famous first flash marriage

1527. Does she really deserve to die?

Tang Xiao didn't know that he hit the truth when he said it casually.

But I saw Ren Feilin's face turned pale and red, red and white, and a pair of imitation beautiful eyes shot out deep hatred: "Shut up! You bitch. Are you worthy of me? I, Ren Feilin, have at least one Home. What about you? You are a god of plague! You have caused brother lie's family to be ruined and destroyed. Now that you are pregnant with your posthumous child, you are sent everywhere under the fence and are looked down upon by others. It is your fate, and you deserve it! abandon!"


Tang Xiao was silent, took a deep breath and said: "Your mouth is so dirty, life must be difficult, right? Ren Feilin, I really sympathize with you. How can you live such a pitiful and miserable life? Look at you This face of a bitter woman, look in the mirror, which one of us looks more like a plague god? Huh?"

"Shut up! Shut up!!"

Ren Feilin happened to turn her head and saw herself in the mirror in front of the sink.

But seeing his ferocious face, red eyes, and pale face, indeed, he looked like a bitter woman.

The more Tang Xiao stood there calmly, looking at her calmly, the more it looked like a silent and huge irony to her.

She didn't want to admit it, let alone accept it, that she had indeed been compared by Tang Xiao.

Whether in the past or now.

As for the future...

Oh, where is her future?
Her husband is a scumbag.

And the one named Pei...

The person surnamed Pei really likes Tang Xiao.

She could see it, and she couldn't lie to herself.

So, she is jealous, she is deeply jealous!

Why is this bitch like Tang Xiao not born as well as her, not as pretty as her, not as gentle as her, but why is she destined to be better than her, and always be loved by men? !

Why? ? ! !

If a person's eyes could be used as a real object, she would have pierced Tang Xiao a hundred times, a thousand times, or ten thousand times with her eyes.

Why doesn't this bitch die?

Why does she appear in front of her time and time again, proving to herself how lucky she is and how unlucky she is?

Did she do it on purpose? ! !

"Ren Feilin, it was you who provoked me first. You know, if you had controlled your mouth in the first place, I wouldn't have said a word to you."

Tang Xiao still stood quietly one meter away, and said calmly: "You don't like me, and I don't like you either. It's best that you and I never meet again, and never talk when we meet. What do you think?"

She is tired.

She also didn't want to have any further entanglements with Ren Feilin.

Isn't that all in the past?

Why did she keep rushing over to provoke her again and again?
If it was possible, she really wouldn't bother arguing with her a word.

"Are you guilty? Tang Xiao, why are you afraid to see me, why are you afraid to talk to me? Tang Xiao, you are guilty. You killed Brother Lie, Ah Feng, and Aunt Su. Now you still have Are you human? Tang Xiao, do you still have a heart? Are you not afraid that brother lie's ghost will come to you when you sleep at night? I really don't understand why brother lie would I like you whore! What fate, hehehe... Do you think I don't understand that a lowly slut like you spends every day thinking of climbing into the bed of a rich man?! You were trying to seduce brother lie You know what you did!"

Ren Feilin sternly shouted: "Tang Xiao, you are a green tea whore, bitch, you ruined my relationship with Brother Lie. If it weren't for you, we would have been married long ago! Damn you, why didn't I just find him at the beginning? People made you? If I had known that you, the god of plague, would not only snatch brother lie but also kill brother lie and his family, I shouldn't have let you live in this world in the first place! "

Ren Feilin looked crazy, her eyes were tearing apart, and her resentful voice echoed clearly in the women's toilet.

A woman came in from the outside, heard the last few words, and saw Ren Feilin's fierce face, she turned around and ran away in fright.

It is impossible to say these words without any influence on Tang Xiao.

She is, after all, a living person.

Hearing these words will naturally be affected to a certain extent.

She even subconsciously wondered, did she really shouldn't have known Cheng Lie at the beginning?
If she didn't know Cheng Lie, Cheng Lie would really marry Ren Feilin, right?
The two of them were indeed childhood sweethearts. Before she appeared, Cheng Lie's mother wanted to match Cheng Lie and Ren Feilin wholeheartedly.

The day Ren Feilin came back from abroad was also the day Cheng Lie brought her back to marry for the first time.

She clearly remembered that the married family all regarded Ren Feilin as Cheng Lie's fiancée, and they didn't look down on her at all.

At that time, why didn't she retreat in spite of the difficulties?
Is it...

Is it true that as Ren Feilin said, she deliberately wanted to marry a rich man like Cheng Lie, so she had the cheek to seduce him?
She couldn't help feeling puzzled.

No matter how much Tang Xiao and Ren Feilin hated each other, there was one thing they were in agreement with.

They all love Chenglie deeply, and they all hope that Chenglie is alive.

Therefore, Tang Xiao couldn't help thinking, if she hadn't been with Cheng Lie, if Cheng Lie and Ren Feilin had married, would it be possible that Cheng Lie wouldn't have died.

