Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 797 Ultimate Necrozma Wakes Up

For Gladion's safety, Attribute: Sora silently walked towards the experimental machine.And this brings endless experimental time to attributes: Kong and Gladio.Wang Hao finally understood why Gladion showed such indifference to his mother, that is, Lusamine.

As for the attribute: Sora, the anger he felt from the moment he walked into the machine couldn't be subsided instantly.However, for Gladion's safety, he hid this anger.From being furious to controlling one's emotions, the attribute: Kong has grown tremendously.And this growth was unexpected by Zaobo and Lusamine.

According to Lusamine and Zaobo's predictions, there are bound to be only two outcomes if the attribute: the empty sealing mask is forcibly broken and the power of all attributes is released.First, the power of all attributes breaks through the attributes: Kong's evolutionary type, that is, the body of the Silver Companion Beast, forms a destructive attack that surpasses the big bang; Body, and then become a real existence that can shake Arceus.

If the attribute: space is broken by the power of all attributes, forming a big explosion, then it means that the fourth experimental subject is nothing more than that.If the attribute: empty is not broken by the power of all attributes, then Lusamine and Zaobo will never let the Silver Companion Beast fall into the hands of others, so they arranged Guzma, in the Silver Companion Beast No longer release the control backhand when Wang Hao is the target of the attack.

The unstable situation of Silver Companion Beast is actually a resistance of its own angry power to the control of Lusamine and Zaobo.The energy released from that box is a special frequency band power with a limiting effect, which will affect the sanity of the Silver Companion Beast, and ultimately control the consciousness of the Silver Companion Beast.

At this point, Wang Hao finally understood the specific situation of Silver Companion Beast.Although the current appearance of the Silver Companion Beast looks distorted, grotesque, and may even be exploded by its own power at any time, it is not that dangerous.As long as the special frequency band power that affects the reason and consciousness of the Silver Companion Beast is wiped out, then the crisis of the Silver Companion Beast can be resolved.

Wang Hao shared everything he perceived through Bird with Chaomeng, and asked him to try to assist Silver Companion War Beast.Being able to perceive the deep memory of Silver Companion War Beast is entirely due to Chaomeng's powerful waveguide power.It's not troublesome at all to share everything you perceive with Chaomeng.

They are also man-made Pokémon, and they have also experienced various inhuman experiments. Chaomeng can be said to empathize with everything that Silver Companion Beast has experienced.The idea of ​​not wanting to help Silver Companion Beast before now has disappeared.However, it is not easy to suppress the special frequency band power that has been integrated into the body of the Silver Companion Beast, and Chaomeng can't help but feel a headache.

"If we can't lock the power of that special frequency band, then we have no possibility of suppressing it! I have roughly searched the body of Silver Companion Beast, but I can't find the power of that special frequency band at all! There are only two possibilities, Either the power of that frequency band has been completely combined with the Silver Companion Beast, and cannot be separated; or the power of that frequency band is similar to the power of the Silver Companion Beast itself, so it is not easy to be detected!"

Chaomeng, who wanted to help Silver Companion War Beast, didn't need Wang Hao to say anything, he acted on his own.It's just that Wang Hao didn't expect that it would be so difficult to find Lusamine and Zaobo's power to control the Silver Companion Beast!The two possibilities mentioned by Chaomeng, in fact, Wang Hao himself prefers the second one.

During the battle with Lucario, Silver Companion Beast had already used the power of anger to force the full-attribute power hidden in its body out of the body, and even detonated these forces directly through the multi-attribute attack skills.The Silver Companion Beast in that state is dominated by anger, and it is almost impossible for external energy to fuse with it in a short period of time.

As the No. [-] experimental subject, Silver Companion Beast was created by Zaobo.How could Zaobo not know his power frequency band?The reason why the power released from the box was able to integrate into the body of the Silver Companion Beast in the first time is probably because it regards the Silver Companion Beast as its own kind!

