Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 355 The Communication Square in Jiayuan City

After leaving Tianguan Mountain, Wang Hao and Serena arrived at Jiayuan City along Route 208.This city is the most livable city voted by the people of Sinnoh, and it is also the most famous business center in the Sinnoh area!There are many iconic landmarks in this city, such as the Super Gorgeous Contest Venue, Communication Square, Pokémon Fan Club, Baofen Kitchen and so on.

Wang Hao and Serena, who had just entered the city, immediately felt the strong breath of life. They saw many mothers pushing baby carriages in the city, and the laughter of babies came from time to time, as if this city was a home. The paradise is average.The two didn't delay on the road, and set off directly towards the Pokémon Center.After arriving at the Pokémon Center, they took their Pokémon to Ms. Joey for recovery.

After a long time, Wang Hao left the Pokémon Center alone with the recovered Lucario.Wang Hao's destination is the communication square in Jiayuan City, which is a special square specially built for Pokémon and trainers.It is said that if you walk with your Pokémon in this square, you can better understand the mind of Pokémon, and it is an excellent place for in-depth communication between Pokémon and trainers.

Since Wang Hao's Lucario was defeated by the super giant marsh monster, he had a sense of fear of the power of the waveguide. This fear not only affected Lucario's control over the power of the waveguide, but also directly weakened his power. overall strength.Although Wang Hao can feel Lucario's sense of fear through the power of Bird, but Lucario has been reluctant to talk about this matter with Wang Hao, but silently blames himself!
It is absolutely impossible to continue to let Lucario go on like this, so Wang Hao prepared to use the power of the communication square to have an in-depth communication with Lucario.He really wanted to help Lucario unravel this knot, but he also knew that he needed to master the time, place and method, so he chose the place of Communication Square.

When Wang Hao and Lucario came to the entrance of this so-called communication square, they saw the huge plaque on the door engraved with cute patterns of fire pheasant, Kodak duck, flutter ball and Pikachu.The Pokémon on these patterns all have a common feature, that is, they are laughing and laughing, as if they are showing their joy to others.Looking at these patterns, Wang Hao's mood became cheerful involuntarily.

He turned his head and smiled and said to Lucario behind him: "We're not going to do anything today, just take a walk here!".Lucario, who had been silently following behind Wang Hao, was actually very nervous all the time. He didn't know what was the purpose of Wang Hao taking him out alone?I don't know how to be alone with Wang Hao?But now Wang Hao's words relieved his nervousness very well.

Lucario could feel the sincerity of Wang Hao's smile and the concern in his words, so he nodded in response.Wang Hao took Lucario's hand and walked towards the interior of the communication square. After a few steps, he saw the landscape of the square standing beside him.From the landscape map, Wang Hao had a general understanding of the situation of the square.The communication square is roughly divided into three areas, the jungle area, the pool area and the stone castle area!

The jungle area is composed of a large area of ​​low shrubs, which is very suitable for grass-type Pokémon to play.The pool area occupies the center of the entire square, and above the pool there is an island similar to the Sinnoh area.The stone castle area is located above the pool area and the jungle area, where there are a large number of stone castles for trainers and Pokémon to explore.

The division of the three areas is very clear, and Wang Hao is going to visit the Stone Castle area with Lucario.That area is relatively suitable for rock-type, ground-type and steel-type Pokémon to play, but you need to go through the pool area to get there.The stone castle area can be reached the fastest with the help of the bridge on the island in the pool area.After learning the route, Wang Hao and Lucario set off towards the Stone Castle area.

When they walked to the pool area, they saw many water-type Pokémon and their trainers playing there, looking happy.Listening to their cheerful laughter, Wang Hao wondered what he should do to be like these trainers and Pokémon with Lucario?Just as Wang Hao was thinking, an unexpected Pokémon jumped out of the water and quickly landed on the shore near where Lucario and Wang Hao were.

It was a giant marsh monster, its blue body and strong limbs made a loud sound the moment it landed.And Lucario unconsciously took half a step back when he saw the giant bog monster, his face showing panic, as if he was startled by the sudden appearance of the giant bog monster.However, Wang Hao knew that Lucario didn't take half a step back because of the sudden appearance of the Swamp Monster, but because the Pokémon that appeared in front of him was a Swamp Monster!
Through the perception of the power of the waveguide, Wang Hao has already deeply felt the fear and anxiety in Lucario's heart when he took half a step back.That was not an emotion caused by fright, but a natural reaction caused by fear.Wang Hao never thought that Lucario would be so uneasy. He slowly held Lucario's hand, who was half a step back, and said softly, "I'm still here, so don't feel uneasy!".

