Although Tong Yi couldn't see his expression under the sunglasses, he could tell from the corner of his mouth that he was angry.Mr. Qian pointed a finger at him, his face flushed with anger, and the wrinkles on his face became more obvious.

"Who are you? You... how dare you pour water on me? Waiter!"

He turned around and yelled, Tong Yi opened his mouth slightly, but soon he could only close his upper lip by gritting his teeth secretly, his voice was too special, as soon as he opened his mouth, Mr. Qian would find out his identity, and everything would fail.

The waiter in the restaurant quickly ran over, Chu Qing knew something was wrong, and quickly winked at Hanjiang and Yaotian who were still nearby, but Yaotian had a happy smile on his face, and Hanjiang couldn't even look at her. No, it seems that Tong Yi's behavior has already been guessed.

"Mr. Qian, don't be angry, I'll ask him to leave immediately." After bending over to Mr. Qian, the waiter said to Tong Yi in embarrassment: "Sir, I'm sorry, please leave now."

Mr. Qian was still cursing, and Tong Yi's hand was tightly clenched. He looked at Chu Qing, and finally twisted his lips and snorted, then turned around and rushed towards the door.

On the one hand, Chu Qing was relieved that Tong Yi's identity had not been exposed, but on the other hand, she was annoyed that she almost got Mr. Qian to produce the list.

What should she say now, so that Mr. Qian will give it to him?

However, Chu Qing was the only one who was worrying alone. As soon as Mr. Qian looked back at her, his anger disappeared immediately, and he put on a perverted smile and patted the back of her hand.

"Beauty, don't be afraid, with me here, I have an investment in this hotel, and I will never let the hooligans just hurt you." He said it with a high-sounding sound, but it made people even more disgusting.

However, Chu Qing heard some mysteries from this passage, she thought about it, a flash of inspiration flashed, and she quickly pretended to be surprised.

"Mr. Qian, are you so powerful? You even invested in this famous hotel?"

"Of course, but for me, the biggest investment is still acting."

"Really?" Chu Qing frowned slightly. At that time, it was only for Mr. Qian to see it on purpose. Sure enough, he immediately supported her shoulder and asked, "What's wrong, little beauty?"

"No, it just occurred to me that although I want to be a big star, if I've only been filming dramas produced by your company, so what if I'm the heroine. People don't want to be talked about like Qianna."

"How could it be? As long as you are willing to trust me obediently, you won't be like that stupid woman. I don't just invest in my company, I even have episodes from different film and television companies. It's all waiting for me to choose who is the heroine. If If you like it, you can even make a movie, I'll let you choose slowly, how about it?"

Wait... what does this mean?His tone sounded as if Qianna didn't take refuge in him at all?
Chu Qing was confused by Mr. Qian's words, but she didn't have time to delve into it further. She drew out the list of drama series invested in the past from him, so that Han Jiang and the others could find out more truth, right?
"So which company did you invest in? There are some companies that I don't want to be in touch with. You know, the upper management of some companies will only take advantage of others, so they are not as talkative as you, Mr. Qian."

"Haha, good little beauty, you can do whatever you like, just wait for me."

Mr. Qian let her go, turned his head and whispered to the waiter at the side, and soon a man wearing sunglasses and a fierce face came in, holding a briefcase in his hand, and handed it to Mr. Qian.

"Boss, do you want this briefcase?"

Mr. Qian nodded, took the briefcase, and gave some instructions in a low voice. Chu Qing noticed with sharp eyes that the bodyguard took a look at her before leaving. Mr. Qian took out some papers from the bag and handed them to Chu Qing. He also took the opportunity to touch Chu Qing's hand.

"Come on, this is the list of drama projects I have invested in this year. You can take it and choose the drama you want, and then just tell me."

Chu Qing felt very uneasy about Mr. Qian's straightforwardness, but she had to accept the list.

"Then, little beauty, I decided to cancel tonight's work for you, so you have to accompany me well tonight."

Mr. Qian opened his eyes with a smile, his white teeth were exposed, like a bloodthirsty shark, and the wrinkles on his face could even be stretched into chrysanthemums.

While he was still talking, he stretched out his hand to caress her back, Chu Qing's whole body trembled, and she shrank to the side subconsciously, but she couldn't stop his twitching hands.

She had no choice but to stand up quickly, let his hand go away, and said with a coquettish smile, "Sorry, I'm going to the dressing room to touch up the powder."

Mr. Qian nodded and didn't find anything wrong, just said: "Okay, okay, take your time, I'll wait for you."

Chu Qing stuffed the list into her handbag, hurriedly left the restaurant, and flashed into the corridor before gasping for breath.

"Ruan Chuqing, I want to treat you differently, I never thought you would be so patient."

Yaotian's voice came from behind her, Chu Qing turned around and found that the two had followed her out, Yaotian looked at her approvingly and said: "I thought you would punch me."

Han Jiang approached Chu Qing, the smile on his face became bitter, he shook his head and said, "Sure enough, I should stick to the end and not let you do such a dangerous thing."

"It doesn't matter, the most important thing is..." Chu Qing lowered her head and took out the list, and stuffed the list into Han Jiang's hands: "This is the film and television project that Mr. Qian has invested in in the last year. Do you think this is enough?"

Han Jiang couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and even Yaotian stepped forward to see what happened. Han Jiang put away the list, nodded and said, "That's enough, we can continue to search with it."

Yaotian at the side looked behind him: "Then let's go now, it will be troublesome if he chases us out."

So under the cover of the two, Chu Qing walked to the door evasively. From a distance, she could see Tong Yi ringing her hands and staring at the hotel door.

For some reason, seeing his figure, Chu Qing breathed a sigh of relief. The heart she had been holding on for a long time was finally relieved, and she couldn't help but smile happily.

Just when she was about to run towards Tong Yi, she suddenly turned her eyes and saw another figure beside her, and hurriedly pulled Han Jiang and Yaotian's sleeves to hide aside.

She pointed to a figure standing beside the expensive car, and whispered: "Look, that is Mr. Qian's bodyguard. He recognizes that I am going to accompany Mr. Qian tonight, and he will find me if I go out now."

Yaotian clicked his tongue and said, "Where's the back door?"

"No, if you go through the back door, you have to go through the restaurant door, and you will be discovered by Mr. Qian." Han Jiang stared outside and frowned, desperately trying to think of a way: "It's useless to distract that bodyguard, there are other bodyguards in the car .”

Chu Qing couldn't help trembling: "But...but he is about to come out to find me, so I have to go back..."

Han Jiang looked back at Chu Qing, his eyes flickering, and said in a low voice for a while: "Yes, you go back first,
When we came out with him in a while, Yaotian and I stepped forward to stop you, I have a way to force him to let you go. "

Before Chu Qing had time to say anything, Yaotian shouted in surprise: "Hey, Han Jiang, you don't intend to..."

Han Jiang glanced at him and said, "Although I don't want to, identity is the most useful at this time, so you can do me a favor."

Yaotian's complexion quickly darkened, but he could only say "oh," he turned to Chu Qing who was still confused and said, "Okay, looking at your face, I will help you, Chu Qing, go back quickly. "

Chu Qing looked back and forth at the two people with different expressions. Although she still couldn't figure out what Han Jiang said, Chu Qing believed that Han Jiang would not harm her and would not do anything unsure, so she nodded and resolutely Turn around and go back.

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