Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 620 Attempt to break through the aura

The little Suzuan who was awakened by Tianxi from the soil has been following her dutifully, very well-behaved, without even the slightest doubt.Sure enough, as Tianxi said, as long as you touch Little Diamond's ears when he is about to wake up, you can get his approval.Wang Hao and his group just followed behind Tianxi and Xiao Suizuan and walked deep underground.

Some rays of light gradually appeared in the dark underground, although not as strong as sunlight, but it was enough for people to see everything around them clearly.At this time, a large group of small broken diamonds appeared.They immediately surrounded Tianxi, accompanied by various emotions of relief, joy and blame.Wang Hao guessed that Tianxi's departure had brought too many negative emotions to the little diamonds in the entire diamond mining country, which is why they seemed so excited at this moment.

Watching the little broken diamonds jumping up and down, Wang Hao, Xiao Wei and Peng Yu didn't bother them, but stood quietly in the distance.Tianxi also seemed to have no choice but to be surrounded by her own people, and then explain to them the reasons for her escape bit by bit.Although the little diamond that was awakened by Tianxi was a bit out of place at first, it quickly merged into the other small diamonds, and gradually became one with the surrounding small diamonds.Wang Hao suddenly felt that maybe what Tianxi did was right, and that the little broken diamond should belong to this diamond mining country.

After explaining for a while, Tian Xi began to introduce Wang Hao and his party to the little diamonds.The little diamonds were full of curiosity about the humans who had traveled with the princess, and immediately surrounded them.Xiaowei and Pengyu suddenly became a little nervous. After all, the number of small broken diamonds they faced was quite a lot, but they were completely relieved after Wang Hao's explanation.The cute looks of the little diamonds don't seem too threatening. Now that they are completely relieved, Xiaowei and Pengyu start to interact with them.Who can resist such a cute little guy?
Just when Wang Hao and his party were happily interacting with the little diamonds, another group of small diamonds came from a distant place.The leading little diamond looks a little different from the surrounding small diamonds, and the fluff on its body hangs down like a skirt.When the little diamonds around noticed his approach, they all stepped out of the way so that they could approach Tianxi by the shortest route.

"Princess? Are you back? How can you run out into the outside world without saying a word? Do you know how dangerous it is outside? If you have any troubles, I, the minister, will become a sinner through the ages!" "

Xiao Suizuan, who claimed to be a minister, rushed in front of Tian Xi, muttering non-stop.Although it looks a little anxious, it also looks very cute.Feeling the atmosphere of this underground diamond mining country, Wang Hao couldn't help laughing.Although most Pokémon live in groups, relatively few exist in the form of a country like the Diamond Mining Country.Maybe they don't have the complicated systems and rules of human beings, but each of them is happy and cares about each other.This is much simpler than humans.

When Tianxi saw the minister, she immediately apologized. After all, she ran out on her own initiative. It would be a very bad thing to throw the whole country to the minister.However, the minister didn't care about these things, he felt that as long as the little princess Tianxi could come back smoothly, it was more important than anything else.Tianxi once again explained to the minister what she had encountered when she went out, and then introduced Wang Hao and his party to him.The minister expressed his gratitude to Wang Hao and his party who assisted her during Tianxi's departure, and welcomed them to the diamond mining country.

Wang Hao didn't want to disturb the current atmosphere of the diamond mining country, but if they continue to go on like this, he might not know when they will try the method of destroying the aura mentioned by Yveltal.Therefore, Wang Hao took the initiative to bring the topic to this matter.Tianxi also quickly issued an order to the minister to summon the members of the small diamond who have mastered the power of the rock attribute.If you want to quickly gather the attribute power in the air, then naturally the Pokémon with attribute power is the most suitable.

Even for quasi-god-level Pokémon, mastering the power of attributes is not an easy task!Although there are many small broken diamonds in the diamond mining country, there are only fifteen of them who really master the power of rock properties.When these fifteen small diamonds appeared in front of Tianxi, the other small diamonds retreated one after another.They knew that the next thing to do was very important, so they didn't intend to continue to disturb Tian Xi and Wang Hao's group here.In addition to the fifteen small broken diamonds that have mastered the power of attributes, there are also ministers.Obviously the minister wanted to stay by Tianxi's side all the time, so he stayed.

