Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 311 Only doubles challenges are accepted here!

Although Wang Hao did not witness Serena's performance in this meteor disaster, through the rewards he received, Wang Hao can already deduce how brilliant his performance is.After all, the rewards for this Meteor Disaster are obtained according to the performance in the event.It can be seen that you can get such a rare item as the "Certificate of the King"!However, Serena didn't care about these rewards. Instead, he kept asking about Wang Hao's battle.

Because he and Serena are also players, Wang Hao did not hide the matter of the dimensional space channel, and explained the situation at that time in great detail.In Wang Hao's eyes, the activities of this meteor disaster are generally divided into two stages. One is the stage of resisting the outer fragments of the meteor. The main contributors in this stage are basically all players and trainers in Fengyuan area NPCs.The second stage is the core to resist meteors. At this stage, it mainly relies on the three legendary Pokémon and the dimensional space channel device of Dr. Solance.

Wang Hao didn't explain too much about his role in the meteor disaster, but Serena was very clear about Wang Hao's role in it.When he heard the laser attack from another dimension, he broke into a cold sweat for Wang Hao.However, it was finally reassuring when it was confirmed that the attack was resisted by the super cracked seat's defensive defense.

"I didn't expect that there would be such an episode in this meteor disaster! Attacks from another dimension, how do I feel that the style of this game is becoming more and more diverse now! However, it is quite normal to think about it. In the games of the Pokémon series, the concept of different dimensions also appeared, maybe that world is a different dimension in the setting of this game!"

When Wang Hao mentioned the existence of different dimensions in the previous generations of Pokémon series games, Wang Hao naturally thought of Giratina living in the ruined world, and the ultimate beasts living in the ultimate cave .These are all different-dimensional Pokémon that appeared in the previous work, so Wang Hao guessed that the world connected by the dimensional channel at that time should most likely be a similar world.The life that launched the attack is also very likely to be a Pokémon living in a different dimension.

However, these are just Wang Hao's guesses.He has no way to verify, and does not want to verify these for the time being.As long as you keep playing, the plot of the game will naturally reveal the mystery for itself.Serena also said the same way, instead of entangled in the world connected by the dimensional channel, it is better to continue to develop towards the plot of the game.For them now, challenging the Heavenly Kings Tournament is the serious plot, so the two quickly focused on the challenge of the gymnasium later.

In the Fengyuan area, Wang Hao needs to complete the challenge of the Green Ridge Gym, while Serena needs to complete the challenge of the Liuli Gym.These two gyms are not very far apart, so Serena plans to go to Liuli City to challenge the gym after Wang Hao completes the challenge of the Green Ridge gym.

On the third day, Wang Hao and Serena left the Pokémon Center early after getting ready for the challenge of the gym and went to the Green Ridge Gym.Today's Green Ridge Gymnasium has a very serious atmosphere. After confirming Wang Hao's identity, the staff who received him took him directly to the battlefield.There were not too many complicated procedures and instructions, and too many inquiries, as if the staff had already known about Wang Hao's arrival.

Wang Hao speculates that this may be because Xiaofeng and Xiaonan have already explained something!Wang Hao is also very happy to be able to start the gymnasium challenge so quickly.However, when he saw the battle field in the Green Ridge Gym, he instantly realized that there would be a tough fight today.The battle site of the Green Ridge Gymnasium this time is a huge sunken field, half of which is dense jungle, while the other half is endless yellow sand.This seemingly contradictory battlefield gave Wang Hao a feeling that it was difficult to deal with.

Xiao Feng and Xiao Nan, who are the owners of the gymnasium, soon appeared opposite Wang Hao. They appeared at the same time, and they appeared holding hands through teleportation.This kind of appearance gave people a sense of tension that the battle was about to start, even Serena, who was watching the gymnasium match from the stands, became nervous for Wang Hao.

"Wang Hao! Welcome to the Green Ridge Gymnasium! We have carefully prepared this arena for you. I hope you can show your strength here! In addition, we also want to explain that only doubles challenges are accepted here! If one Pokémon is defeated, the challenger and the owner will immediately replace it with a new Pokémon until all six Pokémon lose their ability to fight! Now, the Green Ridge Gym Challenge officially begins!"

Although Wang Hao has not yet engaged in a doubles match in a formal battle, he has already understood that the Green Ridge Gym is a doubles gym.When Xiaofeng and Xiaonan mentioned this rule, he wasn't too surprised, but more looking forward to it.Xiaofeng and Xiaonan also released their Pokémon, Moonstone and Sunrock, after briefly explaining the rules.

