Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 635 The Underground Research Institute in Miare City

Ultimate Necrozma not only took away the sundial of Baike City, but also took away Wang Hao's Zeraora.Such a result left Wang Hao completely unwilling, but now there is no time for Wang Hao to continue to be upset.In order to stop Ultimate Necrozma, Wang Hao's search for legendary Pokémon in various regions will continue!Zernias provided Wang Hao with clues about the core of Kigard and asked Wang Hao to investigate.

"Besides me, Yveltal, and Ziggard, there are other legendary Pokémon in the Carlos area, but I don't know where they are! I want to find all the legendary Pokémon, and Obtaining their assistance is not an easy task! However, as a waveguide messenger, you should not have any problems! You don’t need to worry too much about Zeraora, it can be listed as a legendary Pokémon It's not that simple to be subdued by the existence of others!"

Except for some information about Zygarde's core, Xerneas can no longer provide any information about other Legendary Pokémon.However, Wang Hao is not too worried, because as long as Kigard is found, the three Pokémon in the Carlos area will basically be united.In the Carlos area, there are only six Pokémon that can be included in the legendary level. In addition to the three atmospheric Pokémon, they are the Jewel Pokémon, Diancie; the Steam Pokémon, Volkenion; Super Demon God, Hoopa.

Tian Xi, Wang Hao and his party have already met and received her assistance and approval.Now only Polkenion, Hoopa, and Ziggard remained.If this trip to Miare City can meet Kigard, then the follow-up search will be easier.However, there is another question that Wang Hao is most concerned about now, that is, what will happen to the Carlos area that lost the sundial?

"That sundial has been standing here since ancient times. When it first appeared, it brought light to the Carlos area, but it also exhausted all the energy in it! After a long period of continuous absorption of solar energy, it has now accumulated a huge amount of energy. Light energy! These energies are just what the ultimate Necrozma needs, so he insists on snatching the sundial! For the Kalos area, the sundial also has an important function, which is to define morning and evening. Once the sundial disappears, then There will be no more obvious morning and evening in the Carlos area! In the next time, there will be no night in the Carlos area, and this is the biggest impact!"

Ge Jihua explained the function of the sundial in detail, which made Wang Hao completely speechless.Such an important thing was snatched away by the ultimate Necrozma?Why not have the entire Carlos Alliance come here to stop Ultimate Necrozma?If all the members are mobilized, there may still be hope to leave the sundial behind!Zeraora wouldn't be taken away by Ultimate Necrozma!
"You have already seen the strength of Ultimate Necrozma. It is not something that can be solved with a few more trainers or a few more Pokémon! In the future that I predicted at the beginning, there was no such thing The accident happened, so I didn't plan in advance! And even if the alliance is notified, there should not be many manpower there, after all, the entire Carlos area is now under the influence of the aura! This incident is mine Negligence, I will take Zeraora back in the duel with Ultimate Necrozma!"

Not only was the sundial taken away, but Wang Hao's Pokémon was also taken away.Such a result was completely beyond Ge Jihua's prediction. In order to be responsible for this result, Ge Jihua made an oath to take back Zeraola!In fact, Wang Hao also knew that it would be difficult to deal with this incident even if he united the entire Carlos Alliance, so when Ge Jihua said that he would take back Zeraola, he was already relieved.

"Zernias! Are you leaving now? Where should I look for you when I fight Ultra Necrozma?"

When Xernias turned to leave, Wang Hao asked him the most critical question.If there is a battle with Ultimate Necrozma at that time, Xernias is a key combat force, and if he does not get his assistance, it will be a serious problem.Both Tianxi and Yveltal were waiting at a place known to Wang Hao, so it wasn't a big problem!

"Don't worry! When the war starts, I will appear! You are not the only ones who want to protect the safety of the Pokémon world, but all of our Pokémon are also like this! The power of Ultimate Necrozma makes me feel a lot Surprised, in order to fight against him, I need to further improve my strength! You don't need to deliberately look for me, I will take the initiative to come to you at that time! Continue to look for other legendary Pokémon, the messenger of waveguide!"

After saying this, Xerneas jumped into the sea, and then disappeared.Ge Jihua still needs to report the specific situation of the Battle of Baike City to the Carlos Alliance, and at the same time explain the seizure of the sundial.Therefore, we cannot take action with Wang Hao and his party for the time being!Wang Hao expressed his understanding of this, and then he, Serena and Peng Yu set off towards Miare City.

Wang Hao and his party had just fought against the Ultra Beast, Tie Huo Hui Ye in Miare City before, and now they are going back there again.At that time, Miare City evacuated all the residents because of the deprivation of electricity, and Wang Hao and others did not conduct a detailed investigation of the city.Now because of Xernias' reminder, they are going to conduct a detailed investigation.After all, there was no way of knowing which weird research institute Xerneas was referring to.

Wang Hao also asked Ge Jihua about the research institute in Miare City. She said that there is only one research institute in Miare City, which is called the Bratano Pokémon Research Institute.But this research institute has nothing to do with the weirdness that Xernias said. There is only a research institute for super stones and keystones, and there are no Pokémon!The Carlos Alliance also stated that there is only one research institute in Miare City, and that the research institute was completely closed after the power outage caused by Tiehuo Kaguya, and it is impossible to have any connection with Kigard.So the current puzzle can only be solved by Wang Hao and his party.

"I just went online to find some information about Zygurd! In previous versions, Team Flare, an evil organization in the Carlos area, seems to have captured Zygurd's core and conducted research on it. The leader of Team Flare, Fradari, seems to have a special research institute engaged in the research of various Pokémon, and that research institute seems to be in the city of Miare! This should be an important clue for us, we can first If you look for industries related to Fradari in Miare City, maybe you can find the hidden research institute?"