Wang Hao perceived his thoughts to Chaomeng, and was immediately recognized by Chaomeng.However, they also faced a huge problem.The power of the frequency band is similar, and the possibility of distinguishing them is not high.In other words, Chaomeng cannot assist Silver Companion Beast to suppress the control of Lusamine and Zaobo.

"The most fundamental reason why Silver Companion War Beast produces distortions and power riots is that the anger he possesses is suppressing other powers! If we can stimulate the anger to the limit, can we use it? The power of his own anger to completely eliminate the power that does not belong to him?"

To ignite the anger of Silver Companion War Beast, when Wang Hao mentioned this idea, Chaomeng didn't express anything.He had experienced anger before, and it even directly evolved into a state of berserk.In that state, Chaomeng did a lot of things that he regrets even thinking about it now, so when Wang Hao mentioned this idea, he didn't know how to answer it.

"The power of anger is extremely terrifying! Once you don't master it well and enter a state of rampage, it is not only very dangerous for us, but also extremely terrifying for Silver Companion Beasts! I think it is better not to choose this kind of power. The method, this is making fun of the life of the Silver Companion Beast! If we really want to help him, we shouldn't take such an extreme method!"

After thinking about it for a while, Chaomeng still advised Wang Hao not to make fun of Silver Companion and War Beast.Wang Hao naturally understands how terrifying the power of anger is, but there is a clear difference between the state of Silver Companion Beast and Chaomeng's previous state.The anger of the silver companion beast has a great protective effect on itself, otherwise his current state would not be like this.Since the power of anger has not formed a backlash, it means that there may be hope.However, this is only a possible guess.

Wang Hao still listened to Chaomeng's words, and he didn't want to gamble with the life of his Silver Companion Beast with his anger, that was simply hopeless.But apart from this method, Wang Hao has not thought of a better method for the time being.Just when Wang Hao had no idea, the Silver Companion Beast, which had been in a distorted and extremely unstable state, began to stabilize.However, the appearance of his whole body has also undergone some changes.

Originally only the head and mane were black, but now the whole body has turned black like ink.Moreover, the aura emanating from the Silver Companion War Beast at this time has a kind of indifference that should not be entered by strangers, making people feel no vitality at all.Even in the eyes of the Silver Companion Beast, there was indifference.

"Wang Hao, be careful! His current state gives me an extremely bad feeling! If my perception is not wrong, then he should have wiped out most of his own power now, leaving only anger!"

Silver Companion Beast's anger overwhelmed Lusamine and Zaobo's control over him, and at the same time wiped out his original will and emotions.It can be said that the current Silver Companion Beast is a creature dominated by pure anger.He opened his mouth slowly, and let out a roar.The roar was deafening, and even Chaomeng and Wang Hao, who had kept a relative distance from it, were greatly affected.This roar seemed to be like the Silver Companion Beast venting its dissatisfaction.Both Wang Hao and Chaomeng heard too many emotions from it.And this also made them more determined to help Silver Companion Beast.

"For now, don't worry about where the explosive energy that tried to control the Silver Companion Beast went. We have to let the Silver Companion Beast vent its anger completely! Next, I will know how to use the power of space , drag the Silver Companion Beast into a different space, let Xanadu assist me! Originally, Geng Gui should be more suitable, but his attributes are not very meaningful to the Silver Companion Beast, so it can only be let Xanadu is here!"

In order to prevent the Silver Companion Beast who was completely dominated by anger from destroying Baike City, Chaomeng decided to drag it into a different space.This is the first time that Chaomeng has performed such an operation since he mastered the power of space, and he himself does not have much confidence, so he asked Wang Hao to send Xanadu to assist him.Wang Hao didn't have any opinion on this, and released Xanadu directly.

