Future Pokémon Master

Chapter 868 I Just Try a Trick

At first, the speed at which the bloody feather fell was not too fast, as if it had just fallen off, but it turned into red light in the next second, bursting out at the speed of light.This kind of speed difference between front and back gives people an illusion, and it is impossible to guard against!Even Wang Hao didn't have time to open Bird's defensive barriers, and Kigard, who was full of aura, used his wings to defend Wang Hao from the attack of the blood feathers!After the blood feather attack was over, Wang Hao finally reacted, but it was too late!Kigard was hit by a large number of blood feathers, and obviously suffered a lot of damage.

Of course, except for Ziggard, almost all Pokémon present were attacked by Blood Feather to some extent.It's just that most of the blood feather attacks received were not as serious as Kigard's!Wang Hao hurriedly asked about Kigard's situation. He is currently the main force against Ultimate Necrozma. If he is seriously injured, how will the next battle be fought?Kigard also knows his responsibilities, so he has always been very concerned about his state.If it wasn't for the blood feather's attack that threatened Wang Hao's life just now, he would not have blocked that part of the blood feather's attack for Wang Hao, and naturally he would not have been hit by so many blood feathers.

"There is an unknown power in the blood feather. It doesn't belong to any attribute. I can't suppress it with my own power! And these powers have been eroding my body, like a poisoned state! Continue If this continues, all my bodily functions will be lost! I must find a way to peel off these blood feathers from my body!"

The blood feather of Ultra Necrozma not only caused serious damage to Zygarde, but also continued to erode!Upon learning of this situation, Wang Hao immediately confirmed it with other Legendary Pokémon.Although these Legendary Pokémon were not attacked by blood feathers as much as Kigard, they also felt the same situation.Those blood-colored feathers inserted on their bodies are constantly eroding their bodies, making their condition extremely poor.

A power that does not belong to any attribute?This is somewhat similar to the previous dark energy. Those darkened Pokémon can use dark energy to perform many dark moves that are different from Pokémon moves.Now it seems that after gaining a new power that combines aura energy, dark energy, and waveguide energy, Ultimate Necrozma also got skills and moves corresponding to these energies.How to resist the erosion of these energies, how to fight against the blood-red ultimate Necrozma, has become the most critical issue now.

Ziggard has tried to use his own strength to shake the blood feather out of his body, but the effect is not satisfactory.Those blood feathers that covered two-thirds of the surface around him didn't move at all!Ultimate Necrozma was very satisfied with his masterpiece. Seeing such an obvious effect in a wave of attacks, he laughed happily.Sure enough, all the previous efforts were not in vain!

"Don't try to peel off these blood feathers, it is impossible to do it with your strength! But if you really don't listen to persuasion and insist on trying, then try harder. I also want to see how strong this force is. How big! In addition, I might as well tell you that the longer these blood feathers stay in your body, the more energy I will get from you! This is a move that benefits you and benefits me!"

Another persuasion from Ultimate Necrozma made Wang Hao feel something different!Before, he prevented Wang Hao and others from destroying the mirror of blood and light, but it became a routine.Now, should we obey him or not?But this time it's not Wang Hao's turn to make the decision alone!Ultimate Necrozma's voice this time is for all humans and Pokémon in Baike City. How to choose should be everyone's own decision.

Ziggard and other Legendary Pokémon were trying to peel off the blood feathers, but none of them had any effect.If this continues, Scarlet Ultra Necrozma will gain energy from all Pokémon and become more powerful.This is a tricky thing!Since there is no way to deal with Blood Feather, why not just ignore it and launch a general attack on the Scarlet Ultimate Necrozma?I believe that as long as he defeats the Scarlet Ultimate Necrozma, the Blood Feather will have no effect!

"Since there is no way to peel off the blood feather, let's make a quick decision! As long as you defeat the bloody Necrozma, the influence of the blood feather should also disappear! Kigurd, stop worrying about how to peel off the blood feather !"

Hearing Wang Hao's instructions, Kigard didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately regained his momentum!With his aura fully open, he naturally has some means of hiding, and now he wants to make a quick decision, so he doesn't want to hide any more!Dark blue energy fluctuations sprang out from Ziggard's body, and quickly spread his wings behind him.Just like a Nordic giant wants to turn into a dragon and soar after giving birth to wings, a dark blue energy phantom just flew out of Zygurd's body, approaching the blood-colored ultimate Necrozma!

