Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 373 Threats Are Threatened Instead?

Obviously, Wang Hao has already controlled his body's mobility, but Guanghui is still unwilling to cooperate with him!Entering the different space where Yu Kexi lives requires a certain amount of space power to activate the entrance, and Guanghui obviously does not have this ability.That's why he was willing to join the Galaxy team as a temporary worker.

"You are really stubborn! Are you not afraid that I will kill you? For players, although we will not die in the true sense, we will lose all current props and Pokémon after being killed. Players at the title level will even be deprived of their titles! Although the ability of your Miracle Eye is very limited, the effect is not generally powerful! If it wasn’t for me’s mistakes that made you fail to display your abilities, you might have lost Maybe it's me! Are you willing to be deprived of this ability?"

Whether the title player will be deprived of the title after being killed is actually not clear to Wang Hao himself, but in order to let Guanghui cooperate with him, he can only cheat.There are very few players with titles. When these players obtain titles, they also obtain abilities different from ordinary players. If they are still killed, it is probably impossible to retain their abilities.Wang Hao's lie is also based on his understanding of the current situation of the game.

No matter how tough Guang Hui was before, he couldn't help softening when he heard that his title was stripped.The ability of Miracle Eye was not something that he had when he entered the game. He also got it after a long, long time of exploration and experimentation.If even this ability would be deprived, then everything before would be in vain.

"Everyone is a player! Do you really have to be so ruthless? Even if I try my best not to deprive the ending, as long as I can be resurrected, then I can announce your deeds among the players! You must know that a person who has and It is said that players with the same ability as Bird Warrior are extremely threatening to other players. Originally, props and resources are scarce in this game. Your ability must have brought you a lot of benefits. As long as I process it again, say You used this ability to obtain a lot of rare props. At that time, there must be a lot of players chasing you! As long as you dare to kill me here, then I will definitely help you to make a big publicity !"

Guanghui was not a simple character either. Facing Wang Hao's threat, he immediately proposed countermeasures.To a certain extent, the power of waveguide really gave Wang Hao a great advantage in exploring props.Along the way, he has obtained a lot of rare props, and if he is targeted by players, it will definitely be a troublesome thing.Therefore, Wang Hao has always tried not to contact other players, and kept a low profile.

If it was really publicized by Guanghui, then Wang Hao might not have a day to live in peace!If the threat fails, you will be threatened?Wang Hao suddenly felt that he was ridiculous!Sure enough, I am still not good at doing things in this area, it would be great if Serena was here!Just when Wang Hao felt troubled, You Kexi, who had been silent on the sidelines, took the initiative to suggest to Wang Hao.

"Isn't this guy's goal just to capture me? You can discuss this with him! As long as he temporarily evacuates here today, he can enter this space to fight me at any time in the future when he goes to Wisdom Lake! If he directly defeats me, then I will Can be his Pokémon!"

Wang Hao was somewhat surprised by Yukexi's suggestion, but it was also the best way to solve the problem at present.Wang Hao explained Yu Kexi's suggestion to Guanghui, and then said: "Your original goal is Yu Kexi, if you can get this opportunity without working for others, why not do it? You Kexi also It means that as long as you can defeat him, then he is willing to become your Pokémon! You must know that voluntarily becoming your Pokémon and being forced to be your Pokémon are two completely different concepts! If you are forced to become Your Pokémon, then you can only get Yuksi's body, but not his heart! At that time, you will find that you can't command Yuksi at all, and you can't let him fight for you! It's completely tantamount to It's like taming a fake Pokémon! Are you willing to do this?".

In this "Pokémon World", in order to allow players to experience a more realistic Pokémon world, even the newly captured Pokémon has a good impression!If the Pokémon you captured don't have a high degree of affection for you, then there will be situations such as disobedience to commands and runaways.Regarding this point, as a title player, Guanghui is also very clear!The reason why he wanted to use the power of the Galaxy team to subdue Yukexi was to some extent to make himself appear stronger so as to control Yukexi.

"As long as I defeat Yukshi, he can take the initiative to become my Pokémon? If you can really do this, then it is not a problem to leave the Galaxy team as you said! I have no problem with the Galaxy team." I don't like it very much, if it wasn't for Yukexi, I wouldn't care about the status of this temporary worker! But, how do you prove that everything you said is true?"

