Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 737 3v3 Fight With N

Because of the use of his own exclusive skill - the origin of the six paths, the Taoist dragon fell into a side effect of being unable to act for a certain period of time.Super Mewtwo Y is in a recovery state of self-regeneration because of being seriously injured by the source of six paths.It can be said that the confrontation between Super Mewtwo Y and Dao Shenlong has come to an end for the time being, but at this moment, N jumped off the back of Dao Shenlong, and wanted to stop Super Mewtwo Y, giving Dao The god dragon is trying to recover the posture of time.

Wang Hao, who was using the power of waveguide to restore Super Mewtwo Y, saw N walking step by step, took out a poke ball and released Lucario from it.Wang Hao handed over the recovery work to Lucario, while he chose to face N directly.Although Wang Hao can also restore Super Mewtwo Y while commanding the surrounding Pokémon to fight N, but that will definitely affect the effect of the restoration.He and N have the same purpose now, which is to buy time for Super Mewtwo Y and Tao Zhilong to recover.

"I never imagined that you could go this far! In my opinion, the path of the future you have chosen is extremely slim. So what if you have been recognized by almost all legendary-level Pokémon? You should know , Even legendary-level Pokémon still have a gap in strength! What surprised me the most was that the petite Pokémon behind you can actually force the Taoist Dragon to the point where it can use its exclusive skills. It’s amazing! My expectations for the Taoist Dragon are already very high, but I didn’t expect this Pokémon to be even better than the Taoist Dragon! I told you before, give up resistance, the new world There will be a place for you! The words are still valid even now!"

In N's plan, awakening the dragon of Tao is the most important part, and now it is almost not far from the realization of his plan.But the appearance of Wang Hao always gave him the illusion of being unexpected. He didn't like this feeling very much, so he hoped to get rid of Wang Hao in the shortest possible time.After all, the words of persuading surrender are just a kind of rhetoric of N. He doesn't think such words can move Wang Hao, but he still chooses to show his "good intentions" first.

"Why did Zekrom and Kyurem choose to unite against Reshiram? You should be very clear about this! It's because they have different ideas! As the saying goes, different ways don't conspire with each other. Why waste your words? ?In my opinion, the new world you are looking forward to is not a perfect world! Ultimate Necrozma came to the Pokémon world with hatred. His essence is to revenge those who deprived him of the light and imprisoned him. His human! What kind of world will be created with such a guy, you can know without thinking!"

The reason why Ultimate Necrozma chose to overthrow the Pokémon world and rebuild a new world is mainly to avenge the humans who deprived him of his light and imprisoned him in the ultimate metropolis!This motive was not pure from the very beginning. How could there be freedom and peace in the new world that such a guy talks about?Wang Hao doesn't trust the ultimate Necrozma, just like N doesn't trust the current human beings, there is no solution!

"Sure enough, there is one thing we are alike! That is, as long as you decide on something, you will do it regardless! No matter how much others tell you, it can't shake our will! The reason why the three dragons of Tao split from each other is that Because of this character! We are destined not to be able to come together, so let us use each other's strength to explain everything! Without the Taoist Dragon and your petite Pokémon, let's fight!"

After all, things turned out like this. Wang Hao actually had a premonition that there would be a break between himself and N, but he never thought it would be like this.In the previous battles, N could still rely on Reshiram, but now he can only rely on his own strength.Wang Hao didn't let Super Diancie, Magearna or Hoopa join the battle because it would be unfair to N.He intends to use his Pokémon to defeat N, so that he can be more convincing.

However, Wang Hao never imagined that the Pokémon released by N from the Poké Ball turned out to be Reshiram with the overall white tone and the appearance of a western dragon with wings!Obviously Reshiram has merged with Dark Kyurem to become the Dragon of Tao, why can N send a second Reshiram now?What happened to this second Reshiram?For a moment, Wang Hao didn't know how to react.

