famous first flash marriage

1024、Magic of Love

Sadness is like a stick in the throat.

She was in excruciating pain.

I kept asking the gods in my heart, why is my sister sick at such a young age?

Obviously there was no warning before.

If she knew that there would be such a day, she must cherish her more.

Unfortunately, the most unfortunate thing in the world is that no one can know in advance what will happen in the future.

At this moment, she still didn't know that there was even greater pain waiting for her ahead.

If you know it, maybe these pains will become bearable and unknown.

A hand landed lightly on top of her head.

Due to the torment of the illness, my sister became extremely thin, and the weight of this hand was also much lighter.

Like a fallen leaf.

"Don't be sad, Linglong, people will die all the time, it's not a big deal. I just left before you."

She said to her gently, with unprecedented tenderness and compassion in her eyes.

Sometimes, extreme tenderness, always with a little pity.


Xie Linglong's throat choked, and she wanted to say something, but she couldn't.

Xie Linlang had a good appetite today, and quietly finished all the food Xie Linglong brought.

This should have made Xie Linglong feel relieved. After all, Xie Linlang's appetite has not been very good during this period of time. She often feels sick when she smells food, or feels full after eating a little. She has worked hard to make Xie Linlang eat more. It takes a long time to cook.

I thought that Xie Linlang could only eat half of the food brought today, and even if she only ate half, it was already worth celebrating.

Unexpectedly, she ate them all.

Xie Linglong was very surprised and felt a little joy in her heart.

She thought that if her appetite improved, her body would gradually get better too, right?

"I'll finish eating all of it, Linglong."

Xie Linlang looked at Xie Linglong with a smile, as if begging for praise.


Xie Linglong couldn't help but said.

"I will eat so much every time in the future."

"It's a little hard for me."

Xie Linlang held her forehead, showing a headache expression.

"Promise me, okay?"

Xie Linglong took Xie Linlang's hand and acted like a baby.

Strangely enough, she had never acted like a baby with her sister before.

Recently, it has become self-taught.

And Xie Linlang didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

"This is..."

She thought about it and said seriously, "I'll try my best!"

With these words, Xie Linglong was already very happy and satisfied.

"Okay, do what you say."

Her beautiful eyes were shining with anticipation.

Xie Linlang really couldn't bear to disappoint her.

But there are some things...she can't help it.

I can only say sorry silently in my heart.


She nodded.

The corners of the mouth are raised, but the eyes are looking out the window.

When a person is lying, there is always no way to look at the other person's eyes.

Especially, those eyes are so earnest and sincere.

How could she have the heart to lie to her?
At this moment, Xie Linglong seemed to have a bad premonition.

But she didn't want to think about it.

She would rather believe that everything will gradually get better.

Most definitely.

If she can't have hope in her heart, how can she face this cruel life?
No, she won't leave.

She told herself over and over again in her heart.

A while later, Xie Linlang's personal doctor arrived. Xie Linlang went back to the room for diagnosis and treatment. When the door closed, she turned her head and smiled slightly at Xie Linglong who was standing in the living room.

Xie Linglong looked dazed, and took half a step forward, inexplicably wanting to follow, but then remembered that her sister didn't like others seeing her receiving treatment, so she forced herself to hold back that impulse.

The door closed before his eyes.

Xie Linglong stood there for a long time, staring blankly at the door.

Heart is empty.

It was only when she could see her sister that she felt a little better, but when she couldn't see her, she was extremely disturbed.

She had to reach out and hold her chest.

There was a dull pain there.

In the past, she would only ache for Cheng Feng.

In the past, she was perfect in every aspect except love.

In the past, she thought that was the most uncomfortable feeling.

Unrequited love is so painful.

Only now do I know that the pain of not being loved is nothing at all.

Even if she doesn't get Cheng Feng's love, it's just a divorce.

How can life and separation be compared to death and separation?

A funny idea even came to her mind——

If her elder sister could live on, she would rather give up on Cheng Feng forever than never love.

Just thinking about Cheng Feng, Xie Linglong's cell phone in her bag rang.

He took out his mobile phone, and as expected, the call was from Cheng Feng.

