famous first flash marriage

1315、Another Male Vixen Comes


The smile on his face widened, "Miss Tang, you finally think of me."

Tang Xiao smiled at him apologetically: "Sorry, I don't have a good memory."

"It's ok."

He looked at her intently and said, "I'm here to return something—I called you just now, but no one answered, so I took the liberty of coming here by myself, hoping I didn't disturb you."

"Huh? Is it?"

Tang Xiao quickly took out his cell phone from his coat pocket.

Looking down, it turned out that there were several missed calls displayed on the phone.

"Ah... sorry, I just had something to do."

When she was crying in the bathroom, she turned up the faucet so loudly that she couldn't hear the phone ringing.


Xin Quan still smiled softly.

Looking at his face, Tang Xiao finally remembered why it took so much effort to think of him just now.

When he was in the island country, Xin Quan's hair was slightly longer, tied in a bunch at the back of his head, and he was wearing a kimono, looking a bit like an anime boy.

At this moment, Xin Quan cut his hair short, revealing two very beautiful long eyebrows, his facial features became clearer, and he wore a neatly tailored windbreaker, the whole person seemed to have come from two-dimensional to three-dimensional .

No wonder she didn't recognize him right away.

But I have to say that Xin Quan, who is dressed up like this now, has a very high rate of turning heads when he walks on the road.

At this time, a black Lamborghini stopped by the side of the road. Cheng Feng opened the door and walked quickly to Tang Xiao's side: "Sister-in-law, who is this person?"

As soon as Cheng Feng saw a figure from behind, he was full of hostility towards this person, and when he walked to the opposite side, he was even more unhappy when he saw that this person looked so monstrous, and he wished he could drag Tang Xiao away immediately.

"Oh, he's Xin Quan. I met him at the hot spring hotel where I stayed in the island country—he's the nephew of the owner of that hotel."

Tang Xiao didn't mention Xin Quan's stay at the hotel bar, but felt that once he talked about it, Cheng Feng would keep asking questions.

It's also strange that Cheng Feng only said one word, but she immediately felt Cheng Feng's hostility towards Xin Quan.

"Xin Quan, this is my husband's younger brother, Cheng Feng."

Tang Xiao introduced to Xin Quan.

"Chengfeng, hello."

Xin Quan smiled slightly, and stretched out a hand towards Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng looked haughty, and nodded to him as a greeting, but he didn't intend to shake hands with him.

Tang Xiao felt embarrassed, and was about to speak to Cheng Feng, but Xin Quan withdrew his hand indifferently, and looked at Tang Xiao: "Miss Tang, if you have something to do, I won't bother you."

"There's something wrong, sorry."

Tang Xiao had a mediocre impression of Xin Quan at the hot spring hotel, but this time he had a good impression of him because of his gentleness and courtesy.

Thinking that the other party came all the way, but I couldn't entertain him, I couldn't help feeling a little apologetic.

"It's okay, the future will last forever."

He spoke softly, with a slight smile in his brown-green eyes.

Cheng Feng frowned, thinking what was going on with this man, why were he smiling?A male vixen who wants to seduce a woman from a good family.

If Tang Xiao knew that there was one more male vixen in Cheng Feng's list, he would have to laugh.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot..."

Xin Quan took out a red ocher wooden box from the windbreaker pocket.

"Miss Tang, this is the lipstick you accidentally left behind last time."

Tang Xiao took the exquisite and simple wooden box from Xin Quan's hand, opened it, and what lay inside was indeed the lipstick he had dropped in the hot spring hotel last time.

However, this wooden box looks more expensive than his own lipstick.

"Thank you, Xin Quan."

She said it with all her heart.

"You're welcome, just drop by."

Xin Quan smiled, and before Tang Xiao could say goodbye, he took the lead and said, "Then, let's say goodbye today, and see you another day."

Tang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly said: "Okay...goodbye, if we meet next time, I will treat you to dinner."


Xin Quan smiled happily.

The creases between Cheng Feng's eyebrows deepened, and he turned to Tang Xiao and said, "Sister-in-law, why are you casually dining with someone you don't know?"

Tang Xiao glared at him, and smiled apologetically at Xin Quan, with the meaning of "my child is not sensible, please be more tolerant".

Xin Quan also smiled broadly, and nodded to Cheng Feng as a farewell.

Cheng Feng looked unhappy and glared at him like an enemy.

Xin Quan didn't take it seriously either, he waved at Tang Xiao, turned and left.

In the car driving to Chengbei City, Cheng Feng asked while driving, "Sister-in-law, did that guy who was neither male nor female just now have an interest in you?"

