Future Pokémon Master

808. Super Mecha Dream X

The self-explosion program is a hidden program set in the AR system of Silver Companion Beast. Under normal circumstances, it is like an ordinary program, silently maintaining the body functions of Silver Companion Beast.It turns into a lethal self-destruct setting only under certain boot procedures.Even Silver Companion War Beast itself didn't know that there was such a terrible program hidden in its body, so he panicked at this moment!
Feeling the extremely unstable energy fluctuations in the Silver Companion Beast, both Wang Hao and Chaomeng were surprised.Previously, the Silver Companion Beast would have unstable energy fluctuations because it felt stimulated by external forces, which aroused his anger, which led to unstable energy.But now there is obviously no external force stimulation, and the anger has been effectively controlled, why does this happen?
"Serena! You go to support Peng Yu first! Let Chaomeng and I solve the situation here by ourselves! The Ultra Beast on Peng Yu's side seems to be troublesome too, try to delay the time as much as possible, and I will rush over as soon as possible We must guard these two so-called sealed nodes, otherwise the Carlos region will become the same dark world as the Alola region!"

Serena has been paying attention to the situation on Pengyu's side, and she is not much more optimistic than her side.Now that Wang Hao and Chaomeng have stated that the situation of Silver Companion and Beast is up to them to deal with, then Serena has nothing to worry about.Just as Serena left, Ultimate Necrozma, Lusamine, and Zaobo all showed ugly expressions.

According to normal circumstances, it shouldn't take much time for the self-destruct program to explode from startup to explosion.Why can Silver Companion Beast last for so long?Serena has already walked out of the range of the explosion, and the Silver Companion Beast still hasn't exploded.This is very unreasonable!

"What's the situation? Is the time setting for the self-explosion program so long? Others have already walked out of the explosion range slowly. What's the use of this explosion? What the hell are you doing? Now is not the time to mess around, let him quickly It exploded!"

Ultimate Necrozma was obviously angry, and he raised serious doubts about Zaobo and Lusamine.Lusamine also had a confused look on her face. Although she knew that the AR system of Silver Companion Beast had set up a self-destruction program, the details about the self-destruction program were handled by Zaobo.In this situation, she can only question Zaobo like Ultimate Necrozma.

"Impossible! The self-destruction program I set is instant, there is no reason why it has not exploded for so long! Could it be that something happened to the Silver Companion Beast that we did not expect? I will try to use the energy reaction of the self-destruction program. Find out why!"

Facing the questioning from Ultimate Necrozma and Lusamine, Zaobo was obviously flustered.However, he is still very confident in his self-destruction program, and has always believed that there should be a problem elsewhere.So, Zaobo quickly started the tracking and investigation of the self-explosion program.After about 5 minutes, Zaobo came to an incredible conclusion.

"There is no problem with the self-explosion program, and it is running normally! The reason why the Silver Companion Beast didn't explode, it seems that there is a special force in his body that restrains the energy impact generated by the self-explosion program. However, this The special power is only temporarily suppressing the impact of the self-detonation, and it shouldn't be too long to suppress it! Let's just wait patiently!"

A special power imprisoned the energy generated by the self-destruct program?Ultimate Necrozma and Lusamine immediately thought of a kind of power, the power of waveguide.It was because of Wang Hao's identity as the envoy of Bird that he attracted their attention, and even sent the man-made weapons he had finally made to his side.Unexpectedly, the waveguide power possessed by Wang Hao is far stronger than they imagined, and it can confine the energy generated by the self-destruct program!
"Let Guzma pass! No matter how strong the waveguide of the kid is, it is barely enough to suppress the power of the self-destruct program. As long as Guzma can give him enough pressure, then he will definitely not be able to maintain the power of the self-destruct program. !Be quick, let him take the Lei Leishi!"

Ultimate Necrozma no longer wants to have long nights and dreams. All the plans he had originally conceived have all changed because of the appearance of Wang Hao, the waveguide messenger.Now it is necessary to get everything back on track, instead of getting out of my own control again and again.However, after hearing the opinion of Ultimate Necrozma, Lusamine hesitated.Why hesitate?Because Guzma has other value to Lusamine, if he is sent out like this as an introduction to detonate the Silver Companion Beast, it is very likely that he will never come back.

