Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 721 The Arrival of the Bond

By exchanging Xanadu's super stone and key stone to the system, Wang Hao allowed Xanadu to successfully complete the super evolution, showing a strong momentum.However, in the face of Super Xanadu, N and Reshiram also showed their true skills.Reshiram directly turned on the overfrequency drive mode, raising the flame energy he could generate to the limit.It is said that in this mode, Reshiram can even use moves that change the climate and destroy the world when he concentrates his power.

Super Xanadu is very strong, but Reshiram in overclocking mode is even stronger.Facing Reshiram in this mode, Wang Hao didn't dare to think big just because he had a Super Pokémon.He immediately let Super Shanaido use the skill of the mist field, and continued to limit Reshiram's dragon attribute.Then he launched an offensive with powerful spiritual power, trying to inflict damage on Reshiram at a slightly higher speed.However, the psychic thoughts that appeared around Reshiram stopped abruptly without causing any harm.

Wang Hao looked at this scene with some surprise, but Super Shanaido understood it instantly.It's not that she didn't use her strong mind skills, but was sealed by Reshiram after she used them.There is only one possibility that can do this, and that is that Reshiram casts the sealing skill while Super Xanadu releases the skill.This skill is very useless under normal circumstances, because it needs to meet a condition before it can be used, that is, the opponent and oneself have the same skills and moves.

The fact that the strong mind is sealed means that Reshiram has also mastered the skill of strong mind, and his mental power is no weaker than that of Super Xanadu.Super Xanadu itself uses the superpower attribute, and she has an innate advantage in the control of spiritual power.But Reshiram didn't, he relied entirely on his own terrifying power.When Super Xanadu explained to Wang Hao that his strong mind skills were sealed by Reshiram, Wang Hao was immediately dumbfounded.

If Reshiram has such a strong performance in terms of superpower attributes, then he must have even more impressive strength in his own fire and dragon attributes.The effect of the field of mist suppressed the power of Reshiram's dragon attribute skills, so he was obviously unlikely to choose skills in this area.Wang Hao guessed that Reshiram should still work hard on fire-attributed skills and moves.Moreover, Reshiram in the overclocking mode can explode extreme flame power, and the power of the fire attribute skills displayed cannot be evaluated by the power of general skills and moves at all.

Sure enough, after sealing Super Xanadu's mental power, the flame of Reshiram's internal test at the root of his tail burned violently.Then, a huge flame appeared above Reshiram's head, and it was still growing stronger.The flame finally grew to be five times the size of Reshiram before it stopped growing, but such a fireball is also nearly 16 meters in size, which is very terrifying.Needless to say, everyone knows how powerful a fireball of this size is. Therefore, Wang Hao can only let Super Xanadu and Koga Ninja Frog jointly launch an offensive to deal with it.

Koga Ninja is naturally using his strongest skill, the water cannon.And Super Xanadu adds a layer of super power to the periphery of the water cannon to increase the power of the water cannon.However, the water cannon condensed by the Koga Ninja Frog is only twice his own size, which is about three meters in size.Even though the super power added by Super Xanadu is very powerful, the two energy groups with huge size differences still form a sharp contrast.The defensive offensive formed by Koga Ninja Frog and Super Xanadu is somewhat insufficient.

However, this is only an initial comparison.The Koga Ninja Toad suddenly exerted a force on the water cannon above its head, compressing the originally round water cannon into a water shuriken with a hexagram structure.Super Shanaido stirs up the surrounding superpowers to form a water shuriken that rotates at super high speed.It is not enough to rely on the combination of water cannon and super power to compete with Reshiram's flame offensive, so Wang Hao asked Super Xanadu and Koga Ninja to control the changes of their skills with their own power, and then cut them with high-speed rotating strength against the flames.

