Su Zhe was about to say again that the bus had already arrived at the station and he had to get off the bus. When he arrived at the hotel, he was exhausted after a day of driving, so he took a rest first and prepared to meet the client tomorrow.Mei Lianxue was glad that he didn't ask any more questions, otherwise she didn't know how to answer.

He didn't expect that what he was eager to hide had already been seen through by him.

Yang Sisi returned to normal for a while, which made Su Xun feel less worried. She thought maybe she was just impulsive, didn't recognize her own heart, and took her feelings for herself as love, which is why she did something wrong. Now that I understand it, maybe I won't make trouble for myself.

But she didn't expect that she would attribute all the failures to Luo Xue. Without Luo Xue, Su Xun would like herself.

And Yang Sisi is much more courageous than Lu Yuxuan, she has always been an action-minded person, she didn't think about what to do when she didn't make any movement before, but now she thought of the crux of the matter, and acted immediately.Luo Xue just got off work, on the way home, at a turning, someone covered her mouth from behind, and the brother Luo Fang on the handkerchief made her faint.

When he woke up again, he was in a car, and Yang Sisi was sitting in the car, looking at her with a slight smile. "Sisi, what are you doing?"

Luo Xue's face changed, she didn't expect that she would be so bold as to kidnap herself in broad daylight.Yang Sisi held her chin, looked at her, and replied: "Sister Luo Xue, I like Brother Su, can you give him to me? If you don't let me, I have to grab it."

She didn't have the slightest evasive words, Luo Xue was stunned for a moment, and then felt dumbfounded, she didn't expect that Su Xun was so popular, and this girl's behavior was not a female bandit or something.

Looking at her, she thought that she was a lovely girl before, but when she fell in love, the woman became scary, so she said helplessly, "Sisi, if you like him, you should attack him directly."

No matter how smart a girl is, when she faces love, her IQ will drop by one level. This was the case with me back then, and it is the same with her now.

She kidnapped herself, thinking that she could get Su Xun?Besides, Su Xun doesn't look like a sweet potato, is he so good?
"Also, you don't know him at all. Apart from being good-looking, Su Xun really doesn't have anything that really attracts women. He doesn't know how to talk about love, doesn't know how to be romantic, and he is also very domineering. Sisi, you have such a personality. Girl, how can I stand such a man, I'd better see it clearly, don't let him be confused, and also, he has hemorrhoids!"

Luo Xue rambled about a lot of his shortcomings.Yang Sisi smiled slightly, "Since he has so many shortcomings, how did you fall in love with him?"

Luo Xue was left speechless by the rhetorical questions, so she had to admit defeat. This girl is very smart and difficult to deal with.My hands were tied behind my back, I didn't know where she would tie herself up, what she wanted to do, looked at her and said, "Okay, what do you want to do, don't you want to kill me?"

Yang Sisi smiled, took out her mobile phone, and dialed Su Xun's number.

He smiled at her and said, "Let's see what he will choose." When Su Xun's phone rang, he was working, and he was a bit surprised when he heard Yang Sisi's voice.Looking around, I realized that I didn't seem to see her today, and she didn't come to pester me during the meal. I felt relieved at first, but now that I think about it, I feel something is wrong.

"Brother Su, I kidnapped Sister Luoxue, if you want to save her, you can come to Xiangsi Cliff on Lianhua Mountain."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone with a snap. Su Xun over there thought he had heard wrongly, but he did not hear wrongly just now, and immediately grabbed his coat and rushed out, his mind was in a mess. What did Yang Sisi want? what.

Luo Xue didn't know what kind of tricks she was playing, this girl didn't follow the rules, she was eccentric, so she could only observe silently.

Yang Sisi seemed to see what she was thinking, and said with a smile: "Have you heard of it? There is a legend that there was a man on the cliff of lovesickness who jumped off the cliff in order to save his beloved woman."

After she finished speaking, Luo Xue's face changed, and she just stared at her sullenly.Yang Sisi giggled, like a wayward child, with her fingers in front of her mouth.

"Hush! Sister Luo Xue, how about this, let's fight, if he wins me, how about I won't trouble you?"

Luo Xue stared at her without saying a word, this girl was too fickle, she didn't believe her words.

Su Xun knew how to ride a motorcycle, so he drove towards Lianhua Mountain. The mountain road of Lianhua Mountain is extremely dangerous. It has always been a holy place for many racing enthusiasts, but the death rate is also extremely high.

Thinking about Yang Sisi's words in his mind, he felt even more uneasy, not knowing what Yang Sisi would do to Luo Xue.

At this time, it was the trail of Linxia, ​​and the scenery on the mountain was pleasant, but he was not in the mood to take a closer look, he just kept speeding, and he didn't care if there would be traffic police chasing him.

Yang Sisi and his team drove directly to the top of Xiangsi Cliff. The altitude here is nearly 2000 meters. From the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, it spirals upwards in a spiral shape. It is extremely thrilling. If you are not careful, you will fall into the abyss.

Lu Yuxuan was originally angry with Su Zhe, and whenever she was angry, she liked to bleed—spending money, when she came out of the shopping mall, she saw Su Xun driving an old motorcycle madly passing by, and at the moment she felt like Very shocked.Su Xun has always paid attention to image, how could he do such a thing.

