famous first flash marriage

1056、Have we met before?

Hearing her rambling on so much, he closed his eyes forbearance, and after a long time, he recovered a little strength from the pain to talk to her.

"Xiaoru, do you think you really love me?"

"Me? Of course I love you! I love you so much, I can't leave you at all, I can't leave you in my life..."

She shed tears and said with a sob: "So, please don't leave me, please love me, please love me forever..."

"Xiaoru, to love someone is not to keep demanding from the other person, to make demands on the other person."

He leaned on the sofa with his eyes closed, and said lightly: "You have said so much, all of which are asking for love from me. Have you ever thought about what kind of love I really want?"


Ji Xiaoru was stunned.

He was very tired and wanted to be alone, but he knew that she would not leave.

Sure enough, she quickly rushed over to hug him and said, "I can satisfy you whatever you want. Tell me, what do you need me to do for you? Lu Zi, I can do anything for you, as long as You don't leave me, as long as you don't change your mind, you will only love me forever and ever."


After hearing these words, he thought, she would never understand.

Perhaps, everyone has their own obsession, and her obsession is that the one she loves will never leave.

Even if the other party is dead, she does not accept this fact, and stubbornly asks the other party not to leave.

Therefore, he could only pretend to be Lu Chenxi and satisfy her ridiculous request.

With a wry smile, he stretched out his hand and touched her back. He couldn't say what he wanted to say.

And she is satisfied with this, because he is still willing to hug her and comfort her, which at least shows that he will not leave her now.

Ji Xiaoru, who had been tossing around all day, just fell asleep in his arms.

And that maid, Yi Xiaoxiao, has been standing by the side blankly, watching all this.

Pei Yuancheng exhausted his last bit of strength to carry the sleeping Ji Xiaoru back to the bedroom and put her on the bed, and helped her take off her shoes and cover her with a quilt.

After doing all this, he was so tired and sore that he had to sit on the edge of the bed to relax.

After a while, seeing that Ji Xiaoru showed no signs of waking up, he finally felt relieved and walked towards the study.

Only in the study can he find peace.

The maid Yi Xiaoxiao quietly cleaned up the mess at the dining table.

Hearing his footsteps, she glanced back at him, and he smiled apologetically at her.

There was sympathy in Yi Xiaoxiao's eyes.

He knew what she was sympathizing with, but he didn't want to make any explanations or any expressions, and went straight into the study and closed the door.

In the dark night, he stood by the window and lit a cigarette.

His body has never been allowed to smoke and drink.

But under extreme exhaustion, he decided to let himself relax for a while.

He remembered that when he was young, he often smoked with Liezi Luzi Ah Meng.

At that time, the four of them were still high-spirited teenagers.

And I can imagine that so many changes will happen when I grow up.

No one could have imagined that Lu Zi would be the first of the four to leave.

Once upon a time, he always thought that he would leave first.

Really unpredictable.

With a low sigh, he exhaled a string of light blue smoke rings.

At this moment, without warning, there was a sharp pain in the heart——

It was as if someone had stabbed him in the heart.

His eyes went dark, his whole body was hit by pain, and he fell to the side uncontrollably.


This time, he hit the desk behind him, nearly breaking a rib.

The intense pain that hit him again made his knees go limp, and he fell to his knees.


A soft moan escaped his pale lips.

Even though it was in the study room with very good sound insulation, he still didn't dare to relax and tried his best to restrain himself.

"Mr. Lu?"

Yi Xiaoxiao's voice came from outside the door.

Pei Yuancheng frowned, thinking, what is she doing here at this time?
He wanted to drive her away and tell her not to bother him, but he moved his lips, but the pain was so painful that he couldn't make a sound.

There were bursts of blackness in front of my eyes.

He pressed his fingers tightly to his chest, the veins on the back of his hands were bulging, and his forehead was covered with fine cold sweat.

The more painful it is, the more time is stretched infinitely.

Time magnifies and lengthens the painful feeling, and every second is so difficult.

He has long been used to patience.

Hasn't it been like this since childhood?

It is strange that in this world, joy can be shared with many people, but pain can only be endured silently by one person.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that there seemed to be nothing that belonged to him except pain.

There is no bond between him and anyone, loneliness is inherent, and he has never left him for a second.

Pain was his old friend.

It came to him when he was numb to life, to reassure him that he was alive.

In the dark, he was trembling with severe pain, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead to the corner of his mouth. In the pain that made people feel more intimate, he pursed his lips and laughed.

The door was suddenly pushed open forcefully.

The light from the living room came in, breaking the darkness of the room.