Serena, who is good at finding information, found some information about Kigard in the first place, and these contents also provided some clues to Wang Hao and the others.Although the hidden research institute can be found through the investigation of Wang Haobo's power, it will take a lot of time.Now there are clues from two research institutes, Wang Hao only needs to go to these two places to check first, and then make other plans.

Although the threat of Tie Huo Hui Ye has been lifted, Miare City has not yet restored power, and the people have not yet returned.Knowing that Wang Hao and others were going to Miare City to find information about Kigard, the Carlos Alliance did not immediately arrange for the return of the people, leaving enough time for Wang Hao and the others to investigate.After arriving in Miare City, Wang Hao and his party first went to the Bratano Pokémon Research Institute to investigate.It's just that the situation there is no different from what Carlos League and Gujihua said, it is empty, and there is nothing else except some instruments.

The investigation of the first research institute was fruitless, so Wang Hao and his party set their sights on Team Flare's research institute.However, the Carlos Alliance is not aware of the existence of Team Flare's research institute, so it cannot provide any useful information.Finding a hidden research institute in the sprawling city of Miare can seem a bit like searching for a needle in a haystack.However, Serena quickly found an industry related to the Flame in Miare City, that is Fradari Cafe!As a cafe named after the leader of Team Flare, it is naturally part of the property of Team Flare!The cafe is located in Rose Square, not far from the Pokémon Center.

Without any delay, Wang Hao and his party headed for Fradali Cafe immediately.The moment a group of people entered the cafe, Wang Hao launched the power of waveguide to investigate.Through the power of the waveguide, Wang Hao discovered that there is a special passage on the wall behind the bar counter in the cafe that connects to other places.Although they don't know where the passage finally connects, Wang Hao and others feel that this seems to be the place they want to find.The three of them continued to move forward along the passage, and then they saw a huge factory that was brightly lit and constantly in operation.

"Didn't the power of the entire Miare City be deprived by Tie Huo Huiye? It has not been restored yet! Why are the lights here still bright and the machines running non-stop? Doesn't this belong to Miare City? We are from the city. The rose square in the center entered here, this must be Team Flare's research institute! It's really deep enough to hide!"

Serena was very curious about everything here, but he didn't dare to explore it blatantly.The lights are bright here, so it proves that at least there are people working here.And these people are most likely members of the evil organization in the Carlos area, Team Flare.If the members of the Flame team found out that their research institute had been infiltrated by outsiders, they would definitely dispatch all of them to arrest Wang Hao and his party!So, from now on, all actions need to be careful and prudent.

"There is an empty lounge on the left, let's hide in there first! It's not sure if this is the so-called Flame team's laboratory, but as a special place hidden under the cafe, there must be something Strange! Since we are all here, let’s do a good investigation! I will first use the power of the waveguide to investigate the surrounding situation, and then formulate a route based on the results of the investigation!”

In order to carry out the detection work better, Wang Hao needs to expand the scope of the waveguide detection to the maximum, and this process will take some time, so it is very easy to be found here, so he chooses to hide in the empty lounge.This method is the most efficient method at present, so Xiao Wei and Peng Yu didn't have any opinions and acted quickly.After entering the lounge, Wang Hao began to release his waveguide power on a large scale, and gradually discovered the situation here.

There are a large number of researchers here, and the research they are engaged in is basically related to Pokémon.In Wang Hao's perception, almost every researcher's working environment has many Pokémon imprisoned in cages.It's just that these Pokémon are mainly small Pokémon, and I haven't seen large Pokémon for the time being.There are many types of these small Pokémon, and they have all kinds of attributes.However, each researcher only studies Pokémon of one attribute, and the division of labor is very clear.

In addition to perceiving the surrounding environment, the most important point of waveguide detection is that it can perceive the emotions of creatures.Whether it is a human being or a Pokémon, any emotion can be captured.The madness of the researchers and the fear of Pokémon were all captured by Wang Hao.Although there are a large number of Pokémon Research Institutes in the Pokémon World, they are basically research institutes that do not restrict the freedom of Pokémon and observe their living habits.The most representative of such research institutes are Dr. Oki's research institute, Dr. Yew's research institute, Dr. Oda Maki's research institute and so on.

Research institutes that force Pokémon to carry out research work are not recognized by the Pokémon Alliance, so they cannot be regarded as formal research institutes.No wonder this place is hidden underground in the city of Miare, it's an informal place at all.Even if Kigard's core is not here, Wang Hao feels that it is necessary to report the situation here to the Carlos Alliance, so as to rescue these trapped Pokémon in the future.Wang Hao did not startle the snake immediately, but continued to investigate other places!After transferring from the lounge near the entrance, Wang Hao and his party came to a room full of bottles and cans, but there was no staff for the time being.

There, Wang Hao launched the second large-scale waveguide exploration.But this time, Wang Hao detected not only researchers in white coats, but also a large number of people in orange uniforms.A special pattern resembling a torch is embroidered on the left chest of these uniforms.According to this pattern, Wang Hao recognized these people as members of Team Flare, and also judged that this place was indeed the secret research institute of Team Flare.What caught Wang Hao's attention the most during this investigation was that two of the members of Team Flare were carrying a strange Pokémon!
This Pokémon looks like a puppet, grayish yellow, with a pair of ears and a tail!It's just that the pair of ears are now being held by two members of Team Flare, so it's impossible to determine what the structure is!At this time, the state of this Pokémon is very bad, it seems to be dying!What exactly did Team Flare do to this Pokémon?What kind of Pokémon is he?

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