Immediately got into the car curiously, started the car and followed all the way behind.Then I followed him all the way to Lianhua Mountain, and I was even more surprised. Isn't this a place where some desperate racers like to come? Could it be that he also fell in love with racing?
Lu Yuxuan kept chasing him, watching him go all the way to the top of the mountain, she drove the car to another fork road, she was very curious.In addition to some roads on this mountain, there are some small stone ladder roads for climbers.

Lu Yuxuan didn't care about his heavy stomach, and couldn't help but care about Su Xun's affairs.

After finally climbing up the lovesickness cliff, hiding behind a big tree, listening to what they said, seeing Luo Xue was even more startled in her heart.

As soon as the car stopped, Su Xun strode forward, seeing Luo Xue in their hands, glaring at Yang Sisi: "Sisi, what are you doing? Are you crazy?"

Yang Sisi ignored his anger, just smiled and said: "Brother Su, aren't you afraid that I will pester you? These days, you are deliberately alienating me, aren't you? You really make me very sad."

He still looked at her with a smile on his face, but every time she approached, he avoided her like a frightened bird, which hurt her self-esteem.

Su Xun had some headaches, looked at her, and said coldly: "Sisi, I've made it very clear, you can't risk innocent people, let her go, what's the matter, come to me."

"Okay, then let's have a match, life and death are fate, if you lose, you have to be mine, how about it?"

Yang Sisi giggled and didn't mind at all, but Luo Xue's face changed.Yang Sisi is a well-known racing driver in China. I didn't know it before, but after getting to know her, how could I not know it.

She was deliberately embarrassing him, and Su Xun naturally knew it.Luo Xue said urgently: "Miss Yang Sisi, why don't you ask my opinion, I don't want to be your prize!"

She rolled her eyes, why is she so unlucky, once she gets involved with Su Xun, nothing good will happen.

Su Xun ignored her objecting eyes, and immediately said: "Okay, Sisi, I only want you as a friend, nothing else is possible, I hope you can understand."

Yang Sisi just raised his eyebrows. He actually dared to compete with himself on this famous death track. Is he so unafraid of death?
Lu Yuxuan, who was not far away, heard their words, and was even more shocked at the moment. The famous place here is not because of its dangers, but because some cars roll over and fall under the cliff every year, and many people die. He was frightened by the news, but Su Xun was not afraid. In order to save her, was he so reckless?

And Luo Xue tied Yang Sisi's men to the stone pillar, and could only watch their desperate start.

Seeing that Su Xun took it seriously, he felt very anxious, and immediately shouted: "Su Xun, are you crazy? Are you really not afraid of death? Don't compare with her!" But Su Xun smiled at her: "It's okay, It's okay to let her give up, let him see my determination for you."

Su Xun was naturally a little worried. First, he was not a professional, and second, he was not very familiar with this place.

But this little girl is very stubborn, if she is not defeated, she will not admit defeat.

Two cars, one red and one black, whizzed furiously on the road, one in front and the other in the back, and soon Su Xun was thrown off by a big section, but quickly caught up again. "Brother Su, you are very powerful."

Yang Sisi's car was driving wildly on the road, and when she saw him, she also chased after him, with a surprised expression on her face.Su Xun didn't speak, just focused on the car.

Luo Xue and Yang Sisi's subordinates were watching from afar on the top of the mountain, becoming even more anxious. They only saw two shadows, one black and one red, going up and down on the spiral hillside, which made one's heart jump.

After Lu Yuxuan peeped in the dark for a while, these thoughts popped up in her mind. She had met Yang Sisi a few times before, and she knew her identity.Immediately, he got into his car and found a glass drink bottle, and immediately evoked a smile.

Holding the bottle, he struck the ground, and the bottle shattered into countless pieces. Lu Yuxuan wrapped up the pieces with a handkerchief, walked out, scattered the pieces on the ground at the turning point, looked left and right, here It was a col, and I couldn't see myself in the direction of Luo Xue, so I returned to the car immediately.

Yang Sisi's speed has been accelerating steadily, and she doesn't feel any discomfort, but Su Xun is different. In order to catch up with her, she has to keep speeding all the way to [-].The two guarded a parallel distance.

"Brother Su, just admit defeat and be my man, you will lose!" Yang Sisi stepped on the gas pedal and threw him out again, laughing loudly.

Su Xun heard such a domineering declaration for the first time. If it was normal, he would be proud of it. Now, it is hard to tell. The high speed has never been seen before, making people dizzy and nauseated, but Still holding on all the time, wanting to catch up with her.

Yang Sisi asked him to race with her, so she was completely sure of winning him, so on the last lap, she put on full horsepower and reached a speed of [-] per hour. As long as she turned the next corner, she could win up.

When Yang Sisi was driving, she stood up to show off her driving skills, but there was a sudden chuff, and then a thud, and the sound of a flat tire came from the car.

The car turned around on the road, and then turned around, first hit the high slope gable, and the huge impact force threw the car out.

Hitting the safety rail, the car rushed out, like fallen leaves, and fell off the cliff. Yang Sisi's scream broke through the sky and echoed continuously in the mountain.

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