Super son-in-law of a beautiful president

Chapter 521 A historical event triggered by a steamed bun

But the crowd is raging, how can we stop it?
Lu Ping was held up by these people in a hurry, thrown up, caught again, thrown up again, caught again.



This is the greatest thank you to your savior.

The stone in Gong Mengran's heart finally fell to the ground, it's because she thought too much.

After tossing for several rounds, Lu Ping was let go.

"Fortunately, the hairstyle is not messed up." Lu Ping stroked his hair gently, and took the opportunity to take the plastic bag from the side.

Gong Mengran said with neither laughter nor laughter: "With your simple hairstyle, there is no need to mess it up. You... What is in your plastic bag?"

Lu Ping blurted out: "Head!"

"Ah? There's no real type!" Gong Mengran pouted.

Lu Ping shook the plastic bag in his hand and emphasized: "It's really a human head, if you don't believe me, take a look!"

Some timid owners simply took a few steps back in fright.

Gong Mengran lowered her head and took a look into the plastic bag, and said with a wry smile: "You...what are you doing with so many steamed buns? A dog can't spit out ivory, so give it back to a human head, it's your size."

Lu Ping exclaimed: "Miss, why are you still swearing?"

Gong Mengran asked forcefully: "Who told you to lie to scare people? It's night now, are you scaring people?"

"The key is that I didn't lie, miss." Lu Ping explained seriously: "Do you know the meaning of the word steamed bun? 'Steamed bun' means 'the head of a Southern barbarian'. Is the head of a Southern barbarian also a head?"

Gong Mengran was stunned: "What nonsense, talk nonsense!"

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing glasses took a step forward emotionally and said, "I understand, I understand, what this brother said is quite right. Mantou really means human head at first. Oh, I want Let me introduce to you, I am a history teacher at Yongzhou University. There is also a well-known historical story about the origin of steamed buns.”

"Understand me, understand me. I finally met someone who is educated." Lu Ping glanced at the history teacher appreciatively.

Gong Mengran said suspiciously: "According to what you say, this is still related to history?"

The history teacher nodded again and again, and then said vividly:

"It is said that during the period of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang led his troops to attack the Southern Man. He captured the barbarian general Meng Huo seven times and six times, causing Meng Huo to surrender to Zhuge Liang. However, when Zhuge Liang's troops returned to the court, they passed Lushui on the way, but when the army's chariots and horses were about to cross the river, suddenly The strong wind blew, the waves hit thousands of feet, ghosts cried and wolves howled, and the army was unable to cross the river. Zhuge Liang summoned Meng Huo to find out the reason. It turned out that the two armies fought and died countless times. If you want to cross the river, you must use 49 heads of barbarians to sacrifice the river, so that the river will be calm."

"Zhuge Liang thought to himself, it is inevitable that the two armies will be killed and injured in the battle, how can they kill 49 more innocent lives? So he made a plan, and ordered the cook to make 49 heads out of rice flour with meat of black cattle and white sheep inside. Then , set up incense tables, and sprinkled wine to sacrifice to the river. Just like that, the wind stopped, the waves stopped, the crying of ghosts and wolves disappeared, and the army was able to cross the river."

"Mantou comes from this. 'Man' means 'man', and 'mantou' means 'barbarian's head'."


Everyone suddenly realized.

Stand up.

"Well, not bad, it seems that you have a profound knowledge of history." Lu Ping stepped forward to shake hands with the history teacher, and said: "Keep in mind the historical mission and carry forward the historical culture, it's up to you."

The history teacher said: "Brother, you are also good at this aspect. Where did you go to university?"

"I... I... With my level of culture, do I still have to go to university?" This point hit Lu Ping's weakness. The university campus has always been his dream, but he missed it.

In a rigorous spirit, the history teacher continued to ask: "What about high school, where did you go?"

"This...well..." After hesitating for a while, Lu Ping said earnestly: "Teacher, you don't have to go to work tomorrow? Hurry up and go home, wash up and sleep. If you are late tomorrow morning, your wages will be deducted!"

The history teacher chuckled, "I'll be off work tomorrow."

Lu Ping was at a loss for words.

Gong Mengran told the truth: "Our driver Lu never went to high school, you always sprinkle salt on other people's wounds."