N didn't pay attention to Wang Hao's surprise, and he directly directed Reshiram to spray a large-character explosive flame towards Wang Hao's position.The huge flames showing the word "big" hit, Wang Hao could only deal with it quickly!He asked Super Xanadu to open the super energy circle to block the attack of the big character explosion.Then let Geng Gui escape into a different space, ready to perform the sneak attack of the subterranean surprise attack.The opponent is Reshiram, so Wang Hao doesn't have to abide by the so-called fair duel. The first-level god is terrible, and no one is allowed to be arrogant.

Geng Gui, who had sneaked up behind Reshiram by using the latent spirit attack, had already opened his claws and was about to launch an attack. At this moment, a scorching flame burst out from Reshiram's body.The orange flame guarded Reshiram, successfully blocking Gengar's sneak attack.Reshiram and the Dragon of Tao had used this kind of defense countless times before, and Wang Hao had no choice but to let Geng Gui retreat and distance himself from each other.

Super Xanadu, who blocked the explosion of big characters, focused her eyes on Reshiram, who was blazing all over her body. She frowned slightly, and then opened her mouth to cast the skill of charming voice.When the charming cry sounded, Reshiram immediately changed, from the original pure white to gray.Not really Rashiram?The gray figure, the crimson mane, and the appearance of standing on two feet reminded Wang Hao of the Pokémon he once traveled with, Zoroark!

Zoroark's characteristic is illusion, which can transform into any Pokémon, but this illusion will be broken when attacked.The Reshiram transformed by Zoroark just now can be said to be very similar, in terms of momentum, appearance, and even the application of skills.The only thing that makes Wang Hao feel a little lacking should be the color of the flame!Reshiram's exclusive blue flame is difficult to transform through simple steps, so Zoroark has not used the change effect of the blue flame just now, but chose to use basic fire skills such as big character explosion and flame defense.

If it wasn't for the restraining effect of Super Xanadu's enchanting voice on Zoroark, and this move was still a must-hit skill, then it would probably take some time for Wang Hao to see through Zoroark's illusion.Looking at N's Zoroark, Wang Hao can't help but think of the Zoroark bred by the energy of the world's original tree!Such opponents, Super Xanadu and Geng Gui couldn't help but froze for a moment.However, the guy in front of him is not the Zoroark before, and Super Xanadu and Geng Gui soon realized it.

"The Voice of Enchantment is really a useful skill! Although it's not very powerful, the sure hit effect and the impact on the spiritual level are still perfect! It just restrains all types of hallucinations! My Zoroark is still the first I was seen through the body so quickly by others, I don’t know what better performance you will have next! I can tell you in advance that my Zoroark is my initial Pokémon, and it is also the one that accompanies me in life. The longest Pokémon!"

Wang Hao is very clear about what the original Pokémon means!That is the Pokémon that spends the longest time with him and has the deepest bond, and it should also be the most powerful existence among all Pokémon. N pointed out Zoroark's strength so bluntly, because he didn't want Wang Hao to ignore this opponent because of Super Xanadu's attribute advantages.Wang Hao had already asked Geng Gui to return to his side. Since the opponent was Zoroark, most of Geng Gui's attacks would not have much effect on him.Now Zoroark's opponent should be Super Xanadu!

"Besides Zoroark, I have two other Pokémon who have been with me since I was a child! Let you see their strength together!"

