Super son-in-law of a beautiful president

Chapter 59 You Broke My Pillow

"Kill you?"

"In your dreams!"

Lu Ping spat on him with disdain!
"If you kill a pig, I can eat meat. If you kill a fish, I can drink soup. But what about killing you? I have to clean up the corpse!" Lu Ping said, and sat back on the sofa: "What's more, in my eyes , you are not even as good as an ant. At least, ants are divided into male and female. And you, male or female, still have nails."

Bai Yiming was ashamed, like a thunderclap!

If death is a kind of relief, it is a kind of maintenance of dignity.

Then Lu Ping's words are a kind of trampling on personality.

This kind of trampling was worse than killing him.

"Zheng could he have such a powerful friend like can he always be so lucky?" Bai Yiming felt a sense of failure called every day not working, and the earth should not be right.

I always thought that I had fought all over the boxing world and was invincible.

But this one in front of him is unimaginably powerful!
Life is so cruel!No matter how brilliant you have been, no matter how many opponents you have defeated, to lose your reputation, you only need one opponent who is stronger than you.

"So, you shouldn't provoke him." Lu Ping said.

Bai Yiming lowered his head and muttered: "I shouldn't have come to provoke you, you are too...too scary!"

He has no ten fingers and toes now, and he has no other way of expressing it except moving his mouth.

Oh, by the way, they even left him a pair of thumbs.

I'm afraid that such a fingerless and toeless person will give a thumbs up to everyone who sees him enviously.

"You can't go on your own, so ask Xiao Dingshan to come and fetch someone, and don't forget to ask him to bring a stretcher." Lu Ping raised his hand: "If one stretcher is not enough, two stretchers will do."

Bai Yiming was shocked for a while: "Why...why do you need two sets? You...are you going to cut me up?"

Lu Ping sneered: "You are too greedy! That pair was prepared for Xiao Dingshan himself. He sent people to provoke me time and time again. Could it be that his fate will be better than yours?"

"No, no." Bai Yiming said tremblingly: "But...but Brother Scar, and Cao Ermeng...why did they..."

Lu Ping asked: "You are wondering, why are they safe and sound?"

Bai Yiming looked at his hands and feet: "'s not fair! It's not fair!"

"It's hard to understand, isn't it?" Lu Ping said: "First of all, they didn't bother Zheng Sanhu, they are smarter than you in this regard. Secondly, the man with the cigarette burner volunteered for me and lost money. As for the little boy Beard, he not only lost money, but also filled the tires of my car. What about you? You also broke the window glass of our house."

Bai Yiming was about to cry anxiously: "I don't have it, they don't! Your window is open, and they didn't even touch it when they came in!"

"Oh, a slip of the tongue." Lu Ping emphasized: "But you broke my new pillow!"

This is true!

Bai Yiming dares to act!
But he is still young, he is really not reconciled.

If I break the pillow, I'll pay for it, and I'll admit how much I lose.

But you are too ruthless, right?You broke my eight fingers and ten toes, this is ruining my life!

I saw severed fingers and toes strewn all over the ground, and the nails were still there.

Hate it, nails can regrow, they can't.

"Hurry up and call, let's carry you away, what are you still doing?" Lu Ping urged, "Have a little sympathy, okay? I still have to sleep at night, and I have to go to work tomorrow!"

Bai Yiming's hateful lips were almost bitten off!

I'm in such a bad shape now, it's hard to be the one who deserves sympathy, shouldn't it be me?
"I don't want Shanshan...Brother Shan to see me like this." Bai Yiming discussed cheekily: "Can someone else come and take me away?"

At this moment he looked sincere.

There is neither sissy nor arrogance.

"To save face? Okay, I'll do it!" Lu Ping nodded: "Anyway, Xiao Dingshan will say hello sooner or later, it's not a day!"

Bai Yiming was so grateful that he almost cried: "Thank you for leaving me with this last dignity."

Lu Ping urged: "Hurry up and call!"

"..." Bai Yiming shook his hand with only one thumb left, with a sad expression on his face.

"Sorry, I was negligent." Lu Ping stepped forward to help him take out his mobile phone: "You tell me the number, and I will dial it for you."

Bai Yiming said: "In the address book, Wang Tao and Wang Qiang, both of them are fine."

Lu Ping asked: "Are these two people reliable? Don't let them ignore you when they come, and delay my sleep."

Bai Yiming said firmly: "I brought them out with my own hands. They are two brothers."

Lu Ping called one of them.

Bai Yiming said to the mobile phone: "Wang Tao, call Wang Qiang and bring a stretcher here...By the way, what building and unit is this in Anxiang Community?"

Lu Pingdao: "Room 12, Unit 1, Building 602."


A few minutes later, someone knocked on the door.

Bai Yiming thought it was Wang Tao and Wang Qiang coming, so he turned his ass up.

But Lu Ping could tell that the person was Xia Li, a neighbor.

He hesitated for a moment, and went to open the door, but didn't let Xia Li in.

The door was opened a slit so Charlie wouldn't see the inappropriate images of the girls inside.

"It's so late, what's the matter?" Lu Ping asked.

Xia Li took out a large plastic bag from behind, and handed it to Lu Ping: "I packed the leftovers from the dinner, and I brought it back to you as wine! You don't mind it, do you?"

Lu Ping curled his lips: "Leftovers?"