"Oh, so that's the case." Then the history teacher raised his head and asked, "Then I must have attended junior high school, nine-year compulsory education, where did I attend junior high school?"

He's not done yet?
But Lu Ping said that there is no pressure on this question.

Who hasn't attended junior high school yet?

"Junior high school...haha, if you had asked earlier, I went to junior high school, what kind of junior high school did I go to?" Lu Ping searched his memories hard, and then said: "It's a pity that I only went to it for two days. It’s time for big worship. Teacher, let’s not ask about the primary school, I’ll tell you directly, it’s in our village primary school, and it’s a full-time primary school. But I don’t think there’s anything to be proud of, what do you think?”


Everyone burst into laughter.

"Wow, a genius, an absolute genius!" The history teacher stretched out his hand and pushed his glasses, looked at the people around him with emotion and said, "Did you see that? A student who only has a junior high school education... who hasn't finished his studies, is better than all of you." Don’t you feel ashamed if you know a lot about history? China’s history is profound and profound, but there are fewer and fewer people who really understand it and love it. Brother, I think we are very There is a common language, a topic of steamed buns, let me see your interest and love for history and culture. My family lives in Building 6, Building 1101 of this community. If you have time, you must find me to discuss more. Let’s discuss history and culture together... Take the liberty Let me ask you, what time does your family live in?"

"My family lives in..." Lu Ping said with a speechless face, "My family lives in the Loess High Slope..."

The history teacher smiled and said: "Haha, this brother is really humorous. Speaking of the loess high slope in the song "Loess High Pole", it actually refers to the Loess Plateau. There have been many well-known historical stories on the Loess Plateau. , the most famous of which is... From the perspective of the environmental evolution of the Loess Plateau, the four vegetation zones in this area are warm temperate summer green broad-leaved forest, forest steppe, dry steppe and middle temperate desert steppe. It has been formed in the early and middle period of the century..."

Dare to feel that he has popularized historical knowledge here.

Lu Ping simply pulled Gong Mengran aside.

The surrounding audience also faded away.

It's not that everyone is not interested in history and culture, it's that this teacher is too out of date.

This is really a historical event triggered by 'Mantou'.

"The property owner surnamed Guo just now mentioned Aolong that your company?" Gong Mengran had a lot of doubts in his heart at this time, and he couldn't solve it, so he asked Lu Ping directly.

"No, no!" Lu Ping quickly explained: "Actually... it's actually a company just started by my friend. It provides personalized service and low property fees. The Emerald Manor of White Snake was taken over by Aolong Property Management."

Gong Mengran asked again: "Then how did you make Mr. Guo give up such a profitable eco-city project?"

Lu Ping said with a smile: "Eloquence, persuasion, all aspects."

Gong Mengran raised her volume: "Answer honestly!"

Lu Ping said: "Actually, people are doing it, and the sky is watching. Good and evil will be rewarded. It's not that the time has not come...Let me tell you, the reason why Mr. Guo agreed to give up the property project in his hand is actually It really has something to do with these steamed buns. I told him that if I eat one steamed bun, they will give up one item. He has eight items in Yongzhou, but before I start eating, he was shocked and agreed. So I packed these steamed buns back and prepared to put them in the refrigerator to eat slowly. Oh, not only the steamed buns, but also some beef inside, which is quite tasty, miss, would you like to try it?"

What's the mess?

Gong Mengran pressed the bridge of her nose, what she heard was cloudy and foggy.

Lu Ping originally wanted to be a guest at the eldest lady's house, but he was afraid that she would break the casserole and ask the end, so he left early.

Ouyang Aolan quickly brought people over and made a handover with Guo Yuanxing.

This is the end.

Aolong Property has added eight new property management projects.

Anyway, Lu Ping's principle is that it doesn't matter whether he earns money or not.

That is.

It all depends on a thought.

Anxiang District.

As soon as Lu Ping drove in, he found a person standing in the parking lot.

After pushing the door and getting out of the car, the tough-looking man rushed over and bowed deeply to Lu Ping.

It was Nie Zhiqiang, the poisonous snake.

Lu Ping raised his head and asked, "Why are you here?"

