Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 479 Different pupil challenger, Liu pupil

Under the auspices of Dawu Zvuki, the order of the second day's event was quickly determined, followed by Genji, Wang Hao, Furong and Bonnie.As the second person to be challenged, Wang Hao still has a certain amount of time to prepare.He didn't dare to watch Genji's challenge match, but continued to study the situation of Liu Tong's battle for a while.If there was anyone among the remaining three challengers who made Wang Hao more afraid, it would definitely be Liu Tong.What exactly is his ability to change pupils?This is what Wang Hao wants to know most now.

The time of watching the video passed very quickly, and it didn't take long for Genji's challenge to end.The strength of the dragon-attribute Pokémon allowed him to continue to retain his title of Heavenly King, but it was also very dangerous. He barely won the final victory with a score of [-] to [-].When the competition personnel came to inform Wang Hao to prepare for the second round of the challenge, he learned about the general situation of the competition.Following the guidance of the competition staff, Wang Hao once again appeared on the battlefield where everyone was looking forward to, and his opponent Liu Tong also appeared on the battlefield from the opposite position.

With blond hair, blue eyes, and a glamorous appearance, Liu Tong possesses an appearance that looks fascinating. Combined with the mystery of the different pupils, it is easy to attract the attention of others.At first, the entire audience shouted loudly because of Wang Hao's appearance, which was a cry for the popularity of the event, but after seeing Liu Tong, quite a few people stopped shouting, and instead showed a look of obsession.Wang Hao can fully understand their thoughts, because Liu Tong really has such an attraction.

The host is still introducing the situation of Wang Hao and Liu Tong.Originally, only the challengers needed the host's introduction, but as the preparatory king, the audience didn't know much about Wang Hao, so there was a longer introduction time now.And during this introduction, Liu Tong said to Wang Hao: "Although you defeated Huayue, if I was the first to challenge Huayue, I could also defeat him! In my opinion, what really makes me The only thing that is troublesome is the phantom Pokémon in your hand, Zeraora! I hope your Zeraora will not let me down!".

Liu Tong's words sounded very arrogant, but Wang Hao knew that he did have the ability to be arrogant.If Wang Hao hadn't been the first to challenge Huayue, it might not be true that he would become the existence of the Preparatory Heavenly King so quickly.Wang Hao, who has watched a lot of videos, knows very well that whether it is Jiang Yu, Bai Xu, or Liu Tong in front of him, they all have the possibility to defeat Huayue, because their strength is not weaker than Huayue at all.This is not to deny Huayue's strength, but to affirm the hard power of the other three challengers.

Wang Hao didn't pay attention to Liu Tong's words. What he's struggling with now is who will be the first Pokémon to play?What Pokémon will Liu Tong send for the first battle?The most suitable Pokémon for contingency should be the Koga Ninja Frog, which can be immune to the restraint of various attributes by virtue of its ability to change freely.No matter what Pokémon Liu Tong sends, Koga Ninja can deal with it very well.Therefore, in the end Wang Hao made a decision.

Although the host's introduction is a bit longer than other events, it doesn't take a particularly long time.When he announced the official start of the competition, the screen on the battlefield began to rotate the venue of this duel.The initial venue is determined through such a lottery ceremony. Only when the number of Pokémon lost by both sides reaches four, eight, and eleven will the disadvantaged party re-select the venue.In the end, the venue for the duel between Wang Hao and Liu Tong fell on the comprehensive venue (mountain forest).

This so-called comprehensive site (mountain forest) refers to a site composed of low hills and small dense forests. In addition to the hills and dense forests, there is also a relatively open basin.The basin occupies about half of the area and is the main fighting area.The main purpose of the forest is to hide and adjust tactics.After getting a general understanding of the entire field, Wang Hao and Liu Tong threw the poke ball together.

The Pokémon released from Wang Hao's Poké Ball is Koga Ninja, while the Pokémon released from Liu Tong's Poké Ball has a bright light blue body and an elongated head. A Pokémon with teardrops, four diamond-shaped wings and a pair of large pink tentacles.Wang Hao recognized it as a rainwing moth at a glance, the Pokémon that Huayue once thought Liu Tong was the most troublesome.

For this rain-winged moth, Wang Hao had focused on it when he watched the video before, and it was indeed an extremely difficult opponent.The attributes of Rainwing Moth itself are insect attribute and flight attribute, but the skills he can master are not only these two attributes, water attribute, ice attribute, grass attribute, ghost attribute, general attribute, and even ground attribute skills. Mastered.At this time, Wang Hao is most fortunate that the Pokémon he sent is Koga Ninja, because of its ability to change freely, it can cope with skills of various attributes.