It's strange that Cheng Feng used to be the one who pursued freedom the most, and Xie Linglong who was most annoyed to contact him when he had nothing to do.

Now he makes several calls a day, to the point where Xie Linglong is a little tired.

Smiling helplessly, Xie Linglong pulled herself away from the emotion just now, and picked up the phone.

Subconsciously looking at the door of Xie Linlang's bedroom, she walked slowly to the sofa in the living room and sat down.

"Linglong, what are you doing? Huh? Why did it take me so long to answer my call?"

Cheng Feng's voice sounded a little reproachful and a little coquettish.

What a fool.

Xie Linglong thought with a smile.

It is said that when a man falls in love, he will turn into a child. According to her, Cheng Feng is not only a child, but also a little fool.

She didn't realize how sweet the smile overflowed from the corner of her mouth when she was thinking about this.

"It's nothing, it's in my sister's villa."

she said casually.

In the past, when talking to Cheng Feng, he would always choose his words carefully, for fear that some words would make Cheng Feng unhappy, but now he doesn't at all.

She now knows that a woman is free and comfortable when she is fully in the love of a man.

Because a woman who is loved will be favored unconditionally by a man.

Only when you are not loved, you have to be careful.

"Oh, that's it. How is my sister today? Is there anything better?"

Cheng Feng asked with concern.

Xie Linglong couldn't help laughing again.

Cheng Feng seemed to have grown up compared to before.

In the past, how could he take the initiative to care about others?

Now Cheng Feng doesn't say "your sister", but directly says "sister".

It can be seen that in Cheng Feng's mind, he and Xie Linglong are already a family.

This is of course a good thing, after all, whether it is the Xie family or the married family, they have always hoped that Xie Linglong could marry Cheng Feng.

If it wasn't for her sister's illness, Xie Linglong would never be unsatisfactory in her life.

Unfortunately, no one can achieve Consummation.

Everyone has some imperfections.

Perhaps this is the fairness of the Creator.

"My sister is fine today."

She glanced at the bedroom again and said, "I finished eating all the food I brought today, and I look pretty good."

"Really? That's really great!"

Cheng Feng was excited for a while, very happy for Xie Linglong.

"Linglong, when are you coming back?"

"Huh? I want to stay with my sister for a while longer and spend more time with her."

"Linglong, you don't want to spend more time with me, I'm also very pitiful, okay?"

Cheng Feng said aggrievedly.

Listening to Cheng Feng's voice, Xie Linglong could imagine that handsome face with a flat mouth and a pitiful appearance.

Can't help laughing again.

He always brings her a lot of joy.

I remembered that I was always troubled by him before, and at that time I always wanted not to just give up.

Unexpectedly, now it is finally the end of all hardships, and I have won Cheng Feng's wholehearted love.

It turns out that being loved by Cheng Feng is like this.

"Understood. I'll contact you when I get back, okay?"

She coaxed softly.

"But now I want to see our Linglong, and see our Linglong's beautiful face, what should I do?"

Cheng Feng asked with a headache.

"right now?"

Xie Linglong thought for a while and said, "Not now, otherwise, let's video chat for a while?"


Cheng Feng dragged his voice, still seemed dissatisfied.

"If it's just a video, it can't satisfy me at all. I still want to hold Linglong's little hand and touch Linglong's little face..."

Cheng Feng muttered.

Xie Linglong couldn't help laughing, and said: "You are so disgusting..."

"It's just nasty. What's wrong?"

Cheng Feng muttered dissatisfiedly: "Whoever told you to ignore me and not let me see you. Ahhh... I can't take it anymore, why do you miss our family Linglong so much? I feel like I'm going crazy if I don't see Linglong .”


Xie Linglong laughed out loud.

I have to say that Cheng Feng's words amused her.

Like a bright little sun, it dispelled the haze in her heart at once.

Is this the power of love?
"Okay, don't be so nasty, we haven't seen each other for a day? Why do you want to be like this? Stop lying, please."

"Wow, you actually said I lied to you?"

Cheng Feng said angrily: "You don't believe me! I'm angry Linglong, do you want me to dig out my little heart and show you, so that you will believe how much I miss you?"

"Hey, what are you talking about being so scary?"

Xie Linglong said seriously: "Stop talking about digging out your heart again, do you hear me?"