The poisonous snake rubbed its hands together nervously: "Lu... Boss Lu, I'm here...I'm here to plead guilty."

"Why are you guilty?" Lu Ping said, stuffing a cigarette into his mouth.

Viper quickly took out a lighter to light it up, and then explained: "It's that... I... I heard that kid Lai Mao offended you, blame him, he used to... he did hang out with me before, but We've...have nothing to do with each other."

Lu Ping said: "I know this, what's wrong?"

"I... I was his boss after all, I... I was afraid that you would hurt innocent... No, that idiom is... It's called... Involving innocent... It's not right, anyway, I just want to explain to you, Then Lai Mao made a mistake, you won’t blame me too, right?” The poisonous snake spent a long time trying to find a suitable adjective.

Probably because of being too nervous.

Lu Ping asked back: "You are afraid that you will harm Chi Yu, right?"

"Yes, that's the word, and the boss is educated." The poisonous snake nodded repeatedly.

Lu Ping patted the poisonous snake on the shoulder, and said: "You think too much, am I, Lu Ping, a person who can't distinguish between right and wrong? Whose fault is his fault, and I have already punished him for his fault. What does it matter?"

The poisonous snake looked grateful: "Boss, you really... really think so?"

Lu Ping changed his tone: "But, you are indeed wrong."

Um?The poisonous snake looked blank: "I... Boss, tell me, I'll change, I'll change!"

"You came to see me, so you came empty-handed?" Lu Ping asked him soul-crushingly: "Even if the Lai Mao monster has separated from you now, you can bring two Lai Mao over here, just bring a mouth to bear the thorn Sorry, are you sorry?"

The poisonous snake was confused: "Lai... Lai Mao, what do you mean, I should bring Lai Mao here? He...he is in the hospital now!"

Lu Ping emphasized: "It's about wine, Lai Mao. Have you never drank it?"

The poisonous snake asked tentatively: "Is Moutai okay? I happen to have a few bottles of Moutai in my trunk."

"Then hurry up and get it. If it's fake, you're dead. Anyway, I'll know as soon as I taste it." Lu Ping urged.

The poisonous snake was just about to get it, but when it heard Lu Ping's words, it immediately stopped and said, "Then...then forget it, I'll bring you a few bottles of Lai Mao some other day."

Lu Ping frowned: "Are you really trying to fool me with fake wine?"

The poisonous snake quickly explained: "I... I bought it in a specialty store, who knows if it is real or not. Anyway, there are really too few Moutai wines in the market. The fake rate has reached more than 90.00%... ".

Dare to feel that he dug a hole and buried himself in it.

"Fake... If it's fake, let it be fake. I don't blame you, can't you? Go and get it!" Anyway, Lu Ping won't be reconciled if he doesn't take advantage of it.Now there are steamed buns and beef, and the only thing missing is wine.

There is wine at home.

But people who live a life always feel that other people's wine is better than their own.

The next day.

Auto Trade City.

As soon as Lu Ping went to work, he saw Duan Yu being surrounded by a group of colleagues like stars.

Duan Yu was eloquently giving speeches on 'Success Science' and 'Persuasion'.

Not to mention, it's highly provocative.

There were bursts of applause from time to time.

Lu Ping thought to himself, this guy Duan Yu has a lot of vitality.

I was just kidnapped by that black ghost to the lakeside yesterday, I was so scared that I peed my pants, and I still have injuries on my body, after one night, this is the first time to come back to life?
Duan Yu beamed and said: "As a sales company, sales staff, persuasion is very important. The so-called persuasion refers to the ability of the speaker, mainly the sales staff, to use various possible skills to persuade the public... …I, Duan Yu, is No.1 in the total score of Yu Mengya International Training Institute. In the training institute, we spend more than 70% of our time on training persuasiveness. I was assigned to practice in a mobile phone store. I used my power of persuasion, and in one day, I persuaded six customers who didn't play cards to change their mobile phones, and changed their mobile phones, which shocked all the managers of those stores..."

"Ahem..." Lu Ping coughed lightly twice.

"Hey, it's Lu Ping, come on, just come and listen to me, I'm talking about persuasion." After all, it was Lu Ping who saved him from the fire last night, and Duan Yu's attitude towards Lu Ping has obviously changed a lot.