Tang Xiao, sitting in the co-pilot, couldn't laugh or cry and said, "What are you talking about? Do you think that all the men in the world can look up to your sister-in-law and me? Also, his name is Xin Quan, not 'a man who is not a man or a woman'. "

Cheng Feng snorted coldly and said, "I don't know if other people are interested in my sister-in-law. I saw that guy just now. If he didn't have a ghost in his heart, how could he run so fast?"

"..." Tang Xiao was almost annoyed, "You stand there with a murderous look all over your body, can you run fast? You are such a big man, whether you like it or not is written on your face, and you don't know how to restrain yourself .”

"If I'm not a little fierce, how can he retreat in spite of the difficulties?"

Cheng Feng felt a little wronged, "Sister-in-law, you won't blame me for this, will you?"

Tang Xiao glanced at Cheng Feng helplessly, thinking that this kid really won't grow up, but what can he do with him?

She doesn't have any family members, besides Tang Mi, there is only him now.

"It's not your fault, of course it's not your fault."

Tang Xiao sighed.

"I knew sister-in-law wouldn't blame me! Hehe."

Cheng Feng said happily.

Tang Xiao: "Thank you for your hard work today, Cheng Feng."

"What's the hard work, we're all a family, and we should do anything for my sister-in-law."

Cheng Feng said it as a matter of course.

"What do you want to eat later?"

Hearing the words "family", Tang Xiao felt warm in his heart, and he didn't feel a smile on his face.

I thought, if Mi Mi and Cheng Feng had never dated before, the three of them could sit down and have a meal together...it's a pity.

"I'm not picky about food. I'll eat whatever my sister-in-law wants to eat at night."

Cheng Feng grinned almost to the ears when he thought of having dinner with his sister-in-law again at night.

Just as he was talking, the phone rang——

Cheng Feng has recently become obsessed with hip-hop music, and even changed the ringtone of his mobile phone.

"Sister-in-law, the mobile phone is in my coat pocket, take it for me and see who is calling."

Cheng Feng said.

Tang Xiao was overwhelmed by the loud ringtone of the mobile phone, and quickly took out the mobile phone from Cheng Feng's pocket.

After taking a look, he frowned slightly, and looked at Cheng Feng: "It's Yun Jiao."

The smile on Cheng Feng's face disappeared instantly.


"Why are you sighing?"

Tang Xiao held the phone and nodded.

"I think it's quite troublesome. Hey... sister-in-law, please help me take it."

Cheng Feng decided to throw this hot potato to Tang Xiao.

Tang laughed silently: "...What did I say?"

"Sister-in-law, you are free to play! I believe in you!"

Cheng Feng encouraged Tang Xiao.


Tang Xiao didn't believe himself at all.

But as Cheng Feng's sister-in-law, she couldn't sit idly by.


This ringtone is too loud!
Tang Xiao swiped his finger, picked up the phone, and pressed the speakerphone by the way.

Yunjiao's thin voice came from the phone.

"Feng, what are you doing?"

Tang Xiao glanced at Cheng Feng, and Cheng Feng had an expression of "I'm driving seriously, don't cue me".

Tang Xiao could only sigh, and said to the phone: "Yun Jiao, I'm Tang Xiao, and Cheng Feng is driving."

Yun Jiao paused, and there was an uncontrollable anxiety in her voice.

"Sister-in-law, why didn't Cheng Feng answer my call?"

"...he's driving."

Tang Xiao helped his forehead, only felt that one head was bigger than two.

Yunjiao was silent for a few seconds, and said, "Sister-in-law, where are you?"

"On the way to the city."

Tang Xiao said softly: "I'm moving today, and Cheng Feng will send me there."

"Huh? Sister-in-law is moving today?"

Yunjiao was very surprised. Obviously, Cheng Feng hadn't told her about it.

"Yeah, probably because you have to go to work today, and I'm afraid it will affect your work, so Cheng Feng didn't tell you."

Tang Xiao was afraid that she would think too much, so he quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, I moved smoothly today. Cheng Feng was tired in the afternoon, and now he has to concentrate on driving again, so it's not convenient to talk to you. He will call you back when he returns at night." , okay?"

Hearing this, Cheng Feng frowned, obviously dissatisfied with Tang Xiao's task of calling Yunjiao back.

But there is no way—

To him, sister-in-law's words are tantamount to imperial decree.

He doesn't have to listen to anyone, except his sister-in-law.

Maybe sister-in-law is the nemesis arranged by God in this life!

Yun Jiao's voice was muffled.

Tang Xiao didn't know what else to say to Yun Jiao, so he fell silent for a while.

