Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 622 Super Tianxi

Yveltal's method of energy concentration has successfully resolved the aura phenomenon that surrounds the sacred diamonds of the diamond mining country.However, the crisis in the diamond mining country has not been truly resolved because of this, and all the sacred diamonds that serve as the energy for the diamond mining country to operate have lost their energy.It is actually not difficult to solve this crisis, as long as Tianxi masters the method of making sacred diamonds.But the problem is, Tianxi doesn't know how to make sacred diamonds at all, and doesn't know where to start?

When everyone didn't know what to do, Serena suddenly burst out with an inexplicable sixth sense.Because of the special sixth sense, Wang Hao also encouraged Tianxi to try to condense the sacred diamonds at this time by using the usual method of condensing diamonds.Tianxi originally refused, but for the sake of the people and the entire diamond mining country, she still chose to try.However, the process of this attempt is a bit long.

Why is it such a long process?The main reason is that Tianxi's thoughts are too messy now. She is afraid that she will never be able to master the correct method of making sacred diamonds, and she is also worried about the safety of the entire diamond mining country.For the sake of thousands of small diamonds, and for the future of the diamond mining country, Diancie must thoroughly master the method of making sacred diamonds.Such pressure has been lingering in her heart, making her unable to condense the diamonds for a long time.

Wang Hao understood Tianxi's current situation, so he didn't urge her, but just stood aside.At this time, he could only rely on Tianxi himself, and anyone's help was meaningless.And after Tianxi went through a series of ideological struggles, she finally sorted out the most important thing.This important thing is to protect the entire diamond mining country and every small diamond.This is her responsibility as Diancie, and also her responsibility as the little princess of the Diamond Mine Country.

With only one thought in mind, Tian Xi slowly raised her hands, and then began to condense the carbon elements in the surrounding space.Because of the impact of the power of the aura and the power of the rock attribute before, the entire space is now filled with these two forces.Tianxi needs to find the last remaining carbon element in these two forces, which is much more difficult than usual for her to condense diamonds by herself.But Tian Xi didn't give up, she didn't give up until her hands were obviously sore.

It is not the first time that the minister and the little diamonds around have seen their little princess condense diamonds, but this time they always feel a little different.The main difference lies in the speed of cohesion. As long as Tianxi raised his hands before, dots of diamonds were formed immediately, and they continued to grow.But now, not to mention diamonds, even the gleams of light have not been seen.The minister couldn't bear it any longer. He felt that the little princess was under too much pressure, so he couldn't condense the diamonds as usual.He was about to reach out to stop Tian Xi's cohesion, but this action was stopped by Wang Hao.

At this time, if the minister really prevents Tianxi from condensing diamonds, it will increase the pressure on Tianxi instead.It should be allowed to let Tianxi continue to condense, even if it is only ordinary diamonds, it is enough to prove that she has the intention to contribute to the diamond mining country.Even if nothing is condensed in the end, it doesn't matter at all. The ministers and the little diamonds have seen her hard work and dedication, and that's enough.

At this moment, a burst of intense light burst out from Tian Xi's body.Wang Hao felt the strong vitality from the light, obviously this is a kind of evolutionary light.Ke Tianxi does not have an evolutionary type in the strict sense, only a super evolutionary type.Could it be that Tianxi is undergoing a super evolution at this moment?why is that?Isn't this too sudden?The dazzling light didn't last long. When the light disappeared, what appeared in front of everyone was an extremely beautiful Pokémon.

The pink diamond on Di Anxi's head is now a heart-shaped pink diamond!Two white gauze ribbons appear at the crown of the head, with two tiny octahedral diamonds at the ends of the gauze ribbons; the rock on the lower part of the body is replaced by a large pink diamond, surrounded by multiple long strips of diamonds.This is obviously what Super Tianxi looks like, but why did Tianxi suddenly evolve at this time?Wang Hao was very puzzled.But things that puzzled him continued.

After Super Tianxi appeared, pink fluorescence began to appear between her hands. These fluorescences contained a large amount of energy, and were condensing and piling up bit by bit, finally forming a thin Long pink long diamond.Is this the holy diamond?Wang Hao was still a little puzzled, but the ministers and the little diamonds have already hurriedly picked up the long pink diamond, looking at it carefully and feeling it.

