Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 486 Waveguide Resonance Explodes Again

No one expected that a Pokémon would go berserk at the Kings Challenge, and this runaway Pokémon was still a Super Pokémon, with just one blow, it would cause the entire battlefield to collapse, and the audience Seat cracking phenomenon.The organizer of the event, the top management of the Fengyuan Alliance responded quickly and began to evacuate the chaotic audience.Moreover, the referee quickly signaled Liu Tong to stop the duel.

However, Liu Tong had fallen into a state of losing self-awareness at this time, and simply ignored the referee's signal.Although Lucario barely survived the attack of Super Bankiras, he has almost exhausted all the energy of the waveguide.If the fight continues, Lucario has no chance of winning.The situation on Wang Hao's side is not very optimistic. A large part of his own waveguide has been consumed, and it is impossible to sustain Lucario's long-term battle.Therefore, when he saw the referee's signal, he already had plans to retreat.

Just at this time, Super Bankiras launched a new offensive.This time it was no longer the previous range attack, but a boulder was precisely thrown towards Lucario's position.Originally, the sandstorm produced by Bankiras' Yangshat nature had a certain line-of-sight blocking effect, making it impossible for him to accurately lock on Lucario, so he used a range attack.But now, the Super Classy after the super evolution can easily lock the position of Lucario in the sandstorm. This is the most essential difference between the two characteristics before and after the super evolution.Although the characteristics of Bankiras before and after the super evolution are sand blowing, the evolved Super Bankiras obviously has a stronger ability to grasp and grasp the power of sandstorms.

The moment the huge rock fell, Lucario dodged it with great speed.Rock attribute attacks like this are actually not too difficult moves for Lucario.What really embarrassed Lucario was naturally the range-type ground attribute skills similar to the previous ones, which not only have double the effect of restraint, but also have nowhere to hide, so they can only resist hard.

When Lucario escaped the attack of the falling rock, another huge rock was thrown from the hands of Super Bankiras.Lucario could only continue to dodge helplessly, and this attack and defense lasted for several rounds.Wang Hao was a little puzzled, why did Super Bankiras stick to this useless rockfall attack?Could it be that the attack was just to vent his anger because Super Bankiras was in a runaway state at this time?
This kind of speculation is actually very reasonable. The rampage of Super Bankiras is completely different from the rampage of Mewtwo before.He was more because of the change caused by the anger at that time, and that kind of anger can be calmed down completely.Although Wang Hao still hasn't figured out the reason why Super Bankiras went berserk, but it is certain that it must be related to reverse super evolution.It is obviously impossible to stop the rampage of Super Class by means of the command of the trainer, so now we can only focus on the Super Class.Defeating him should be the easiest and most direct way.

Wang Hao, who originally planned to retreat with Lucario, had successfully been caught by Super Bankiras.And the alliance seems to have no intention of helping Wang Hao, and is more focused on evacuating the audience.Even the referee had already left the battle area, where did he go?The wind and sand all over the sky became more and more crazy, just like the Super Bankiras at this time.Wang Hao silently took out the windproof goggles from the backpack and put them on, and then directed Lucario to use his waveguide power as energy to gather a wave of missile attacks and blast towards Super Bankiras.

The waveguide power left by Wang Hao is only enough for Lucario to launch three wave missile attacks. If he still uses the waveguide defense barrier to defend during the period, then the number of attacks will be reduced by one.This is already the limit of Wang Hao and Lucario, so every attack must be very cautious.The wave missile's attack was about to hit Super Bankiras, but at this moment, a strong light suddenly shot out from the mouth of Super Bankiras, which resisted the wave missile's attack, and blasted towards the ground.

That is an attack that destroys light, and it is the most powerful existence among general attribute attacks.There is a certain risk in performing this trick, that is, you will fall into a short period of stiffness after the attack.Super Bankiras' use of the destructive light at this time should be purely to resist the wave missile attack. After all, it was because of the wave missile attack that he changed his mood and induced reverse super evolution.When feeling the attack of the wave missile, Super Bankiras naturally had the idea of ​​resisting, which was an instinctive reaction beyond the state of rampage.