After saying this, N threw the other two Poké Balls and released two Pokémon from them.One of them, Wang Hao, is also very familiar. He had met it when he was looking for Sanyunshen.Fiery red body; baboon-like shape; eyes with eyebrow-like flames that extend upward; and two orange seagull-like markings on the back.This is the explosive Pokémon with two modes, Dharma Baboon.The other Pokémon is very peculiar, with a small head-like structure on the upper end of the round body; a pair of wings growing on the left and right ends; a pair of black fork-like prongs on both sides of the body. Arms; the lower end is a tail shaped like wings!There are totem-like patterns on Yuanyuan's body, which are somewhat similar to Nianli clay puppets.In ancient cities, this kind of Pokémon is called the patron saint of the city, a Pokémon that patrols the city and resists invaders.And his name is, it symbolizes the bird!
Zoroark, Dharma Baboon, and Symbol Bird, N's three Pokémon are much more difficult to deal with than most Pokémon.Wang Hao now has Super Xanadu, Geng Gui and Mimi Q by his side.In the case of three vs. three, Wang Hao will suffer somewhat in terms of attributes, not to mention that they all have some special abilities.The illusion of Zoroark, the dual mode of Dharma Baboon, and the mysterious power that symbolizes the bird, can be said to be ruthless characters!
Immediately after the appearance of the symbol bird and Dharma baboons, the offensive was launched.The first attack was the symbol bird, and he used the gravity skill.The gravity in this different space itself is higher than that of the Pokémon world, and Wang Hao is obviously struggling to stand in the corner.Now the gravity skill of the symbolic bird directly made Wang Hao feel the pressure several times, and his feet trembled involuntarily.In addition to Wang Hao's more obvious feeling, the surrounding Pokémon are also more or less affected.

Just as Super Xanadu, Geng Gui, and Mimi Q were trying to adapt to the change in gravity, Dharma Baboon spun his right arm at high speed, blasting Super Xanadu with terrifying inertial force.Bodhidharma baboon can still maintain a high-speed movement under several times the gravity, which only shows that it is not the first time that he has cooperated with the symbol bird.Wang Hao looked at the right arm of Dharma Baboon in surprise. There seemed to be some steel attribute energy hidden in the right arm spinning at high speed like a spinning top.It turned out that this was not an arm hammer attack, but a top ball.

Originally, the skill of the gyro ball is to rotate the whole body and hit the opponent.But now Dharma Baboon uses this skill only on his right arm, getting rid of some defects of the spinning top itself.The steel attribute gyro ball is an attack that has a restraining effect on Super Xanadu. If it is hit by Dharma Baboon, Super Xanadu will definitely suffer a lot of damage.Seeing that Dharma Baboon's fist was about to hit Super Xanadu, Super Xanadu resisted the influence of gravity, and directly used teleportation to transfer to a position not far away.

Seeing that Super Xanadu escaped the attack of the Bodhidharma baboon with his own strength, Wang Hao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.But in the next second, the breath was suddenly held back.At the landing point of Super Xanadu's teleportation, a fiery red figure struck.The eyebrow-like flames that were supposed to extend upwards had disappeared, but in their place was a shiny metallic head.This is an iron head attack, and it is also a move to restrain Super Xanadu, but why does Dharma Baboon appear here?
Super Xanadu used the teleportation skill to escape the spinning ball attack of Dharma baboon. Why did another Dharma baboon cast an iron-headed attack just at the point where Super Xanadu moved?Wang Hao looked at N completely dumbfounded, and looked at Dharma Baboon.As a result, the Dharma baboon that attacked Super Xanadu with the gyro ball disappeared in a puff of smoke.Is this hallucination?Zoroak had already used his hallucination ability to support the attack of the symbol bird and the Dharma baboon. This is a wave of combined offensives!

Wang Hao never expected that the three Pokémon of N would cooperate with each other so tacitly. The combination between them is very terrifying.It is very difficult to see through the hallucination ability itself. Under the influence of gravity, the judgment ability of Wang Hao and many Pokémon has been seriously affected, and everything has developed according to N's script.This is cooperation, the real combination duel!

"I really didn't expect that these three Pokémon of yours could have such a tacit cooperation! Zoroark's hallucination, symbolizing the gravity of the bird, and the restrained attack of the Bodhidharma baboon, can be said to be almost seamless! You said this before The three Pokémon have been by your side since you were young, and now I finally understand the meaning contained in this sentence! Even without Reshiram, you are a genius trainer yourself, otherwise you would not It is possible to form such a clever combination between Pokémon! I underestimated you too much, and I apologize to you!"