"Don't worry! Guzma will not be in danger. Although Lei Leishi is not an explosive beast among the ultimate beasts, it is a rare defensive beast. With his defensive ability, he can withstand the self-explosive The damage shouldn’t have much to do with it! Also, the Leapstone next to Guzma is different from ordinary Leapstones, so it’s fine!”

Although Ultimate Necrozma was comforting Lusamine, she couldn't help complaining in her heart.Lusamine is a person who can even use her own children, but she would hesitate for a mere subordinate, which doesn't fit her image at all.As everyone knows, Lusamine valued Guzma only because he was obedient enough.A subordinate who regards his own words as an imperial decree at any time, and will carry out it at any cost, even if he loses his own life, which leader is willing to see him sacrifice in vain?

Lusamine is also clear about Lei Leishi's ability.So after some thinking, she finally dialed Guzma's communication and explained the specific requirements to him.Without any hesitation or hesitation, Guzma immediately let Lei Leishi cut through the space channel, and then brought himself to Wang Hao's position.

Guzma's decisive actions made Lusamine feel at ease, so at the last moment, Lusamine still did not forget to remind him: "Once Wang Hao's waveguide power is disrupted, you should evacuate immediately! It doesn't matter if Lei Leishi acts as your backing, the most important thing is to save your own life! As long as you successfully detonate the Silver Companion Beast, the victory of this war will be ours!".

Whether it's war or alien beast invasion, it doesn't matter to Guzma.He only had one thought, and that was to guard Lusamine's side.Lusamine is the only person in this world who recognizes his strength, and is also the one who gave him shelter when he was at his worst.From then on, he regarded Lusamine as his life and lived for it.This is also the main reason why he obeyed all of Lusamine's orders?

Both Wang Hao and Chaomeng were originally worried about the situation of Silver Companion Beast, and they didn't even think of a suitable way to solve the problem of Silver Companion Beast.However, when they sensed that someone broke the shackles of the surrounding space, they immediately thought of the reason why the Silver Companion Beast was so unstable at this time.When Wang Hao saw that the person who came was none other than Guzma, he was even more sure of his inner guess.Sure enough, the current state of Silver Companion Beast has something to do with Lusamine and the others.

"We meet again, Guzma! You are not planning to run away this time, are you? Is Lusamine behind everything that happened to Silver Companion Beast? What did you get from the companion beast, he is no longer your puppet!"

"I didn't expect to meet you again, you are really surprising! The Silver Companion Beast is an artificial Pokémon created by Master Lusamine with all the power of the etheric paradise. It is a weapon! His life belongs to Lady Lusamine! You say that Lady Lusamine is playing tricks behind her back? No need at all, this is just one of her experiments! As for the puppet theory? That is even more inappropriate! His life was given by Lord Lusamine, shouldn't he be enlightened?"

Guz's high-spirited words made Wang Hao and Chaomeng especially harsh.No one can deny that Lusamine is the life-giver of Silver Companion Beast, but that doesn't mean that those who give life can spoil life at will.Chaomeng has a special empathy for this matter. After all, he is also a Pokémon created artificially, and he has also experienced the time of being dominated.He listened to Guzma's words now, as if he was reviewing the original time, and he was very disgusted.

"Humans! Do you think that you can spoil others at will after you give them life? From the moment you gave him life, he has independent thoughts and consciousness. He is no longer a dead thing without a soul, but a living creature. Life! He is not your experimental subject, nor is he a puppet that you can manipulate at will, is it difficult to give every life a minimum of respect?"

What Chaomeng said was not only talking to Guzma, but also talking to himself.He is also a created life. Although he has always been feared by others because of his too strong power, he has only obtained it after going through a lot.In the beginning, he was also an experimental subject, a puppet, and a plaything.He didn't want the same thing as himself to continue to happen to Silver Companion Beast, so he had to come forward to stop Guzma.

"Respect? How dare a created thing brazenly talk about respect with its creator? If you don't have everything that the creator bestows on you, can you become a unique life? No! After all, you just don't have the sense of awe. Heart, otherwise the creator wants you to die, and you have to die immediately!"

Guzma's words are extreme and very speechless.Through these words, Wang Hao has already deeply understood that it is impossible for him to understand the guy in front of him.Therefore, in the end, Wang Hao did not speak again, but negotiated with Chaomeng through the power of Bird: "There is no need to waste time arguing with him. The most important thing now is to find a way to restore the Silver Companion Beast. Since the guy in front of me can Appearing here, then you must know something, take him down as soon as possible, and then find out the answer we want!".

