famous first flash marriage

1348、You are the best gift


Tang Xiao walked back with Sunflower in his arms and a cactus in his arms. Mu Zihao was already waiting in front of the car.

"Miss Tang, what is this?"


Mu Zihao looked surprised: "Cactus?"

"Well, I just want to give it to your young master suddenly, won't he not like it?"

Tang asked with a smile.

"of course not."

Mu Zihao took the bouquet and cactus from Tang Xiao, and carefully put them into the trunk.

Back in the car, Tang Xiao asked Mu Zihao, "Do you know the flower language of cactus?"

Mu Zihao was stunned: "Is a cactus a flower?"

Tang Xiao's eyes lit up, and he felt like he had found a bosom friend: "That's right, let me just say, how can a cactus be considered a flower?"

It seemed that the clerk was really fooling himself, and the language of flowers was even more unbelievable.

"Miss Tang, what is the flower language of cactus?"

Who knows, Mu Zihao seems to be interested in this.

Tang Xiao took it for granted, "A cactus is not considered a flower, so where does the language of flowers come from?"

Mu Zihao: "...Okay."

Pei Yuancheng gave Tang Xiao so many scarves and a coat, Tang Xiao naturally wouldn't just send Pei Yuancheng a bouquet of flowers and two pots of cactus.

She is not short of money now, and she can accept Pei Yuancheng's gift with peace of mind because she has the confidence to give him a gift of equal value in return.

But, what exactly does Pei Yuansheng like?

After knowing each other for so long, she still doesn't know what Pei Yuancheng usually likes.

He's not a woman, so of course it's not appropriate to give him clothes and bags.

"Butler Mu, what does your young master like?"

It happened that Mu Zihao was here, so she decided to ask the closest person around Pei Yuancheng first.

Mu Zihao leaned on the soft and comfortable leather seat, and the interior of the car was filled with the faint smell of agarwood, which was very comfortable and pleasant.

He was a little sleepy at first, but when he heard Tang Xiao's question, his eyes lit up instantly, and his whole body was full of energy.

"Miss Tang, are you going to give the young master a gift?"

Mu Zihao asked with a smile on his face.

Tang Xiao was a little embarrassed, subconsciously shook his head and said, "No... I'm just asking casually."

Mu Zihao smiled knowingly, and thought to himself, Miss Tang's "just ask" and the young master's "stop by and have a look" and "buy a coat along the way", really have the same effect.

"Master, he has a wide range of interests and hobbies, but he can't say anything that he particularly likes."

Mu Zihao said.

"No one in particular?"

This is hard to do.

What if she just buys something and sends it over, and it doesn't suit the other party at all?
"Yes, Miss Tang."

Mu Zihao smiled and said, "However, if Miss Tang gives you something, the young master will definitely like it."

"is it?"

"Yes, Miss Tang."

Mu Zihao hesitated for two seconds, but still said to Tang Xiao: "Didn't Miss Tang give the young master a warm handbag last time? The young master uses it every day."


Tang Xiao was stunned for a moment, and was surprised and delighted at the same time. He felt that it was great that a small object he gave could come in handy.

"That's right, the young master is cold. This warm handbag is just good for covering your hands. It was given by Miss Tang. Naturally, the young master can't put it down."

Mu Zihao said with a smile.

"That's good."

In fact, it's just a worthless gadget, I didn't expect Pei Yuancheng to like it so much.

From this point of view, it is better to give practical things.

"Miss Tang, did any old classmates come to you recently to talk about the past?"

Mu Zihao asked after deliberation.

"Old classmate?"

Tang Xiao thought of Lin Ruojing instantly, and the smile on his face faded a little.

"Occasionally, I don't talk much, what's the matter?"

"Then...has Miss Tang heard any gossip?"

Mu Zihao asked again.

"I heard some, but... someone has come forward to clarify it recently."

Tang Xiao looked at Mu Zihao suspiciously: "Why do you know about this?"

Mu Zihao thought to himself, how could I not know, the young master asked me to deal with this matter.

But it's up to him to deal with it, and he doesn't know if anyone will harass Tang Xiao afterwards, so he asked this question, but he didn't mean to take credit for his young master in front of Tang Xiao.

He said: "I just heard about it, since it's all right, that's good."

Tang Xiao didn't feel any difference.

However, Lin Ruojing spread rumors in the classmate group at the beginning, and although she clarified the rumors afterwards, she was not the one who came forward, and she didn't know why.

Probably because Lin Ruojing has a good face and can't afford to lose this person, right?
Tang Xiao didn't care so much about what others said about him behind his back, he just hated being used.

For her, this incident was already a turning point.

But what Tang Xiao didn't know was that Lin Ruojing and her husband Zhang Ziheng still held a grudge against her.

After Zhang Ziheng was fired by Pei Yuancheng, he lost his generous salary and decent job.

I thought that with my previous experience in Stellar Technology, a subsidiary of the Pei Group, even if I couldn't find a company that paid as well as Stellar Technology, at least I could find a new job quickly.

Who knew that all the submitted resumes fell into the sea, and they didn't even receive a call for an interview.

