famous first flash marriage

244. The Legendary Growth Officer

Lu Yan thought for a while, and finally loosened his frowning eyebrows: "You are right, brother Wei Xu must have gone to perform the mission, otherwise he would not have contacted me."

Lu Yan and Wei Xu are from the same hometown. They both went to the same elementary school, the same junior high school, and the same high school. When Lu Yan was promoted to junior high school, Wei Xu was promoted to high school again.Despite this, Lu Yan insisted on going to the school that Wei Xu attended.Don't look at her as a tomboy since she was a child, and she is absolutely unambiguous when fighting with boys who bully girls, but in front of Wei Xu, she is always submissive, as obedient as possible.Of course, this elder brother who watched her grow up also took good care of her.In the eyes of others, Lu Yan is a tomboy who doesn't need to be taken care of, but in Wei Xu's eyes, Lu Yan is still a little sister who needs to be loved.He will help her go to the mountains to dig meat and grow it home, and he will secretly buy it for her when she is craving that colorful lollipop. A scented diary... In short, all of Lu Yan's girlish thoughts were secretly taken into consideration by Wei Xu, and he satisfied her quietly.

Lu Yan has a simple personality and is a bit careless. She doesn't know much about men and women, but she always feels in her heart that she and brother Wei Xu should always be together like her parents in the future.

After joining the army, Lu Yan became best friends with Shen Sa, who had the same simple and straightforward personality. Every time there was a vacation, Lu Yan would take Shen Sa to meet Wei Xu, because these two people were the most important to her. Yes, they are people who want to be together for a lifetime.

Wei Xu has a mature and gentle personality. Every time they meet, he will bring some small gifts that girls like, such as small hair clips with rhinestones, SpongeBob SquarePants-shaped mobile phone cases, and pink crystal bracelets... ...Although most of the two of them don't usually use it in the army, they are full of joy every time they receive it. Not only that, Wei Xu will also take them to eat delicious food, as Lu Yan knows Wei Xu took them to the famous restaurants in Chengbei basically.

It can be said that if there is anything worth looking forward to in the day-to-day training, it must be the meeting with Wei Xu during the holiday.But this time, there was no news from Wei Xu for a long time.This made Lu Yan not anxious or worried.

"Okay, then don't think too much about it. Brother Wei Xu will definitely contact you when he finishes his mission. If there is another holiday this time, can I treat everyone to dinner?" Shen Sa said with a smile: " To tell you the truth, I'm really embarrassed to ask Brother Wei Xu to treat me every time."

Shen Sa thinks that she is in Lu Yan's favor, but she still doesn't want to ask Wei Xu to pay every time. Although the army's treatment is decent, Wei Xu's life is very simple. He was willing to buy some casual clothes, and most of the money was sent back home. Lu Yan may not have observed these things carelessly, but Shen Sa was more careful than Lu Yan. It occurred to him that Wei Xu hadn't waited for half a year to contact Lu Yan.

"What's so embarrassing?" Lu Yan said with a smile: "You don't need to see outsiders at all, it's Big Brother Wei Xu and not someone else..."

"Brother Wei Xu is not someone else," Shen Sa repeated like Lu Yan, jokingly said, "Yanyan, why is Brother Wei Xu not someone else?"

Lu Yan blushed, and said bravely, "Brother Wei Xu and I have known each other for so many years, we are old acquaintances, what else are we seeing..."

"That's different," Shen Sa said with a smile, "unless..."

"Hey, stop talking, stop talking! Let's eat!" Lu Yan couldn't listen anymore, and with a blushing face, he jumped up and rushed out of the bed. Shen Sa shook his head funny, got up and followed go outside.

In the army canteen, rows of white dining tables and army green benches are neatly arranged. The tables are all clean without any trace of leftovers. Xiao Wang, who is responsible for cooking behind the glass window, is also wearing a military uniform. He is cheerful, and the people who come to cook will have a much better appetite as long as they see the smile on his round face.

