Fixed-point positioning!

This kick is quite beautiful!
But it didn't grow any longer?There are still more than five meters away from Deng Zhankui.

Cao Ermeng secretly sighed: In ancient times, there was loneliness seeking defeat, but now there is loneliness seeking defeat. It is your own bet, don't blame me.

However, Ouyang Aolan felt a strong wind, and her expression changed involuntarily.

"Ouch..." Deng Zhankui moaned while covering his face.

What's the situation?

Deng Zhankui is entrusting him, is this?
Cao Ermeng couldn't react for a while, until he saw a shoe fall to Deng Zhankui's feet.

Does this work too?
"Please, give me back the shoes!"

Lu Ping put his bare foot on the other and beckoned.

Deng Zhankui vomited the dust splashed in his mouth and nose, and he was not feeling well.

The Great Thousand World was really caught off guard!
Cao Ermeng lowered his head, picked up the shoes, and handed them over respectfully.

He even wanted to squat down and help Uncle Lu put the shoes on with his own hands, but he felt that it was too disrespectful, so he temporarily gave up this opportunity to flatter him.

Only Ouyang Aolan stood there thoughtfully, like a sculpture.

At this time, what she saw was not winning or losing itself.

It's what's hidden behind it.

First of all, how much force does it take to send a shoe flying with a kick?

And how much control does it take for the shoe to hit the target's face with precision?
And of course, speed!

From the point of view of gambling, this kick seems to be cheating and cunning.

But from the perspective of martial arts and physics.

This kick is a miracle!
"I, Deng Zhankui, am willing to gamble and admit defeat!" Deng Zhankui continued to slap the dust on his face, and walked over with a smile: "There are thousands of gambling skills, and the victory lies in winning. Although brothers can't make thousands, they can make shoes. This is the biggest thing." Thousand skills!"

"Much praise, praise!" Lu Ping had already put on his shoes.

Deng Zhankui turned his head and glanced at Ao Lan: "Now she is yours, I will go home to accompany my wife."

"As expected of the king of gambling, you keep your word." Lu Ping smiled: "But now I suddenly don't want to play anymore, I want to go home and watch TV, so let Miss Aolan accompany you."

Deng Zhankui was pleasantly surprised: "Brother is a kind man!"

Lu Pingdao: "To each other."


Ouyang Aolan suddenly objected.

"Didn't you rush to follow Brother Deng just now, why now..." Lu Ping couldn't understand.

Ouyang Aolan said: "One moment, another moment, you win, of course I want to accompany you."

Lu Ping looked innocent: "But I still have to go home and watch TV."

"You can watch it here too, I'll watch it with you." Ouyang Aolan broke the opponent's fantasy.

Are you still relying on me?
" about saving some electricity bills?" Lu Ping looked reluctant.

"In this case, I'll leave first!" Deng Zhankui said with some embarrassment: "Brother is right, first come first, first come first, as it should be! By the way, brother, leave a contact information, add a WeChat."

Lu Ping readily agreed: "Do you sweep me or I sweep you?"

"Brother, brother will buy you a drink another day!"

Before leaving, Deng Zhankui said something.

Cao Er Meng retreated knowingly.

"Obviously, the gambling king himself saved himself." Ouyang Aolan said something inscrutable.

Lu Ping glanced at her: "How do you say it?"

Ouyang Aolan said: "He sees that he can't beat you."

"People are willing to gamble and admit defeat!" Lu Ping emphasized: "This is the rule of the casino. If you play tricks, you will be cut off. Have you never seen a movie?"

"Brother, I want to learn that kick from you!"

Ouyang Aolan suddenly said with joy, standing in a bumpy way.

Those big weird eyes really have magic power, who can bear to refuse?
"Girl, please respect yourself, who is having an affair with you?" Lu Ping touched his nose and turned his face to one side.

"That leg! Na-that!" Ouyang Aolan corrected.

Lu Ping shook his head: "Nothing." Then he simply sat on the sofa.

Ouyang Aolan fought hard and said: "I have foundation, what is missing is skill!"

Lu Ping nodded: "Well, I can see it."

"So as long as you are willing to teach me, I should be able to learn!" Ouyang Aolan continued to fight.

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say."

"I won't charge you the table fee when you come later, I will cover the private room fee!"

"I don't like to take advantage, especially when I take advantage of women!" (it's strange).

"I'll give you money! Pay the tuition!"

"Let's talk, let's talk, I have no concept of money."

"Then how will you teach me?"

"Unless...unless you promise me a condition!"

Ouyang Aolan leaned forward in surprise: "Then tell me quickly, what's the condition? I promise you everything except a physical promise."

Lu Ping said seriously: "My condition is, don't ask me to teach you again!"

Ouyang Aolan's face darkened immediately.

Going around for nothing, this guy is too arrogant!

Isn't it just a little bit of legwork, what kind of music to put on, what kind of frame to hold?
"Brother, are you okay?" Ouyang Aolan conjured up a smile that could melt the Three Realms.

She also acts like a baby?Also activate the electric eye?

Lu Ping has learned a lot.

"Girl, pay attention to your identity!" Lu Ping said with a gloomy face, "I want to learn legwork and go to Shaolin Temple to apprentice. This is a club, KTV, you are a female publicist, and singing with guests is the first priority! Got it?"

"Ah...uh...what song do you want to sing? I'll order it." Ouyang Aolan was beaten back to reality with a face of reluctance.