The previous N gave Wang Hao the feeling that he was recognized by Rashiram, and that he was a human being who pursued the way of the real future.Wang Hao didn't know much about his own strength.So when he sent Zoroak, Dharma Baboon and Symbol Bird, Wang Hao didn't immediately become alert, which led to the result that Super Xanadu was hit by the iron head.Fortunately, this iron head attack did not make Super Xanadu lose the ability to fight.In the process of being knocked into the air, Super Xanadu secretly used the skill of the drop of life to recover himself.

After landing, Super Xanadu once again used the skill of the water drop of life, and quickly recovered his state.The injury this time made Super Xanadu alert. She opened a circle of super energy around her, and at the same time focused her eyes on the Dharma baboon.Injured by this stinky baboon, Super Xanadu will have to find it anyway, otherwise it will be too bad.

Although Super Xanadu has a good personality, she has the arrogance of a queen in her heart, and she doesn't allow herself to lose too much embarrassment.She slowly raised her right hand, stretched it out towards the position where Dharma Baboon was, and clenched it tightly.A strange wave of super energy appeared around the Bodhidharma baboon. When Super Xanadu clenched his fist, this strange wave kept kneading the body of the Baboon Dharma.The kneading of the strong mind is an extremely terrifying offensive. Even the most muscular fighting-type Pokémon will become like mud when kneaded by such power.However, as soon as the kneading of mental obsession started, Dharma Baboon shattered.

Zoroark's hallucination again?But since the attack ended, Dharma baboon never left the sight of Wang Hao and Super Xanadu. When did the hallucination take effect?When Wang Hao owned Zoroark before, he also felt the advantage of this illusion ability, but he never thought that N's Zoroark would exert the power of this illusion to such an extent!
Wang Hao tried to use the power of the waveguide to perceive the surrounding situation, but did not find anything abnormal.This is the time when Wang Hao's waveguide perception is the weakest in the battle. How to break Zoroark's illusion?As long as Zoroarak's hallucinations are supported, the possibility of attacking the Dharma Baboon and the Symbol Bird is extremely low.In terms of the priority of the battle, Zoroark must be defeated first.But how can we defeat Zoroark under the defense of Dharma Baboon and Symbol Bird?Wang Hao was lost in thought.

N doesn't care what Wang Hao thinks, now he has an absolute advantage, and he must continue to expand this advantage.I saw a terrifying aura spreading from Symbol Bird's body, and attacked towards the location where Geng Gui and Mimi Q were located.The attack of the wave of evil has a restraining effect on Geng Gui, and it is obviously specially prepared for them.Wang Hao immediately asked Geng Gui to escape into a different space with Mimi Q, and then hid.If you want to avoid the influence of hallucinations, then it may be a good choice not to be on the field.

After having this idea, Wang Hao also let Super Xanadu escape into the space channel, and temporarily avoided it.Suddenly losing the target of attack, Zoroak, Dharma Baboon and Symbol Bird were all at a loss, not knowing what to do next? N didn't expect Wang Hao to come up with such a move, a typical "run away if you can't beat it"!Whether it is Zoroak, Dharma Baboon, or Symbol Bird, none of them have mastered space-related skills such as teleportation and subterranean surprise attack, so naturally they cannot master the power of space.

"I didn't expect you to adopt such a fighting method. Now that your Pokémon are not here, can I launch an offensive against you? Or are you going to let the legendary Pokémon around you join our battle? Come? I actually don’t care, after all, you can’t defeat my Zoroark with your strength! Do you want to guess where Zoroark is now? I can give you a hint, you now As you can see, Zoroark standing there motionless is not real!"

