Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 723 The Dungeon Event Ends

The real future of N is based on the choices made by Pokémon, and it is a world based on the premise that only Pokémon and people who love Pokémon can exist.Ultimate Necrozma represents the side of Pokémon. He was betrayed by humans, deprived of light, and imprisoned in the ultimate metropolis, just like humans enslaved Pokémon.Helping Ultimate Necrozma occupy the Pokémon world, and then redefine the world, this is what N thinks the future should look like.

Wang Hao can't deny the fact that humans treat Pokémon wrongly, and he doesn't want to argue for these people.But he always feels that the relationship between people and Pokémon is not just about slavery and being enslaved. Many people love Pokémon from the bottom of their hearts and enjoy the world they live with.Travel with the original Pokémon, meet all kinds of wild Pokémon, interact with them, and then decide to set off towards the future together.There is nothing wrong with such an attitude!

N, who was trying to persuade Wang Hao, knew very well that this kind of conceptual debate was meaningless.It is impossible for Wang Hao to give up the future he believes in easily because of his few short words, and it is impossible for N to give up the way of the future he believes in.Fighting is inevitable for each other's future.N, who returned to Reshiram, gave instructions to Reshiram to jump into the air, and then condensed a super flame bomb.The size of the flame bomb is much larger than that of Reshiram, and its momentum is astonishing.

But apart from the amazing size of the flame bomb, more importantly, it actually started to change from ordinary orange-red to blue.This will be an extreme explosive bomb formed by Qingyan, and its power should be much stronger than Qingyan.The power of Qingyan itself is already very terrifying, and now there is an attack more powerful than Qingyan, Wang Hao feels awkward all of a sudden.However, this is obviously Reshiram's strongest move, as long as he accepts this move, the subsequent battles may be easier.

The water shuriken on the back of Koga Ninja Frog had been consumed in the previous collision with Qing Yan, and now he can only re-condense the water shuriken.Fortunately, the Koga Ninja Frog, which was in a bonded state, recondensed the water shuriken at a much faster speed than before.After Reshiram's ultimate explosive bomb stabilized, the water shuriken that bound the Koga ninja frog also just formed.However, even if the power of the water shuriken has been improved due to the characteristics of the bonded form, it is still a bit too reluctant to use this move to counter Reshiram's strongest flame attack!
Kizuna Koga Ninja Frog is naturally very aware of this, so he re-injected other powers he has mastered on the basis of the flying water shuriken, forming a golden water shuriken!The golden water shuriken is the strongest water attribute skill of Koga Ninja Frog, just to be able to compete with Reshiram.Of course, the attack Wang Hao wanted was more than that!He let Super Shanaido attach a powerful superpower attribute power to the golden water shuriken that binds the Koga ninja frog, and let this power increase the power of the golden water shuriken.In this way, Wang Hao has the capital to fight against Rashiram!
The ultimate explosive bomb that can burn everything and the golden water shuriken that can cut everything. When these two skills are collided, the entire space is dyed half red and half golden. N has absolute confidence in Reshiram's attack, and Wang Hao also has confidence in the combined skills of Koga Ninja Frog and Super Xanadu!The tip of the needle facing the wheat is the most appropriate modification to describe Wang Hao and N at this time.It's like their mutual future, no one wants to bow their heads!

The collision of energy even affected the aura of the entire dungeon activity space, causing the entire space to roar!Serena, who was watching all this from afar in the corner, didn't dare to take a breath at this time.Originally, Wang Hao put him here because he wanted him to take the opportunity to find the location of the third energy harvesting device, and then start destroying it!And he did!However, before he could find the location of the third device, he was stopped in the corner by the confrontation between Wang Hao and N.After feeling the terrifying momentum of Reshiram's ultimate explosive bomb, he was faintly worried!Although he had confidence in Wang Hao, he felt powerless in the face of such a strong attack!