"Lu Ping, don't interrupt Teacher Duan, we're fascinated!" A certain female colleague cast a blaming look at Lu Ping.

Is this guy that popular?

"Isn't it just persuasiveness? Teacher Duan can speak, so can I." Lu Ping said.

At this time, a voice behind said: "Stop talking, go upstairs with me first, I have something to tell you."

It's Gong Mengran.

Lu Ping glanced at the young lady gratefully, and said, "Okay."

In fact, Lu Ping was just putting on a show.

If you want to tell the truth, it is definitely not as vivid and three-dimensional as what Duan Yu said.

After all, Duan Yu is Yu Mengya's No.1 international training institution, and the theoretical basis is here.

So this time the eldest lady acted as a firefighter.

While going upstairs, Lu Ping said to Gong Mengran: "Miss, do you know, fortunately you came in time, otherwise..."

"You also have self-knowledge? What do you think, to compare your persuasiveness with Teacher Duan?" Gong Mengran interrupted Lu Ping's words, and hit his weakness directly: "If I hadn't dragged you away in time, you will be ashamed this time. "

Lu Ping refused to admit it: "Miss, I think you misunderstood. I mean, you saved Teacher Duan."

Gong Mengran asked: "What do you mean?"

Lu Ping said seriously: "In terms of eloquence and persuasion, who have I convinced Lu Ping? It's not like you don't know, I just 'persuaded' the unscrupulous property in your community last night and let him go. He What does Teacher Duan compare me to?"

Gong Mengran was speechless.

But there was no reason to refute it.

CEO's office.

As soon as Lu Ping entered, Gong Mengran walked to the desk and asked, "Did you eat breakfast?"

"Eat... eat, why do you ask this?" Lu Ping looked at Gong Mengran suspiciously, always felt that this sentence was not groundless, so he tentatively said: "You probably want me to buy you breakfast again Bar?"

Gong Mengran had already sat down, raised her head and asked, "Then how many heads did you eat for breakfast?"

"Huh? Head? Miss, don't scare me." Lu Ping always felt that Miss's words were very offensive.

Gong Mengran emphasized: "Why did you scare you? I asked you how many steamed buns you ate. That's how you scared me last night. Didn't you tell me that steamed buns are human heads? Am I wrong for asking?"

Lu Ping exclaimed: "There is nothing wrong, Miss, I... I ate three in the morning."

Gong Mengran stared at Lu Ping with a special look: "You ate three heads in one breakfast?"

Lu Ping hurriedly said: "Miss, can we not eat one 'head' at a time? It's scary. I admit that what I said last night was actually to show off my profound historical knowledge. But you have seen it, and I also It's not showing off. Let that...that history teacher steal my limelight. I was wrong, can't I be wrong?"

"Small, it can't cure you?" Gong Mengran raised the corner of his mouth with a smirk.

"I just like to see your smirk, it's so pretty." Lu Ping stood there blankly, admiring it.

"Stay there!" Gong Mengran glared at Lu Ping, and then said solemnly: "A beautiful woman came to join the job in the morning, and she is doing after-sales reception. You can receive her and help her get acquainted with the environment."

Lu Ping asked in surprise: "Are you sure it's... a beauty?"

Gong Mengran frowned and said, "Looking at your lustful eyes, can you be more successful?"

Lu Ping said with an innocent face: "No, right? I, Lu Ping, have always had no distractions in my mind. Haven't you heard of it?"

"Come on, you!" Gong Mengran said thoughtfully, "You've seen this beauty before, but I don't know if you have any impressions. Oh, by the way, I'm going to invite her to dinner at noon, so you can join me."

Lu Ping was slightly startled.

What is the background of this beauty?

Unexpectedly, as soon as he joined the job, the eldest lady could invite her to dinner in person.

It seems that the background is not small.

"You mean, I've seen her too?" Lu Ping tried hard to search for the memory in his mind, who could it be?

after an hour.

The arrival of a sexy goddess caused a sensation in the Mercedes-Benz shop.

All the male and female colleagues were dumbfounded.

That temperament.

that figure.

that face.

It is simply beautiful.

The most important thing is that there is so little to wear.

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