In fact, without N's reminder, Wang Hao had already guessed that the Zoroark he saw in front of him was not real, and even the Bodhidharma Baboon and the Symbol Bird probably did not exist.The ability of hallucinations produces effects by affecting the spiritual world of others, even Wang Hao's waveguide perception ability will be affected.It is very easy to deceive Wang Hao on the spiritual level and make Wang Hao's waveguide perception deviate.Therefore, at this moment, Wang Hao gave up the ability of waveguide perception, gathered his own waveguide power around himself, and then built a waveguide defense barrier.

Wang Hao never thought of relying on the legendary Pokémon around him in the past. They are precious combat power, and the more they keep, the more bargaining chips they will have when fighting against Ultimate Necrozma!And the reason why he built a waveguide defense barrier in front of himself was to prevent himself from being hit by Zoroak, Dharma Baboon or the symbol bird.

"I don't care whether I will be attacked or not, just use whatever moves you have! However, if you want me to give up now, it is impossible! In addition, you can also rest assured that I will not let the people around The legendary Pokémon are attacking. Now it's a battle between me and you!"

N seemed to have expected that Wang Hao would say this, so he directed Zoroark to use his exclusive skill, Diablo Blast, without any hesitation!Black shock waves spread from Zoroark's body, and quickly surrounded Wang Hao, and then these black shock waves exploded suddenly, forming a terrifying explosive force.The power of this dark blast is not low, even the waveguide defense barrier that Wang Hao has been strengthening has also shaken violently.

Fortunately, Diablo Blast failed to break through Wang Hao's waveguide defense barrier in the end.Just as Wang Hao breathed a sigh of relief, Dharma Baboon flew up from the sky above the defensive barrier of the waveguide, waved his arms and smashed down fiercely.The terrible power of the arm hammer caused large cracks in the waveguide defense barrier. As long as there is another wave of attacks, the waveguide defense barrier will definitely be completely shattered.A ray of light burst out from the symbolic bird, and then the symbolic bird turned into a bird of light and crashed into the waveguide defense barrier with lightning speed.This is a very powerful move among flying attribute skills, it is called Divine Bird Slam.

It takes a period of time to accumulate strength to perform the bird's slam, and during this time, Zoroak's Diablo Blast and Dharma Baboon's Arm Hammer just won it for him.The three skills seem to be connected in a very timely manner, but they are actually carefully arranged.When the divine bird slammed into the cracked waveguide defense barrier, the entire defense barrier shattered.Most of Yu Wei's divine birds slammed straight in front of Wang Hao, and they were about to kill Wang Hao.

At this moment, a pair of sharp black claws suddenly fell from the position directly above Wang Hao.The landing point of these claws is very precise, and it happens to be on the back of the symbol bird that cast the divine bird slam.With one blow, the symbolic bird was blasted to the ground and embedded deeper into the ground. N never expected that Wang Hao would use himself as a bait to let Zoroak, Dharma Baboon and Symbol Bird continuously attack him, and then lure Symbol Bird to approach Wang Hao and defeat him in one fell swoop.Geng Gui's claw was not just an attack from the shadow claw. During the descent of the claw, he also combined with the wave of evil, releasing a terrifying aura.

The symbol bird of flying attribute and super energy attribute is hit by ghost attribute and evil attribute attack at the same time, the effect of this restraint is not just to cause simple damage.Looking at the pothole in front of him, Wang Hao could clearly feel that the breath of life symbolizing the bird was constantly weakening. N naturally also felt the state of the symbolic bird, so he quickly directed Dharma Baboon and Zoroak to support him.

Geng Gui immediately released a ball of light around himself, and then the ball of light turned in a strange way.Bodhidharma Baboon and Zoroak, who were rushing here, saw this strange light and fell into a state of confusion.Wang Hao's counterattack officially started from this moment. The reason why he let Geng Gui, Mimi Q, and Super Xanadu leave the different space and escape into the space channel is to isolate the influence of Zoroark's illusion.