Immediately after the sound of footsteps, Pei Yuancheng didn't even have time to react, the man had already come to him.

Then, there was a very surprised and nervous voice: "Mr. Lu... are you okay?"


Pei Yuancheng moved his lips, but failed to make a sound.

She anxiously reached out to try to support him, but he tried his best to block her movement by raising his arms.

"Do not touch me."

This time, he finally made a very weak sound.

Faint, but very clear, cold.

Still so repulsive.

she thinks.

This familiar indifference and alienation is exactly the same as before.

He hasn't changed at all.

From the first time she saw him for the first time to now, so many years have passed, and her face has changed several times, but he has never changed.

This familiar feeling made her feel safe and secure.

If he suddenly changed into another look, she would be caught off guard, but no matter how she changed, he remained the same, and this fact really made her very happy.

"Okay, I won't touch you."

She stood beside her quietly and obediently, "Mr. Lu, I'll wait for you to get up by yourself."

He gave her a slightly surprised look.

In the hazy light, her not-so-beautiful face unexpectedly showed a kind of serene grace.

This kind of gracefulness raised her appearance a bit.

However, at times like this, he still doesn't like people staying by his side.

"You go out first."

he said lightly.

She didn't express any extra expressions or say anything, and said obediently, "Okay, Mr. Lu. I'm right outside the door. You can call me anytime you need."

Pei Yuancheng was suffering, and he really didn't want to speak, so he waved to her.

She walked out lightly.

Soon, the door was also gently closed.

Returned to the familiar darkness.

Pei Yuancheng supported the chair next to him and stood up with difficulty.

He moved his heavy and painful body with difficulty, and sat himself on the chair.

He recalled it carefully, and finally remembered that there was a box of medicines that he used to take in the safe in the corner of the study.

After the successful heart transplant operation, he thought he would never need the medicine again.

It was Mu Zihao who played it safe and insisted on leaving a box of medicine for him.Afraid of being discovered by Ji Xiaoru, he hid in the safe.

The cup in the study was already empty, he swallowed a few pills, and tried hard to swallow them with his eyes closed.

After half an hour, the piercing pain was slightly relieved.

He knew that Yi Xiaoxiao must be waiting outside the door, so he said softly, "Yi Xiaoxiao, come in."

As soon as the voice fell, Yi Xiaoxiao pushed the door and walked in.

"Mr. Lu, what are your orders?"

"come over."

Yi Xiaoxiao approached with a calm face, as if this situation had happened countless times before.

This can't help but surprise Pei Yuancheng.

It was strange that she came here for a short time, but she gave him a familiar feeling from time to time.

But this face, he was sure that he had never seen it before.

He has always been unable to remember people's faces. If a person is not good-looking enough, it is difficult to be retained in his memory.

Yi Xiaoxiao's face is logically not good enough to be remembered by him, but he is sure that if he sees her unbeautiful but distinctive face, he will definitely not forget it.

So where does this familiar feeling come from?
He desperately needs an answer.

"Yi Xiaoxiao, have we... met before?"

he asks.

"Mr. Lu, I don't think we have met."

She replied calmly.


He nodded thoughtfully, but did not continue to ask.

The two were silent for a moment, and Yi Xiaoxiao suddenly asked, "Mr. Lu, are you okay?"

Pei Yuancheng looked at her and slowly replied, "I'm fine."

"But I just—"

"You didn't see anything."

Pei Yuancheng said in an extremely firm tone: "Nothing happened, you never came in just now."

Yi Xiaoxiao opened her mouth, showing a surprised expression.

"Do you remember?"

He stared at her sharply and asked.

She blinked and nodded slowly: "Yes... I remember."

"Well, let's go out."

After he finished speaking, he stopped looking at her.

She stood there hesitating for a few seconds, but couldn't help but say, "Mr. Lu, you should go to bed early..."

"go out."

He was weary of her concern.

She knew his character very well, he didn't need anyone's sympathy and care, he only felt hypocrisy from the bottom of his heart for the verbal greetings.

So, if a person tries to give him care, but this person does not enter his heart, then he will never appreciate it.

He only wants the person he wants, the person he affirms and appreciates in his heart, to give him care and take care of him.

It's a pity that he is always chasing people who can't be his.

Therefore, he is doomed to be lonely and pitiful.

It's not that no one loves him, but that he rejects everyone's love.

Yi Xiaoxiao looked at him with pity, and felt that she knew him better than anyone else in the world. At the same time, she was very clear that she might not be able to get into his heart in her whole life.

But what does it matter.

She doesn't want anything else, all she needs is to stay by his side day and night.

Seeing him every day is the greatest reward from God to her.

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