Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 816 Black Stripe Zeraora

Super Mewtwo Y suppressed dozens of Ultra Beasts in one breath by virtue of the increase brought by the super evolution, fully embodying the two characters of strength.However, this army of ultra beasts is composed of nearly a hundred ultra beasts, so how can it be so easy to suppress?Wang Hao's Geng Gui, Xanadu, Jiahe Ninja Frog, and Biting Lu Shark all rely on their own strength to deal with the two ultimate beasts.The rest of the Ultra Beasts were besieged by the vortex of flames that turned into silver companion beasts.

To be honest, Jarvis didn't expect Chaomeng and Wang Hao's Pokémon to be so difficult.He had made all the ultra beasts regard Wang Hao and Dark Zeraora as the first targets, but the result was completely unsatisfactory.Although there are only two of his Super Pokémon army left, they have already joined the battle, and it shouldn't take long to achieve results.

Just when Jarvis thought that he was about to break through the defenses of Super Mewtwo Y and Wang Hao's Pokémon, a strong light burst out from Dark Zeraora's body.The light shrouded Wang Hao in it, and no one could see what happened there.However, the Pokémon of Super Mewtwo Y and Wang Hao felt at ease when the light burst out.

Although both Super Mewtwo Y and Wang Hao's Pokémon have confidence in Wang Hao, the matter of purifying the dark seeds is not that simple.If it could be done easily, Wang Hao would not have chosen the method of waveguide seal to temporarily solve the problem of Dark Zeraora.Now they felt a kind of peace in the light that emanated from the dark Zeraora.This is enough to explain the fact that Wang Hao succeeded.Super Mewtwo Y and all of Wang Hao's Pokémon gave up the battle and returned to the surroundings of Wang Hao and Dark Zeraora.

The light completely disappeared after just a few seconds, and a not too tall figure with a feather in his left hand and a cat-shaped Pokémon in his right hand appeared in everyone's sight.Super Mewtwo Y was the first to notice the difference in Zeraora.Zeraora, who is no longer darkened, has returned to its original yellow mane.However, the current yellow is more saturated and a bit dull.Of course, the biggest change in Zeraora was not the restoration of its color, but the black lines that suddenly appeared on its limbs.

Originally, the mane of Zeraora's limbs also had some lightning-like black lines, but the number was relatively rare and the structure was relatively simple.Now these black lines have become dense, and present a posture that spreads randomly.Because of these black lines, Zeraora at this time seemed to be wearing a striped shirt.

Wang Hao was the first to notice these changes, but he didn't care about them.Because from Zeraora holding his hand, Wang Hao could feel a sense of peace of mind.Wang Hao knew that although Zeraora was obviously different from before, he had recovered to his own Zeraora.Zeraola told Wang Hao that the changes he has undergone now are actually caused by "dark seeds".The Dark Seed is not only a tool to control Zeraora, but also a manufacturer that provides dark energy.

When Zeraora's original consciousness and Wang Hao's waveguide energy rose up to purify the dark seeds, the energy in the seeds became Zeraora's energy treasure house and was absorbed at once.The black streaks on Zeraora's body now are a manifestation of absorbing the huge energy contained in the dark seeds.According to Zeraora himself, he was greatly improved.

"It seems to be going very well! Sure enough, I didn't misread you, this combat power came in a timely manner, and then we don't have to worry about the encroachment of these ultra beasts! The days of being frustrated are over, it's time for them to experience us It's amazing!"

After Super Chaomeng Y returned to Wang Hao's side, he couldn't help but praise him.He already felt that Zeraora was strong, not even much weaker than himself, so he was even more happy.After being entangled by the army of ultra beasts for nearly 10 minutes, he still couldn't fight happily, which made Super Mewtwo Y very upset.Now it is finally possible for Super Mewtwo Y to display his offensive to his heart's content, so why would he be unhappy?

"Thank you for your hard work! The problem of Zeraora has been completely solved, and the dark seeds no longer exist! Our goal has not changed. We must guard this seal node and never let Ultimate Necrozma Smoothly absorb the light from the Kalos region!"

After purifying Zeraora, Wang Hao has become more and more confident in stopping Ultimate Necrozma's plan.Although most of the legendary Pokémon gathered by him are missing now, as long as Chaomeng, Zeraora and Silver Companion Beast are still by Wang Hao's side, then he still has the courage to continue fighting.The morale on Wang Hao's side was high, but the situation on Jarvis' side was not so good.Looking at Zeraora, who was no longer eroded by dark energy, Jarvis couldn't help asking.

