Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 456 The return of Deoxys?

"Pokkisi was injured, and it was quite serious! It was damage caused by the poison attribute, which has a continuous effect. We tried it with peaches, but it didn't work at all; the antidote in the kingdom was also used, It didn’t work either. I don’t know what happened? It was the uncle named Han Zuo who caused Pokkisi’s injury. He is usually responsible for the management and food of our entire park. He is a very kind and gentle person. , I don’t know why he suddenly attacked Pokkisi, and even caused such a big thing. However, Pokkisi told me when he closed the paradise, Uncle Han Zuo should be controlled by something, There is energy in him that doesn't belong to him. I didn't feel it, so I don't know if what Pokkisi said is true? Close the paradise and lock Uncle Han Zuo in it It was Pokkisi's idea. At that time, the uncle had already started threatening other Pokébies with his poison attribute skills. And I was thrown out by Pokkisi at the last moment when the park was closed. Originally, my own power was closing the park. Most of it was consumed when it was thrown, and when it was thrown out, it was hit by a tentacle-like thing, and it was dying. But, it’s all right now, you can solve everything for us when you come.”

From Bo Kebi's words, Wang Hao got two important pieces of information.First, Pokkisi was seriously injured by an unknown poisonous force, and he is still enduring continuous damage.Second, Han Zuo, the minister of the Milazu Kingdom, is not really a bad person, but is controlled by some kind of force.Wang Hao guessed that Pokkisi should have noticed Han Zuo's problem through the power of Bird, so he told Pokbi this important information at a critical time, and asked him to stay in the Kingdom of Milazu as a messenger.

What Wang Hao is most worried about now is the situation of Pokkisi. The damage of the poison attribute will become more and more serious with the passage of time. Even if there is continuous treatment, if there is no way to detoxify, then it is all useless work.As for how to detoxify?Wang Hao has no clue now.Taotao fruit itself is a tree fruit used to detoxify, but it has no effect at all; let alone deciphering medicine, it has no effect either.So how to detoxify Pokkisi?

"What's the matter with the energy shrouding the entire Milazu Kingdom? Isn't the paradise already closed? Why is there still such an obvious surge of energy?"

Wang Hao has noticed the fluctuation of this energy since he set foot in the Kingdom of Miraz.At first he thought it had something to do with Torkby Park, but later found out that the park was closed.But when the park is closed, why is there such a powerful surge of energy?On this issue, Wang Hao asked Burkeby.But Bobbi seemed to have only a half-knowledge of this question, and he couldn't give Wang Hao an accurate answer.

"I don't know what the surging energy you're referring to? However, Pokkisi also mentioned this issue. It's just that it was before he was attacked. At that time, the Kingdom of Milazau It was still in a peaceful state, but Pokkisi suddenly left the paradise to investigate the place where the kingdom and the desert meet. After returning, he told us that he seemed to feel a special energy, which was very dangerous. We don't leave the paradise at will. According to his instructions, we never left the paradise again. Until that day, Han Zuo came to our paradise as usual to check our situation. It was fine at first, when Pokkisi appeared , he suddenly attacked it and seriously injured Pokkisi."

Although Pokkisi's ability in waveguide perception is not as accurate as Lucario's, but what can make him pay attention is bound to be a terrifying existence.If the dangerous power that Pokkis noticed at that time was the energy that now envelopes the entire Milazu Kingdom, then it can be said that the entire Mirazu Kingdom will be in danger.This is not a problem that can be solved simply, it involves the safety of the entire kingdom.Wang Hao didn't expect that things would become so complicated. He could only explain the situation to the king of Milazu Kingdom, and then asked the king to organize the citizens to take refuge in a safe place.

He also contacted Zvoki Dawu with what he knew so far, and asked Zvoki Dawu to lead some members of the alliance to assist the Kingdom of Milazu.Although the Kingdom of Milazau is not a particularly large country, the evacuation of the whole country cannot be completed all at once.At first, when the king of Milazu Kingdom heard that he needed to take the whole country for refuge, he didn't believe what Wang Hao said at all.But because of Bobbi's nod, all the kings finally organized according to what Wang Hao said.