Destiny is intertwined, and if there is a slight change in any link, the subsequent development will be very different.

just in case……

If Cheng Lie married Ren Feilin, and Ren Feilin was weak and insisted on pestering Cheng Lie to stay with her at home, then would Cheng Lie stay to take care of the sick Ren Feilin, and would not go on missions? ...will not die in the end? !

Thinking of this, Tang Xiao's dark pupils suddenly constricted, and his heart seemed to be punched hard!
The dense and deep pain spread in the bottom of my heart again.

Unknowingly, her eyes were stained with tears again.

Cheng Lie might have a chance to survive.

If he hadn't married her.

If Cheng Lie is alive, then Cheng Feng will definitely not die, because if Cheng Lie is alive, there must be a way for Cheng Feng and Xie Linglong to be together. As long as Cheng Feng and Xie Linglong get married smoothly, he will not If you know Yunjiao, you won't be killed by that little bastard Yunjiao knew...

If Cheng Feng hadn't died, Cheng Lie's mother wouldn't have died either...

Tang Xiao's heart ached terribly.

Perhaps, Ren Feilin was right.

Blame her.

Nothing would be the same without her.

Seeing that Tang Xiao was silent and his face was gloomy, Ren Feilin couldn't help but feel the joy of victory.

She knew that her words really hit Tang Xiao.

She snorted coldly through her nose, raised her chin high, and said in a high-pitched and sharp voice, "A bereaved star like you should live alone, die alone, and die quietly! Why did you come out to cause harm? Others? Look, you killed Brother Lie, Ah Feng, and Aunt Su. Are you satisfied?! Next, are you going to kill your concubine? I heard that the surname is Pei Your body is failing again, is it all your fault? Tang Xiao, Tang Xiao, you bastard is really a god of plague, there will be no peace where you are! This thing in your stomach will definitely be a disease when it is born in the future. Scourge! I think you'd better die quickly. Why do you kill brother lie's family but live with peace of mind?! Ah??! Go to hell!! Bitch!!! "

Tang Xiao's face turned pale, and he took a step back meaninglessly.

Her heart was beating violently, her whole body was cold, and her lips trembled slightly with anger.

Is that right?

Has she been a loser since she was a child?

She remembered that when she was a child, her stepmother Li Yan pointed at her nose and scolded: "Tang Xiao, you little bastard, why don't you hurry up and die? Eat my rice and spend my money, and still owe you to me with a sullen face all day long." Like, are you unlucky or not? It’s really annoying to see you! Why don’t you just go away like your mother? Oh, I get it! Your mother also knows that you are a loser, so she doesn’t want you, right? Even your own mother doesn't want you, how can you still live? Why don't you die, you..."

Li Yan's cursing sound overlapped with Ren Feilin's sharp voice, making her ears ring.

The dead star...

God of Plague...

is it?

Is she really like this?
Does she really deserve to die?

Can she really only bring misfortune to people?

So why did she survive?
She looked down at her hands.

These hands were once the hands of a doctor.

Why did you want to study medicine in the first place?
It's because she wants to be a useful person, a person who saves lives and heals the wounded.

It's like becoming such a person, you can find the value of your own life.

So, did she do it?

Ask yourself, she used to save people desperately, and used her hands to save the lives of strangers one after another.

She has no complaints about working overtime, and can perform surgery for more than [-] hours in a row, because only then can she feel that her life is meaningful.

By becoming a useful person, you can completely remove the label of Sangmen Star, right?

But later, she met Cheng Lie, and she fell in love with Cheng Lie.

And because of Cheng Lie, he was forced to leave his familiar position.

However, loving someone and being loved by someone seems to have allowed her to find the proof of existence and the meaning of living.

Because she knows that Cheng Lie will never stop loving her, and Cheng Lie will never forget her. As long as there are loved ones, as long as there are loved ones, her existence is meaningful.

She relied on Cheng Lie and would rather give up her previous career for him, but because she was too lonely and lacked love.

Once someone loves her, she wants to hold on tight.

Is it because of this that she lost him?
She heard that Cheng Lie wanted to complete the last task and stay with her at home in the future.

Therefore, what Ren Feilin said, if it weren't for her, Cheng Lie would not have died, is not completely unreasonable.

She shouldn't have met Cheng Lie, shouldn't have loved Cheng Lie, and she shouldn't have attempted to tie herself tightly with Cheng Lie.

She was wrong.

She suddenly smiled lightly, looked at Ren Feilin who had changed color suddenly, and said: "Maybe, maybe you are right. Yes, I am a loser, everything is my fault, I killed Cheng Lie , I killed Cheng Feng, I killed Cheng Lie's mother - I'm all to blame. It's true as you said, I shouldn't be greedy for Cheng Lie's conditions, I shouldn't be his wife. If you married Give it to Cheng Lie, he won't die, everyone will live well, and I will live well too."

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