After Xanadu appeared on the stage, he quickly understood the specific situation now, and formed a joint relationship with Chaomeng.The roar of the Silver Companion War Beast has not stopped, so it is still difficult to drag him into a different space.However, Mewtwo and Xanadu are both Pokémon with super power attributes. When the super powers of the two are combined, the burst of power is extremely powerful.In the end, the roar of the Silver Companion Beast disappeared in Baike City, together with Wang Hao, Chaomeng and Xanadu.

The moment Wang Hao disappeared, the ultimate Necrozma where the sundial was located opened his eyes.Previously, he had entered a state of concentration with closed eyes in order to better absorb the light source in the Carlos area.But now, his eyes are open!No one knows what he opened his eyes for, but at this moment, all the members of the Rainbow Skull team who were fighting in Baike City stopped their movements, and then began to quickly go to the place where the sundial was located. Position back.

Kaluni looked at Wang Hao who had completely disappeared, and couldn't help becoming nervous.Now the existence that can fight against Ultimate Necrozma is Chaomeng who is by Wang Hao's side, but he has disappeared with Wang Hao.In other words, there is not enough combat power to fight against the ultimate Necrozma!As the commander-in-chief, Caluni naturally has to take responsibility at this time, and this means that she has to confront Ultimate Necrozma head-on.

After shaking the elf ball in her hand, Kaluni sent out her Xanadu, and then dialed the communication equipment of the World Alliance.Kaluni is very clear that her own power is only so small, and it is impossible to shake the ultimate Necrozma. The only thing she can do is to delay as long as possible.However, the World Alliance gave Caluni an unexpected answer.

"Leading the members of the alliance to evacuate Baike City at full speed, the alliance decided to abandon Baike City! There is no need to fight the ultimate Necrozma, that is meaningless! Keep your own strength, don't waste your combat power in vain !"

Kaluni didn't know why the World Alliance made such a decision, and she didn't know what it meant to abandon Baike City now, but she still informed every member of the alliance and asked them to evacuate Baike City as soon as possible .As for herself, she did not take any action, and stood there with Xanadu and waited silently.Wang Hao didn't know about the evacuation at all. If he came back from the different space and found that all the alliance members had disappeared, how would he face such a situation?

If anyone is going to be the main force to face Ultra Necrozma, then it is definitely Wang Hao and the legendary Pokémon who trust Wang Hao.Kaluni has always believed in this, so she must give Wang Hao enough support.After a while, all the alliance members who were in Baike City had already evacuated from Baike City.And the ultimate Necrozma who opened his eyes locked his eyes on Caluni who was not moving.

"Why are you still holding on while everyone else is running away? Do you think your strength is enough to fight yourself? I advise you not to be too proud! In my eyes, you are just an ant! "

"I never think too high of myself, and I don't think I have enough strength to fight you! The reason why I stay here is because I still feel that there is hope! For the last hope, I will stay here forever !"

Kaluni didn't have any other thoughts about her stay, she just wanted to be the existence to contact Wang Hao.Even at this moment, Ultimate Necrozma had noticed her, she didn't have the slightest fear.Ultimate Necrozma listened to Caluni's words with a look of interest, and then continued.

"You said you think there is still hope? Why don't I know what hope you have? If you are looking forward to the human being who left here, then don't look forward to it! Not to mention whether he can solve the one I specially prepared for him. Pokémon, even if he can, it’s already too late! The collapse of the Carlos area is inevitable, and it starts from within you humans! As for how to do it? You can guess!”

Is Silver Companion Beast the Pokémon specially prepared by Ultimate Necrozma for Wang Hao?Could it be that the box left by Guzma was a means to guide Wang Hao out of Baike City?Or in other words, the appearance of the Silver Companion Beast itself is to restrict Wang Hao's actions?If this is the case, then the layout of Ultra Necrozma is terrible.

Thinking of this, Kaluni was already in a cold sweat.As for the collapse of the Kalos area, after the reminder from Ultimate Necrozma, Caluni has already thought of a possibility, that is the alliance!The world alliance that appeared at such a time has its own big problems. If some unstable factors appear in it, it will not even need the ultimate Necrozma to collapse!

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