"How on earth did you do it? The dark Zeraora is carrying a dark seed made by the ultimate Necrozma himself. It is a rare achievement that can induce the most rooted negative emotions of Pokémon. Where is something that can be purified so easily?"

"The root cause of negative emotions? No wonder I failed to purify the dark Zeraora before. It turns out that I didn't understand how Zeraora's negative emotions came about? But it doesn't matter now, Zeraora's Negative emotions have been completely eliminated, and the dark seeds have been completely purified, and have become the power of Zeraora!"

Wang Hao had never understood the principle of the dark seeds before.Now being mentioned by Jarvis, he finally understood why the purification of the dark seeds went so smoothly after Zeraora's original consciousness was restored.Wang Hao and Zeraora almost didn't expend any effort, just relying on the power of the two to complete the entire purification process, as if the dark seeds were as fragile as a piece of paper.The dark seeds that turned into Zeraora's power now appear as black lines on the surface of Zeraora.

Jarvis never expected that the dark seeds were so easily purified by Wang Hao and Zeraora.This completely exceeded his expectations, and now everything was out of his control, so he hurriedly asked Lusamine and Ultimate Necrozma for his next move.How could Ultimate Necrozma and Lusamine, who have been paying attention to the situation here, not know what happened?Their instructions to Jarvis remain the same, let him continue to haunt Wang Hao and Chaomeng.

"I didn't expect your dark seed to be purified by a human so easily! Didn't you have great confidence in the dark seed before? You thought that no Pokémon could break free from the root of negative emotions! But Now, you can see it too, it’s really effortless! Is that brat too powerful? Or is your dark seed just not good at all?”

Lusamine is really in a very bad mood right now. She was only one step away from success, but she didn't expect to kill such a number one person as Wang Hao.There is a problem with Silver Companion Beast, and Zeraora has a problem. These two Pokémon that were supposed to be their help have now become resistance.And this kind of thing happened twice in a row, how could Lusamine wait calmly?
"It's not how powerful that brat is, but that I underestimated that Zeraora. When I made the dark seeds, I already understood what Zeraora's negative emotions are produced from. I thought his negative emotions It is impossible to appease emotions, after all, being ignored by others, or even being used as a fighting tool is a real thing! This kind of minor negative emotion is actually the most difficult to appease! I can only say that I underestimated them!"

Ultimate Necrozma actually doesn't understand the bond between Zeraora and Wang Hao, or he himself doesn't have any concept of the so-called bond!Through the memory of Zeraora, he learned that Wang Hao ignored the fact that Zeraora had ignored it, and realized that Zeraora was deeply displeased with this matter.Therefore, he used this displeasure to create the Dark Seed.However, it is also this displeasure that becomes the key to purify the dark seeds.

"Jarvis doesn't know how long he can last? Those ultra beasts should not be the opponents of the kid and Mewtwo, Silver Companion Beast, and Zeraora. The next battle is probably going to be ugly!"

"No matter how long he can hold on, let him hold on! Didn't N lead the Taoist Dragon and members of the Rainbow Skull team around from behind? I believe they will be able to successfully destroy the sealed node in a short time! If even they fail, then I can only do it myself!"

Lusamine really couldn't sit still anymore, she wanted to solve the matter here as soon as possible.Whether it's Jarvis's super Pokémon army, or the Ultra Beast army that went to support, or N and the Dragon of Tao, in Lusamine's view, they are all pawns.If the final chess game is not as she wished, then she will use herself as a chess game to solve Wang Hao herself.

"Don't worry too! Didn't N and the Dragon of Dao have also been greatly improved, and that Mewtwo may not be able to defeat them! As long as Mewtwo is entangled, the army of ultimate beasts is still enough to deal with the kid and his treasures." What a dream! Afterwards, other members of the Rainbow Skull team will destroy the seal node, and the three parties will act at the same time, so what is the difficulty?"

