Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 278 People of Meteor, Sigana

Wang Hao's challenge in the first gymnasium in Fengyuan area to save the little marsupial came to a successful conclusion.But when he and Serena happily left Chenghua Gym, an unexpected visitor appeared in front of them.Although the figure of this unexpected visitor was covered by a gray cloak and a totem mask was on his face, Wang Hao still recognized this person by virtue of Bird's perception.

He is the mysterious man who was taken away by a super tyrannosaurus in the headquarters building of the Devon company.Wang Hao has always been curious about the identity of this mysterious man and the Super Tyrannosaurus who took him away.At that time, the system had not updated the content about the super stone and the key stone. How did this mysterious man obtain a Pokémon capable of super evolution?

"Who on earth are you? The one who took you away should be the super tyrannosaurus! At that time, the matter about the super evolution has not been officially announced, how did you get that super tyrannosaurus? Also, you said about the ∞ It will only be beneficial if the energy production method is exposed? What does this sentence mean?"

Wang Hao raised all his questions at once, and even Serena who was beside him was stunned.The mysterious man seemed to have expected that Wang Hao would ask these questions, so he chose to ignore them and asked instead: "If you want me to answer your questions, then you can help me answer my doubts first! If you give The answer satisfies me, and I can tell you everything you want to know! Tell me, how did you determine that I was the one taken away by the Super Tyrannosaurus?".

Although the mysterious man's haughty tone made Wang Hao very upset, but out of curiosity about his identity, he still chose to answer: "I am a waveguide messenger, and everyone's waveguide is different. It can be judged that you are the one who snatched the notebook of Zvokki hibiscus and released the information of ∞ energy as a multi-shadow!".

After hearing Wang Hao's answer, the mysterious man became excited instantly. He rushed to Wang Hao and grabbed Wang Hao's shoulders and asked, "Are you really the waveguide messenger? The one who can use the power of waveguide? The chosen one." ?”.

Wang Hao was very confused by the excitement of the mysterious man, but he still chose to be honest with him.After Wang Hao repeatedly confirmed that he was the envoy of Bird, the mysterious man slowly let go of Wang Hao's shoulders, and then said: "Since you are the envoy of Bird, you are entitled to know my identity! And I hope, After you know my identity, you can help me accomplish an extremely important thing!".

This inexplicable development made both Wang Hao and Serena bewildered. They didn't know why the mysterious man would say such words, and they didn't understand the significance of the identity of the waveguide envoy to the mysterious man.Therefore, Wang Hao did not immediately agree to the mysterious man's request, but quietly waited for his explanation.The mysterious man noticed his abruptness and knew that he had left a bad impression on Wang Hao when he was in the headquarters building of Devon Company, so he took the initiative to explain everything related to him.

"Thousands of years ago, a meteor from the universe fell on the current Liuli City, awakening the sleeping Gulardo and Kioka. The first thing these two legendary Pokémon did after they woke up was to start the natural world again. The competition for energy! This caused a huge disaster to humans at that time! In order to quell the battle between these two Pokémon, the people who survived under the meteor successfully aroused Rikaku by standing on the rainbow stone and praying for the return of Rikakuza The emperor's organs in the seat formed a super-evolution. And successfully prevented the battle between Gulardo and Kioka! Human beings can cultivate their health!"

"The power generated by the combination of rainbow stones and human beings' prayers is the original source of ∞ energy! At that time, it was not only Rikkakuza who was affected by ∞ energy, but also the human being who successfully summoned Rikkakuza. That human being because of ∞ Due to the influence of energy, he has the ability to predict the future. Before his death, he predicted that after a thousand years, that is, in the near future, the Fengyuan area will usher in the landing of the second meteor. The volume of this second meteor is far larger than that of the first meteor. One will be a huge existence that threatens the entire Hoenn region! So someone must stop the meteor from falling at that time!"

"The announcement of the ∞ energy production method will make the super evolution officially debut in the Pokémon world, and more and more people will use this power to promote their Pokémon to complete the super evolution. At that time, just gather all Pokémon with super evolution can fight against falling meteors! Isn’t this extremely beneficial to the entire Hoenn region?”