This wave of joint offensive can almost be said to embody the power of Koga Ninja Frog and Super Xanadu to the fullest, just to be able to collide with Reshiram's flame. Seeing such a joint move, N and Reshiram couldn't help becoming excited, and the fireball suddenly fell down, carrying a terrifying momentum of destroying everything.The high-speed rotating water shuriken also flew out while the fireball was moving, and the two collided violently in the air.The overflowing force generated by the collision even pushed Koga Ninja Frog, Super Xanadu, and Reshiram to a certain distance each.

The roaring sound kept ringing in my ears, and the storm of energy kept beating Wang Hao's face.Wang Hao, who has experienced countless battles, gradually formed a kind of self-confidence in the duel. This self-confidence comes from his control and mastery of the battle.But now he doesn't have such confidence in his heart.He couldn't control this kind of peak battle involving the first-level gods in Chaoshu, and he couldn't estimate whether the combination of Koga Ninja Frog and Super Xanadu was really enough to resist Reshiram.Therefore, at this moment, Wang Hao is only using his waveguide power to feel all this, and is looking forward to the final result.

The cutting force attached to the high-speed water shuriken jointly performed by Koga Ninja Frog and Super Xanadu is indeed very powerful, and it cuts the fireball abruptly.However, when the water shuriken cut into the center of the fireball, the power began to fade significantly.In the end, the fireball wasn't completely split in half.It's just that there is a huge gap.The appearance of this gap made the structure of the fireball unable to maintain balance, and finally exploded.The energy shock wave affecting the surroundings is actually basically the impact force produced when the fireball explodes.

When the impact of the collision calmed down, Wang Hao began to feel lucky!If he hadn't let the Koga Ninja Frog compress the power of the water cannon into a water shuriken just now, and hadn't let Super Xanadu stir up the super power, then maybe at this moment he and Super Xanadu and the Koga Ninja Frog They have all become the souls of the dead under the fire.Compared to Wang Hao's rejoicing, N and Rashiram were surprised.They never expected that the interlaced flame skill in overclocking mode would be so easily cracked by others.

Surprise, anger, and vicious emotions lingered in the minds of Reshiram and N all at once, and their attitudes towards Wang Hao, Koga Ninja Frog, and Super Shanaido had a very obvious change.Before, they only regarded Wang Hao as a small character who could be easily defeated, and they disdained to display their real power.But when Xanadu completed the super evolution and showed the power comparable to the legendary Pokémon, they had to get serious.Who would have thought that Koga Ninja and Super Xanadu could still block their flame attacks when the overclocking mode was activated.This moment made N and Reshiram wake up.

N and Rashiram could not allow themselves to be negligent in the process of pursuing the way of the future.Therefore, after the offensive of the staggered flames was over, N commanded Reshiram to use the battle cry skill again, in order to weaken the power of Koga Ninja Frog and Super Xanadu.After a roar, Reshiram's emotions were released, and his state improved a little.Dots of light began to appear around him, and quickly sank into his body, as if collecting these lights.

Although Wang Hao didn't know what Reshiram was doing, this kind of vision usually only indicated one situation, that is, the other party was accumulating energy.Judging from the energy contained in the light, Wang Hao guessed that it should be a grass attribute skill.Such a skill does not have much restraint for Super Shanaido, so this move must be aimed at the Koga Ninja Frog.With such a rough judgment, Wang Hao put the Koga Ninja on alert, and at the same time, he also lingered part of the waveguide power around the Koga Ninja, so as to play a supporting role at any time.

Why does Reshiram focus on Koga Ninja at this time?In fact, this is nothing more than a normal thing.The water attribute possessed by Koga Ninja Frog suppresses Reshiram's fire attack. In the case of suppressing the power of dragon attribute skills in the misty field, if the fire attack cannot gain some advantages, then the battle will become stalemate. .And this is not the result Rashiram wants to see.Secondly, the strength of Koga Ninja is weaker than that of Super Xanadu. With the strength of Reshiram, a restraint skill should be able to completely bring down Koga Ninja.It is common sense to pinch persimmons softly!