When the golden water shuriken attacked Reshiram's ultimate explosive bomb, Serena was already trembling with nervousness!He naturally hopes that the golden water shuriken can defeat the ultimate explosive bomb, but he can't guarantee it!Staring at the moment when the two skills collided, seeing the turmoil in the space and the stained sky, his nervousness turned into excitement!Because the collision of these two skills is maintaining a delicate balance, neither one can break through the other!Serena was amazed by the power of the golden water shuriken, and at the same time felt lucky that Wang Hao's Koga Ninja Frog could deliver such a blow!In his opinion, Wang Hao might really be able to fight against the gods!

At this time, Wang Haozheng and Koga Ninja Frog, Super Xanadu felt the strength of Reshiram!To be honest, he didn't expect Reshiram's ultimate explosive bomb to be so powerful.The golden water shuriken that binds the Koga Ninja Frog is the withdrawal of all his power, but even with the super power of Super Xanadu, it is only to compete with this ultimate explosive bomb!What does this mean?This shows that Reshiram's strength is much stronger than the Koga Ninja Frog in the bonded form!The title of a first-level god is not called casually!
"After all, I still underestimated your Pokémon! A bonded Pokémon paired with a super Pokémon can actually raise the power to the point where it can rival the gods! This is also thanks to the relationship between these two Pokémon. This Koga Ninja Frog is very special. He is the reborn Pokémon of the Phoenix King. He cherishes being able to do it all over again, and he is also very attentive to getting along with his companions! It is precisely because of this that he can be free Reserve your own power to combine with other Pokémon! Frankly speaking, if it’s just his Pokémon’s power, it’s absolutely impossible to be the opponent of Reshiram! It’s really rare for you to have such a Pokémon ! But that's pretty much the end of the battle between us!"

N's sudden ending declaration made Wang Hao feel a little "zhanger's monk is confused".After all, in Wang Hao's view, no matter how terrifying Reshiram's strength is, he can still fight against him with the combination of Koga Ninja Frog and Super Xanadu!Why did N say the battle was over so quickly?Confused Wang Hao stared at N in a daze. N smiled before explaining.

"Do you really not know, or are you pretending to be stunned? What is the meaning of the existence of this space? Haven't you already understood it? Collect enough energy to allow the ultimate Necrozma to descend! The source of these energies is not Is it the impact energy generated when the battle collides? Before they estimated that this process would take about ten hours, but now, our collision is speeding up the process! Why did I not hesitate to let Reshiram perform a strong fire attack one after another? That is because Only in this way can the energy produced by the collision reach the most terrifying level! Your strength is indeed beyond my imagination, but you have also overlooked an important point! That is, the more powerful you are in this space, the more powerful you will be It is equivalent to accelerating the arrival of the ultimate Necrozma!"

N's words gave Wang Hao a sense of enlightenment. He did understand this space before, or the true meaning of this dungeon event, but he ignored the meaning of fierce battles here.In order to be able to defeat Reshiram, he triggered Xanadu's super evolution, and also made the Koga Ninja Frog explode into a bonded form far beyond its own limit.A sense of déjà vu of "helping the tyrant to abuse" came oncoming, and Wang Hao's previous efforts seemed to be in vain!
"It seems that you have figured it out! Then, while there is still a little time now, let me explain to you what I have seen, about your future! My ability can see through people's past and future. Before I I just used this ability to understand everything about you! I won’t comment on your past, you know it all anyway! The only thing that needs to be explained is your future! What I see is the word failure! Dao is doomed to fail, just like you failed to prevent the ultimate Necrozma from coming this time! Although you summoned many legendary Pokémon, even Zekrom and Kyurem stood on your side By my side, but you still failed! The future of the Pokémon world will not have your names, and even your existence will be wiped out after the defeat! Knowing the result, do you still want to persevere now? Yes In particular, let me explain to you that the future I see through is different from the future that others see through the ability to see through! What the ability to see through is only one of many possibilities in the future, and my vision is the future that best suits your own situation , which is the most likely thing to happen! Unless there is a miracle, your future is lost!"