Chaomeng fully agrees with what Wang Hao said.Immediately, he soared into the air and attacked the position where Guzma and Lei Leishi were.Guzma didn't expect Chaomeng to launch an offensive so quickly, so his reaction was half a beat slow.When Chaomeng appeared in front of him and Lei Leishi, a strong mental oppression crushed Guzma and Lei Leishi.Lei Leishi immediately protected Guzma behind him, and endured Chaomeng's mental oppression for Guzma.

The attributes of Lei Leishi are rock and steel, and the attack of super energy attribute is not effective on itself.In addition, Lei Leishi's special defense is relatively high, and after enduring the impact of mental strong thoughts, he still doesn't seem to be injured much.Wang Hao saw that Chaomeng actually used super-energy attribute attacks to target Guzma and Lei Leishi, and immediately said through the power of the waveguide: "The fighting attribute and ground attribute have a great restraint effect on Lei Leishi, and the water attribute is also very strong. That’s right, you can start with the skills of these three attributes! The effect of other attributes is not very good, especially the superpower attribute, don’t use your accustomed fighting style, let’s make a quick decision!”.

If it was just a normal battle, wouldn't Wang Hao remind Chaomeng how to attack at this time?The key now is to get information from Guzma about the reason for the energy disorder in the Silver Companion Beast's body, that's why Wang Hao is so anxious.After a round of offensive, Chaomeng already knew that his skills were not particularly effective against Leishi, and he already had the idea of ​​changing the offensive.Now Wang Hao's reminder suddenly made him think of a state that he had never used before!
"Wang Hao! I'm going to try a new form. You should be careful about your surroundings so as not to be affected by my power! You will be free from the surroundings of Silver Companion War Beast!"

new form?Wang Hao listened to Chaomeng's words in a daze, and didn't know how to react.However, he quickly took out a poke ball and released Geng Gui.Without Chaomeng's reminder, Wang Hao himself wanted to send Geng Gui.If Chaomeng fails to deal with Lei Leishi quickly, then Wang Hao plans to let Geng Gui use his space ability to sneak attack Guzma!Anyway, the ability to control hypnosis is what Geng Gui is best at. Once Lei Leishi is entangled by Chaomeng, how can he take care of Guzma?
After Chaomeng reminded Wang Hao, a powerful light of power burst out from his body immediately.The light of this power suddenly turned Chaomeng into a psychedelic.When Wang Hao sensed this power, he immediately thought of a possibility, super evolution.Chaomeng is one of the few Pokémon that can super-evolve independently. Before that, he defeated the Dragon of Tao with the power of Super Mewtwo Y.However, Wang Hao feels that this super evolution seems to be slightly different from the previous super evolution.As for the specific difference?Wang Hao couldn't tell the difference very well.

The light didn't last long, and a slender and muscular figure appeared in front of everyone.When Wang Hao saw this figure, he immediately froze.At this time, Chaomeng's tail became slender, his feet became slender, his limbs had obviously swollen muscles, and his neck had a purple hood-like structure.The more special place should be his feet. The three toes are longer and feel more powerful.

This is no longer the appearance of Super Mewtwo Y, but the form of Super Mewtwo X with fighting attributes and super power attributes.Wang Hao never thought that the new form that Chaomeng mentioned was actually the form of Super Chaomeng X.Chaomeng in this form has the fighting attribute, which happens to restrain the existence of Lei Leishi.It seems that Chaomeng should have mastered this super-evolved form long ago, but has never had a proper opportunity to display it.

It was the first time Guzma saw Mewtwo's super evolution, and he felt the pressure all of a sudden.So, without any hesitation, he released his own Pokémon, Giant Pincer Mantis and Kairos.Among them, Kairos' arm is tied with an orb emitting iridescent light.Wang Hao recognized at a glance that it was Kairos' keystone, and immediately looked at Guzma differently.Originally, Wang Hao thought that Guzma was able to achieve his current status only with the support of the Ethereum Fund, but now it seems that he also has considerable strength.

Without any hesitation, Guzma activated Kairos' keystone and let it complete the super evolution.The super-evolved Kairos gained flight attributes, and a pair of thin yellow wings grew out of the carapace on his back.The small spines on the two large horns on the top of the head became longer, sharper structures.What's more special is that the white eyes have turned into yellow eyes with lines, which is said to be a change to adapt to high-altitude flying.

