Wang Hao's move to replace Koga Ninja surprised Liu Tong, but both sides have the right to replace Pokémon at any time according to the rules of the competition, so this is also a very normal move.It's just that what Liu Tong didn't expect was that Wang Hao could be so straightforward without dragging his feet at all.The appearance of Lucario made Liu Tong feel very troublesome, not only because he was immune to Roseredo in terms of attributes, but more importantly, none of the skills Roseredo had mastered could be used against Lucario. causing considerable damage.

Normally, under such circumstances, Liu Tong should replace Rosereiduo.But he didn't do this, but directly directed Roseredo to use the field skill, Green Grass Field.The effect of the green grass field made the entire basin begin to grow lush green grass, and there was a strong breath of life spreading out.In the green grass field, the power of all grass-type skill moves will be increased by 30.00%, and the Pokémon on the ground will be continuously restored without any difference.

Lucario, who has a steel attribute, has 50.00% resistance to grass attributes. Even with the 30.00% increase in the green grass field, it is still unable to offset the resistance, so Wang Hao doesn't understand why Liu Tong insists on it so much. Let Rose Redo continue to fight?However, there is not much advantage in letting Lucario continue to fight Roseredo.Because Lucario's own skills did not restrain Roseredo, the damage he dealt was not very high.

Lucario's performance in the qualifying round was not very good, so in Liu Tong's perception, he never took Lucario to heart.As a fighting-type and steel-type Pokémon, most of the skills it masters do not cause much damage to grass-type and poison-type Pokémon, so Liu Tong wanted to let Rose Redo continue to fight.After the green grass field spread, Lucario started at a high speed, directly preparing to launch a melee attack on Roseredo.

At the moment when Lucario unfolded his speed, the green grass everywhere bloomed flowers.And as Lucario moved, countless petals floated up, making the entire battle field seem like a sea of ​​flowers.This scene left all the audience with only Huahai in their eyes, completely unaware that this was still in the middle of a battle.However, Lucario finally came to Roseredo's body and bumped hard.Because fighting-type attacks can only do half the damage to Rose Redo, Wang Hao didn't let Lucario switch attacks after the super speed, but directly hit with super speed.

The advantage of this is that it can cause the greatest damage with a super fast attack.After all, attacks with general attributes can do standard damage to Roseredo, without being weakened or resisted by any attributes.However, when the swift impact was about to hit Roseredo, it fell into the tornado formed by the petals.Rose Redo used her own attribute power to control the petals in the entire battlefield, and the moment these petals followed Lucario's rapid emergence, they formed a tornado.

The falling flowers floated like flying snow, and hovered like a sharp blade, and finally resisted Lucario's super fast collision.It was at this moment that Wang Hao understood why Liu Tong asked Rose Lei Duo to use the green grass field as his starting move, but he just made full use of the entire battle environment.This is very similar to Huayue's cunning tengu. The terrifying combination of green grass field and attribute power once again appeared in front of Wang Hao and Lucario's eyes, falling everywhere.

Sure enough, any choice at this stage has a reason.The reason why Liu Tong insisted on letting Rose Lei Duo fight is now completely understood by Wang Hao.Combining the green grass field and the colorful falling flowers forms such a world of flowers.Although such a world of flowers does not cause much damage to Lucario, it can limit his performance.Like the tornado defense formed by the petals before, it can perfectly resist Lucario's physical attack. Don't you know that special attacks can be resisted?
Thinking of this, Wang Hao directly asked Lucario to cast a dragon's wave towards the position where Roseredo was.An astonishingly powerful shock wave gushed out of Lucario's mouth, and blasted straight in the direction of Roseredo.However, the tornado of petals reappeared, completely isolating the attack of the dragon wave.While being immune to physical attacks, he was also immune to special attacks, which meant that all of Lucario's attacks could not cause damage to Roseredo in this green grass field.

If this continues, the situation of Wang Hao and Lucario will become extremely embarrassing.Because their offensive cannot cause damage to Roseredo, but Roseredo's attack can cause damage to Lucario.Even if such damage is not very obvious, it is still damage.As long as the damage accumulates to a certain level, Lucario will lose his ability to fight sooner or later.