After the destructive light repulsed the attack of the wave missile, Super Bankiras fell into a state of rigidity.This gave Lucario an excellent opportunity to attack, so Wang Hao commanded Lucario to launch the second wave of missile attacks without hesitation.In an instant, the shell on Super Bankiras' chest cracked.The berserk energy that was originally in the abdomen and back diffused out all of a sudden, dyeing the entire body of Super Bankiras with a layer of pitch-black energy.This is not just a simple runaway, it's more like being completely lost in the berserk energy.

It was the first time for Wang Hao to feel such a ferocious energy, even the energy emitted by Chaomeng when he ran away was not so unstable.For a while, Wang Hao didn't know what to do.He and Lucario's remaining waveguide energy can only launch another wave missile attack, but Wang Hao can't guarantee that such an attack can completely defeat the current Super Bankiras.If this blow can't completely incapacitate Super Bankiras, then it is Wang Hao and Lucario who are in danger.

Seeing that the crowd in the auditorium had almost evacuated, Wang Hao guessed that the players of the tournament would soon join the battle, and even if Lucario and him temporarily lost their ability to fight, the whole runaway situation could be controlled.Therefore, Wang Hao abandoned his previous worries and directly directed Lucario to launch the final wave of missile attacks.

When Lucario's wave missile bombarded out, Wang Hao only felt his eyes go black, which was caused by excessive use of waveguide power, but he recovered quickly.After all, this is not the first time that Wang Hao has overused the power of the waveguide, and now he is slowly getting used to the feeling of temporarily losing energy.Lucario is also not in a good state. He only feels that the strength to support himself is barely squeezed out.

It was such a wave missile that was cast in an extreme state, but when it was about to hit Super Bankiras, it was blocked by the violent energy wrapped around him.Those pitch-black violent energies formed a defensive barrier, forcibly isolating Lucario's wave missiles.But things are far from that simple. The isolated wave missile was affected by the berserk energy, and was directly bounced back, and it was covered with a layer of pitch-black berserk energy.

Can the energy of the waveguide be bounced?This is a situation that Wang Hao has never encountered before. He can't even feel the energy response that should belong to him in the rebounded wave missile.What the hell does this happen?Wang Hao and Lucario, who looked astonished, couldn't react at all.It wasn't until the rebounded wave missile was about to hit Lucario that Wang Hao realized that something was wrong.Now whether it is Wang Hao or Lucario, the waveguide energy on their bodies has bottomed out, and they simply cannot resist the waveguide energy that has been bounced back.

If Lucario is hit by this blow, he will definitely lose his ability to fight. The wave of fighting missile attacks also has a double restraint effect on Lucario.Wang Hao hurriedly directed Lucario to use his speed skills to avoid the rebounded wave missile, but the rebounded wave missile seemed to have locked on Lucario's waveguide long ago, and clung to him tightly.Wang Hao was a little confused, even though Lucario was dodging at full speed, he just couldn't get rid of the rebounded attack.

what to do?This was the only question that popped up in Wang Hao's mind.He thought about sending other Pokémon to join the battle, but it might be too late.Helpless, Wang Hao ran involuntarily, towards the direction where Lucario was moving.Wang Hao didn't know why he started running, he only knew that he wanted to be closer to Lucario at this moment.Lucario seemed to have sensed that Wang Hao was running towards him, so the way he moved was gradually approaching Wang Hao.

The two-way running made the pace of Wang Hao and Lucario reach the same channel, and even the waveguides of each other reached the same frequency band.Light suddenly burst out on them at the same time, and for Lucario withstood the attack of the pitch-black wave missile bounced back by Super Bankiras.When the light faded, Lucario's appearance had changed.The whole body is full of rich black lines; the originally black limbs turned red, and more bone spurs grew on the back of the hands and the soles of the feet; the structure behind the ears changed from four black special sensory organs to elegant ribbons structure; around the body, there is also a circle of blue light that clings to the skin, as if full of energy is constantly overflowing.

This is not the first time that Lucario has appeared in this form. Last time he and Wang Hao reached a waveguide resonance, he became like this.It's just that such an evolution has not been triggered since then.This is the fetter evolution caused by waveguide resonance, and like the super evolution, it brought Lucario a huge change in form and energy.At this time, Wang Hao's mind was blank, he didn't have any thoughts, he just locked his eyes firmly on Super Bankiras.

The berserk super class and Lucario who resonate with the waveguide, the evolution of the situation has completely exceeded the scope of the normal confrontation. The staff of the Fengyuan Alliance who were originally planning to support Wang Hao are now hiding in the distance and dare not approach rashly.

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