After Super Kairos completed the super evolution, Guzma immediately let him launch the flash, trying to use the speed increase brought by the super evolution and the preemptive effect of the flash to give Mewtwo an unexpected blow.But the speed of Super Mewtwo X itself is not bad. When facing the explosion of Super Kairos, he just wrapped a weak lightning around his fists, and then swung them away at will.

An attack formed by bursting out with terrifying momentum with the speed of lightning flashed met a slow and casual fist, but the result was a bit surprising.Super Mewtwo X's fist directly suppressed Super Kairos and completely knocked him away.The physical attack of Super Kairos has been greatly improved after the super evolution, reaching a height of 150 five points.But such a seemingly powerful physical attack is not enough when it meets Super Mewtwo X's physical attack of up to 190 points.In addition, there is a restraint relationship between the attacks performed by the two, the confrontation of strength and the collision of skills, Super Kairos is slightly inferior.It's no wonder that the result of the collision between the two will end with Super Kairos being knocked into the air.

Guzma didn't expect that Super Kairos would suffer a disadvantage in the confrontation of power. His understanding of Mewtwo is limited to the information provided by Sakagi before.And there is no content about super evolution in those materials, so Guzma can be said to have no understanding of the strange and amazingly powerful Super Mewtwo X in front of him.After this confrontation between Super Kairos and Super Mewtwo X, Guzma finally understood something.

The moment Super Kairos was knocked into the air, countless square stones attacked Super Mewtwo X.That is the living body separated from Lei Leishi, which is an important part of Lei Leishi.Lei Leishi is composed of 150 tetragonal life forms, and its own attributes and ability values ​​are often affected by these life forms.For example, the speed of Lei Leishi, the speed of the aggregated Lei Lei Stone is very poor, only a poor thirteen points.And when it is dispersed into individual life forms, the speed of Lei Leishi will be increased, which is extremely astonishing.

Lei Leishi often uses this speed difference to create trouble for opponents.The tetragonal stone that is now attacking Super Mewtwo X is the smallest living unit of Leilei Stone, so the speed displayed is very amazing.Super Mewtwo X used both hands and feet in the face of the Lei Leishi life form that was attacking at high speed, and played like a frenzied swing.

Every life form of Lei Leishi retains the strong defense ability of Lei Leishi, so even Super Mewtwo X could not completely smash these life forms under the high-speed punching and kicking movements.Wang Hao had fought against Lei Leishi before, so he knew very well what the characteristics of this kind of ultra-beast were, but he never thought that the individual defense ability of the life forms scattered by Lei Leishi would be so strong.

If Super Mewtwo X is facing a single or a small number of life forms, then with his strength, it can definitely be easily crushed.However, what he is facing now is a large number of life forms attacking at high speed. Super Chaomeng X can only reduce the power of the attack and increase the speed.When more and more life forms were shot down by Super Mewtwo X, the giant pincer mantis beside Guzma also followed suit.

From the moment Super Kairos took action, the giant pincer mantis has already entered a state of gaining momentum.The metallic luster spread all over the giant pincer mantis's body, and then slowly began to gather in front of the giant pincer mantis.The moment the last Lei Leishi life body was shot down by Super Mewtwo X, the metal light condensed in front of the giant pincer mantis was emitted like light.

In addition to the Z move and the extreme move, one of the two strongest steel attribute skills is the iron hoof light.This is the skill displayed by the giant pincer mantis.However, Wang Hao was not too worried about this trick.After all, Guzma still suffers from not knowing enough about the attributes and power of Super Mewtwo X. The damage of steel attribute skills to Super Mewtwo X is only average.Even if it resists this iron hoof light, the damage suffered by Super Mewtwo X will not be particularly huge.

After carefully preparing the skills for so long, and letting Super Kairos and Lei Leishi act as assistants to consume Super Mewtwo X, but in the end, it is a bit of a disadvantage to use such a move that cannot cause a real restraint effect!After Super Mewtwo X felt the power of the iron hoof light, there was no extra movement, and it simply opened the super energy circle in front of him.

All of a sudden, the attack of the iron hoof light all bombarded the super energy circle, forming a dazzling light like spot welding.The iron hoof light didn't last long, and when everything returned to calm, the Giant Pincer Mantis showed a tired state first.The iron hoof light is a move that hurts one hundred enemies and fifty self-damages. Now the state of the giant pincer mantis has obviously declined by half.Typical thankless work!

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