Wang Hao's words carried his own waveguide power, and with the help of waveguide's power, he relieved Lucario's anxiety at this time from the root.Feeling Wang Hao's warm palm and the familiar waveguide, Lucario's mood gradually stabilized, his uneasiness receded, and his panic disappeared.But soon, feelings of shame and annoyance occupied Lucario's heart. He didn't dare to stay by Wang Hao's side any longer, so he shook off Wang Hao's hand and ran out.

Wang Hao, who hadn't reacted yet, could only watch Lucario slowly disappear from his sight. He quickly released the power of the waveguide to sense Lucario's actions, and finally found that Lucario had run to the rock. The fort area hurried over.When he saw Lucario sitting on the stone castle in the stone castle area, Wang Hao did not rush to the stone castle, but found a place under the stone castle and sat down.

Without blaming, without comfort, or even speaking, Wang Hao just sat there quietly!Lucario looked at Wang Hao who didn't say or do anything, so he couldn't help asking: "Why didn't you blame me? I was just cowardly and scared just now! That's just an ordinary animal. I can't be an ordinary giant marsh monster, but I shrink back in front of him!".

"Why should I blame you? Timidity, fear, anxiety, these are normal emotions, you have such emotions, I will also have them! When I feel timid, afraid, and insecure, I also shrink back! That's true. An ordinary giant marsh monster, isn't the reason why you have these emotions because of the last time you were defeated by a super giant marsh monster? What a normal thing!"

Now that Lucario raised the topic, Wang Hao didn't intend to keep silent.Wang Hao was ready to face every bit of Lucario's emotions, and he no longer kept silent like before.

"You are always so tolerant! No matter what I do wrong, it doesn't matter to you! For me, the loss to the super giant marsh monster was not easy at all! I was punched to destroy my whole body's defense. It's as if all my previous efforts have been shattered at once!"

"I'm not being tolerant to you, but I think you didn't do anything wrong! Winning and losing is a common thing, remember when you were still Riolu? You also suffered defeat when facing Sakagi's cat boss , but at that time, you didn’t feel the slightest fear of that defeat, and when you faced the cat boss again later, you still defeated him. Obviously you also lost the battle, why is it different now?”

It's not that Lucario has never lost, he has suffered a lot of defeats.But the Lucario before was not so uneasy and fearful because of a fall, which is the most puzzling point for Wang Hao.When Wang Hao mentioned these things at this time, the main purpose was to hope that Lucario would not pay too much attention to the outcome at that time, just like before.

"That's different! No matter how I was defeated before, I was defeated when I tried my best! I can clearly feel that the reason for the failure is my lack of strength. But the duel with the super giant marsh monster But it was completely different. At that time, the defense that I exhausted all the power of the waveguide in my body could not even resist his punch. This is not a problem of lack of strength, but a lack of strength at all! With such me , how can I continue to stay by your side!"

"Does it really bother you that much about being crushed by a single punch? The power of the super giant marsh monster is indeed very strong, but your strength is not unmatched! Remember when Menus sacrificed himself? Then Facing Chaomeng running away for a moment, even the Flame Bird, Frozen Bird and Lightning Bird are powerless. In the end, we can stop Chaomeng by relying on Menus! At that time, Menus was not even as powerful as you back then , but she has played a vital role! Sometimes strength is not the key to deciding the outcome, and losing to the super giant marsh monster is not just because of your lack of strength."

Talking about Menus, Wang Hao and Lucario immediately recalled the scene at that time.For them, that was the last scene they wanted to recall during the whole journey. Even if they wanted to resurrect as the Koga Ninja Frog in Menus, they still felt a kind of guilt from the bottom of their hearts towards Menus.

"At that time, Menus was obviously not strong enough, but he used his best efforts to contain the runaway Mewtwo! Do you think your current strength will not be as good as the original Menus? Why don't you try to show your best strength? How about trying to face your insecurities and fears?”

At this point, Wang Hao didn't say any more.He didn't want to blame Lucario, nor did he want him to continue like this because of anxiety and fear.The next thing can only depend on Lucario himself!

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