Koga Ninja didn't particularly care about being targeted.After all, he is currently unable to use the ability to change freely for the time being, and there is a big gap between his strength and Xanadu who has obtained super evolution.In some special cases, the Koga Ninja Frog is even ready to sacrifice itself for Super Xanadu's chance to attack.After all, he has the power of the Phoenix King's Guard in his body, which can save him from the risk of death.However, Wang Hao had already seen through the idea of ​​Koga Ninja Frog.

"Don't think that you can be unscrupulous with the power of the Phoenix King's Guard, and don't think about sacrificing to create opportunities for your companions. I won't allow you to do this kind of thing a third time! When you were Menus, I It was my negligence as a trainer that I failed to protect you! When Lucario and I were exploring the waveguide form, you blocked the fatal injury for us again, and that was also my negligence! Now, I absolutely You are not allowed to do such a thing again! Another point, I have been thinking about it until now. The power of the Phoenix King Guard is so powerful, the price to pay is only to lose the characteristics for a period of time? I guess, during the period of losing the characteristics , Feng Wang's immortal power should also be temporarily invalid! That is to say, if you face a life-and-death crisis this time, you will most likely die! I can't turn a blind eye to this situation, so, obediently hide behind me, Let me protect you for once!"

Wang Hao has always had doubts about the strength of the Fengwang Guards.The Koga Ninja Frog lost its characteristics for nearly two hours. Who knows the exact recovery time?If the Phoenix King's immortal power would lose its effect at the same time as losing its characteristics, then the Koga Ninja Frog can be said to be the most vulnerable existence in the field right now.Wang Hao didn't want Jiaga Ninja to take risks, especially in front of a full-blown Tier [-] God.Fighting on the premise of protecting the Koga Ninja Frog is Wang Hao's only idea now.

Super Xanadu understood Wang Hao's thoughts, so he directly crossed his palms and pushed them out, releasing powerful space power.This space force is continuously compressed, forming a black space cave the size of a ball in front of the palms.This is a small black hole formed by super Xanadu superimposing her own super power and space power, and it is also the ultimate power she burst out to protect something.No matter what Reshiram's next attack is, he must break through this black hole before he can get close to the Koga Ninja Frog.

According to legend, Xanadu will use all his spiritual power to cast the black hole only when he is guarding his trainer.Now, although the object she wants to protect is not Wang Hao, it is also the most important companion.Shanaido, like Wang Hao, witnessed the Koga Ninja Frog's sacrifice from Menus to its current appearance.The bond between her and Koga Ninja is no worse than that of Wang Hao, a trainer.

Feeling the protection of Wang Hao and Super Xanadu, Koga Ninja showed a slight smile on his mouth.Under his cool appearance, he has long been not used to smiling, but at this moment he smiled happily.Reshiram didn't pay attention to the subtle changes between Wang Hao, Koga Ninja and Super Xanadu, the light he gathered had reached its peak state.These rays of light turned him into a sun god-like existence, and then a beam of sunlight bombarded the Koga Ninja Frog.

Super Shanaido's black hole was the first to bear the brunt of the impact of the sun beam, but no matter how hard she tried to control the power of space to compress the explosion damage attached to the beam, she still couldn't completely stop it.However, at the moment when the sun beam broke through the black hole, Wang Hao's waveguide power also promptly built a defensive barrier in front of the Koga Ninja Frog.Wang Hao constantly released the power of the waveguide to supplement the energy of the defensive barrier and strengthen its defensive strength.But Wang Hao soon realized that his replenishment speed was still slower than that of sunlight after all.Seeing that the sun beam was about to break through the defensive barrier of the waveguide, Wang Hao's heart suddenly tugged.

At this moment, a dazzling light erupted from Koga Ninja Frog's body.At the same time, a voice appeared in the minds of Wang Hao and Xanadu: "No matter how terrible the opponent is, we have to face it together! Not only you want to protect me, but I also want to protect you!".At this moment, the fetters came!Not just the bond between trainers and Pokémon, but also the bond between Pokémon and Pokémon!

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