trigger the dungeon yourself, what's the point of making Wang Hao and Serena wait for a while?Therefore, the two happily left contact information with Zvuk Hibiscus for future contact.

Wang Hao and Serena, who walked out of the headquarter building of Devon Company, looked happy. Although they spent a lot of time in Kanaz City this time, they gained a lot.Without this experience, perhaps the super-evolutionary update would have been carried out as scheduled, but the chances of them getting super stones and keystones would not be great.

"If I remember correctly, super evolution is a special evolution form that only appeared in the Carlos area in the sixth generation of Pokémon! The current version of the game seems to only have the areas and content of the first four generations. I did not expect this This special evolutionary form was updated in the Fengyuan area for the second time, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty for our alliance players!"

Although Serena was very happy to get the super stone and key stone, he didn't get too hot-headed because of it.He clearly realized that the update of super evolution involves far more than just adding a powerful special evolution form to a specific Pokémon.More importantly, will there be super-evolved Pokémon in the gymnasium, kings, and even championships?If it does appear, then the difficulty of their alliance challenge will be directly raised to the highest level.

"Although the first appearance of super evolution was in the Carlos area of ​​the sixth generation of Pokémon, it was also supplemented in that generation that there were super stones and key stones in other areas. Pokémon that can undergo super evolution can also Not just the sixth generation of Pokémon, since the game operator has updated this evolutionary form in advance, the possibility of encountering this kind of Pokémon in future alliance challenges is extremely high."

Both Wang Hao and Serena foresaw the terrifying future alliance challenges at this moment!Originally, it was extremely difficult for them to choose to challenge the King of the Alliance through gymnasium competitions in four regions. Now, with the appearance of super evolved Pokémon, it will undoubtedly increase the difficulty of challenging the King of Heaven.However, now that this is the case, as long as you think of a way to deal with it, you don't have to worry about increasing the difficulty.

In line with the principle of "soldiers come to block water and earth to cover", Wang Hao and Serena are no longer entangled in this matter, but are ready to continue their journey.Originally, their purpose of coming to Kanaz City was to go to Chenghua City where the Chenghua Gymnasium is located. Now, after a long delay in Kanaz City, they finally came to the road connecting Kanaz City and Chenghua City. Orange Forest.

Orange Blossom Forest is located in the center of Route 104 in the Hoenn area. It is the hub between the two cities. There are a large number of wild Pokémon here, most of which are insect-type Pokémon.When Wang Hao and Serena walked into the Orange Blossom Forest, they immediately saw a large number of wild Pokémon running wildly towards them.These Pokémon include Stingtail, Coyote, Snake Bear, Mushroom, and Proud Swallow, almost covering the common wild Pokémon types in the entire Orange Forest.

Seeing so many Pokémon running towards them, both Wang Hao and Serena couldn't help being startled.What happened to this orange forest?Why are so many Pokémon running like fleeing for their lives, are they being chased by something?In order to find the reason for the abnormality of the Pokémon in the forest, Wang Hao diffused the power of his waveguide.

However, he didn't find anything or anyone chasing after these fleeing Pokémon; nor did he find any abnormalities nearby.This made Wang Hao feel that things were too strange!However, just when Wang Hao couldn't figure it out, a loud noise spread throughout the entire Orange Blossom Forest, and also reached the ears of Wang Hao and Serena.

"Hurrah! Hurrah!"

Thunderous snoring?Wang Hao and Serena looked at each other in disbelief. The snoring sound was so loud that both of them had a roaring echo in their ears.With such a terrible snoring sound, it's no wonder that the wild Pokémon in the entire forest run towards the outskirts of the forest where Wang Hao and Serena are, as if fleeing for their lives.Dare these Pokémon are avoiding this terrible snoring sound!What kind of Pokémon can make such a terrible snoring sound?
Wang Hao controlled his waveguide power and continued to extend towards the direction of the snoring sound, and finally a lazy Pokémon appeared in his perception like a brown-gray dishcloth hanging on a giant tree.Wang Hao immediately recognized that it was a lazy otter, but the shape of this lazy otter was bigger than the Pokémon he had imagined, more than one meter long.

The snoring sound like thunder came from this lazy otter who was more than one meter long. At this time, he was sleeping soundly and soundly, as if he had dreamed of something beautiful, his face was full of happiness.After figuring out the reason for the abnormal behavior of other wild Pokémon, Wang Hao was a little dumbfounded.The lazy otter is just sleeping, and most of the terrible snoring is due to sleeping too soundly.

Pokémon such as lazy otters are extremely lazy Pokémon. When they are asleep, they can be said to embody the word lazy to the fullest.It is said that they can even sleep twenty hours a day.Snoring during deep sleep seems to be a reasonable thing, but it is this snoring action that troubles the wild Pokémon in the entire Orange Forest.

Through the power of the waveguide, Wang Hao could sense the fear of the lazy otter from the wild Pokémon that fled towards the outskirts of the forest where he and Serena were, and even some wild Pokémon still had anger.But this part of the angry wild Pokémon dare not speak out, and there is nothing they can do about the lazy otter.Just as Wang Hao was thinking about how to provide some help to these wild Pokémon, the lazy otter let out another deafening snore.

Moreover, there was a terrifying force attached to the snoring this time, which made both Wang Hao and Serena subconsciously take half a step back.Is there a power that can be frightening in snoring?This is no ordinary snore!Wang Hao immediately had a certain judgment on the snoring of the lazy otter.From the power attached to the lazy man's snoring, Wang Hao can feel that the lazy man's strength should be extremely powerful, and it's no wonder those wild Pokémon are so angry that they dare not speak out.

After the snoring with daunting power ended, Wang Hao found that several Pokémon had fallen down in the group of wild Pokémon running towards them before.That was the incapacity to fight directly caused by the lazy otter's snoring, which shows how terrible this snoring is.However, Wang Hao didn't understand!Under normal circumstances, Pokémon will not use skills for no reason even if they sleep soundly when they are resting.

The situation of the lazy otter is completely the result of involuntarily releasing the snoring skill in the process of deep sleep. Could it be that the lazy otter still has no way to control the snoring skill?Wang Hao had some guesses about the lazy otter's situation, and Serena also put forward some ideas of her own at this time.

"Pokémon such as lazy otters are very rare. Because they are in a state of rest for a long time, they don't often appear in front of the trainer. But the situation of this lazy otter is obviously different. His snoring sounds like It seems to be guiding others to pay attention to him. Could he be waiting for someone to arrive? Or is there some important information hidden in the snoring?"

Serena's words instantly made Wang Hao have a new view on his conjecture. If this lazy otter has an owner, or was abandoned by the owner, then he will use his snoring skills to attract others' attention while he is asleep. It is completely understandable.After all, this kind of Pokémon sleeps most of the day, so how can they find someone without this method?How to get others to notice him?If this is the case, then who is the lazy otter waiting for?

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