Super son-in-law of a beautiful president

Chapter 436 The Master Revealed His Unique Skill

Lu Ping made a detour from one side.

as predicted!

Sure enough, there was a small explosive package next to the car.

A young boy wearing glasses, like a student, was doing his hands and feet there, and looked at the situation from time to time.

Is this really going to blow me up?

Lu Ping patted the shoulder of the boy with glasses lightly, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"No... I didn't do anything..." The boy with glasses was startled, and wanted to stand up like a spring, but Lu Ping pressed him down hard.

Lu Ping asked anxiously, "Nothing, what are you doing?"

The boy with glasses reached out and pushed his glasses, complaining: "It's late at night, you can scare people like this, you know? Oh my god, you scared me."

Lu Ping smiled bitterly and said, "I scared people to death? You scared me, brother."

The man with glasses emphasized: "Obviously you took the picture of me, why did I scare you?"

Lu Ping pointed to the small explosive bag next to him, and said with a speechless expression: "You want to tamper with my car, install the explosive bag, and blow me up to death, tell me, are you scaring me or am I scaring you? "

The man with glasses was startled for a moment, scratched his scalp and said, "It turns out... so it's your car. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Lu Ping asked back: "I'm sorry and it's over?"

"I... I didn't intend to blow up your car either. I just..." The man with glasses said hysterically, "I'm just pretending, pretending."

Lu Ping bent down to pick up the explosive bag, looked it over, and said, "Don't fool me, although the explosive bag is ugly, its structure doesn't look fake, and I can smell the smell of gunpowder and explosives." .Let me tell you, I can tell the real thing from the fake at a glance, I am very professional.”

"Your major? Do you have my major?" The man with glasses stretched out his hand to push his glasses again, and said in a serious manner: "To tell you the truth, I am from the engineering institute next to me, and I majored in pharmacy! You compare my major with me, tsk Tsk tsk, there is no comparison at all."

Lu Ping felt baffled.

"Pharmaceutical? Doctor? Veterinarian?" Lu Ping glanced at the explosive bag.

"I... I don't want to explain it to you! It's terrible to be uneducated. How can the pharmacy of the polytechnic school be the pharmacy you mentioned? Making explosives, biochemical weapons, understand?" said the man with glasses.

It's all tears.

The man with glasses is named Deng Tianli, and he is a university student with excellent grades in science and engineering.

Originally, Deng Tianli's family opened a small pharmaceutical factory. He wanted to inherit his father's business, so he filled in the "Pharmaceutical" major of "Dongshan Institute of Technology" for the college entrance examination.

After all, Dongshan Institute of Technology is a prestigious school with a great reputation and a high employment rate and recognition.

But after Deng Tianli was admitted, he realized that the "pharmaceutical" in "Dongshan Institute of Technology" was not the "pharmaceutical" he understood.

Its original meaning is 'manufacturing and researching explosives'.

Nima, this is embarrassing.

So Deng Tianli made a mistake and became a student majoring in explosives.

Up to now, he secretly hates that "Dongshan Institute of Technology" is irresponsible, confuses professional concepts, and harms his lifelong pursuit and dream.

But when it comes, be safe.

He is now one of the top students in his major.

In the old saying.

When a scholar meets a soldier, it is unreasonable.

But now, when Bing met a scholar, it was equally unreasonable.

This is the first time Lu Ping has encountered such a situation. This stranger in science and technology, the cat is here to plant a bomb on his car... Is he reasonable?

"Listen brother, I'm not discussing professionalism with you now, I want to know, why did you blow up my car?" Lu Ping asked Deng Tianli.

Deng Tianli argued hard: "I didn't...I didn't blow up your car!"

Lu Ping asked back: "Everyone has stolen money, why don't you admit it?"

Deng Tianli said: "I... I just took it out to play for a while, what's wrong? I'm a professional researcher of explosives, is this strange?"

Lu Ping said: "It's not surprising that you study explosives, but the problem is that you are sneaking around next to my car, which is strange."

"Oh, I really shouldn't be here... Really... Then I'm leaving." Deng Tianli picked up the small explosive bag and tried to stand up again.

Lu Ping looked confused: "You still want to leave? Are you embarrassed?"