Just when Wang Hao was in a dilemma, Rosreiduo launched a new offensive.This time it was not a petal tornado, but a hard seed.There are many attacking moves of seeds, such as parasitic seeds, trouble seeds, seed bombs, seed machine guns and so on.Wang Hao couldn't use the energy of this seed to judge what type of move it belonged to, so he could only let Lucario resist this seed with his see-through skills.

When the blocked seeds fell to the ground, they immediately thrived.Wang Hao immediately understood that this was an attack from a parasitic seed, and he obtained energy by parasitic on other Pokémon and used it for the caster's own recovery.Wang Hao is glad that he commanded Lucario to use the see-through skill to resist this move, otherwise Lucario would be in an extremely disadvantaged state now.However, it is impossible for Roseredo to cast the parasitic seed only once, seeing through it can prevent it for a while but not everything.After all, it is necessary to launch an offensive, otherwise it will be very detrimental to Lucario and Wang Hao.

Wang Hao first asked Lucario to perform a piercing sound. Since all physical attacks and special attacks will be blocked by the petal tornado on the green grass field, what about such a changing move?When the sharp and ear-piercing sound sounded, there was no petal tornado on the entire green grass field, as if it hadn't been triggered.This confirms that the combination of Grassy Fields and Fallen Blossoms has no effect on non-offensive skills.

With this understanding, Wang Hao asked Lucario to move at super fast speed, and at the same time, he launched a piercing attack.Every harsh sound greatly weakened Roseredo's defense, making her very weak.After four consecutive ear-piercing sounds, Wang Hao asked Lucario to seize the opportunity of Roseredo's irritability and weakness to give a thunderbolt blow, and rushed at a high speed.Rosereido, whose defense has been weakened many times, will definitely cause great damage if he is hit by this quick move, and may even be killed by one blow.

After all, this is still too optimistic. When Lucario's divine speed was deployed and was about to hit Roseredo, the petal tornado automatically appeared in front of Lucario, trying to stop Lucario Leo's attack.At this moment, Lucario stopped his swift action, turned sideways around the range of the petal tornado, and then launched an impact on Roseredo.The petal tornado is the same as the skills of defending and seeing through. It is a defensive move and is very difficult to deal with.

If you want to break through this type of skill, there are only two ways.One is the energy intensity of the attack that breaks through the defense and forcibly destroys the defense; the other is mastering skills like feint attacks.What Lucario just used was a feint attack. This skill is specially designed to restrain the existence of defensive moves such as defend and see through. It can break these defenses and cause damage to the Pokémon who cast the defense.Although this damage is not very impressive, but under the weakening of the four harsh sounds, it can still cause a lot of damage to Roseredo.

Liu Tong didn't expect Lucario to have feint attack skills, and all the harsh attacks before were paving the way for this feint attack.Using the swift attack as a cover, he thought that Lucario was about to launch an attack and commanded Roseredo to perform the petal tornado, and then switched the offensive at the moment the petal tornado formed, forming a feint.It can be said that the whole process is very smooth, like flowing water.

Roseredo, who was attacked, immediately recovered with photosynthesis.Naturally, it was impossible for Wang Hao to allow him to recover so easily, so he quickly directed Lucario to approach Roseredo with a swift attack.Facing Lucario's lightning-like attack, Roseredo had no time to recover, and could only defend with the petal tornado again.But such a defense seems meaningless to Lucario now, because he has already prepared a feint attack.

Liu Tong naturally knew the result, so after the petal tornado, he asked Rose Lei Duo to use the defensive defense.This is a double defense, a feint attack can only break one of them, and cannot make both defenses meaningless.After barely resisting Lucario's attack, Liu Tong hurriedly asked Rose Redo to distance herself from Lucario, and then resumed photosynthesis again.

This round of offense and defense made Wang Hao realize that he still underestimated Roseredo's defense ability after all.The defense line formed by the petal tornado is just a combination of the green grass field and the fallen flowers, and it is not a real defense in essence.While casting the petal tornado, Luosreiduo has the power to defend, so how to break through this double defense will become the focus of Wang Hao?

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