Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 77 Snatching the Thunder Feather

Athena's roar instantly restored order to the members of Team Rocket in the turmoil, and Fatty Liu took the lead in releasing his other Pokémon to attack Guisi.Before all of them could finish releasing the Pokémon, Guisi had already secretly returned to Wang Hao's side by using his latent image ability.

When Guisi appeared next to Wang Hao, Athena, Fatty Liu and other Team Rocket members were furious. They never thought that the culprit Guisi belonged to Wang Hao.Now the battle between the Rockets and Wang Hao is imminent.Wang Hao didn't care about this, he was very satisfied with Guisi's perfect completion of the task he had given him, and he was praising Guisi!
Seeing Wang Hao's calm and composure, Athena got angry and threw out two elf balls without hesitation.And the other Team Rocket members behind her also released their Pokémon one after another, and took back the hypnotized Electric Pokémon.

At this time, Wang Hao and Serena need to face the twelve Pokémon of the ten members of the Rockets together. Play gas.Facing these Pokémon, Wang Hao certainly couldn't just let Lucario fight these Pokémon, he also sent Kirulian and Guisi.And Serena's Blastoise lost the ability to fight because of the battle with Athena. At this time, he has switched to Gem Starfish, Fossil Pterosaur and Gyarados.

Six vs. twelve, although it was a situation of few vs. many, Wang Hao and Serena were not worried at all.The two who had participated in the team battle mode before tried to fight ten against fifty, but in the end, not two of them won the final victory.However, the current Wang Hao didn't dare to take it too seriously, because there were eight double bomb gas on the opposite side.If these members of the Rockets do everything they can, then it is very likely that the previous situation will occur, and the double bomb gas will use skills such as self-detonation or big bang to fight to the death.This is not worth the candle!Therefore, Wang Hao told Serena to always be on guard against double gas attacks from the beginning, and try not to fight close quarters with them.

Afterwards, Wang Hao divided his opponents into simple divisions, and Serena's Gyarados and Gem Starfish dealt with Heluga and Diamondhorn Rhino.Because of the restraint in attributes, Serena's Pokémon has a greater advantage. As long as the combat power of these two Pokémon can be reduced in the shortest time, their battle will be much easier.Also based on the advantages in attributes, Wang Hao handed over the crow head and the abo monster to the fossil pterodactyl and Kirulian respectively.The rest of the double-bomb gas that needs to be on guard against self-explosion moves is fought by Lucario and Guisi, mainly procrastinating, not seeking to hurt the enemy but only protecting themselves.

For Wang Hao's arrangement, Serena didn't have any opinion, but quickly commanded her Pokémon to enter the battle.Jewel Starfish and Gyarados took the lead in launching water cannon attacks on Heluga and Rhinoceros. The reason why they chose this powerful move was to explain the battle as soon as possible.However, how could Fatty Liu not know about Serena's thoughts?

He directly ordered his Heluga to hide behind the Rhinoceros, and then commanded the Rhinoceros to completely defend against the water cannon skills of Gyarados and Gem Starfish in a defensive posture.After the rhinoceros blocked the water cannon, Hei Lujia, who had been hiding behind him, suddenly rushed out, and rushed straight to the gem starfish at a fast speed. Thoroughly crush the gem starfish.

Faced with Hei Lujia's long-planned sneak attack, it was too late for Gem Starfish to retreat, so Serena could only command the Gyarados beside Gem Starfish to use the storm to block Hei Lujia's offensive, and at the same time took Gem Starfish Keep a certain distance from Hei Lujia.But as soon as the Gyarados's storm skill ended, the Rhinoceros' rock crit also followed.One after another, the hard stones were bombarded from the hands of the rhinoceros towards the Gyarados and the jewel starfish. When they were about to hit, Serena immediately asked the jewel starfish to use the power of mind to control these stones. fixed in the air.

Afterwards, Serena asked Jewel Starfish to throw the stones that were originally used to attack them at Helujia, forcing Helujia to retreat behind the rhinoceros again to hide.Seeing that it is impossible for Serena's Gyarados and Gem Starfish to quickly deal with Heluga and Diamondhorn, so Wang Hao asked Kirulian and Fossil Pterosaurs to launch a campaign against Crow Head and Abo Monster. attack.

Kirulian first used teleportation to come to Arbor's side, and used a powerful psychic group to thoroughly understand Arbor.But before the Psychic Group's attack was formed, Kirulian was frightened and interrupted by the sharp cry of the crow head.Although the power of the frightening skill is low, it can always have an interrupting effect at such a critical moment.Qilu Lian's attack was broken, Wang Hao could only let him get away from the Arbo monster quickly, and teleported to the back of the fossil pterosaur.Then, a rockslide was launched by the fossil pterosaur, and a large number of rocks fell from the sky, violently crashing into the crow head and the Arbo monster.

However, with its astonishing speed, the head of the crow avoided the rocks falling from the rockfall one by one.The Arbo monster borrowed the skill of digging holes, successfully hid in the ground, and escaped the attack of the rock dangerously.Whether it was a surprise attack or a head-on attack, the offensive organized by Wang Hao failed to give Kirulian and the Fossil Pterosaur any advantage.What to do next?

