Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 522 The Wet Body of the White Sea Lion

In the first two matches of the championship match, the king of the Kanto (City Capital) League, Shiba played against the champion of the Sinnoh League Conference, Miki. The result: [-] to [-], Shiba narrowly won and entered the second round!The king of the Sinnoh Alliance, Gosong vs. the non-king of the Fengyuan Alliance, Liu Tong, the result: [-] to [-], Liu Tong entered the second round stronger!In the third matchup, it was Wang Hao's turn to face off against the former king of the Kanto (Chengdu) Alliance, Kona!

Kona, one of the four heavenly kings of the former Kanto Alliance, is proficient in ice-type Pokémon, has a wealth of Pokémon knowledge and a calm fighting style, and is a super trainer living on the island.In the Heavenly King Challenge, he lost to Peng Yu whose attribute was restrained and lost the title of Heavenly King.Wang Hao watched the confrontation between Kona and Peng Yu in detail through the video circulated on the player channel.If Pengyu didn't have the ability to sense the dragon and accurately predicted Kona's command, then she would definitely not be defeated even though her attributes were dominant!
Now the former heavenly king is standing opposite Wang Hao, with long red hair and a long black dress showing her femininity; metal glasses show her wisdom.It can be said that the image of Kona is very wise and beautiful. It is hard to imagine that she is a super trainer proficient in ice-type Pokémon.Because this is a duel between the king and the non-king, in order to be relatively fair, the right to choose the venue falls on the trainer of the non-king.And the venue chosen by Kona is a pool venue where her ice-type Pokémon can exert its full strength.

The first Pokémon Kona sent out was white in color, fish-shaped, with a sharp horn on the head, fin-like structures on both sides of the body, and a long fish tail.The big watery eyes and the two white teeth like tiger teeth on the side of the mouth show his cuteness.Wang Hao recognized at a glance that it was a white sea lion with water and ice attributes.Wang Hao has a deep impression on this white sea lion.He evolved from Kona's original Pokémon Sea Lion. He has a deep bond with Kona and also has strong strength.

Facing this white sea lion, Wang Hao directly dispatched Zeraola.In terms of attributes, Zeraola has a great advantage, but the main purpose of Wang Hao sending him is because of this venue.There are no other footholds on the pool site except for a few floating pedals, and Zeraora can use the electromagnetic effect to suspend in the air, and will not be affected by the pool site, and can play better show his strength.

Seeing that the Pokémon Wang Hao sent was Zeraora, Kona immediately let the white sea lion dive into the bottom of the pool, and then launched a boulder attack.Although the boulder move is not very powerful, it has a preemptive effect.This effect makes the moves extremely fast.This move was launched from the bottom of the water, and the speed was so fast, any other opponent would definitely suffer from this move.Wang Hao was different, but when the white sea lion dived into the bottom of the pool, he spread his waveguide power out.This boulder attack was completely under Wang Hao's control. According to the trajectory of the boulder, Wang Hao made Zeraora deflect her body a little and skillfully avoided the boulder's attack.

Ke Na didn't expect such a surprise attack to have no effect, and immediately had a judgment on Wang Hao's strength.She understood that letting the white sea lion hide underwater would not do anything, and she might be hit by Zeraora's electric attack and cause serious injuries.So at this moment, she directly let the underwater white sea lion use its skills, and the water flowed to the tail.The water tail is a move that uses the strength of the whole body to swing the tail, forming an offensive like a stormy sea.

Under the effect of the tail of the water, a strong water column broke through the water and pierced towards Zeraora's position, as if it wanted to nail Zeraola into the air.But Zeraora, who is the Thunder Pokémon, has the speed of a thunderbolt, so how could it be possible to be stabbed by such an attack?I saw Zeraora's sudden flash of thunder, and she had already appeared far away from the water column.The previous boulder attack had shown that an underwater attack was meaningless to Zeraora. Why did Kona command the white sea lion to launch such an attack?
Wang Hao was a little surprised by Kona's operation, but soon he discovered something strange.A white figure suddenly sprang out from the top of the water column piercing towards Zeraola from the pool. It was a white sea lion.The white sea lion actually used the power of the tail of the water to fly from underwater to the air, but isn't this just looking for death?The white sea lion itself does not have the ability to fight in the air, and he cannot exert his full strength out of the water.Also, being in the air isn't an easier target for Zeraora.In this case, as long as Wang Hao directs Zeraola to perform a click, it will immediately cause terrible damage to the white sea lion.