No matter how powerful the hallucination ability is, it still cannot affect Pokémon in different spaces.Therefore, when Gengar, Mimi Q and Super Xanadu escaped, they escaped from Zoroark's hallucination.After that, Wang Hao used himself as a bait to let Zoroak, Dharma Baboon and Symbol Bird launch an offensive, in order to give Geng Gui and the others a prepared attack point.No matter how strong Zoroark's hallucination ability is, he, Dharma Baboon, and Symbol Bird will reveal their real bodies when they attack.Just like when Dharma Baboon knocked Super Xanadu away with his Iron Head skill, he is physical.

As long as you seize this opportunity, you can easily lock the attack point even if you are in an illusion.Wang Hao used his understanding of hallucinations and his trust in his Pokémon to complete this beautiful counterattack.No matter who breaks down Wang Hao's waveguide defense barrier in the end, Geng Gui's attack will come as promised.Now that Zoroak and Dharma Baboon are in a state of chaos at the same time, Wang Hao returns Super Xanadu and Mimi Q.Both of them cast their magical flash skills at the same time, and knocked Zoroark down in an instant.

After Zoroak fell, the symbolic bird and the Dharma baboon could no longer hold on and fell down one after another.So far, N's three powerful Pokémon have lost their fighting ability.However, N did not show anger or reluctance, but said lightly: "This sideshow is really quite exciting! I never thought of Zoroak, Dharma Baboon and Symbol Bird. You actually broke the combination so quickly! However, after all, sideshows are sideshows, and now it's time to enter the real battle! Dao Shenlong!".

The Divine Dragon of Dao, who had been silently watching everything behind N, suddenly moved. He smiled slightly, cast admiring glances at Wang Hao, and then slowly said: "The human beings selected by Bird are indeed all It's unique! I've seen all of your battles just now, but I really didn't expect your strength to be so outstanding! Your Pokémon have very good powers, but compared to these In comparison, I think your courage to act as a bait and the layout of the entire battle are very powerful! To be honest, I think it is a pity to kill you like this! Didn’t N tell you before, as long as you are willing to fight with us? Standing on the same front, then you have a place in the New World. Now I can lower this condition, as long as you don't interfere with us, I can guarantee that you will get everything you want in the New World!".

Although N was surprised by the words of the Taoist Dragon, he didn't bother.Whether Wang Hao's strength or fighting awareness is very precious, it is worth paying a price to keep it.If it is simply strangled, then it is a shameful waste.Because the two have the same concept, N didn't say anything, just silently waiting for Wang Hao's answer.Wang Hao was stared at by the Dragon of Dao and N at the same time, and couldn't help smiling.

"Actually, I'm not really interested in the new world you're talking about! I hope that the Pokémon world in the future will be a world where humans and Pokémon live in peace, whether it's between humans or Pokémon. Or humans and Pokémon can understand each other, and there will be no more battles! And this is obviously not the purpose of your new world! So there is no need to waste time with me here! Since the Taoist Dragon you I have recovered from the side effects, so let's start the second round of battle!"

How terrifying the Divine Dragon of Dao is, Wang Hao knows best.However, he doesn't care, because Super Mewtwo Y has also recovered.Lucario had just explained the situation to Wang Hao through the wave, and Wang Hao naturally didn't want to continue wasting time with N and the Dragon of Tao.Lucario walked slowly to Wang Hao's left, and then Super Mewtwo Y appeared on Wang Hao's right.

"Under the attack of the Six Paths Origin, you can recover so quickly. It seems that I still misjudged your strength! I can tell you clearly that you have the strength to be my opponent. I really feel very happy." Happy! Now that everyone has recovered, let’s start the second round of battle! This time, I won’t use the skill of Six Path Origin, but don’t think I’m just throwing water! On the contrary, this will be a very scary Situation! If you have any tricks, use them all!"

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