famous first flash marriage

1517、Finally announced by girlfriend

"Xin Quan, who gave you the flowers? They are so beautiful."

After entering Xin Quan's home, Chen Xiaozui saw a dark blue porcelain vase on a row of display racks in the living room, and a bouquet of bright and intense red dahlias stuck in the vase.

The petals of the dahlias were still stained with dew, so they looked as if they had just been picked and put in a vase.

Could it be that a woman really came here not so long ago?
Chen Xiaozui's big charming eyes rolled around, and she began to gossip about Xin Quan: "Xin Quan, tell me the truth, you are talking about a girlfriend, right? Is it some female customer who often comes to our store?"

"No, boss, stop guessing."

Xin Quan shook his head, there was no unnecessary expression on Junxiu's face.

"I don't believe it. I'm a liar. If it wasn't a woman, who else could it be? Don't tell me that you made such a large bouquet of flowers for yourself on a whim."

Chen Xiaozui said disapprovingly, holding her chest.

"There's really no romance."

Xin Quan said weakly, calling everyone to sit down on the sofa, and then took out a few boxes of juice from the refrigerator, "Sorry, there is nothing to drink at home, only juice."

"It's okay, juice is juice."

Chen Xiaozui smiled indifferently.

"Xin Xiaoquan, please sit down quickly, don't be too busy, we just came to see you, not to make trouble for you. Seeing your complexion is not good, is there something uncomfortable?"

Tang Xiao sat beside Pei Yuancheng and asked with concern.

Xin Quan poured juice for everyone, then sat down opposite Tang Xiao and Pei Yuancheng, while Chen Xiaozui and Xiao Mo sat sideways.

Tang Xiao looked at Xin Quan carefully, and found that he had indeed lost weight. He was already thin, but now he looked even weaker.

A thin face was bloodless, and even the eyes were slightly tired.

what happened to him?
Tang Xiao was full of worries.

At the same time, Xin Quan was silently looking at Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao is more beautiful than before.

It's so strange, a pregnant woman who is pregnant with a baby has no swelling on her face and body, her skin is surprisingly good, her whole body is radiant, and her figure is not out of shape at all.

Her complexion is rosy, her beautiful almond eyes are shining, her plump figure is wrapped in a fine apricot pink cashmere dress, her body exudes a soft and peaceful atmosphere, like a round and delicate pearl, which makes people think about it.

Her whole complexion and state are better than before. One can tell that she is being cared for and pampered, and she is living a very comfortable and comfortable life.

There was a trace of sadness in Xin Quan's eyes.

It seems that Pei Yuancheng treats her very well.

She and Pei Yuancheng lived happily together.

For a moment, he thought, why not leave quietly like this, even if there is no such person as Xin Quan in this world, no one will feel sad for him anyway.

But she is different.

There are still so many people who care about her and care about her, and she is still pregnant with a baby.

A person like him really shouldn't be near her anymore.

Because, he will only hurt her and bring disaster to her.

He wanted to let go desperately.

However, fate is like a fully drawn bow, and the final outcome is like an arrow rushing towards the bull's eye——

He has been powerless to change.

His younger brother, his only relative in this world, had been found by that woman.

He knew very well that if he did not fulfill his agreement with her, not only would he die, but his younger brother would also suffer cruel revenge.

He began to feel regret in his heart——

If he hadn't asked that woman to help him find his long-lost brother in the first place, he wouldn't have accepted the task of approaching Tang Xiao.

If his brother is not found by that woman, he will continue to live an ordinary life in every corner of the world.

Even if he is a little poorer, at least he won't have any relationship with this terrible guy, at least he won't be in danger of his life.

And she might be able to live well.

He suddenly felt like a plague god.

Whatever he gets close to, he will eventually destroy.

In fact, the one who should be destroyed most is himself, isn't he?
Xin Quan lowered his head, with a sarcastic smile on his pale thin lips.

"Xin Quan, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that Xin Quan was not in good spirits and had a strange expression, Tang Xiao felt even more uneasy.

"It's okay...just didn't sleep well, and I have a cold and fever for a while, and I feel a little uncomfortable."

Xin Quan looked at Tang Xiao and said lightly.

Tang Xiao was sensitively aware of the deep sadness hidden in Xin Quan's brown-green eyes.

