
Almost at the same time, the deafening thunder outside the window suddenly fell from the sky, bringing back the thoughts of Lu Qihao who had been wandering somewhere.

After taking the phone at hand, Lu Qihao looked at the caller ID screen. It wasn't the number pre-stored in his phone's contacts, nor was it the number he looked familiar with. But for some reason, when he heard the ringtone in his hand, his heart felt so It was an inexplicable tightening, and a bad premonition hit my heart instantly.


Lu Qihao took the phone, and asked briefly and carefully, but there was no other sound on the other end of the phone except for a faint gasp.


Lu Qihao repeated the word he just said again, but there was still no reply from the other end of the phone.

On the phone side, Sun Xiaoxiao's hand holding the phone was trembling in her ear, because her thin clothes had been soaked by the heavy rain. Even in the not too cold spring, Sun Xiaoxiao couldn't stop trembling all over. .But hearing the familiar voice from the other end of the phone, Sun Xiaoxiao didn't know how to speak for a moment.

"If you don't speak, I will hang up."

The two sides were silent for a long time, and Lu Qihao finally spoke first. Although he always felt that the voice on the other end of the phone was very familiar, his guard was still reminding him to be cautious.

"Qi Hao...it's me..."

Finally, after a long silence, Sun Xiaoxiao finally spoke first, uttering these four words hesitantly.

"You are... Qiu... Mrs. Qiu..."

Hearing this, Lu Qihao was slightly taken aback for a moment. After all, the tone of speech and the tone of address on the other end of the phone were very similar to Sun Xiaoxiao. However, after all, before he said anything, he also Not to be too abrupt, so I finally swallowed the word "Xiao Xiao" and replaced it with the word "Mrs. Qiu".

"Qi Hao...it's me...Sun Xiaoxiao..."

To Lu Qihao's surprise, such words came out of Sun Xiaoxiao's mouth. Immediately, Lu Qihao's hand that was holding the steering wheel slid down from it.

"You...you...you just...what did you say..."

Lu Qihao's whole face flushed, and he even felt that his whole thinking seemed to be messed up in an instant, and he kept repeating the words in his mouth.

"You...you...you just...what did you say..."

At this time, the sound of raindrops hitting the ground outside the car window became more and more intense, and the sound of lightning and thunder became more and more restless. Sun Xiaoxiao's voice on the phone was quickly covered up in the noise, It made it impossible for Lu Qihao to hear what she was talking about right now.

"Where are you! Where are you now!"

In the gap between the voices, Lu Qihao could more or less hear the sound of Sun Xiaoxiao sobbing slightly on the opposite side. For a moment, Lu Qihao only felt that his whole body was in a panic. Xiaoxiao drove past with a destination mixed in her intermittent sobs.

"You wait for me where you are...I'll come to you right away...remember...wait for me where you are...don't go away!"

He almost let out a roar from his throat. Under his driving, Lu Qihao's car seemed to have gone crazy all the way. It was driving fast on the road, ignoring the traffic lights and pedestrians in the middle of the road. At this moment, in Lu Qihao's In the eyes, there is only one destination.

At this moment, Sun Xiaoxiao, who was trembling all over, was completely wetted by the raindrops brought by the strong wind. The water droplets kept sliding down her face, and she couldn't tell which ones were rainwater and which ones were tears.

A gust of cold wind blew past, and Sun Xiaoxiao couldn't help shivering all over, and instantly slumped into a ball, squatting on the ground.A pair of arms hugged her tightly in her arms, like an ostrich, buried deeply in her arms, and Sun Xiaoxiao couldn't care about the raindrops hitting the back of her head. She just wanted to stop the rain in front of her so that she could continue to look for Qiu Xiaoxiao's trace.

Her thoughts drifted far away unconsciously, and when Sun Xiaoxiao realized that there were no more raindrops falling in the circle centered on herself, Sun Xiaoxiao slowly raised her head in surprise.The first thing that catches the eye is a pair of black leather shoes, which have been splashed by the rain, and they can no longer see the shine from before. The next thing is a pair of trousers that are full of mud and rain.

However, before she could move her gaze upwards, Sun Xiaoxiao's whole body was suddenly pulled up from the ground, and she was hugged directly into her arms.

At that moment, a familiar smell slowly drifted into Sun Xiaoxiao's breath.

"Sorry... I'm late..."

But with such a simple sentence, in an instant, all of Sun Xiaoxiao's psychological defenses collapsed instantly, and tears began to burst out of her eyes.She waited for this sentence for more than five years.