Deng Tianli pushed his glasses again, stared at Lu Ping and asked, "What do you want?"

Lu Ping said: "I want to know why you are here? Who ordered you to come? Seeing that you are so weak, I don't want to beat you. So, you'd better tell the truth."

Deng Tianli shook his head sharply: " one instructed you."

"You're not telling the truth, are you?" Lu Ping stretched out his hand and pinched his ears.

"Ouch, ouch, why are you beating someone? If you have something to say, say it well, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts... Let go, let go, I said, I said..." Deng Tianli felt that his ears were about to be pinched off by him. Why is it so big?

Lu Ping let go of him, thinking that he was really stupid in school.

A nerd who only knows how to handle dynamite.

Deng Tianli stretched out his hand and rubbed his hot ears, and said with aggrieved expression: "That's who... Xia Shengwu from Yongzhou University, Brother Wu, he called me just now and said yes... said he wanted me to put one in your car." Small bomb, he gave me the location of your car, and the license plate number, so... that's why I'm here."

Lu Ping looked hysterical: "Are you stupid? If he tells you to blow it up, you will blow it up? Do you know this person who broke the law? He will go to jail and be sentenced!"

"Brother Wu...actually, it was just a joke, and...he didn't want me to blow it up. He said he would make a few big firecrackers and tie them together to make a 'timing firecracker' to scare people You're done. You know, I'm a professional in this area, it's too simple. I think it's an insult to my IQ and professionalism if I make firecrackers. I just made a dynamite bag before, so I casually Here it is..." Deng Tianli said, and gave Lu Ping an aggrieved look.

Lu Ping smiled wryly and said, "Let me just say, Xia Shengwu is not that courageous... that's not right. In this way, you are more courageous than him? He asked you to tie firecrackers, but you brought a time bomb. are so talented, I am not willing to beat you, you know?"

Engineering man.

This is definitely a type of person that cannot be offended.

They are not proficient in anything but professional proficiency.

A woman's world is so rich and colorful that you can't understand it.

The world of the man of science and technology is more like a black hole, full of secrets and logic unknown to human beings.

Deng Tianli emphasized: "Isn't this just what I said just now, I just pretended, I knew that no matter how many explosives I made, I wouldn't be able to use them, so I took them out to pretend, took a video and sent it to Moments or something Yes, and then Brother Wu. Bomb...bomb your car, how dare I, it will kill people, and I will go to jail."

And this kind of operation?

It's okay, come out with a dynamite bag for show, and post it on Moments?
Such strong logic...

"Xia Shengwu asked you to blow up my car, and if you just deal with him like this, he will spare you?" Lu Ping thought chatting with this guy was quite interesting, and it was easy to make people feel that his IQ had greatly improved.

Deng Tianli said: "Actually, my... my... my real purpose is to row your car. This... this explosive package is all an illusion, it's me... I used it to post on Moments. I actually I want to row your car. make Brother Wu feel bad, and I can do business by rowing your car."

As he spoke, he spread out his right hand.

It really held a sharp stone with edges and corners inside.

"What a stealthy man, who made something out of nothing, and made a lot of noise... Brother, I'm convinced!" Lu Ping arched his wrist at him, and said with a look of admiration: "I, Lu Ping, have never convinced anyone in my life. You are one of them. Get up, get up, now I want to send you to the police station, I believe they will worship. Really, I'm not kidding you. Your talent, your ability, and your miraculous deeds are beyond my comprehension, so I want the police Help me reveal the secret, can you see it?"

Deng Tianli was really scared this time, and said quickly: "Don't, don't, brother, you see, I didn't get your car. I just finished posting Moments, and came. I didn't ...It didn't hurt you. If...if...I don't know what kind of enmity there is between you and Brother Wu, so I'll go and row Wu Brother's car for you, what do you think?"

Lu Ping said bluntly: "It's not that good! He has plenty of money, at worst he needs to change his car."

Deng Tianli looked at Lu Ping eagerly, and suddenly his knees softened and he knelt down: "But don't send me to the police, I will be ruined, I am still young, and I still have dreams that have not been realized. ……male."


"You..." When meeting such a guy, Lu Ping said that he had nothing to do.

After thinking about it, Lu Ping grabbed his mobile phone and flipped through it.