Scarlet Ultimate Necrozma thought he had conquered the entire Pokémon world, but he didn't expect that even at this time, Wang Hao and Kigard had no intention of giving up!Kigard, who was fully aura, used his hidden skills, and the dragon shadow stirred!Different from his exclusive skill Thousand Waves Surging, this move is a dragon attribute skill, and its power is much stronger than Thousand Waves Surging!The use of this move is actually a kind of temptation!Does the attribute of Scarlet Ultimate Necrozma still exist?That's what probing is for!
The blood feather contains non-attribute power, which means that the blood-red ultimate Necrozma may have surpassed the limitation of attributes at this time.The effect of Dragon Shadow Agitation is that it can ignore the aura and defense and cause real damage!If the Scarlet Ultimate Necrozma still has super power and dragon attributes as before, then he will naturally be restrained by this move of dragon attributes!But if he no longer has the dragon attribute, then the effect of the dragon shadow agitation will become worse.To be honest, Wang Hao hopes that the scarlet ultimate Necrozma has attribute restrictions, so that there is a way to deal with it.

However, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!When the dark blue dragon shadow attacked the blood-colored ultimate Necrozma, it was split in half.And the instigator of this scene turned out to be a blood-colored silk thread, or blood-colored light, bursting out from the body of the blood-colored ultimate Necrozma.At this time, both Wang Hao and Kigard looked dull. They never expected that Long Ying's stirring skills would end without any achievements, and their previous conjectures and hopes could not be verified in any way!
"Don't want to peel off the blood feather, but put the target on me? You are persistent, but you don't naively think that such an attack can pose a threat to me, right? No? As long as the blood feather exists on your body , I can get continuous energy supply, this kind of combat consumption is the same as nothing! However, since you want to start fighting, then I will let you experience it!"

After saying this, the blood-colored ultimate Necrozma slowly raised his right paw, and then just grabbed it out of thin air.Three blood-colored rays condensed from the air captured by the blood-colored ultimate Necrozma, and flew out like sharp blades.The blood-colored light continued to grow stronger during its flight, and eventually even surpassed the size of the blood-colored ultimate Necrozma, reaching nearly [-] meters.Fast speed and wide range, this is Wang Hao's first impression of the attack of Scarlet Ultimate Necrozma.He hastily mobilized his own waveguide and built a waveguide defense barrier.

But the moment the bloody light came into contact with the waveguide defense barrier, it cut through the previous absolute defense.Wang Hao never thought that the attack of Scarlet Ultimate Necrozma would be so powerful, so he couldn't help worrying.Ziggard seemed to have sensed the strength of Scarlet Ultimate Necrozma's attack, so he opened up his defensive defense early on.After Wang Hao's waveguide defensive barrier was cut, Kigard's defensive defense was also cut.In front of the bloody light, the double defense is like paper, meaningless.

Seeing that the three blood-colored rays were about to hit Ziggard, the surrounding Legendary Pokémon immediately extended a helping hand.Zernias used the goblin aura as a boost to cast the goblin light; Super Latios and Super Latias also played the dragon wave at this time; Regichkas used the destruction light To block the bloody light. In short, in order to prevent Kigard from being seriously injured, they can be said to have launched assistance immediately.Because of the combination of multiple skills, the bloody light was completely canceled out by these attacks.

The blood-red ultimate Necrozma looked at all this, and already had a rough estimate of his own strength in his heart.He showed a dissatisfied expression, because in his budget, after absorbing the energy of the ultimate aura, it should be invincible.Although the current performance is still strong, it is not enough.If the idea of ​​Bloody Ultimate Necrozma is known to the current Wang Hao, then he will definitely scold him.Those three blood-colored rays looked like an attack that the blood-colored ultimate Necrozma could easily launch, but in order to block these three blood-colored rays, Xernias, Super Latios, and Super Ladia Si, Regichkas and many Legendary Pokémon have spared no effort!
"It can't go on like this! We must unite all forces to fight against the bloody Necrozma! I can clearly feel the influence of the blood feather on myself. If I continue to delay, I am afraid that I will not be able to fight! "

Although he has just been greatly threatened, Ziggard has become more determined to defeat the scarlet ultimate Necrozma as soon as possible.This is not an easy matter, it must be coordinated with all the current forces.Kigard reminded Wang Hao of the influence of Blood Feather, hoping that he can integrate all the current forces!Wang Hao naturally understood Kigard's intentions, so he immediately sent the command to launch a joint offensive to the surrounding Legendary Pokémon.