Regardless of Kona's intentions, it would be a shame not to launch an offensive at this time.Therefore, Wang Hao commanded Zeraora to use his skills and discharge.The dazzling electric shock spread out from Zeraora's body, and quickly spread to the entire air, and also spread to the surroundings of the white sea lion.A transparent energy appeared around the white sea lion, isolating the discharge skills from the outside.This is obviously to defend the defense, but what is the reason for such a defense at all costs?

After the defensive defense disappeared, the white sea lion's body began to spin, and it slammed towards Zeraora's position like a steel drill.This is a direct-drilling attack, ground attribute, which can double the restraint effect on electric attribute Zeraora.If hit by this move, even the Phantom Pokémon will suffer a certain amount of damage.It turned out that Kona's purpose was to use this skill to perform straight-drilling in the air. Wang Hao never thought that she could be so bold.

It is actually very simple for Zeraora to avoid the attack of the straight drill.But Wang Hao didn't let Zeraora do this, but directed him to quickly approach the side of the white sea lion's attack route, and then use the enhanced punch to attack.This is a skill with fighting attributes, and every time it hits the opponent, it can increase the attack power of the caster.Although the straight drill is a ground-type attack, the white sea lion in the high-speed rotation state cannot control its body well at all.Wang Hao directed Zeraora to swing his fist from the side where the white sea lion hit, as if whipping a whip on a spinning top, which directly deflected the attacking direction of the white sea lion.

Afterwards, Wang Hao asked Jieraora to use Thunderbolt Speed ​​to quickly flash onto the deflected path of the white sea lion, and then waved his fist from the side to forcefully change the attack direction of the white sea lion again.In such a way of constant bombardment, Zeraora constantly changed the attack route of the white sea lion, and finally guided the direct attack of the white sea lion into the pool.No one expected to defuse the direct attack in this way. After seeing this scene, all the audience and Kona were completely stunned.

Kona only felt that the series of attacks he had made the white sea lion perform before were all useless, and a feeling of being played by him emerged spontaneously.After the white sea lion plunged into the water with a straight attack, it continued to rotate, stirring up the water in the entire pool.At this time, Zeraora threw an electromagnetic wave skill into the stirred vortex.Under the action of the vortex, the weak electric current directly drilled into the body of the white sea lion, completely paralyzing it.

Although the move of electromagnetic wave is not an attack move, Wang Hao let Zeraora master it.The purpose is to increase Zeraora's resilience when facing some unfavorable attributes. As long as the opponent falls into a paralyzed state, not only the speed will be greatly reduced, but the display of skills and moves may also be forcibly interrupted.Among all the abnormal states, the move that is most suitable for Zeraora is this move that adds the paralyzed state.Letting the opponent's speed drop significantly, in fact, can increase Zeraora's speed.The speed of Zeraora itself is extremely fast, and with such weakening and buffing, it can give full play to its advantages.

The current white sea lion is in such a predicament. Although his spinning body has completely stopped due to the effects of water flow and paralysis, his moving speed in the water immediately dropped to the lowest point.The vortex of water was still spinning, and Zeraora directly bombarded the center of the vortex with her fist covered in plasma lightning.This is Zeraora's exclusive skill, Plasma Lightning Fist.The waving of this move will cause a large number of plasma lightning to flow, which will act on the white sea lion in an instant through the water flow, causing fatal damage to it.

Just when Wang Hao thought he could get rid of the white sea lion with this trick, the white sea lion turned into a large number of white blisters and disappeared!This is a stand-in skill.Unexpectedly, even in the paralyzed state, the white sea lion can still successfully use the substitute.This is more or less luck, but it just makes him linger for a while.Wang Hao used the power of the waveguide to investigate the entire pool, and found a white sea lion under a pedal floating on the water.Without hesitation, he commanded Zeraora to use the electric discharge skill in an attempt to kill the white sea lion.

Seeing this, the white sea lion jumped onto the pedal, using the isolation effect between the pedal and the pool to avoid the impact of the discharge skill.After jumping on the pedal, the white sea lion immediately performed a rain-seeking skill.Even though the opponent is an electric-type Pokémon like Zeraora, he still dares to use the rain-seeking skill.You must know that in the rainy state, the white sea lion has nowhere to hide from the attack of the electric attribute.Wang Hao was very surprised why Kona had such an abnormal command?But the next second he understood!

The weak current wrapped around the white sea lion's body gradually disappeared under the beating of the rain.This shows that the paralysis state is lifted, but how is this done?It is clear that the sea lion did not use any skills to restore the abnormal state. Didn't he just use it to pray for rain?Wang Hao immediately thought of characteristics.There are three characteristics of white sea lions, thick fat, wet body and frozen body, among which wet body is the characteristic that can cure all abnormal states in rainy days.

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