Just when Wang Hao was thinking about what kind of attack he should launch, Athena had already commanded the crow to go straight to the fossil pterosaur.The wings of the crow's head exude a hard light. If this steel wing hits the rock-type fossil pterosaur, it will definitely cause huge damage to it.How could Wang Hao let it go?Wang Hao used the power of the waveguide to command Kirulian to teleport to the path of the crow's head, and shoot a strong light at the crow's head.This magic flash is the fatal blow that Wang Hao prepared for Crow Toutou. Fairy-attribute skills have double damage to Crow Touto, who is evil-attributed.The head of the crow, who was going straight to the fossil pterosaur, never expected to be defeated by the sudden strong light.After completing the attack, Kirulian teleported back to the back of the fossil pterosaur. The whole process was so short that Athena didn't even have time to react.She didn't realize what a stupid thing she had done until her crow head plummeted from the air to the ground.

There is no big problem with her wanting to take the initiative to attack, but the main problem is that she ignores the weirdness of Kirulian's teleportation, and Kirulian also has the fairy attribute that restrains the head of the crow.Here Wang Hao finally defeated Athena's crow leader.The confrontation between Serena and Fatty Liu is about to decide the winner.

The defense of the Rhinoceros has already defended against the joint attack of Gyarados and Gem Starfish for three consecutive times. Serena guesses that the failure rate of the next defense will be very high.Therefore, he bet all his attacks on subsequent attacks.And Heluga, who was hiding behind the Rhinoceros, could only shrink back because he couldn't attack the Gyarados and Gem Starfish in the air.In the end, the Rhinoceros' defense failed, and it was completely knocked down by the double water cannons of Gyarados and Gem Starfish.

Fatty Liu took back the diamond-horned rhinoceros that lost its fighting ability into the elf ball, but Hei Lujia, who was supposed to be behind the diamond-horned rhinoceros, completely disappeared.When Serena was wondering where such a big Pokémon would hide, he saw a dark figure rushing out from the cracks in the surrounding rocks, and then the height of the rocks jumped up, a big mouth full of electric current Hit the Gyarados directly.Hei Lujia's Lightning Fang hadn't been used in the previous battles, because of this unexpected blow.Sure enough, the Gyarados flying in the air was still hit by the lightning fang.But at this time, the gem starfish that was originally on the back of the Gyarados also reacted, and a water cannon blasted towards Hei Lujia.

Although Gem Starfish's water cannon completely hit Hei Lujia and made him incapable of fighting, but Hei Luga's lightning teeth also completely incapacitated Gyarados.The battle between Serena and Fatty Liu ended with the victory of Gem Starfish.But the battle between the Rockets and Wang Hao and Serena did not end because of this.

After Athena saw Fatty Liu's Pokémon defeated, she had completely fallen into madness.Wang Hao could clearly feel the anger in her heart through the power of the wave guide, so he temporarily withdrew the fossil pterosaur, Kirulian and Serena's gem starfish to his side.Athena also let the Abo monster who hid in the ground before return to her side, and divided all the double bomb gas into two parts, five in the front and three in the back.

After a while, the eight double bombs arranged their positions according to Athena's arrangement.And at this moment, Lucario noticed that the five double-bomb gas in front were concreting a large amount of energy in their bodies.This seems to be the preparation stage for self-destruction skills, and Athena really wants to use this unscrupulous method.Wang Hao has always been wary of self-destruct skills.He put Guisi back into the elf ball, and at the same time asked Serena to put away the gem starfish and the fossil pterosaur.

After finishing these, the Rockets' double-bomb gas is also trying to start a self-destruct attack, and the front five double-bomb gas self-destruct sequentially from left to right!It was so powerful that it almost shattered all the protruding rocks on the ground, and at the same time, it also rolled up a lot of sand and dust.The entire cave became gray due to this collective self-destruction.In addition, the other three double bombs are constantly spreading poisonous mist.The poisonous fog mixed with the dust generated by the explosion, not only blocking the line of sight, but also defending against Wang Hao and Serena's attack.

Since the self-explosion of the double-bomb gas began, Wang Hao and Serena moved out of the range of the self-explosion with the help of Kirulian's teleportation.At this moment, Wang Hao and Serena were aware of the mixture of poisonous mist, and neither dared to act rashly.However, Wang Hao always let Lucario use the power of the waveguide to detect every move of the Rockets.Athena did not hesitate to let the double bomb gas explode to create such a situation in order to buy time to take the Thunder Feather away.At this moment, all Team Rocket members are frantically picking up the Thunder Feather on the ground.

However, none of this can escape Lucario's waveguide detection.After Wang Hao knew everything, he immediately asked Kirulian to teleport them behind Athena.Afterwards, Wang Hao sent Gui Si to use hypnotism again to completely hypnotize the members of the Rockets who were frantically picking up the Thunder Feather.

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