Ultimate Necrozma was actually anxious, but in order to stabilize Lusamine, he still acted calmly.No one could be more nervous than Ultimate Necrozma about absorbing the light source of Kalos area, not even Lusamine!In order to take revenge on the humans who deprived him of his light and imprisoned him for thousands of years, he must make humans feel the pain of loss.Light is just the first thing he wants to take away from human beings, and there will be more and more after that, how can he be stumbled by this first thing?
N and the Taoist Dragon, who were expected by Ultimate Necrozma and Lusamine, have now circled to the rear of the sealing node.He is moving towards the location of the sealing node bit by bit.To be honest, N didn't really understand why Ultimate Necrozma and Lusamine arranged their actions like this.Wouldn't it be okay to let yourself face Chaomeng and Wang Hao directly?Just because Zeng Jin was defeated by Chaomeng and Wang Hao, so he didn't even have this little trust?
Wang Hao is in a good mood because of Zeraora's recovery.When facing Jarvis and the army of ultra-beasts, he even showed a long-lost smile.After Jarvis got the answers from Ultimate Necrozma and Lusamine, he was in a bad mood!Because he no longer has the confidence he had before to pester Wang Hao and Chaomeng.Not to mention the strength of Chaomeng, Silver Companion Beast and Zeraola, which absorbs dark energy, are not fuel-efficient lamps.After thinking about the technology of Ether Paradise, Jarvis finally decided to go all out.

Take the gemstone from the scepter, and then let the super Gengar next to him shatter the gemstone with a shadow ball attack.This gem is the crystallization of Mega Evolution Wave, and it is also the root of his control of the entire Super Pokémon army.Now Jarvis shattered this gem with only one purpose, and that was to make the super evolutionary wave completely riot.Those Super Pokémon whose wristbands were shattered and returned to their original appearance received a large number of super evolutionary waves at the moment the gem was shattered, and the strength of the whole body soared and burst into a strong light!
Wang Hao frowned as he watched Super Pokémon appear one after another.It is already very difficult for Wang Hao, Chaomeng, Zeraora and Silver Companion to deal with nearly a hundred ultra beasts in front of them.Now with the addition of the recovered Super Pokémon army, the pressure doubled at once.

"What are you doing? Haven't the wristbands on these super Pokémon been destroyed? Why force them to super evolve? Isn't this the same as squeezing the last bit of power in their bodies?"

"Originally, my super-evolution wave was a super prop that could allow these Pokémon to super-evolve freely, but in order to make up for their inability to cooperate after super-evolution, I used the technology of Ether Paradise to create a super-evolution wristband! Wristband Although the belt solves the problem of cooperation, it also has more restrictions on the super-evolution wave. It is the most correct way to super-evolve these Pokémon with the super-evolution wave of rampage. The control process is omitted!"

Jarvis didn't really want to do this, but there was really no way.If it wasn't for Wang Hao and Chaomeng, then he would never have the opportunity to use the technology of the etheric paradise to experiment with his research content.Although these Pokémon have adapted to the super-evolution wave and are a good batch of experimental materials, he still prefers the latter over the technology of the etheric paradise.Let the super-evolutionary wave run wild, and stimulate the most primitive power in these Pokémon. The final result may be the sacrifice of these Pokémon, but Jarvis doesn't care at all.Experiments without sacrifice cannot discover the truth at all.This is Jarvis's research motto all along!

"Jeraora and I will fight against those super Pokémon, Mewtwo, you and Silver Companion Beast, they will act with the policy of restricting the army of ultra beasts, try to delay for some time until Zeraora and I get rid of them All the Super Pokémon Army!"

That's right, Wang Hao chose to face Jarvis's super Pokémon army with Zeraora.There will be such a choice. On the one hand, it is because their manpower is really insufficient. Before Chaomeng and Silver Companion Beasts, they could barely fight against the army of the ultimate beasts, so now they can still persist.On the other hand, it was because Wang Hao wanted to see Zeraora's power improvement, so that he could have a better grasp of the battle ahead!Chaomeng probably also understood Wang Hao's intentions, so he didn't say much, and led Silver Companion Beast, Geng Gui, Xanadu, Biting Lu Shark and Jiaga Ninja Frog to the army of ultimate beasts again.

Zeraora, who had been holding Wang Hao's right hand all this time, finally let go at this moment. He slowly stood in front of Jarvis's super Pokémon army, and without saying a word, he set up a powerful electromagnetic field!The blue electromagnetic field instantly enveloped Zeraora and the entire Super Pokémon army, like an electric cage.Among Jarvis's Super Pokémon army, Super Thunderbolt, Super Swamp Monster and Super Fire-breathing Camel are completely unaffected by this electric magnetic field.Also became Zeraola's first target.