This guy really took a video of the explosive package and the bottom of the car and sent it to Moments.

The title is very willful: I have nothing to do, come out to blow up a car for fun.The goal is a big Benz. I will test the conscience of the Mercedes-Benz manufacturer with the explosive kit I made myself...Boom!

The comment section is full of sarcasm.

"@药理理, have you not taken medicine for a few days?"

"@药理理, the video you took last time of blowing up the teaching building with a time bomb, it's been a month, has the teaching building blown up?"

"This guy is bombarding this and that in Moments all day long. Although he hasn't successfully bombed any of them, he is about to be invited to drink tea."

"Don't make trouble upstairs, Lili even used a small bomb to blow up a grasshopper. I testify that it was indeed successful that time."

"Lili is mighty! Leave them alone. @药药理理, my sister supports you. There is a dangerous bridge in Beiwang Village, can you help blow it up? You can analyze it. It is better to use T*NT or CL20. ?”

"Sister upstairs, you underestimate classmate Lili too much. A post from classmate Lili can blow up the world eight times. How dare you ask Lili for just a small bridge?"


After reading Deng Tianli's circle of friends, Lu Ping couldn't help laughing.

It seems that this guy brought the explosive pack, he really just wanted to send it to Moments... He didn't intend to really blow it up.

"Then, classmate Lili." Lu Ping handed back the phone and said, "Now I believe you have been wronged, and you didn't intend to blow up my car. But..."

I just said this "but", but I haven't said it yet.

I saw that Deng Tianli burst into tears, with a look of grievance and grievance: "I told you that you don't believe it, and that you don't believe it. This time, you know that I was wronged by you, right? Wronged people, say a word, just let me go!" I know wronged people..."


Lu Ping couldn't bear to criticize him anymore.

What a superb science and engineering student with a strong mind and a fragile heart!

"Don't cry, don't cry, okay, I won't send you to the police station, is this the head office?" Lu Ping patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him: "But brother, you should know that privately hidden explosives, privately made explosives, These are also against the law. If you really want to make achievements in this area, then you will study hard for your major, and after you graduate, I can help you find a job corresponding to your major, so that you can be a hero."

"I understand, I understand." Deng Tianli showed a tearful smile: "Brother, in fact, you are quite... a nice person. I just don't understand, how could you offend Brother Wu."

Lu Ping sighed: "It's hard to say!"

Deng Tianli said: "Then I won't ask, brother, how about I treat you to dinner?"

Very abrupt.

Lu Ping shook his head and said: "Well, I won't hold you accountable anymore, you go back and make some firecrackers, the ones that can explode at regular intervals... You always know the dormitory where Xia Shengwu lives? If you don't know, just ask. Take the firecrackers Tuck him under the quilt and post it on Moments. I’ll add your WeChat, if you don’t post it, I’ll hand you over to the police.”

"I'll post it, I'll post it!" Deng Tianli said quickly, "This matter is easy...but I...I'm afraid that Brother Wu will beat me up."

Lu Pingdao: "Then I don't care! Either explain to the police, or blow up Xia Shengwu's bed."

Deng Tianli said: "Then I'd better blow up the bed."

After arrangements are made.

Lu Ping was going to drive home.

But Deng Tianli turned back suddenly, looked at Lu Ping solemnly at the car window, and said thoughtfully: "Brother, I want to explain to you how Brother Wu and I met. After all, we are not in the same school." Yes, it's not my intention to help him do bad things. I don't want you to misunderstand, so I think..."

Lu Ping said with a blank face: "Brother, I'm not interested in listening now, the car has started. How about you post a Moments and talk about it? I'll watch it in your Moments. Remember, it must be concise and to the point .”

Deng Tianli smiled while holding the explosive bag: "It's okay, it's okay."

Drive back.

Lu Ping glanced at Deng Tianli standing there from the rearview mirror.

"Excellent, excellent!"

"What a talented and beautiful man!"

"I, Lu Ping, feel ashamed."


Yongzhou University.


The school celebration is still going on, and the program is still on.

But all the teachers and students seemed to have eaten garlic, and they were so indifferent to everything.

All this stems from the collapse of the two super idols.

Qin Haotian?
Fu Xiner?
The scene became icy cold.