Xernias was the first to respond among all the legendary Pokémon. After all, his fairy aura is still there, and a large number of branches emitting orange, red, purple, and water blue lights are constantly swaying around him. As if trying to gather strength.Fairy Ray had played a vital role against Ultra Necrozma before, and now he intends to use this move to gain an advantage.Super Latios and Super Latias also took action, and they are going to use the combination skills of Dragon Star Kill to gain some advantages!The skill Kigard used was Dragon Shadow Surge!The attack patterns of these four are not much different from before, because these moves are their strongest moves, and the extent to which these moves can be used now depends on the results!
The difference from before is that this time except for Kigard, Xernias, Super Latios and Super Latias.Regichkas, Registeel, Meloetta, Manaphy, Hoopa, Diancie, Magearna, Yuxi, Emrido, Aknom, Gopalion , Pilizion, Deragion, Polkenion, Tornado Cloud, Land Cloud, Thunder Cloud, and Cresselia launched corresponding offensives one after another.

The colorful energy rays attacked towards the blood-red ultimate Necrozma, as if launching a general attack!Those players who were fighting with Rainbow Skull and Ultra Beast couldn't help but stop their actions when they saw this scene.Most of them have already noticed the changes in the blood-red ultimate Necrozma, but they all tacitly handed over this opponent to those legendary Pokémon.Now that many Legendary Pokémon are launching a general attack on Scarlet Ultimate Necrozma, how could they not pay attention?

Facing the general attack of many Legendary Pokémon, Scarlet Ultimate Necrozma didn't care very much. He was still dissatisfied that his strength had not improved to be as strong as expected.When those colorful energy rays approached, he just emitted a deep dark red light from his body, instantly blocking all the attacks of the legendary Pokémon.Whether it's fairy light, dragon shadow surge, dragon star kill, or destruction light, steam explosion and other skills, acting on the dark red light is like mud falling into the sea, completely disappearing!

So many attacks are still unable to overcome the light emitted by the blood-red ultimate Necrozma?Wang Hao was completely shocked. He couldn't help thinking about what kind of existence the ultimate Necrozma is now?If he is the final boss of this world dungeon event, is the difficulty too exaggerated?Even the combined offensive of so many legendary Pokémon can't defeat the Scarlet Ultimate Necrozma, so is it necessary to unite all the players?

When this idea first came up, Wang Hao thought it was feasible!After all, the task of the players is to prevent the invasion of the Pokémon world by the ultimate Necrozma, and sooner or later they will have to face the ultimate Necrozma!Therefore, Wang Hao initiated a request in the player chat channel to jointly crusade against the bloody Necrozma, hoping that players can contribute a little bit to this battle that is related to the success or failure of the mission while striving for performance points.Most of the players who received the information did not have any objection to this proposal, after all, it was related to the outcome of the dungeon event.

But how could the Scarlet Ultimate Necrozma be waiting there for all the players and the legendary Pokémon to attack?His crimson light that blocked all the legendary Pokémon became a mirror-like existence at this time, and then Ziggard's dragon shadow surged, Zernias' fairy light, Super Latios and All the Legendary Pokémon's attacks before Super Latias' Dragon Star Kill shot out from the crimson mirror, and blasted towards the place where the ground player group was more concentrated.

Bounce all the opponent's attacks back, isn't this similar to the effect of mirror reflection?Although the attack power reflected by the crimson mirror did not double the effect, it was still extremely terrifying!That was a bunch of Legendary Pokémon's attacks that spared no effort, and their power was already astonishing enough.Now it has bounced back to the player group, and a large number of players have been mortally threatened!The members of the Ultra Beast and Rainbow Skull team in this range were also attacked without exception, and were also seriously injured.

When the reflected attack dealt damage, Scarlet Ultimate Necrozma was taken aback too!He didn't expect the power gathered by those legendary Pokémon to be so amazing.But what?This also verified from the side that the attack that his blood light mirror can withstand is still extremely strong, at least these legendary Pokémon in the Pokémon world have nothing to do with it!From the beginning to the end, the blood-colored Ultra Necrozma didn't care about the affected Ultra Beasts and members of the Rainbow Skull team.