Wang Hao really didn't think that his future would end in defeat!In order to fight against Ultimate Necrozma, he gathered Xerneas, Yveltal, Zigold, Diancie, Hoopa, Volkenion, Magearna, Goku There are seventeen Legendary Pokémon in total: Paluon, Delakion, Billizion, Keldeo, Land Cloud, Tornado Cloud, Thunder Cloud, Meloetta, Zekrom, and Kyurem!This lineup can be said to be absolutely shocking in any battle, but if it is based on the future that N sees, this lineup lost!Even if the opponent is not only Ultra Necrozma, but also other Ultra Beasts and the team that betrayed the Pokémon world, it is still unbelievable that this lineup will lose.

"If this future is not what you want to see, then join us! Let's create a world without slavery together with Ultimate Necrozma! As long as you nod now, then I can work in Ultimate Necrozma When it comes, I will speak for you, and leave you in the new Pokémon world! You should think about it carefully, and don't waste your life for some insignificant people!"

This is the second time N persuaded Wang Hao to surrender!It is also the most reasonable time for him!Wang Hao really didn't think about the problem that he would lose. He always thought that as long as he got the approval of the legendary Pokémon enough to rival Ultimate Necrozma, the battle would be easily resolved!The moment he learned that he would lose in the future, he suddenly thought about this aspect!
Kizuna Koga Ninja and Super Xanadu walked to Wang Hao's side at this time, and then put their hands on Wang Hao's shoulders from left to right.Whether it's the Koga Ninja Frog or Super Xanadu, they all deeply felt Wang Hao's entanglement at this moment.They stood beside Wang Hao and put their hands on Wang Hao's shoulders. It was a silent declaration!They want to tell Wang Hao that no matter what the future result is, they will stay by Wang Hao's side!
Although Reshiram also returned to N's side, there was not much communication between them!On the one hand, this is because each other has a firm attitude towards everything they do; on the other hand, it is because they don't need too much communication to confirm anything!Looking at the relationship between Wang Hao and his Pokémon, N was in a daze for a moment, as if he was looking at the companionship of some Pokémon when he was young!He didn't urge Wang Hao to give an answer, but watched quietly!

Feeling the support of Kizuna Koga Ninja Frog and Super Xanadu, Wang Hao has a little more confidence in the future. Although N sees through his most likely future, it doesn't necessarily mean that the future will happen like this!If it takes a miracle to change this future, then Wang Hao will create a miracle!So many legendary Pokémon agree with the result of their choice, why should I worry about it?Wang Hao, who was no longer troubled by the future of failure, regained his senses, and turned to N and Reshiram's position to refuse.

"Since that's the future I chose, even if the final result is a loss or a defeat, I don't want to give up halfway! I didn't understand your intentions; even because of the fetters that broke out from the Koga Ninja Frog and Super Xanadu The power has intensified the process of the arrival of Ultimate Necrozma, these are my negligence! But the next time we face each other, I will not make such a mistake again!"

N and Rashiram didn't seem to be surprised by Wang Hao's choice!In their view, every existence with its own future will not give up lightly, even in the most difficult situation!This is also an important reason why Zekrom and Reshiram cannot agree with each other for so many years!They're bigots! N sat on Reshiram's back, and then slowly flew out of Wang Hao's sight! In the end, N only left a piece of advice to Wang Hao: "Since you insist on your choice, then take a good look with your eyes!".

N did not continue to entangle with Wang Hao, because now the energy collection has come to an end, he needs to go to a place to wait for the arrival of the ultimate Necrozma!And the moment N and Reshiram left, a system notification sounded in Wang Hao's mind: "This dungeon event is over! All surviving players will be transferred to the position when they entered, thank you for your participation! ".

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