Taking advantage of the tension in the entire Milazu Kingdom, Wang Hao released Geng Gui.Tokopi Paradise is a special space independent of the Milazu Kingdom, and Gengar is the most authoritative expert in this regard.What Wang Hao asked Geng Gui to do was also relatively simple, to find a way to enter the paradise, and then check the situation of Pokkisi.From the beginning, Wang Hao was most worried about Pokkisi's situation, and he didn't know if he could persist until his rescue.

In addition to letting Geng Gui enter the paradise, Wang Hao also sent Xanadu.Although Xanadu's ability in space is inferior to that of Geng Gui, her strength is also indispensable.Wang Hao asked her to investigate the unstable energies over the entire Milazu Kingdom to find out the source of these energies and what are the unstable factors?This may be an important clue to find out the development of the whole matter, and Wang Hao naturally cannot let it go.

After everything was arranged, Wang Hao continued to ask Pokby about Han Zuo, including the details of his attack on Pokkisi.These details may help Wang Hao judge Han Zuo's situation.After all, according to what Bokby said, it is absolutely impossible for Han Zuo himself to do something that would endanger the Tokby Paradise, so naturally he would not endanger Pokkisi because he lost control of the paradise, as the king said. .Bokeby also understood the key to the matter, so he didn't answer Wang Hao immediately, but said it after thinking for a while.

"At that time, Han Zuo used the power we left in the kingdom to enter the paradise as usual, and at the same time carried things on his shoulders to improve our food. Although there are many plants and fruits in the paradise that can sustain our lives, we also like it very much. Human food, such as Poké cubes, Baofen, Baofrei, ball juice, etc. are all our favorites. Han Zuo will also send us some regularly, so I didn’t feel anything unusual that day. However, when When some Pokébies ate the things Han Zuo brought, they immediately became poisoned. Pokkisi also felt the commotion at that moment, so he came to the poisoned Pokémon immediately. But Han Zuo didn't expect Zuo launched a sneak attack on Pokkisi at that moment, using something like a tentacle. As soon as he was touched by that thing, Pokkisi fell into a poisoned state. Pokkisi realized that something was wrong, so he took Several healthy Pokébies around me escaped from the paradise, and temporarily closed the paradise. After escaping from the paradise, Pokkisi and I went to the king for help, and put Taotaoguo and the antidote in Pokki It is a pity that the poisoned state has not been lifted, and at this time, Han Zuo escaped from the blockade of the paradise. He has the energy to freely enter and exit the paradise, so even Pokkisi It doesn't make much sense to block the paradise from the outside world, it can only delay some time. Han Zuo, who escaped from the paradise, found Pokkisi immediately, and tried to hurt Pokkisi again. The king wanted to stop Han Zuo, but He found that he couldn't stop his crazy behavior, so he could only let people take action to suppress Han Zuo. But Han Zuo also sent a powerful Pokémon to fight. Zuo, entered the paradise again, and internally used all of our remaining Pokébie’s power to block the paradise. And I was thrown out by Pokkisi a second before the blockade, and now the tentacles that want to attack me should It came from Han Zuo's body. The tentacles feel like jelly, smooth and flat, without a trace of warmth, and the touch is just weird."

Wang Hao was deeply impressed by the tentacles that Bobbi mentioned many times, as if this was the key to the whole incident.If Han Zuo really suddenly became strange as Birkby said, then he is most likely being controlled, and what controls him should be related to this so-called tentacle.If Han Zuo has been hiding a deep existence and only broke out maliciousness at that time, then the tentacle may be an unknown weapon, and it may be poisonous.Of these two possibilities, Wang Hao prefers the first one.

The citizens of the Milazu Kingdom themselves have always regarded Bokby as a sacred object. How can an existence who can always take care of Bokby be a vicious person?Pokémon like Pokémon are very sensitive to human emotions. Once Han Zuo has a trace of malice in normal times, he will be immediately kicked out of the paradise by all Pokébies.What's more, Pokkisi has the power of wave guidance. If he doesn't find Han Zuo's problem, it can only prove that the original Han Zuo didn't have any problems.

So the conclusion now is that Han Zuo was controlled by something.But what is it that can not only control Han Zuo, but also attack like a tentacle?There will definitely not be any alien creatures in "Pokémon World", most of them are caused by Pokémon!But what Pokémon has tentacles and the power to control humans at the same time?
Thinking of this, Wang Hao thought of a Pokémon, Deoxys.Deoxys, who had appeared in the Meteor Disaster, had his hands like tentacles, and he also had the super power to control others.But, could it really be Deoxys?

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