Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 44 Melee at Silver Company Headquarters (Part [-])

"Master Nazi! Since you can use the teleportation ability to seek help from the leader of Wude here, why don't you just sneak into the top floor of the headquarters of Silver Company to check the situation?"

When Nazi came here through the distorted space to ask Wu De for support, Wang Hao had always been in such confusion.It was obviously a very simple matter for Nazi, so why complicate it?
"The attackers dared to come to Jinhuang City to carry out such an action, they must have come prepared. The indispensable preparation is aimed at my ability. Although my super ability can teleport, but I can't get in now The headquarters of Silver Corporation. Now the entire headquarters building of Silver Corporation is covered with a special space magnetic field. This magnetic field disturbs my coordinate fixed point when teleporting, so I cannot move into the interior of Silver Corporation. Go. Now the only way to enter the headquarters building of Silver Company is to break in head-on, so I need to gather stronger forces."

It turned out that this was the case. Sure enough, the attacking gang did not act rashly. This kind of action had already planned Nazi's obstruction, so the guards at the gate of the building must have gathered a lot of armed forces.With Nazi, Wu De and himself, can they really enter the building smoothly?
"Now that Ms. Junsha and the police have surrounded the entire headquarters building of Silver Company, we will rush over to cooperate with them to complete the first step of intrusion. After that, I will try to see if I can use teleportation on the first floor to Top floor, if it doesn’t work, we need to break through layer by layer, which will be very troublesome and inefficient. At that time, there may be a situation where the troops are divided into several groups, but all of this will have to be decided after we arrive at the scene .Now let's go right away!"

After a few brief explanations, Nazi took Wang Hao and Wu De to the downstairs of the headquarters building of Silver Company.Seeing the poisonous smog filling the surroundings, the people in the police station were busy evacuating the crowd.When Miss Junsha saw Nazi and the others, she immediately stepped forward to report the current situation.

"Master Nazi, our police station has been trying to talk to the people who attacked the gang, but we still haven't received any response. The entrance of the building was blocked by a large amount of poisonous gas from gas bombs. A lot of antidotes are needed to break through. But at present we have a serious shortage of antidotes, and the anti-virus equipment is in transit, so we don’t dare to act rashly for the time being, and we can only evacuate the surrounding people.”

Using poisonous gas to block the route in such an open place requires a combination of many gas bombs, and these gas bombs have to continuously release poisonous gas.In the absence of antidotes and anti-virus equipment, it is no wonder that the people in the police station dare not act rashly.Wang Hao can fully understand Miss Junsha's current passive state, but what should the people in the building do if they are restrained here by the attacking gang?

After listening to Miss Junsha's report, Nazi also fell into deep thought, but she immediately put forward her own thoughts after a while.

"I will find a way to solve the poisonous gas defense line, Miss Junsha, you divide the manpower, some people still have to evacuate the surrounding crowd, and the other part will enter the building with me to fight after I solve the poison gas defense line problem. "

Nazi didn't mention too much about how she solved the problem of the poisonous gas defense line. Miss Junsha also tacitly did not ask, but quickly responded to Nazi's order and organized the police station's manpower.After Nazi explained to Miss Junsha, she immediately said to Wang Hao: "Later, I will use superpowers to compress a protective area that will not be covered by poisonous gas. Within this range, we don't have to worry about the problem of poisonous gas. But in order to maintain the anti-gas range, I can't command Pokémon to fight. So I need you to cooperate with me and use your Pokémon to defeat all gas bombs."

Wang Hao didn't expect that Nazi's superpower could do this, but in order to solve the problem in front of him, Wang Hao didn't ask too many questions, but strictly cooperated with Nazi.Knowing that his goal was to defeat the gas bomb, Wang Hao released Lalu Lasi.What is needed now is a super-power Pokémon with double restraint against poison, and Lalu Lasi is the best choice.

Nazi looked at the strange-colored Lalu Lasi, and then at Wang Hao, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes!Afterwards, a mysterious force gathered in her hands, and gradually the gathered force was released in the air to form a protective membrane to surround Nazi, Wang Hao and Wu De.Relying on this anti-virus round membrane, Na Zi, Wang Hao and Wu De stepped into the poisonous fog with ease.

The deep purple poisonous mist blurred everyone's sight, but Wang Hao was still able to accurately find the whereabouts of each gas bomb by relying on the power of the waveguide.Lalu Lasi's mental attack passed through Riolu's waveguide and successfully hit every gas bomb. Almost as long as it hits the gas bomb, it will lose its combat ability. The double restraint effect has played a particularly good role.

In less than 3 minutes after entering the poisonous fog, Wang Hao's Lalu Lasi had already rendered ten gas bombs incapacitated.But this only defeated one-third of the gas bombs and slowed down the spread of poisonous gas.There are nearly [-] gas bombs left, and they must be disposed of as soon as possible.Just when Wang Hao thought this way, the remaining gas bombs started to act strangely.

The gas bombs did not retreat to the door of the headquarters building of Silver Company, nor did they spread out, but formed a circle around the anti-gas membrane formed by Nazi. What is the purpose of this?Wang Hao was a little puzzled, but the next scene made him unforgettable for a long time.The gas bombs surrounding Na Zi, Wang Hao and Wu De exploded one after another.

With the power of the self-explosion and the erosion of the poisonous mist, Nazi's anti-virus membrane obviously couldn't hold on.Just at the critical moment, Wang Hao directed Lalu Lasi to use teleportation to transfer himself, Nazi and Wu De to the outside of the poisonous fog circle.Wang Hao's reaction was already very fast, and Lalu Lasi's teleportation was also very timely, but the erosion of the poisonous mist still caused Na Zi, Wang Hao and Wu De to fall into a poisoned state!
But fortunately, the dose of antidote left by Miss Junsha is enough for the three of them!After taking the antidote, Wang Hao, Na Zi and Wu De were relieved from the explosion.Nazi looked at Wang Hao's Lalu Lasi, and then said to Wang Hao: "Your Lalu Lasi is very special! But this time is also thanks to you! I was too reckless, and I will give you affirmation after the matter is resolved." Compensation!".

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