What the hell is wrong with him?
Is it really just physical discomfort and nothing else?
"Xin Quan, no matter you have any difficulties or need help, you can contact me and Xiaoxiao."

Pei Yuancheng looked at Xin Quan and said gently.

"No, thanks."

Facing Pei Yuancheng, Xin Quan's attitude was always very cold.

This is also normal, no one thinks that Xin Quan should be warm and friendly towards his rival in love.

After all, everyone knows that Xin Quan likes Tang Xiao.

Even if you don't tell the world about liking someone, you can't hide it from everyone's eyes.

"Xin Xiaoquan, Xiao Zui and I sincerely treat you as our younger brother. If you have any problems, you can tell us. You—"

Tang joked halfway through, but was interrupted by Xin Quan.

His brown-green eyes were fixed on her, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and his voice was weak and helpless: "Xiaoxiao, you know, I never regarded myself as your younger brother. I don't even want to be your younger brother at all."


Tang Xiao was speechless for a moment.

Facing his melancholy and deep eyes, she really didn't know what to say.

Is she wrong?

She felt as if she had made Xin Quan sad.

Maybe, she shouldn't have been nice to Xin Quan in the first place?

Is she a bad person again?
Thinking of meeting Xin Quan again in the hospital, obviously, he was the one who saved her.

She was kind to him later, on the one hand, to repay him, on the other hand, to sympathize with him, pity him, and always wanted to give him a little warmth.

She's not nice to everyone.

Perhaps, it is because, in Xin Quan, she can also see the helpless self in the past.

She remembered that when she was a child, her veritable father did not love her mother, she was alone at school, and when she returned home, she always had to face the cynicism of her stepmother Li Yan and the indifference of her father Tang Zhentian.

At that time, she wished so much that someone would treat her well, even in her dreams, she often dreamed that a brother would descend from the sky, take her to the playground, and stand up when Li Yan scolded her, helping her scold back.

However, there has never been such a person, and it is impossible for her to have a brother in this life.

Fortunately, she had Xiaoru later, and later, she had Chenglie.

She is grateful to those who are kind to her, and occasionally when she sees someone who is as pitiful as she used to be, she can't help but want to share a little warmth with them.

But she didn't think about it, the feeling of gaining and losing is not good.

Just like she lost Xiaoru and Chenglie.

If you can't guarantee to be nice to a person for the rest of your life, you shouldn't treat someone casually because of pity and sympathy, right?

It was her fault after all.

Everyone fell silent in unison.

In the end, it was Chen Xiaozui who broke the silence first.

She squinted her eyes and raised her head, took a deep breath, and exclaimed exaggeratedly: "It's Desert Rose! This perfume is rarely used by anyone. Xin Xiaoquan, you still say you don't have a girlfriend, so don't tell me that this perfume is yours." Did you use it? Tell me honestly, is your partner Yu Jie who is the same as your drunk sister? I think you should find Yu Jie to pamper you, a little fresh meat."

Desert Rose?

Tang Xiao never thought that Chen Xiaozui could even smell this.

It turned out that the scent she smelled as soon as she entered the door came from this perfume called Desert Rose.

"Not a girlfriend."

Xin Quan's face was slightly cold, and he said flatly: "It is true that a friend came to visit, but she and I just know each other, not the relationship you think."

Chen Xiaozui laughed, glanced at Xin Quan knowingly and said: "I understand, a young and handsome young meat like you, of course, can't be tied up by one person, if it's just an ordinary friend, you can still choose another person." Pick and see, what if there is a better one? You are so young, there is really no need to be in a hurry to establish a relationship with any woman. "

"Not a girlfriend."

Xin Quan frowned and repeated.

For some reason, Tang Xiao felt a hostility in him that was about to come out.

She also felt this feeling from Xin Quan when she was almost hit by a skateboarding man.

At this moment, under the orange floor lamp, Xin Quan looked thin and fragile, with a kind of morbid beauty, but for some reason, there was a fierce aura blowing towards his face.

Chen Xiaozui also noticed it.

She smiled slightly, raised the corners of her mouth, and said deliberately: "Really? I don't believe it, Xin Xiaoquan. We all saw it last time. A rich woman came to pick you up. Although she didn't see her face, she must be a peerless beauty. She is very close to you." It fits, right?"

Xin Quan's two delicate long eyebrows frowned even tighter.

His bony body also seemed to tense.

