Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 61 The next target, Yuhong City

The first thing Riolu did when he regained his strength was to ask Wang Hao through Bird, the result of his duel with the magic wall puppet.Wang Hao also truthfully explained the results to him, and told him that they had won the Golden Gym.At this time, Nazi came to Wang Hao and Leolu.

"Wang Hao! It seems that your waveguide is stronger! This is the symbol of the golden gymnasium, the golden badge! Getting this badge means that you have officially become a member of the alliance! As a reward for defeating the king and challenging the gymnasium, In addition to getting badges, you will also get a skill machine that can predict the future. Through the battle between us, you should know how powerful this skill is, so I won’t explain it. Kirulian is very suitable for learning this skill, you can Let her learn as soon as possible!"

Wang Hao excitedly accepted the golden badge and skill machine from Nazi. It wasn't until this moment that he truly felt that he had defeated Nazi and won the Golden Gym!He respectfully thanked Na Zi, and at the same time waved to Serena in the viewing seats to indicate that he had won.

"Wang Hao! I have some questions to ask you! How did Riolu resist the magic leaf of the magic wall puppet? Why did my three-second prediction not work on Riolu? What I saw was clearly not the three Seconds to the future?"

In fact, it's not just Nazi who can't figure out the final confrontation between Riolu and the magic wall puppet, even Wang Hao can't figure it out.Wang Hao asked Riolu about the specific situation through the wave, and he knew the reason.

"The reason why Riolu can resist the magic leaf of the magic wall doll is because Riolu maps the power of waveguide to the defense. Just like the magic wall doll builds a transparent wall defense through superpowers, Riolu uses the power of waveguide to A waveguide defense barrier was formed around his body, which offset the attack of the magic leaf. The power of the waveguide can be used for attack, and naturally it can also be used for defense. Riolu also saw the magic wall doll It is only because of your defensive ability that you can think of such a defensive method. As for the failure of the three-second prediction, Riolu does not know the specific reason, but he guesses that it is the limitation of your ability. The three-second prediction that you can see The future is a future that develops according to the current situation. Once the current situation changes, the future you see will also change. That is to say, the three-second future you see is just one of countless future possibilities, and there is a little change. Your foreknowledge will also fail."

Wang Hao's words seemed to suddenly open up Nazi's worldview. Ever since she was able to predict the future for three seconds, she always thought that the future would not change and had already been set.But she ignored that the future itself has infinite possibilities, and every variable may affect the future. Her understanding of the ability to predict is too limited.The battle with Wang Hao this time gave her a new understanding of superpowers and foresight, and she needs more time to feel and learn.

"Thank you, Wang Hao! It was the right thing I did to go to the fighting dojo to find Wude and you according to the predicted result. After that, you should go to Light Red City, after all, the road in the Kanto area designated by King Huayue Apart from my golden gym, there is only the light red gym."

"No, I won't go to the Light Red Gym for the time being! I want to walk around the Kanto area, improve the strength of Pokémon, and finally challenge the Light Red Gym."

Although Wang Hao won the Golden Gym this time, it was basically luck. Lalu Lasi's evolution was good luck, and Riolu's final victory was also good luck.He didn't want to still rely on luck when challenging the Light Red Gym.However, these are not the main points. Wang Hao did not explain to Nazi that the real reason why he did not go to the Light Red Gym was that he wanted to go to Yuhong City to check it out first.

Almost all players know that there is a Rockets base in Yuhong City. Wang Hao wants to check there. It would be even better if he can find out about Sakagi.It doesn't matter if you can't find Sakagi, as long as you confirm that Chaomeng was not caught by Sakagi, it is not a waste of time.

And Nazi didn't have too many doubts about Wang Hao's statement that he wanted to continue to travel in the Kanto area and improve the strength of Pokémon, but wished Wang Hao to complete the challenge of the king of heaven as soon as possible.Afterwards, Wang Hao left the challenge venue to join Serena.

"Congratulations! You also got your first Gym badge, and it went much smoother than me, so you don't need a second challenge."

"It's all due to luck. If it didn't happen that Lalulas evolved into Kirulian and Leolu's final explosion, I guess I would definitely have to challenge again! If it wasn't for Leolu's insistence, I would have been prepared to Surrender."

Wang Hao still felt unreal about winning, and silently attributed the reason for winning to luck.Serena was obviously used to Wang Hao's humility and didn't take it seriously.The two returned to the Pokémon Center in Golden City together, and allowed Miss Joey to restore Pokémon's health.Afterwards, the two registered two more lounges at Ms. Joy's, intending to take a good night's rest and discuss future plans.

"Serena, which gym will you challenge next?"

"I am challenging Sinnoh's Daye Tianwang, and the Gymnasiums in the Kanto area he designated are the Dark Gray Gym and the Red Lotus Gym! So my next target is naturally the Red Lotus Town where the Red Lotus Gym is located. "

"Is that so! Are you going to challenge the Red Lotus Gym now?"

"The Red Lotus Gym is a fire-type gym in the Kanto area. It shouldn't be particularly troublesome to deal with the Pokémon I currently have. But I don't plan to challenge the Red Lotus Gym immediately, because I I also want to see this Pokémon world everywhere, I don’t want to run around just to challenge the gym!"

"Sure enough, your thoughts are the same as mine! I don't plan to challenge the Light Red Gym immediately! You must have heard about the incident of the Rockets attacking the headquarters of Silver Company before. I want to go to the Rockets base in Yuhong City to check Come on, do you want to come with me?"

"The base of the Rocket Team in Yuhong City? You mean the base under the Yuhong Game City? Will this version of the place that almost all Pokémon players know still exist? But it's okay to go and have a look, I think so too Will be the legendary Team Rocket!"

"Speaking of the Rockets, haven't you met those Rockets players? They don't challenge the league like us and join the league team, but choose to become a member of the Rockets and take a different game route! At the beginning of the game The main player can be anything you want, so even if you want to be a member of Team Rocket, you can do it! Isn’t it fun?”.

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