Unlike Scarlet Ultimate Necrozma, Wang Hao is currently checking the situation of those players covered by the attack through the player channel.He just planned to unite all the players to fight against Ultimate Scarlet Necrozma. Who would have thought that Ultimate Scarlet Necrozma would do such a thing to him?Almost as long as the players affected by the attack almost lost contact, that is to say, they died in the game.Players who died in this dungeon event mission will not be resurrected immediately, and their fate will be determined according to the outcome of the final event!

If the event fails, all players will be forced to go offline regardless of whether they are alive or not, and even a large part of the archive will be cleared.So in fact, it doesn't matter if there is a resurrection in the first place.Looking at the players who lost contact, Wang Hao didn't know what to say for a while!If the direction of Bloody Ultimate Necrozma's rebound attack is not the ground, or even the place where the players are relatively concentrated, but Wang Hao's side, then even with the protection of Ziggard and the defense of the waveguide barrier, he will not have any Faith survives!Such was the horror of that wave of attacks!
The surviving players seemed to be enraged by the scarlet ultimate Necrozma, and they were all resentful.Even those players who didn't respond to Wang Hao's call before, now consciously stand on the side against the Scarlet Ultimate Necrozma.As the target of the crusade, the blood-red ultimate Necrozma looked at these resentful guys indifferently, and then showed a sly smile!

"Everyone is so angry, this is not good! Obviously this wave of attacks was caused by the Pokémon you believe to exist in legends, how can you blame me? However, since you want to settle with me Ledger, then I will use you to try the trick!"

try?When these two words came to Wang Hao's ears, his heart immediately tugged.The bloody ultimate Necrozma used three bloody rays to break through his waveguide defense barrier and Zigold's defensive defense before.If it wasn't for the timely blocking of those legendary Pokémon later, then Kigard and Wang Hao might have suffered a lot of damage.Now Scarlet Ultimate Necrozma is going to try again?That must be a more terrifying move than the bloody light before!

Without any hesitation, Wang Hao immediately sent out a message of overall defense in the player channel.He doesn't want a large number of players to die, this is definitely a heavy price for this dungeon event!At this time, the blood-colored ultimate Necrozma raised his claws high.A blood-red circle began to appear, and then patterns appeared continuously, decorating the red circle like a pattern.Blood-red graphic array?Is this a range attack?Judging from the scope of this circle, it should cover nearly half of Baike City!If it is really a range attack, then there will be too many players and Pokémon involved!Wang Hao's uneasiness became more and more intense.

Just waiting for the attack of the blood-red ultimate Necrozma to come, it can be said that every second is suffering!Wang Hao felt that he couldn't let the attack of the bloody ultimate Necrozma fall, so he prepared to let the Silver Companion Beast launch an offensive to block it to some extent!However, before the Silver Companion Beast could move, the blood-red pattern changed!Thin blood-red lines sprang out from the graphic array one after another, falling like a rain of blood!A rain of blood covering half of Baike City?Even if the attack hadn't really landed, only one thought flashed through Wang Hao's mind, oh no!

Wang Hao released his own waveguide energy to the limit, and opened what he thought was the strongest waveguide defense barrier.At the same time, he also cooperated with the waveguide of Super Latios and Super Latias to stabilize the defensive barriers, hoping to weaken the threat of blood rain to the greatest extent!However, relying solely on Wang Hao, Super Latios and Super Latias to prop up the waveguide defense barrier covering half of Baike City is really a little bit reluctant.The defense in many places is not particularly uniform, it can be said to be full of dilapidated.

The Blood Rain of Ultimate Necrozma was different, it was a very uniform and seemingly dense attack.When the blood rain touched the defense barrier of the waveguide, it exploded in an instant, like rain slapping on the umbrella surface, it was very gorgeous!The difference is that the blood rain is not as gentle as ordinary rain, and its burst directly affects the stability of the waveguide defense barrier.The intensive blood rain attack is still going on, but the defenses of Wang Hao, Super Latios, and Super Latias have reached the limit, and they are about to fall apart!

At this time, a spatial twist appeared near the waveguide defense barrier, and five different figures sprang out from it and used their own waveguide to prop up the entire defense barrier again!

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