After about ten seconds, Yunjiao suddenly said: "Sister-in-law, can you tell me... Does Cheng Feng want to break up with me?"

Tang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, only to feel that his head was getting bigger.

She glared fiercely at Cheng Feng, who was trying to reduce her sense of existence and tried to make Tang Xiao treat herself as nothing. She sighed silently and said, "...I don't know."


"Yunjiao, this is a question between the two of you. If you have any doubts, you should ask him yourself."

As Tang Xiao said, he regretted intervening in the relationship between Cheng Feng and Yun Jiao.

Is it true that as Pei Yuancheng said, she shouldn't care about these two people at all?
"Sister-in-law, if I could ask him directly, would I still ask you? Do you think I don't want to ask him?"

Yunjiao's slightly choked voice was full of resentment.

Tang Xiao thought to himself, shouldn't he be hated by Yun Jiaoji?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help glaring at Cheng Feng angrily, thinking, brat, you are really good at throwing the pot away.

Yun Jiao likes Cheng Feng, so naturally she won't have the heart to hate Cheng Feng, so it's only natural to vent her anger on herself.


If this is the case, it would be a bit unlucky for me to be the one who took the blame.

"Yunjiao, calm down...I think there may be some misunderstanding between you and Cheng Feng, why don't you talk slowly at night, okay?"

She took a deep breath and spoke in the softest tone possible.

Yunjiao smiled wryly and said: "He is using cold violence against me. I really don't understand why I am sorry for him. He wants to treat me like this. If you don't like me, just tell me directly. Why do you want to do this? The news also Not answering, not answering the phone - he really wants to drive me crazy!"


Feeling the pain in Yunjiao's tone, Tang Xiao was speechless, not only his head was as big as a bucket, but even his mobile phone seemed to weigh a thousand catties.

The air in the car was also oppressive and heavy. Tang Xiao looked at Cheng Feng's side face pretending to be driving seriously, and thought, is he really not guilty at all?

It's not that she hasn't been cold and violent.

Back then, when she was still with Jian Sicheng, for a while, Jian Sicheng was like Cheng Feng now, neither replying her messages nor answering her calls.

She looked everywhere, but couldn't find him.

Pity her for being so naive at that time, she was still worried every day if something happened to Jian Sicheng.

It was only later that she realized that Jian Sicheng had already cheated on her at that time.

When he deliberately avoided her, he was with Lin Lan.

How can there be so many reasons for a man to use cold violence against a woman?
It's nothing more than I don't want to be a bad person, and I can't say the word "break up".

In fact, a woman can understand this truth after a little thought.

But in it, they are often unwilling to accept it, and are obsessed with finding the other party for an answer.

The more you want an answer, the more you have no answer.

The tighter you press, the more the opponent wants to escape.

As a woman, Tang Xiao naturally sympathized with Yunjiao's experience.

But, can she tell Yun Jiao clearly about this matter?
Glancing at Cheng Feng, Tang Xiao shook his head, and said to Yun Jiao on the other end of the phone, "Yun Jiao... there are some things that you don't need to force."


Yun Jiao suddenly raised her voice.

Suddenly a sneer broke out: "Heh... How enthusiastic was he when he pursued me at the beginning, but now that he wants to break up, I forced it. Could it be that I forced it when I was in bed?"


Tang Xiao frowned. Thinking of the relationship between Yun Jiao and Cheng Feng in the island country a few days ago, his mood was complicated for a while, and he felt that the fact of the relationship was constantly being cut and reasoned.

Cheng Feng was still sullen, driving without saying a word.

"Sister-in-law, if Cheng Feng is nearby, you can give him your phone. Even if he doesn't speak, I want to say a few words to him."

Yun Jiao said calmly.

Tang Xiao glanced at Cheng Feng and said, "Okay."

Yunjiao said: "Cheng Feng, do you really not like me?"

Cheng Feng was silent: "..."

Yun Jiao began to cry: "Why did you treat me like this?"

Cheng Feng moved his lips, but still couldn't speak.

Yunjiao said again: "Did you know that I added another man's WeChat account when I was in Hokkaido? Didn't you? But Cheng Feng, the only person I love is you! I just chat with him occasionally, don't you?" Just because of this, do you think I cheated?"

Tang Xiao was startled, he really didn't expect Yun Jiao to think of this matter.

"Feng, I apologize to you. I am sorry for you in this matter. I will never do it again... I will ignore anyone in the future. I can delete him immediately, and delete all WeChat and contact information of the opposite sex. I promise not to chat with anyone of the opposite sex in the future, Ah Feng, please forgive me and don't treat me like this, okay?"

Yunjiao whimpered and said.

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