At this time, Qin Haotian and Xia Shengwu both walked to the back door according to the agreed plan.

The key is not to lose the aura. Qin Haotian adjusted his hairstyle, fastened his buttons, stomped his feet, and insisted on mastering the aura of a master.

Xia Shengwu felt a little complacent in his heart.

In fact, there is a secret that he has never dared to report to Qin Haotian.

That is, after he was humiliated in the library, he arranged for a 2B boy from the next door polytechnic to help him do something very satisfying.

The 2B's name is Deng Tianli, with outstanding professionalism but insufficient EQ.

Like a teenager, it's easy to fool around.

This guy posted videos all day long to brag, saying that he bombed this building and bombed that building. It was widely circulated in many universities around him, and it was a big joke for the majority of students after dinner.

So Xia Shengwu found a fault and beat up the guy.

Then he became his little follower, a little plaything.

This time Xia Shengwu was even more imaginative, ordering Deng Tianli to make a "timed firecracker" and let him secretly install it on the Mercedes-Benz driven by Lu Ping.

It's not 'murder' anyway.

Just to scare him.


"Scare him to death!"

Xia Shengwu knew Deng Tianli's talent in this area, so he was full of confidence.

Just wait for the good news from 2B.

After another show on the stage is over.

Qin Haotian cleared his throat, and walked onto the stage with his hands behind his back.

Seeing that it was the master who came, Fu Xiner was in no hurry to announce the next program.

But Qin Haotian's appearance this time was completely different from his previous appearances, there was no applause, no cheers, and even Fu Xiner was no longer as respectful as before.

I'm furious!

It's all because of that kid surnamed Lu!

Wanting to ruin Qin Haotian's face and reputation... How easy is it?

I'm going to zoom in now.

After Qin Haotian came to the stage, although he felt resentful in his heart, he still took the aura very seriously, with an imposing and majestic demeanor, as if he could scare away ghosts and gods when he stood there.

But after he glanced around the audience, he was surprised to find that the boy surnamed Lu had disappeared.


Just what I want!

After clearing his throat, Qin Haotian hugged his wrists off the stage, and began to say earnestly: "Here, I want to explain again. The one I called to the stage just now... What's the name of that kid, it seems... ?Oh, his surname is Lu. His surname is Lu. I want to reiterate that the sparring we had on the field just now was not a real sparring. My students and apprentices all know that the "volley" created by someone Qin So far, no one has been able to break the actual tactics. How could he break it? It is is indeed that Qin has a special situation today, and he is extremely unwell. That's why... he took advantage of it."

There was an uproar in the audience!
Even Fu Xiner felt that her master...was too good at talking.

"Of course, someone from Qin has to admit that Lu Ping does have two skills. At least, this young man's strength is enough to surpass most Sanda kings in Dongshan Province. Don't believe me, I'm not exaggerating. .Otherwise, he wouldn't have succeeded in sneak attacking me just now when I was sick!"

Qin Haotian waved his hand, with a bit of indignation and dissatisfaction in his expression.

"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"


All the teachers and students in the audience couldn't help but sigh.

If you lose, you lose, and you are still here to beautify yourself frequently.

What's even more funny is that the guy surnamed Lu broke his "intercept technique" three times in a row, but he, Master Qin, used the word "sneak attack" clearly in full view.

This approach cannot but disappoint.

Qin Haotian's personality in school was too strong before.

so that.

He collapsed in an instant.

It is easier to be criticized.

"So, someone from Qin stands here today, in front of all the teachers and students, as well as the media, and challenges this Lu Ping who is good at sneak attacks! When my body recovers, I will use the cooperation with him as soon as possible. In a well-behaved way, have a face-to-face friendly exchange with him in public. Then, you will understand that you can get away with sneak attacking this thing for a while, but you can't sneak attack forever!"

"May I ask if Lu Ping is here? Do you dare to stand up and challenge me?"


Qin Haotian showed off a grandiose trick.

In order to regain face.

The legendary master of martial arts, Qin, also went all out.

The key is.

Knowing that Lu Ping has left.

He still has to hold his face and forcefully smooth things over here.

It was really painstaking.

But in fact.

Qin Haotian's best move is yet to come.

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