I saw Zeraora jump sideways onto the electric magnetic field, and then regard the magnetic field as a spring bed, and ejected violently.Zeraora, who was able to move at the speed of thunder, reached the limit under the ejection of the electric magnetic field.The entire Super Pokémon army only felt a gleam of light flash in front of their eyes, and then saw Zeraora beat the Super Thunderbolt to the ground.Zeraora is a legendary Pokémon with an electric attribute. It can manipulate thunder and lightning at will, and Super Thunderbolt is not much worse than Zeraora in the manipulation of lightning.

If the electric magnetic field that Zeraora had so hard to set up collapsed due to the control of the super lightning, wouldn't it be a waste of time?Wang Hao asked Zeraora to lock the first target on the Super Thunder Beast, in order to avoid giving the Super Thunder Beast any chance to interfere with the electric magnetic field.What Zeraora casts is the absorption punch, which can restore Zeraora's physical strength while inflicting damage to Super Raiden Beast.In the face of group battles, this continuous recovery skill is essential.

After absorbing the fist and punching the Super Thunderbolt, Zeraora immediately swung another fist frantically, pushing the rhythm and power of the attack to the limit.Those who are familiar with Zeraora's skills must be able to see the posture of the plasma lightning fist in the series of attacks of Zeraora.This is actually because Zeraora uses the power of lightning to continuously accelerate and increase its power when swinging its fist.Although the core of each punch is an absorption punch, the form contains the posture of the plasma lightning punch.

Because this super evolution is directly caused by the super evolution wave, the disadvantages are very obvious.The Super Pokémon around Super Thunderbolt simply didn't take any timely support actions.Jarvis didn't expect that Zeraora's punch would be such a swift and violent attack, so his reaction was also delayed by half a beat.When he directed the Super Ice Ghost Guard and the Super Big Steel Snake around the Super Thunder Beast to launch an offensive against Zeraora, the Super Thunder Beast had completely lost its fighting ability and released its super-evolved form.

With swift movements and powerful attacks, is this the current Zeraora?Jarvis looked at the thunderbolt beast that had lost its ability to fight, and for a moment didn't know how to react.And the Super Ice Ghost Guard and Super Big Steel Snake that received Jarvis's order didn't seem to move, they froze in place!Jarvis looked at the Super Ice Ghost Guard and the Super Big Steel Snake in astonishment, and gave another command.However, these two Super Pokémon just didn't move!What happened?
In fact, it was because Jarvis was too anxious that he didn't see the looming electric current around the Super Ice Ghost Guard and the Super Big Steel Snake.The electric magnetic field arranged by Zeraora is not a simple electric magnetic field. As long as the Pokémon in this magnetic field will be affected by the surrounding electromagnetic field, it will slowly enter a state of paralysis.This move is a special move of Zeraora combining the characteristics of electric magnetic field and dark weather.Of course, this move has no effect on Pokémon that are immune to electric attributes.

Therefore, in addition to the super lightning beast, there are also super giant marsh monsters and super fire-breathing camels that can act now.After defeating the Super Lightning Beast, Zeraora jumped onto the electric magnetic field again, then used the elasticity to increase his speed, and suddenly appeared in front of the Super Giant Swamp Monster.With the lessons learned from the super thunder beast, the super giant marsh monster will not let Zeraora succeed so easily.

When Zeraora approached, the Super Swamp Monster launched a hammer attack with its strong arms.Although Zeraora wasn't afraid of the hammer arm's attack, he didn't want to compete recklessly with the super bog monster either.I saw Zeraora retreating slowly while avoiding the arm hammer of the super giant marsh monster.In order to beat Zeraora violently, the super giant swamp monster began to move its feet, moving forward along the route of Zeraora's retreat.In the next second, the super giant marsh monster felt his feet were tripped.With a bang, it hit the ground.

Tie a grass knot!The only move mastered by Zeraora that can deal restrained damage to the Super Swamp Monster is also an attack move that constantly changes its power according to the weight of the opponent.The super giant bog monster weighs almost [-] kilograms, and this weight directly increases the power of the grass knot to [-] points, which is equivalent to the power of an earthquake.Coupled with the four times restraint effect on attributes, this immediately made the Super Giant Swamp Monster unable to get up again.

Instant kills, and almost all of them were harmless.Jarvis no longer knows how to describe the black-striped Zeraora he saw?This has exceeded his previous strength appraisal of Dark Zeraora, and it has also exceeded the range that his super Pokémon army can deal with.If this is not the full strength of Heiwen Zeraora, then it is simply a fantasy to want to entangle Wang Hao?Jarvis never expected that he would encounter such an embarrassing situation, and he didn't even understand why his super Pokémon army suddenly didn't obey his command?How to fight this battle?

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