Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 83 The Harmful Apollo

From Domino's mouth, Wang Hao got a lot of information about the Rockets, and then Wang Hao also asked A'Du to send people from the alliance to bring Domino back to the alliance headquarters.How to deal with Domino's repeated leakage of alliance information is a matter within the alliance, and Wang Hao will not ask.

Because it will take a day for Serena's body to recover, and at this time Lance and Apollo have already destroyed the Burning Feather on the road of champions, Wang Hao can't wait any longer, so he decided to go to the flame bird alone place of residence.

Wang Hao, who appeared in front of the alliance gate again, no longer needed to show any special certificates. A'Du notified Wang Hao's information to the guards at the alliance gate, and no one would stop his actions!When passing through the eight alliance gates, Wang Hao was not blocked at all, and he soon came to No. 23 road.After seeing the tunnel entrance of the Champion Road, he immediately concentrated his mind.He needs to be careful throughout the entire road to the next championship. Whether he is facing ordinary trainers or members of the league, he must remain vigilant, because he cannot confirm whether these people are members of the Rockets in disguise.

When Wang Hao and Lucario stepped into the entrance of the championship road, Lucario radiated the power of Bird.This labyrinth-like championship road composed of three complex structures was originally a training ground for many alliance members and senior trainers, but at this moment, Lucario's detection did not find even a single figure.

Of course, Lucario's waveguide detection range is one-third of the first floor, but this range is not too small. The absence of a single figure can only show one thing, and that is the cleaning of Lance and Apollo. The action was very thorough.But they didn't even set up defensive personnel. Could it be that these two led all the members of Team Rocket to hide on the third floor?
Instead of guessing randomly here, it is better to go directly to the third floor to check the situation.Wang Hao released Gui Si and let Gui Si hide in his shadow.Guisi's ability to appear and disappear has become Wang Hao's great help, releasing Guisi in advance is also to better deal with sudden situations.After that, Wang Haocai and Lucario quickly moved to the second floor.

The situation on the second floor was almost the same as that of the first floor. Not only was there no trace of the Rockets, even the general alliance members and trainers were absent.Wang Hao always felt that things were getting a little weird. Could it be that Lance and Apollo drove all the alliance members and trainers out of the championship?If this is the case, those members of the league will definitely report the expulsion, and the league will definitely find out what the Rockets did.Therefore, this possibility is almost non-existent.

In other words, Lance and Apollo not only took all the members of the Rockets to find the place where the Flamingo lived on the third floor, but also brought the alliance members and trainers who were originally practicing on the road to the championship to the third floor.What on earth are Lance and Apollo going to ask these people to do?Could it be possible to let these people help them find the Burning Feather together?
The Burning Feather should be the best one to find among the three Legendary Feathers, because the Burning Feather is just like its name, it is always in a state of burning, it is a group of feather-like flames.Although the flaming feathers in a resting state also look like fossils, once they are touched, they will immediately re-ignite, and the temperature of the flames is so high that even many metals can be melted.Therefore, if you want to obtain the Burning Feather, you also need special props to grab it.Wang Hao was still planning to use the Thunder Feather to grab them, after all he had collected a lot of Thunder Feathers.There is only one ice crystal feather, which is used to restore the frozen bird, so it will not be used.

When Wang Hao and Lucario stepped into the third floor, Lucario still couldn't find any figure.This made Wang Hao feel particularly strange.But Wang Hao still followed Lucario to a deeper place on the third floor. After walking nearly half of the distance, Lucario notified Wang Hao that he had found a figure.But Lucario found not many people, only five.

How come there are only five people?There's no way Lance and Apollo could have come to this place with just three Team Rocket members.And, what about the affiliates and trainers who train on the Road to Champions?Why is there no one?Lance and Apollo's waveguide Lucario are familiar, because they have met before, and Lucario is very sure that Lance and Apollo are among the five people.This made Wang Hao even more confused about the current situation, but since there were only five people, Wang Hao didn't plan to hide.He moved directly to where Lance and Apollo were, and at this moment he heard the conversation between Lance and Apollo.

"Apollo! Boss Sakagi asked us to come here to destroy the so-called Burning Feather, but we haven't even seen a single hair! And this place is so weird, our people and those alliance members who came here I don’t know what I touched, and they were all burned to death. It’s impossible to go on like this!”

"Don't you understand yet? Thanks to you being one of the four major cadres, no wonder the people below are coveting your position! If you continue like this, you will be replaced by the people below sooner or later!"