Although Wang Hao's words moved Guanghui, he was not so easy to deceive as a child!The power of waveguide can indeed communicate with Pokémon, this is very clear to Guanghui, who knows the story of waveguide warrior Aaron very well!However, he couldn't guarantee that the result of the discussion between Wang Hao and Yu Kexi would be as Wang Hao said!He needs Wang Hao to prove what he said!Wang Hao didn't expect Guanghui to be so cautious, and in desperation he could only explain Guanghui's statement to You Kexi.In the end, Kexi took the ruby ​​from the center of his forehead and handed it to Wang Hao.

"This is my orb. Anyone who holds this orb can enter and leave my different space at will! Give him this orb and let him come back later! With this thing, he should be able to Take it easy!"

Wang Hao held the orb handed over by Kexi before Guanghui's eyes, and then explained the function of the orb to him.Guanghui watched Yu Kexi take the orb from his forehead with his own eyes, so he knew that Wang Hao hadn't lied to him!In the end, under a series of guarantees, Guanghui agreed to quit the Galaxy team and leave here temporarily.When Geng Gui released Guanghui's control, Guanghui left this different space.However, before leaving, he said something meaningful to Wang Hao.

"That guy Chiri is not simple at all. I was defeated in front of him without even showing the effect of the Miracle Eye! If you plan to go to Xinqi Lake to block his actions, then I suggest you put Take Yuksi too! At least that will help you a bit!"

After saying this, Guanghui completely left this different space!The matter of Wisdom Lake has not been completely resolved. There are still many members of the Galaxy team in the different space where Yuxi lives. If they are not driven out of here, Yuxi will not be able to recover from the restricted power Once liberated, the seal here is still in danger.

"Yukxi! Is the seal of Xinqi Lake or Lizhi Lake lifted? Can you confirm this with Emrido and Yaknom? Regichkas has awakened, and he said it was the three A seal in the lake was lifted to wake him up!"

"What did you say? Regichkas himself woke up? What he said is not wrong, as long as the sealing power of any one of the three lakes is released, then he will wake up! But I don't know which one it is The seal of the lake has released its power! Both Xinqi Lake and Lizhi Lake may be involved! When I felt that this space was opened by humans, I once confirmed the situation on their side with Emrido and Yaknom, but None of them replied to me! After that, in order to control the energy in the space and restrain these humans, I never contacted them again! Until just now I tried to contact them while you were fighting, but the result was I didn't get any reply! So, I don't know which lake's energy was released!"

Even Yukexi couldn't confirm the situation of the other two lakes, so there were even more things to do now!There are members of the Galaxy team led by Chiri and Pluto on the side of Xinqi Lake; on the other side of Lizhi Lake is a team led by two cadres of the Galaxy team!Wang Hao felt that the lake most likely to be released with sealed energy should be Xinqi Lake. After all, Chiri personally led the team there, and its strength was confirmed by Guanghui, which is extremely powerful.

"I'm planning to go to Xinqi Lake to see the situation first! After all, Chiri, the boss of the Galaxy team, is there, I'm afraid Emrido won't be able to hold on! Guanghui suggested that I bring you along! But the situation here is not yet complete. The solution, can you leave with me?"

Although Wang Hao didn't know why Guanghui wanted to bring Yukexi with him, Wang Hao would listen to any suggestion from a super envoy.After all, people who can use superpowers still occasionally have the possibility of some kind of foresight.When Yu Kexi heard that Wang Hao was going to leave with him, he became hesitant.

"I'm very worried about the situation of Emrido and Aknom! But the seal here cannot be separated from me. As long as I leave here, the containment of these people will be useless, and the seal will be exposed! At that time , They will definitely destroy the seal and release the energy! You should go there alone! I can still control this place for the time being, and without that guy Guanghui chasing me, I can devote myself to diversion operations!"

Although Yu Kexi also wants to leave with Wang Hao, the issue of the seal is still more important, he can't leave without authorization!Wang Hao could also understand Yu Kexi's actions, so he didn't feel anything, so he bid farewell to him and went to Xinqi Lake alone!

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