Wang Hao is no stranger to these two Pokémon.So in response, he directly dispatched the sharp-toothed land shark and the croaking frog.Although these two Pokémon are Pokémon that have not yet grown into their final form in Wang Hao's hands, and there are still some flaws in their strength, they are very restrained Pokémon from Sun Rock and Moon Rock.In addition, Wang Hao's decision to send these two Pokémon was based on the venue.The dense jungle is suitable for croaking frogs who are good at jumping and have extremely high mobility; the land of yellow sand is suitable for sharp-tooth land sharks that have ground attributes and can hide underground.In short, it is absolutely suitable to choose these two Pokémon for the front stop.

When Xiaofeng and Xiaonan saw that the Pokémon sent by Wang Hao were the Croaking Frog and the Fanged Land Shark, they were somewhat surprised. After all, these two Pokémon were not so compatible with each other in terms of attributes.However, they don't have much opinion on what Pokémon the challenger chooses to send out, especially when the challenger is Wang Hao.

After the four Pokémon entered the battlefield, they immediately formed a two-on-one situation.Since Wang Hao released the croaking frog in the jungle area, the sharp-toothed land shark in the yellow sand area faced Xiaofeng and Xiaonan's Sun Rock and Moon Rock at the same time.Wang Hao also did not expect that Xiao Feng and Xiao Nan would directly choose to give up the jungle environment and put both Pokémon in the yellow sand area.However, this is also excusable.After all, whether it is Sun Rock or Moon Rock, they all have rock properties, and they can better display their properties in the yellow sand area.

Even though Fangtooth Shark, who is also in the yellow sand area, is facing two Pokémon, he is not weak. After all, he can also play his own attributes in the yellow sand area with ground attributes.In order to seize the two-to-one advantage, Xiaofeng and Xiaonan first let Yueshi and Sunyan launch an offensive against Fangtooth Shark.Among them, Yueshi used his thoughts to control the sharp-toothed land shark's body; Sunyan attacked the sharp-toothed land shark with a sharp stone attack.

The control and attack were carried out at the same time, and the Fangtooth Shark was restrained to death before it had time to react. Wang Hao could be regarded as seeing the tacit understanding between the twins.However, how could it be possible for Wang Hao to just watch Fangtooth Lusha being hit by the attack?I saw that the croaking frog scurrying freely in the jungle quickly condensed a wave of water and bombarded towards the moonstone.

Once the wave of water with a double restraint effect hits the Moonstone, it will definitely cause considerable damage, so Xiao Nan immediately ordered his Moonstone to dodge it.This dodge, the thought power that originally controlled the Fangtooth Shark was severely interrupted.But Wang Hao seized this moment and quickly let the sharp tooth land shark dig a hole into the ground, causing the sharp stone attack of Sun Rock to lose its target and bombarded in the yellow sand.

The cooperation between Xiaofeng and Xiaonan is very tacit, but the cooperation between the frog and the sharp tooth land shark under the command of Wang Hao is not bad.Whether it is the timing or the angle of the wave of water, they are all stuck at the point that Yueshi has to deal with.That's why Yueshi's thoughts of controlling the Fangtooth Shark were interrupted.Xiaofeng and Xiaonan, who failed to make a profit with one blow, immediately adjusted their mentality and re-planned the fighting mode.

The first is Yueshi's counterattack. After avoiding the wave attack of boiling water, he immediately returns the attack of thought power to the frog.This attack was fierce, and Wang Hao felt a bit angry. Wang Hao could only let the croaking frog use its shadow clone to confuse Yueshi first, and then commanded its real body to quickly escape into the jungle to hide.

At the moment when Yueshi started to fight back, Sun Rock also launched an offensive, but what he launched was not an attack directed at the frog or the sharp-toothed land shark, but an environmental skill, sandstorm!The yellow sand all over the sky instantly swept across the entire battlefield, not only reducing the line of sight, but also causing continuous damage to the croaking frog.In sandstorm weather, Pokémon other than rock, ground, and steel attributes will be continuously attacked, which is an extremely unfavorable situation in this weather.

Fortunately, the croaking frog has already escaped into the jungle, and the impact of the sandstorm is relatively not so obvious, and the sustained damage it receives is not very high.But this is only a mitigation effect, the damage that should be suffered still has to be borne!There are only two ways to solve the impact of sandstorms. One is to use other weather skills to cover the sandstorm; the other is to wait silently until the end of the sandstorm.

Neither the croaking frog nor the sharp-toothed land shark has other weather skills, so obviously the first method is not advisable.The second method will be very uncomfortable for the frog, so Wang Hao can only end the battle as soon as possible, so as to minimize the impact of the sandstorm on the frog.

After the sandstorm unfolded, Xiaonan's Yueshi also launched a new action. A special energy wave spread from Yueshi's body, and quickly spread to the entire battlefield.However, this energy only spread into the field, and did not form any unique offensive.But it was such a skill that instantly made Wang Hao's face ugly.

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