"I'm sorry, everyone! If I were a qualified Tianxi, then I wouldn't have to worry about it now! Because I haven't mastered the method of making sacred diamonds, so our diamond mining country has to rely on the old Tianxi to keep it. The sacred diamonds are used to maintain the operation! Now because of the weird aura, we cannot use those sacred diamonds, and the operation of the mining country is about to face difficulties. It is all my fault! Sorry!"

"Your Royal Highness, you don't need to apologize! You have already found a way to break the aura for the mining country. As long as we can successfully break the weird aura, then with the remaining sacred diamonds, it is still enough for our diamond mining country to run for a hundred years! As long as If you can master the method of making sacred diamonds within a hundred years, then naturally it will not be a crisis! The queens of all ages have gone through many trials before they really mastered the method of making sacred diamonds, so don't be too impatient!"

The reason why Tianxi was able to become the supreme ruler of the diamond mining country was because she was an extremely rare mutant among the small diamonds. Only when the previous Tianxi died would a new Tianxi appear; On the one hand, it is because Tianxi can produce sacred diamonds, which provide energy sources for the operation of the diamond mining country.The Tianxi in front of her was only called a princess by the ministers, not a queen. The biggest reason was that she hadn't mastered the method of making sacred diamonds and hadn't really become a queen.

Wang Hao didn't know until this moment that Tianxi was so persistent in looking for Xernias for this reason.If Tianxi in front of him can make sacred diamonds by himself, then he doesn't need to care about the aura covering part of the sacred diamonds.In Wang Hao's impression, the ability to make sacred diamonds seems to come from the Super Diancie, which means that the Diancie in front of him cannot successfully complete the super evolution.

Super evolution itself is a special evolution that triggers the ultimate power in Pokémon, and generally requires the guidance of super stones and key stones.But in some legendary Pokémon, these two props are not needed, and they can fully achieve independent super evolution, such as the Rift and Latios that Wang Hao has already come into contact with.In addition to these two Legendary Pokémon, Legendary Pokémon such as Mewtwo, Latias, and Diancie are also able to complete super evolution on their own. As for how they achieved this evolution, Wang Hao has no idea. And know.

Because of the minister's reassurance, Tianxi was no longer depressed, and immediately led the little diamonds and Wang Hao to a huge space.This space is as big as a football field, and the surrounding walls are inlaid with diamonds of various shapes and colors, shining with light, very dazzling.In the middle of it is placed a bunch of large and small pink diamond-shaped long diamonds that contain huge energy.Wang Hao guessed that it should be the so-called sacred diamond.Tian Xi didn't bring Wang Hao and the others into it, but stopped at the entrance.

"Going forward, we will reach the range of the aura, let's start trying here! I will be the first to gather the rock attribute power in the air later, and you will start to gather after me! Don't use the attribute power It is enough to inhale the body and linger around us like this! Only when the power of the attribute is gathered to a sufficient extent can the impact be launched! And this critical moment should be directed by Wang Hao! Your waveguide power can sense the strength of the energy, although It’s just a rough idea, but it’s enough to compare the energy of the aura and the energy we have gathered!”

Originally, Tianxi could not participate in the gathering of energy, but she was worried that the small diamonds alone would not be enough to form the energy that threatened the aura, so she chose to join the team that gathered rock attributes.Tianxi was extremely relieved to hand over the key to impacting the aura to Wang Hao. After all, there is nothing more suitable for sensing energy changes and strength than the power of the waveguide.

Wang Hao didn't refuse Tianxi's request, and directly spread out his waveguide power.Because of the waveguide perception, he felt the range and strength of the aura all at once.He also understands why Tianxi's forceful attempt ended in failure before, the intensity of this aura is much, much scarier than the aura that appeared and controlled Sticky Bao before.If Sticky Treasure was affected by this aura at that time, I really don't know what the consequences would be.

Feeling Wang Hao's waveguide power, Tianxi also began to gather the rock attribute power in the air.The strength of these rock attributes gives people a heavy feeling. When they gather around Tianxi little by little, it seems that a gravity field is slowly opening.The ministers and little diamonds behind Tianxi also gathered the strength of the rock attribute.Xiao Wei and Peng Yu who stood aside could only feel an inexplicable force in the air exerting pressure on them, making their feet heavy as if filled with cement.They knew that they were not suitable to stay here, so they quickly retreated a lot.

As Serena and Peng Yu retreated, Tianxi also began to increase the gathering of rock power.Some tiny cracks began to appear on the originally flat ground, as if it was almost unable to withstand the terrifying rock force.Parts of the bodies of the little drills have already begun to sink into the soil, which shows how high the strength of the rock is.

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