Those brown-green eyes revealed two cold sharp edges: "Drunk sister, you are wrong."

Chen Xiaozui rolled his eyes, leaned on the sofa and looked lazily at Xin Quan, with a half-smile on the corner of his mouth: "Oh? Really? Could it be my old eyesight? I said Xin Xiaoquan, it's okay to fall in love, flirting with others It's nothing, if there's anything you don't want to admit, look at you, Sister Xiaoxiao, isn't dating a big confession, a big openness, and taking her rich boyfriend around every day to show off her affection?"

Tang Xiao was stunned when he heard the words, never expecting that Chen Xiaozui would bring the flames of war to himself.

This little drunk, what kind of medicine is this sold in the gourd?

When Pei Yuancheng heard what Chen Xiaozui said, a smile slowly appeared on his handsome face, and it seemed that these words were quite useful.

Xin Quan looked at Tang Xiao, and said in a heavy tone, "Xiaoxiao, are you and Pei Yuancheng sure about your relationship?"

Even though the answer was obvious, he couldn't resist asking her himself.

Tang Xiao nodded, and took Pei Yuancheng's hand: "Yes, Xin Quan."


Xin Quan's heart sank heavily.

Pei Yuancheng held Tang Xiao back with his slender fingers, and gently scratched her palm with his fingertips.

Tang Xiao looked sideways: "...?"

The corner of Pei Yuancheng's mouth raised, and he leaned over to kiss her on the forehead.

Tang laughed: "...!"

"Honey, you finally admitted me publicly. I'm so happy that I can't help but want to kiss you."

Pei Yuancheng said with a smile, looking in a good mood.

Tang Xiao's cheeks became hot, and he quickly tried to push him away: "Don't make trouble..."

Pei Yuancheng didn't care, and held her hand even harder, while showing an extremely arrogant and brilliant smile on his face.

Tang Xiao felt quite helpless, so he could only stare at him, then turned to Xin Quan and said, "Xin Quan, if you fall in love, I will also sincerely bless you."


Xin Quan laughed at himself: "You think I will be very happy when I receive your blessing, right?"

"...Xin Quan, I..."

Tang Xiao moved his lips and said with difficulty: "I hope you live a happy and happy life. I hope you take good care of yourself."


Xin Quan nodded, and looked at her deeply with brown-green eyes: "You also want me to wish you a happy and happy life, don't you?"


Tang laughed silently, and said, "It doesn't have to be."

Xin Quan smiled dumbly: "Smile, it seems that you also know that I can't really bless you all."


Having said all this, Tang Xiao had no choice but to say: "It's okay, Xin Quan, I don't need your blessing, I will live well on my own, because everyone in this world has to be responsible for themselves , you can only be responsible for yourself, isn’t it? I hope you have a good life, but this is just my hope, whether you want to live a good life, whether you can live a good life, that’s your business, no one can replace you. "

Xin Quan didn't expect Tang Xiao to say this to himself.

He thought that Tang Xiao would feel indebted to him, he thought that Tang Xiao would feel guilty and blamed for his frustration and unhappiness.

But she is useless.

She looked more determined and decisive than he imagined.


As expected of the woman he fell in love with.

Xin Quan smiled and said, "Then I thank you."

"Although you may not need it now, I still want to say, if you need any help, contact me."

Tang Xiao said to Xin Quan seriously: "Whether it's sister or friend, Xiao Zui and I are people who are willing to care about you and help you. No matter how strong you are, there are times when you need others, don't you? Don't always It’s hard to think about bearing everything by yourself, as a person is alive, it’s inevitable to rely on others and get a little strength from others.”

Chen Xiaozui laughed "puchi" upon hearing this: "Smile, dare you send chicken soup for the soul to Xin Xiaoquan?"

Tang Xiao couldn't help laughing himself: "Yeah, this Chicken Soup for the Soul, I gave it away anyway, whether to accept it or not, that's Xin Xiaoquan's business."

In fact, she still had a few words in her mind——

What she fears most is that he always refuses everyone's help, is always alone and helpless, always suffers and struggles alone.

When he pushed away all the people who tried to care about him, and finally couldn't bear the suffering of life, and no one around him extended a helping hand to him, he would fall into the abyss of pain, resent everyone, resent the whole world, and think To destroy all that is good, to destroy everything in sight.

Of course, she hoped that Xin Quan would not go to this extreme.

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