"As for my identity! I am a meteor citizen, a descendant of human beings who survived the meteor incident thousands of years ago! Our duty is to keep in touch with the Rift Space constellation at all times and prepare for the upcoming meteor disaster! However , with the passage of time, the connection between our family and Rikakuza has been broken! Seeing that the second meteor disaster is coming, all of us Meteor people are extremely anxious, so we established in Fengyuan area A so-called Divine Throne camp is trying to find a way to get back in touch with the Rift Kongzuo."

People of Meteor?God seat camp?It turns out that the fifth Fengyuan faction that has always been the most mysterious, the God seat faction is actually led by the people of Meteor.It's no wonder that their goal is Likongzuo. Wang Hao finally understands what Fengyuan's five camps mean by now.From the words of the mysterious man, Wang Hao can clearly understand the reason why he announced the method of making ∞ energy.

Wang Hao also understands this very well, but he doesn't understand what it has to do with his identity as the envoy of Bird?And I can't contact Likongzao myself?What is the use of asking for help?The mysterious man also seemed to see Wang Hao's doubts, so he continued to explain.

"At the beginning, the ancestors of the Meteor People summoned the return of the Rift Seat through the rainbow stone prayer! In order to commemorate this deed, our family built the rainbow stone into a pillar of the sky and stood it in the north of No. 131 waterway. Once the family Our ancestors all communicated with Rikakuza through the Pillar of the Sky, but now we have lost the specific contact method. There is a special power in the place, and that power can't be felt by ordinary people. Only a very small number of Pokémon who have mastered the power of waveguide can perceive it, but there are too few Pokémon with the power of waveguide. It is not enough to induce that force, so we still cannot understand what is contained in that special force?"

"Because you are the messenger of waveguide and the only existence among human beings who can use the power of waveguide, so I hope you can help us investigate that power! The time for the second meteor disaster is getting closer and closer. If you If we can no longer contact the Rift Seat, then human strength alone will not be enough to resist! No matter how many Pokémon have super evolutionary power by then, it will not help! So this is not only for us Meteor People Request, it can also be said to be the request of the people of the entire Hoenn region, please help us find a way to talk to Rikuza!"

Wang Hao never thought that Bird's power would be of such great value in this matter.Although the Meteor Disaster is only a prophecy of the ancestors of the Meteor People, it is related to the safety of the entire Hoenn region.So Wang Hao couldn't find any reason to refuse the mysterious man's request.

"I can promise you to go to the Pillar of the Sky to investigate that special power! But I can't guarantee that I will be able to get a way to communicate with the Rift Space. The second meteor disaster is caused by the ancestors of your family. The prophecy, then the credibility should be extremely high. Only relying on the power of your family, even if you add Rikakuza, may not be enough to deal with it. You should gather the power of all Fengen regions and gather people from the other four camps. Together. I believe that for the sake of the safety of the Fengyuan area, they can have a peaceful talk with you and face this disaster together! You still have a lot to do, and Serena and I will go to the Pillar of the Sky Take a look!"

When Wang Hao proposed that he was willing to go to the Sky Pillar with Serena, the mysterious man was stunned.He didn't expect that the person who had previously had a grudge against him for announcing his ∞ energy would trust him so easily after what he said.This feeling of being trusted made him feel very happy, so he took off his totem mask, revealing a beautiful face with snow-white skin, long black hair, and two shallow dimples.

"I'm Sigana, and on behalf of all Meteor People, I thank you for your trust! This is my contact information. No matter what information you get from the Sky Pillar, please let me know as soon as possible! I will give you the greatest support in your actions! As for what you said, contacting the other four camps, I have already done it a long time ago! It’s just that all these guys think I’m scaremongering, and completely ignore my words Meaning! It is impossible to rely on these people to save the Hoenn region!"

When Sijana showed her face, Wang Hao discovered that the person whom he had always regarded as a mysterious man was actually a girl.The momentary astonishment prevented him from noticing what Sigana said later. Instead, Serena could see from Sigana's tone that Sigana was disappointed with the other four camps.So, Serena suggested to Sijana.

"In fact, it is difficult for anyone to accept the second meteor disaster you just mentioned! After all, it was just a prophecy of your ancestors thousands of years ago! A prophecy spanning thousands of years is not something ordinary people can do! Even if Even a super envoy who can use super powers might not be able to do this! Therefore, if you want to convince people from the other four camps, you must first find a way to prove that the meteor that will cause disasters in the Hoenn region is real. exist!"

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