Liu Tong was not polite to Wang Hao. After the Rainwing Moth came out, he immediately directed it to use the air blade move.When the sharp wind slashed at the Koga Ninja Frog, the momentum seemed to split the Koga Ninja Frog in half.Faced with this air blade, Wang Hao directly let Koga Ninja Frog launch a smoke screen attack.The line-of-sight blocking effect formed by using the smoke screen move weakened the hit rate of the air blade.Liu Tong seemed to have guessed that Wang Hao would use the smoke screen move, so he commanded the rain wing moth to use the wind blowing skill without haste.

Raising the Wind is a move that uses wings to blow strong winds. It is a flying attribute skill, and its power is not great.But if it is only used to blow away the smoke screen, the effect is very significant.While exercising the move of blowing the wind, the rainwing moth also lightly changed its body shape, and danced a mysterious and beautiful dance.That is the most powerful butterfly dance skill of the Rainwing Moth. It is not an offensive skill, but an auxiliary skill.The main reason why this auxiliary move can become the strongest move of the Rainwing Moth is that this move can improve the user's special attack, special defense and speed.

This is no longer an improvement of one ability, but an improvement of three abilities at the same time.The improvement of the three abilities is a huge improvement for Pokémon. Wang Hao doesn't want the Rainwing Moth to continue to improve like this, otherwise the Koga Ninja Frog, which originally had an advantage in race value, will lose its biggest advantage.He directly commanded the Koga Ninja to cast a flying water shuriken, and the five light blue six-pointed star shurikens attacked the rain wing moth at an extremely fast speed, and appeared to encircle it.The rainwing moth, which was dancing with the butterfly dance, stopped before it could continue dancing.

The flying water shuriken's attack locked on the four diamond-shaped wings under the belly of the rain wing moth, and when it hit, it turned into a stream of water and wet the four wings.After the wings are wet, the rainwing moth stops and appears to be falling.The reason why it became like this is actually because of the body structure of the rain wing moth itself. As long as its wings get wet, it will temporarily lose its ability to fly.Wang Hao grasped this point and let the Koga Ninja Frog use the Flying Water Shuriken to attack the wings of the Rainwing Moth.

Liu Tong didn't expect that Wang Hao's understanding of the rain wing moth would be so thorough that he would temporarily lose the ability to fly the rain wing moth with one blow.However, this is not the first time he has encountered such a situation.The body structure of the rainwing moth is often regarded as the target of attack, so Liu Tong already has a way to deal with it.I saw Liu Tong directly directing the rain wing moth to use the skill of insect singing.Buzzing is a move that uses vibrations to send out sonic attacks, and Rainwing Moth uses his wings to perform the Buzzing skill.The high-frequency vibration of the wings dispersed all the water left by the flying water shuriken.The rainwing moth also regained its ability to fly.

Insect sound's skills not only freed the rain wing moth from losing its ability to fly, but also formed an offensive against the Koga ninja frog.The sound wave's attack almost spread to the entire battlefield. Wang Hao let the Koga Ninja Frog retreat to the forest area, and at the same time let it use foaming skills to isolate the sound wave's attack.The isolation of the sound in the depths of the forest has already played a certain effect, coupled with the high-density foam, the impact of the insects was finally reduced to the minimum.

The rainwing moth regained the flying attribute, and immediately locked its eyes on the area where the high-density foam appeared in the forest, and he directly slashed at the location of the foam with an air blade that could split the sky.This air slash was so powerful that the dense forests it passed through were cut in half, leaving a row of wooden blocks.Faced with this air slash, Koga Ninja escaped from the dense forest in an instant.However, there was not only one Koga ninja frog that escaped, but six.

Rainwing Moth couldn't tell which Koga Ninja Frog was the real body at all, so it could only look at Liu Tong in bewilderment.And at this time, Liu Tong's eyes changed, from the original blue pupils to white pupils, and the white part of the eyes also directly turned black.This appearance is exactly the same as the eyes of the rain wing moth. Is the ability of the trainer with different pupils going to be displayed at this time?Wang Hao released his waveguide power very curiously, and tried his best to sense the situation between Rainwing Moth and Liu Tong.

In an instant, he discovered that the same energy appeared in the eyes of the rain wing moth and Liu Tong at the same time. Wang Hao didn't know what kind of energy it was, but he was sure that there was a natural connection between these forces.Belonging to the same energy and being connected with each other, the increase that such power brings to Rainwing Moth and Willow Tong is definitely not just a change in sight.From the videos that Wang Hao watched before, he has already roughly inferred that there is no gap in communication between the rainwing moth and Liu Tong in this state. It is similar to the communication between Wang Hao and Pokémon using wavegui Case.

Once Liu Tong is in this state of different pupils, he will no longer command Pokémon to fight through words.This is why Wang Hao felt that the situation between them was the same as the situation where he used the power of waveguide to communicate with Pokémon.

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