Xia Li emphasized: "I haven't moved yet! There are chicken feet with chicken peppers, pig's feet in sauce, and..."

"Okay, I don't want it, it's easy to make people emotional." Lu Ping raised his hand and issued the order to evict the guest.

Feeling in love?Charlie was puzzled.

But Bai Yiming, the smiling scholar sitting there slumped there, understood it very well.

The person who is really touched by the scene is himself!

"My neighbor! He's so frugal even though he's very rich, and he still packs it when he goes out to eat..." Lu Ping sighed casually: "I never pack it, because there's never any left."

"Your neighbor didn't see the face, but the perfume she wears is very expensive." Bai Yiming smiled wryly.

Lu Ping nodded: "You're quite knowledgeable."

"Thank you!" Bai Yiming couldn't help sobbing when he thought of his miserable situation.

Lu Ping asked, "Thank me for what? Thank me for beating you up like this? Is there something wrong with you?"

"Hey." Bai Yiming laughed at himself hysterically, and said, "Anyway, I'm already like this. I'm useless. I thank you for fearing that I would be tempted by the situation, so you didn't ask for your neighbor's leftovers." He looked again Fingers and toes on the ground, as well as his bare hands and feet.

"Brother Scholar, you think too much!" Lu Ping snorted coldly: "I'm afraid that I will fall in love with the scene, disgusting!"

oh.Bai Yiming's face was washed by the wind and rain.


Wang Tao and Wang Qiang brought a pair of foldable and easy-to-carry stretchers.

They talked while climbing the stairs:
"Brother Tao, what do you think Brother Ming has to beat up this time, and use a stretcher? Let me tell you, it's over if you just kill someone. It's not like Brother Ming has never killed someone before."

"No matter how powerful Brother Ming is, he still has the virtue of being good at life, and I've given him a sigh of relief."

"If you ask me, Brother Ming's Nine-Yin White Bone Claw is really unique, it can pull out a person's intestines! Brother Tao, I still can't figure it out, how did Brother Ming practice it?"

"Brother Ming is one of the masters, you and I can figure it out? Qiangzi, follow Brother Ming, the future will be greatly improved! I never thought that my two brothers could rely on such a towering tree!"

"That is, that is!"

"That's it, here we are, knock on the door!"

The door opened.

Wang Tao and Wang Qiang walked in excitedly.

"You are?" Wang Tao looked at Lu Ping for a few moments, and suddenly realized: "Oh, I understand, are you one of us? The brothers brought by Brother Ming! What are you doing in a daze, come and help me!"

Lu Ping glared at him and ignored him.

Wang Qiang walked in swaggeringly, and was taken aback when he saw the severed finger on the ground.

"Could it be that brother Ming taught a woman this time? The nails are so long?" Wang Qiang said to himself.

Bai Yiming, who was sitting on the ground with his back on the ground, was miserable.

"Brother Ming! Here we come!" Seeing that Lu Ping ignored him, Wang Tao simply leaned the stretcher against the wall and looked around: "Brother Ming, he must go to the bathroom, right?"

Such a second hand?

Lu Ping opened his mouth and explained lazily!

Bai Yiming's intestines are turning green with regret at this moment, why did he call these two bastards here?

Can't you just open your dog's eyes and take a look, Brother Ming is right in front of you!
Wang Qiang said without losing the opportunity: "Brother Tao, Brother Ming may have left beforehand, come on, let's put this unlucky stinky woman on a stretcher first... The key is that Brother Ming didn't say what to do, why don't you find a place to bury her? "

"Ming... Brother Ming?"

Wang Tao took a look under the light and his face turned green.

"Brother Ming? Where is it?" Wang Qiang took a closer look at the 'woman' on the ground, and it really was Brother Ming!
What's the situation?

How did Brother Ming become such a virtuous person?
The two brothers were sweating profusely, and didn't realize what was going on for a long time.

Lu Ping came over and urged: "Hurry up and carry it away, take up space."

Only then did Wang Tao notice that the strange man in front of him was so terrifying.

For a moment, it was like facing an abyss.

How good is a person who can make Brother Ming into such a virtue?
"What are you still doing in a daze, carry...I...go!" Bai Yiming stared at the two subordinates resentfully, if he had a knife in his hand now, he would kill these two bastards first!

But what's the point of having a knife when you've lost your fingers?

Wang Qiang brought the stretcher tremblingly, and in the corner of his eyes, he kept quietly guarding against Lu Ping, for fear of offending the great god accidentally.

That would be a disaster!

Wang Tao and Wang Qiang carefully put Bai Yiming on the stretcher.

They are ready to evacuate quickly, run out of the door!

"We're just little Xiami, we're just little Xiami..." The two brothers secretly prayed in their hearts, fearing that at this crucial moment of leaving the house, they would be wiped out by the man in the room, murdered and silenced!
Fortunately, he didn't harm Chi Yu.

It's too humane, and the two countries will not be killed if they are at war!

If they weren't carrying the stretcher, they might have to kneel down for Lu Ping.

"Wait a minute! Are you leaving just like that?"

Lu Ping's words scared their souls away.

No way?Are you really going to hurt the innocent?

Seeing the tragic appearance of Bai Yiming on the stretcher, one of the two brothers was so frightened that his legs cramped, and the other just wet his pants.

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