Cheng Feng was silent, and compromised with Xie Linglong: "Okay, okay, listen to you, hey, you are really...why are you so serious? It's just a joke."

"This kind of joke is not allowed to be messed up."

"Okay, I know."

"Where are you? Did you work hard today?"

Only then did Xie Linglong slow down her voice.

"There are some."

Cheng Feng replied obediently: "I worked very hard today, really, I'm off work now."

Xie Linglong looked up at the wall clock on the wall, and it was already time to get off work.

"Well, go home quickly. Your leg has not recovered for a long time, so don't run around."

"My leg hurts."

Cheng Feng said suddenly.

"Leg hurts? Where does it hurt?"

Xie Linglong asked nervously.

"I can't tell, it's just my leg hurts."

"See a doctor, don't hold back."

"I don't think the doctor can see it well."

Cheng Feng said solemnly.


"Because you have to see Linglong to feel pain."

Cheng Feng said with a suppressed smile.


Xie Linglong wished she could hit him.

"If you're so out of shape again, I'm hanging up the phone."

"Don't! Let's talk for a while. Linglong, I really miss you."

"Let's meet tomorrow if you are free."

Xie Linglong thought for a while and said.

"Do you want to wait until tomorrow?"

Cheng Feng was dissatisfied: "I want to see Linglong today."

"You have a good rest at home today, huh?"

"Hey, doesn't Linglong want to see me?"

Cheng Feng sighed heavily.

You can feel his loss through the phone.

Xie Linglong couldn't bear it immediately: "It's not...but today, I want to spend time with my sister."

"Well, I see, I can understand."

Cheng Feng said: "Then... just ask you, do you want to see me?"

"I would like to think about it, but it's not realistic to meet today, right? It takes two hours for you to come here from home."


Cheng Feng laughed out loud.

"If you want to see me, I have a way for you to see me right away."

"A video?"


"what is that?"

"Tell me first, do you want me, do you want to see me right away?"

Cheng Feng said mysteriously.

"Well... think."

Xie Linglong whispered in embarrassment.

"Huh? What? I can't hear you."

Cheng Feng said loudly.

Xie Linglong inexplicably heard the wind coming from the phone.

Strange, where is he?
Just as he was thinking, he heard Cheng Feng urging again: "Hurry up, tell me loudly, do you miss me? Hmm?"

"Well, I miss you."

Xie Linglong raised her voice and replied very clearly.

When he said this, his face was inexplicably hot.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Cheng Feng laughed again.

"Feng, where are you?"

Xie Linglong asked suspiciously.

"You come out now, quick."

Cheng Feng said with a smile.


"Yes, now, immediately, immediately."

"it is good……"

Xie Linglong got up suspiciously and walked outside.

"Don't hang up the phone."

"Okay, got it."

Xie Linglong walked out of the living room quickly.

"I `m coming out."

"Honey, close your eyes and imagine what I look like, magic will appear."

Like a magician, Cheng Feng said in a mysteriously low voice.

His magnetic voice was so bewitching that Xie Linglong couldn't help closing her eyes.

When one is blind, all other senses become more acute.

She closed her eyes, and immediately felt the sea breeze blowing from a distance with a slightly fishy smell.

And... the smell of roses.

Strange, why is there such a strong rose fragrance?
Could it be her hallucination?

Do not……

She soon realized that this was no hallucination.

Because, it seemed that the delicate petals of roses brushed her cheeks.

She raised her hand subconsciously, and another rose petal floated past her fingertips.

She tightened suddenly, then opened her eyes, and saw a fiery red rose petal in her hand.

Not only in the hands, but also a lot of rose petals fluttering around.

There was a silent rain of roses all around.

Xie Linglong raised her head if she felt something.

Blue sky, colorful hot air balloons.

Sitting alone in the basket under the hot air balloon, he smiled and waved to her: "Xie Linglong, I love you!"

he announced loudly.

His face is so handsome, his smile is so bright.

Meanwhile, rose petals kept pouring down.

How soul-stirring is all of this.

Tears welled up in Xie Linglong's eyes.

At this moment, she felt extremely happy.

She never thought that such a dreamy scene would appear in her life.

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