All emotions became uncontrollable in an instant, and Sun Xiaoxiao just lay on Lu Qihao's shoulder, beating his shoulder unscrupulously, almost roaring, growling, and shouting without any scruples .

"Where have you been all these years! Why didn't you find me when I left you for so long! Why didn't you stay by my side when I needed you most! Do you know how I have survived all these years?" ..."

Sun Xiaoxiao's tears were like a flood that burst a bank, soaking the shirt on Lu Qihao's right shoulder in an instant, clenched his hands tightly into fists, and kept waving them with gritted teeth.

On the other hand, Lu Qihao tightened the arms around Sun Xiaoxiao, as if he wanted to rub Sun Xiaoxiao's whole body into his body.During the whole process, although he didn't say a word, it can be seen from his expression that he was indescribably happy at the moment.

"Xiao Xiao..."

Finding something lost should be one of the happiest things in the world.

Lu Qihao called Sun Xiaoxiao's name in a low voice, kissed her poor little face that was already crying like a tear, and whispered in her ear.

"So...Xiao Xiao...is indeed our two biological sons...right?"

Although he had already done a personal appraisal, Lu Qihao still wanted to hear Sun Xiaoxiao tell him the final and true answer to this matter.

As if waking up in an instant, when Sun Xiaoxiao heard Qiu Xiaoxiao's name, her thoughts seemed to be pulled back to reality in an instant, and she pushed Lu Qihao away in front of her, her eyes flickering, It is fear and anxiety.

"what happened?"

At that moment, Lu Qihao felt a little puzzled, but he probably guessed something, and a bad premonition slipped through his heart.

"Qi Hao! I really have no choice! Take me to Xiaoxiao quickly! Take me to Xiaoxiao quickly!"

As soon as Qiu Xiaoxiao was mentioned, Sun Xiaoxiao seemed to lose all her sanity in an instant, and kept shaking Lu Qihao in front of her.

"Xiaoxiao, calm down, tell me first, what's wrong with Xiaoxiao?"


Sun Xiaoxiao swallowed her saliva, tried her best to calm down, and then said with a sob.

"Just now I told Qiu Youting at home that Xiaoxiao is not his child. Xiaoxiao will know the truth about this matter sooner or later. I should tell him in advance... At first I didn't know that Xiaoxiao was outside the door at that time... Then... …then he heard everything…”

Speaking of this, the tears in Sun Xiaoxiao's eyes couldn't help gushing out again without any scruples, and the expression on her face was full of panic.

Hearing this, Lu Qihao was naturally a little astonished, but he soon recovered.He grabbed Sun Xiaoxiao's hand, put his coat on top of Sun Xiaoxiao's head, took Sun Xiaoxiao's hand, and led her into his car.

After both of them got into the car, Lu Qihao casually took a towel from a drawer, and began to patiently help Sun Xiaoxiao wipe away her already wet hair.

Because Sun Xiaoxiao's thin clothes were soaked through by the rain, the underwear inside could be seen clearly from the outside.When Lu Qihao's hand helping Sun Xiaoxiao wipe the rainwater slowly slipped down to her neck, his eyes were blurred, and his thoughts were actually in a trance.

Sun Xiaoxiao seemed to have noticed Lu Qihao's anxious gaze, her face flushed instantly, and she reached out her hand to tightly cover her neckline.

There was a moment of embarrassment in the air, Lu Qihao took a coat that was always kept in the car, put it on Sun Xiaoxiao's shoulders lightly, and muttered something indistinctly.

"Cover it on your body, be careful not to catch a cold."

Sun Xiaoxiao's face was also red, and she didn't know what to answer him for a while. The two met again five years later, and there was Qiu Xiaoxiao in between. She was naturally not the simple and cute girl she was back then. Sun Xiaoxiao, and he is no longer that fearless devil king.

"Where do we start looking?"

Pulling off the handbrake, Lu Qihao started the accelerator, turned his head and looked in Sun Xiaoxiao's direction, but this question really caught Sun Xiaoxiao, indeed, the world is so big, where should she go to find Qiu Xiaoxiao? ?
"Otherwise... let's go to the gate of the small school first... let's have a look..."

"it is good……"

After speaking, Lu Qihao stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed towards the school where Qiu Xiaoxiao was at like an arrow off the string.

"Young Master Qiu...it's not good..."

Before Pete entered the room, he had screened everyone in the room.

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