The mortgage and car loan pressure is imminent, as well as the son's tuition and tutoring fees for the second half of the semester, and the family's daily expenses——

Of course, Lin Ruojing's salary alone is not enough.

Zhang Ziheng was desperate.

After staying at home for half a month, I was scolded by my wife every day. Even my son who was in elementary school didn't know where he learned the word "soft rice man" and said it in front of his face.

He was so angry that he beat his son, and his son ran to Lin Ruojing to complain, the two quarreled, Lin Ruojing broke his mobile phone, and he rudely gave Lin Ruojing a few big mouths.

Lin Ruojing got angry, and stopped cooking when he came back at night. These days, he only ate instant noodles at home, and even his son refused to get close to him.

He vaguely realized that he had offended Pei Yuancheng, to be precise, Tang Xiao, so the other party deliberately made him so hard that he couldn't even find a job.

But if he was asked to ask for help, he couldn't do it, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with him.

It is very normal to get kickbacks in the company, and it is not likely that other people will lose their jobs because of this. Why did the company deliberately release the news when he came to him, so that other companies in the industry did not even give him a chance for an interview?
It's not his fault.

What was wrong was that rich and powerful people like Pei Yuancheng and Tang Xiao refused to give him a way out.

Zhang Ziheng hated these two people who made his life fall to the bottom all of a sudden, but he forgot that he almost couldn't keep his job in the first place. It was Lin Ruojing who deliberately approached Tang Xiao and brought him to Pei Yuancheng, so that he was able to temporarily keep his job.

He even forgot that he and his wife were unwilling to give up when they got a bargain, and wanted to take the opportunity to hug their thighs in order to get a promotion and a salary increase, but they didn't give them this opportunity at all, and then Lin Ruojing became angry from embarrassment, which led to the subsequent situation.

Zhang Ziheng doesn't think that all the situations are caused by himself and his wife's fault. He thinks that everyone who is more powerful than himself deserves to die, and those who have resources and contacts but refuse to help him deserve to die even more.

He wanted to take revenge on Pei Yuancheng, but he couldn't get close to him at all. Now that he has been fired, he can't even enter the company building, and Pei Yuansheng has a driver's bodyguard when he travels. There is also a special elevator after entering the building, and the residence is even more secure. difficult to approach.

He soon discovered that it was simply unrealistic to take revenge on Pei Yuancheng.

Then, he turned his attention to Tang Xiao who lived alone in a high-end apartment.

The silver Rolls-Royce slowly drove into Pei Yuansheng's mountain manor located in a 5A-level scenic spot.

It just snowed last night, and the cedar trees beside the road were covered with a thin layer of snow, as if they had been sprinkled with powdered sugar.

The car stopped in front of the villa, the driver got out of the car and opened the door, Tang Xiao got out of the car, and the cold air from the mountains hit his face, making him wake up instantly from his drowsiness.

When he looked up, he suddenly saw a slender figure standing at the gate of the villa.

Mu Zihao also saw it, and shook his head helplessly, thinking, he obviously still has a fever, standing outside in such a cold day, isn't he afraid of catching cold?The servants at home didn't try to persuade him...Of course, the young master might not listen to him if he persuaded him.

What is looking forward to, he saw it today.

Tang Xiao wasn't sure at first, but when he saw the man smiling at her from afar and walking towards her, he was instantly sure——

The idiot standing at the gate facing the wind is Pei Yuancheng.

Tang Xiao immediately didn't bother to get his sunflowers and cactus, anyway, there was Mu Zihao.

She walked over quickly, stared at Pei Yuancheng and said, "Are you stupid? It's such a cold day..."


He ignored her reprimand, smiled softly and called out her name.

The biting wind lifted his black hair, revealing his deep and straight eyebrows and eyes full of ink. His eyes were full of brilliance and a smile.


Tang Xiao looked at him, and his heart softened immediately.

"Pei Yuancheng...are you cold?"

she murmured.

"not cold."

He just feels happy.

What could be happier than being able to see the person you like every day?

I saw it yesterday, and I saw it today.

Rounding it up, it is equivalent to seeing it every day.

"But, don't you have a fever?"

Tang Xiao raised his hand and stroked his forehead, "It's really hot. Pei Yuancheng, are you confused?"

Pei Yuancheng shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm fine, really."

This fever, of course, was nothing compared to the pains he had experienced in the past.

"Stop trying to be brave."

Tang Xiao pulled his arm and walked inside.

"Go in and lie down, what if the high fever persists?"

She didn't want to see him suffer.

Who knew that Pei Yuancheng stopped in his tracks, and his gaze fell somewhere behind her.

"What's that? Smile, did you send me flowers?"

He squinted his eyes, and a smile of surprise and joy bloomed on his handsome face.

Tang Xiao turned around and saw Mu Zihao walking up to him holding a sunflower and a cactus.

"I sent it, but let's go in and talk about it?"

Tang Xiao looked helplessly at Pei Yuancheng who was smiling as brightly as if a child had passed the double hundred exam.

However, Pei Yuancheng had already stepped forward, and couldn't wait to take the bunch of golden sunflowers from Mu Zihao's arms.

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