Lu Ping shook his head: "I sing out of tune, you sing!"

Ouyang Aolan picked up the microphone.

She sang a song "Small Town Story" by Teresa Teng.

The person looks sweet, and the singing is also sweet.

It's just that there is a flavor of realistic criticism in the song.

"It's your turn to sing! Sing, I'll cut my nails. Are my nails beautiful?" Ouyang Aolan flipped over her palms, her fingers were long and fair.

Lu Ping smiled: "On the contrary, I think your standard shirt looks good."

"You think my clothes look good?" Ouyang Aolan said unconvinced: "Then let me ask you, is there anything unsightly about me?" She turned around on the spot, her figure full of bumps.

Lu Pingdao: "Some places cannot be seen, so it is inconvenient to evaluate."

Ouyang Aolan snorted: "Same, vulgar!"

"It seems that you like red, where did you buy this red top?" Lu Ping's focus was still on her clothes.

In fact, this dress is obviously army green.

"I won't tell you!" Ouyang Aolan raised his mouth.

In fact, Lu Ping didn't want to know at all, he just wanted to make sure of one thing.

Now, sure.

This is actually quite a big deal.

"Okay, keep singing!" Lu Ping raised his hand.

Ouyang Aolan murmured: "Then what are you here for? To watch a concert? All right, I guess your aesthetics are right."

She picked up the mic again and sang another song.

Lu Ping lit a cigarette, watched her waving her waist lightly, and remembered something.

Some things cannot be hidden.

You can hide it from others.

You can't hide it from me, Lu Ping.

But I have something to do when I go back to Huaxia, and some things are 'rarely confused'.

There is no need to create extra problems for some people and things that have nothing to do with you.

Ouyang Aolan sang three songs in a row.

When she was about to sing the fourth song, she found that Lu Ping had left.

"What a strange person!" Ouyang Aolan put down the microphone and smiled softly.

She was about to go back to her room when the waiter greeted her.

"Sister Aolan, guest 209 ordered you!"

"I'm tired, let him another day!"

In the entire Yaoye clubhouse, only Ouyang Aolan, a publicist, dared to refuse guests.

To be precise, she is a wonderful flower in all night scenes.

But no one can blackmail her.

Just as Lu Ping walked out of Yaoye Clubhouse, he stopped suddenly.

No, why am I here today?
Just when Cao Ermeng heard that Lu Ping was leaving, he came out respectfully to see him off.

"Give Xiao Dingshan a word, tell him to wait at home in three days, don't go out, I will take Zheng Sanhu to his house to ask for salary."

This is the only sentence that fits the theme of the night.

Lu Ping felt that his appearance this time lacked a bit of arrogance.

It's all the fault of Cao Ermeng, the service is so thoughtful that he softened his heart.

"Okay, I'll convey it, I'll convey it." Cao Ermeng responded, but his heart was terrified.

This is going to be a big deal!
Brother Shan, Brother Shan, should I report to you?
Lu Ping drove back.

The wind is light and the clouds are light, and the night is overwhelming.

Just too lonely.

On the contrary, Ouyang Aolan was a bit interesting.

I will meet her again when I choose time.

Back home, Lu Ping marked the calendar.

It read: Bring Zheng Sanhu to Xiao Dingshan to ask for salary. The countdown is on the third day.

This kind of thing is too simple, he is afraid of forgetting.

Auto Trade City.

ten o'clock in the morning.

Location, President's Office.

Gong Mengran took a car reservation agreement and examined Lu Ping.

Lu Ping's expression is very calm, but his heart is very ups and downs.

Don't look at me like this, my face will turn into a red apple...

He wanted to sing the lyrics.

"Driver Lu, I have an idea for you..."

Gong Mengran was silent for a while before speaking.

"What? Have an idea for me?" Lu Ping looked expectant.

"Shaopo! Who cares?" Gong Mengran frowned slightly: "Listen, I found that your talent in sales is far greater than your talent in driving. So, I am going to transfer you to the sales department ..."

"Farewell, miss!" Lu Ping begged.

Gong Mengran emphasized: "Sold 27 cars a day, you are a sales genius."

Lu Ping shook his head: "My blind cat ran into a dead mouse! You don't know, when I was a child, I sold hundreds of cabbages a day... No, no, I remember wrong, it seems that my mother sold them all."

"What about this one?" Gong Mengran showed the agreement in front of Lu Ping's eyes: "You and Bai Kexin have only known each other for a day, and she ordered a Maymach. I am her classmate, we have known each other for so many years, She has never even given a round to my Auto Trade City. How can you explain this?"

"This... this..." Lu Ping faltered: "She is looking at your face this time!"

Gong Mengran snorted coldly: "My old classmate's face is not as big as yours. She has changed three or four cars over the years. Every time I change cars, I suggest her to change to a Mercedes-Benz, but she doesn't listen. mine."

Lu Ping nodded: "That classmate of yours is indeed very assertive."

"So in order for you to give full play to your strengths, I suggest you go to the sales department." Gong Mengran said.

"I...I don't accept your suggestion." Lu Ping said with a sad face: "I don't want to raise this car, I just want to be your driver quietly. Also, I promise that in the future, I won't pay for a car. I sold it for you, it’s not worth the effort anyway.”

Gong Mengran asked back: "The reaction is so intense, the emotion is not small?"

Lu Ping's face was sullen, and he remained silent.

"Just so willing to be my driver? What are you planning?"

Gong Mengran's words obviously contained elements of temptation.

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