"That's right! That's right! It's a sacred diamond! Our little princess has finally become a queen in her own right! Queen Tianxi's unique white veil and the power to make sacred diamonds! We don't have to worry about sacred diamonds anymore, Diamond Mine The country can continue to run for thousands of years!"

The minister couldn't calm down after looking at it for a while. He had been looking forward to this day, and now he finally saw Tianxi become the real queen of this diamond mining country.Excitement not only appeared on the minister, but even the little diamonds jumped happily.Super Tianxi didn't stop the manufacture of sacred diamonds, she seemed to be taking advantage of this opportunity to stockpile more sacred diamonds, and kept condensing them.

After being excited for a while, the ministers and the little diamonds devoted their energies to arranging the sacred diamonds.Wang Hao, Xiao Wei and Peng Yu and his party stood aside and watched all this silently.They also want to help, but the cooperation of the little diamonds is perfect, there is nothing to intervene, so they can only watch.Wang Hao took advantage of this gap to continue thinking about how Tianxi achieved independent super-evolution?After all, everything that happened here just now was almost in his perception.

The most obvious change in the entire space is the various energies. Among these energies, the previous aura energy and the gathered rock attribute energy have disappeared most thoroughly.The disappearance of rock-attribute energies is understandable, after all, one of the energies that must be expended in the process of compressing carbon.Super Diancie has produced so many sacred diamonds one after another, so naturally it needs to consume a lot of rock attribute energy.But why did that part of the aura energy disappear?
Wang Hao carefully recalled all the previous details, only to find that the energy of the aura disappeared almost at the same time, that is, the moment when Tianxi's whole body began to emit light.Could it be that these aura energy contributed to Tianxi's super evolution?After Niu Nibao absorbed the energy of the aura, his body shape changed dramatically and his strength improved to a certain extent.Even after the energy of the aura is exhausted, it directly triggers the evolution.Although this is most likely an evolution brought about by the accumulation of sticky treasure itself, it is also related to the energy of the aura.Therefore, it is very likely that Tianxi's super evolution is due to the absorption of energy from the surrounding aura.

Regarding this point, we can only confirm it after Super Tianxi has finished working on the sacred diamond.Wang Hao didn't continue to dwell on this issue, but turned his attention to Super Tianxi.The small broken diamonds around gradually increased, and most of them came here because they felt the energy of the sacred diamonds.Originally, they just thought that Tianxi and the others had successfully destroyed the aura, but they didn't expect to see the appearance of Super Tianxi after arriving here.

Although these little diamonds did not participate in the handling of the holy diamonds by the minister and the fifteen small diamonds, they stayed closely beside Super Tianxi.It seems that as long as they feel the breath of Super Tianxi at close range, they can bring them great benefits.Wang Hao didn't know what the relationship was, but because of the appearance of these small broken diamonds, the speed of making sacred diamonds has obviously increased a lot.

The production of the sacred diamond lasted for about an hour, and then Super Diancie completely released the super-evolved appearance, and changed back to the original appearance of Diancie.Making sacred diamonds also consumes a lot of energy for Tianxi. When she returned from super Tianxi's appearance, she was obviously a little weak.If it wasn't for the minister beside her who was already ready to help Tianxi, she would have fallen down very likely.Obviously, Tianxi's current state needs a good rest.Wang Hao didn't continue to ask about the super evolution, but waited for her to have a full rest before talking to her.

"How did I become like that at the time? Actually, I have no memory at all! At that moment, my mind was blank, and the only thing that supported my action was the idea of ​​protecting the entire diamond mining country! Because I want to protect everyone , so the surrounding power began to pour into my body, making me have endless power! As for the manufacturing method of the sacred diamond, I have no impression at all! I don’t even know how to condense the power at that time I don't know!"

The surrounding power poured into Tian Xi's body?This is indeed somewhat similar to the situation in which Sticky Treasure was influx of aura energy before. Combined with the disappearance of aura energy at that time, it can be said that Tianxi's super evolution this time is indeed due to the aura energy.This is obviously not a normal super evolution. If Tianxi wants to re-evolve into the appearance of super Tianxi, he must go through a different test!
"Fortunately, I have produced enough sacred diamonds this time, and the diamond mining country will not be troubled by energy problems for the next 300 years! However, these 300 years are also a deadline for me! I have tried it, No matter what, I can’t re-enter the state at that time, and the crisis in the diamond mining country still exists! This time, I still want to thank Wang Hao for insisting that I try to make diamonds, otherwise my people will be in danger!”

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