"I don't understand! But it's not so easy for those guys below to replace me! Just tell me what's going on?"

"In fact, we have been destroying the burning feather! Although until now we don't know what the burning feather looks like. But our people and those from the alliance must be burned for no reason after touching the burning feather. Damn it! The so-called burning feathers must have something to do with fire. You can’t be wrong! So although we lost a lot of people, the burning feathers are also constantly decreasing!"

"You mean that the thing that burned so many people to death is the burning feather, this thing is too scary!"

It wasn't until this moment that Wang Hao understood why there should have been many people on the road to the championship, but there were only five people left in front of him.He also understood why the alliance members and trainers who trained here disappeared without a trace, and he didn't expect them to be sacrificed like this.Wang Hao felt very sorry for this. If he had come earlier, he might have been able to save these people.It's too late to say anything now, in order to prevent the destruction of the entire Kanto, he can only move on.
Wang Hao ordered the ghost in the shadow to quickly move to the side of Lance and Apollo after the surrounding shadows, intending to force the ghost to hypnotize them.But just when Guisi was about to touch the shadows of Lance and Apollo, Apollo's nightmare guide jumped out from the rock beside him, and threw the Psychic Ball in his hand to Guisi.

"Who is it?" Apollo looked in Wang Hao's direction very vigilantly.When he saw Wang Hao's appearance, his expression couldn't help but change.And Lance next to him fell into a state of anger completely when he saw Wang Hao.Lance's hatred for Wang Hao can be said to be deeper and deeper every time, because Wang Hao always blocks his actions, which makes the failure rate of his actions soar as a cadre, and the people below dare to look down on him like this.

Guisi's sneak attack was interrupted, and Wang Hao also realized that he had become reckless because of what Lance and Apollo did. He should let Lucario confirm the surrounding situation first.But since it has been discovered, let's fight head-on!Although Apollo's Nightmare Tapir has the ability of synchronous interference, Kirulian cannot join the battle, but with the current Lucario and Ghost, it should be enough to deal with Lance and Apollo.

Just when Wang Hao thought that Lance and Apollo were going to have a head-to-head confrontation with him, Apollo suddenly ordered to retreat.This made Wang Hao a little confused, what is Apollo going to do?Lance obviously didn't expect Apollo to give such an order. He was a little crazy and wanted to reason with Apollo, but was stopped by Apollo's eyes.

Apollo walked towards Wang Hao with Lance and the other three members of Team Rocket, and said to Wang Hao, "Since you came here, your goal must be the Burning Feather! We can't find it." It is impossible to find that thing under your nose, so now we take the initiative to withdraw. As long as you let us leave, the Burning Feather will be yours." .

When such words came out of Apollo's mouth, Wang Hao couldn't believe it!But at this moment, Apollo, Lance, and the three members of the Rockets had already put their Pokémon back into the Poké Ball, and at the same time made an appearance of not resisting.Wang Hao ignored Apollo's words. He kept staring at the approaching Apollo, and at the same time asked Lucario to use the power of the waveguide to detect the surroundings of Apollo and others, in case they used any despicable means.

However, until Apollo and the others disappeared from Wang Hao's sight, they did not make any unusual moves, nor did they make a sudden sneak attack.Such a weird behavior made Wang Hao puzzled, but everyone has already left, so what can Wang Hao do?He could only start looking for the Burning Feather with vigilance.Lucario's waveguide power continued to spread out, and he did not let go of every corner, until he found a trace of energy fluctuations in this corner.

When Wang Hao and Lucario were about to go to that corner to take out the Burning Feather, the tunnels and caves of the entire Champion Road were shaking and collapsing like heaven and earth were falling apart.Wang Hao suddenly realized what a stupid mistake he had made.The Rockets can do anything, how could they leave so easily?Apollo just felt that in terms of hard power, the possibility of the five of them defeating Wang Hao was relatively low, so they pretended to give up and switch to one to leave safely.Once they leave, they will directly collapse the entire championship road and completely silence Wang Hao.

Apollo's calculation was very good, and the plan was implemented very smoothly.But he still underestimated Wang Hao after all.When the cave began to collapse, the burning feathers began to move automatically due to the shaking of the ground. Wang Hao easily collected the burning feathers through the thunder feathers.Afterwards, Wang Hao released Kirulian, and successfully left the tunnel cave of the Champion's Road through Kirulian's teleportation.

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