Shen Sa and Lu Yan came late today, and there were not many people in the cafeteria. As soon as Xiao Wang saw the heroic figure, he poked his head out of the glass window and said, "Shen Sa, it's so late today! Ah? Hungry, are you hungry?"

Xiao Wang stuttered a bit, but usually he was okay, he would tie up his speech when he saw the army leader, of course, it was the same when he saw Shen Sa.Some people laughed at him about this, and he stuttered even more when he was in a hurry. Everyone couldn't bear to see him embarrassing, so they stopped talking about it.

"Fortunately, I'm not very hungry." Shen Sa smiled, and handed out the dinner plate. Xiao Wang stared at the smile on Shen Sa's face, and was stunned for a moment, and the hand that took the dinner plate also shook.

Lu Yan beside him jokingly touched Shen Sa's arm with his elbow, and Shen Sa turned his head, showing a somewhat helpless smile at Lu Yan.

Xiao Wang quickly prepared the food for Shen Sa, Shen Sa took it over and saw that no matter it was food or vegetables, they were all piled up sharply, she frowned slightly, and met Xiao Wang's expectant eyes , I couldn't say anything, I just nodded to Xiao Wang and said, "Thank you."

"No, nothing." Xiao Wang rubbed his hands happily.Lu Yan handed over his dinner plate from the side, jokingly said: "Xiao Wang, you have sent all the dishes to Shen Sa, what will you do if a leader comes over later?"

"Do it again." Xiao Wang said hastily.

"What if the leader can't wait?" Lu Yan asked.

Xiao Wang hurriedly said: "At this time, the leader has already finished eating."

As he said that, he reached out anxiously to take the dinner plate in Lu Yan's hand, and turned around nimbly to serve Lu Yan with food.

In fact, what Xiao Wang said is correct. The leaders have already finished their meal at this point. Even if they are really too busy to take care of it, there are still people who help the leaders prepare the meals. It is unlikely that a certain officer will suddenly come to the cafeteria. The situation of eating leftovers.

Xiao Wang helped Lu Yan pack the food and handed it over. Lu Yan picked it up and saw that his own food was also piled up to the top, and he couldn't help laughing: "Okay, Xiao Wang, I'm getting rich with Shen Sa again?"

Xiao Wang smiled shyly and said, "Eat it... if you don't have enough, add more."

"That's all right, all right, if this amount is not enough, then the two of us are pigs." Lu Yan said, carrying the dinner plate, walked to sit opposite Shen Sa and sat down.

The last rays of the setting sun slanted down from the window, and the lights in the army lit up one after another, and with a "pop", the lights in the cafeteria also turned on.

Shen Sa was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously turned around, and just in time to see a few people walking in from the outside, the first one was tall and very handsome, but his face looked very pale under the light, and there was a faint hint of sadness between his stern eyebrows. tired look.

Who is this man?Why does it look so familiar... Shen Sa was thinking, when he saw Lu Yan standing up quickly and gave him a hand.

"Hello, sir!" Lu Yan shouted loudly, the military salute was very standard, Shen Sa was doubtful, and moved a step slower than Lu Yan, staring at the man's face and shouted "Hello, sir" crisply , the sound echoed in the empty cafeteria, making Shen Sa feel a little embarrassed for no reason, but he couldn't explain why.

The officer nodded to the two of them, didn't say much, and went over to get dinner with the dinner plate.The others smiled at Shen Sa and Lu Yan, and followed the tall officer to cook.

Xiao Wang didn't expect that there were still people coming at this time, and they were just a few officers, so he stuttered in fright: "Hi, sir. The dishes are not, there are not many dishes. Shall I fry some more for the officers?"

"No need." The officer's voice was very magnetic, which made Shen Sa feel a little familiar, "Come on, I'm not very hungry."

After the meal was finished, the officer and several others sat down at the table next to Shen Sa and Lu Yan. Shen Sa and Lu Yan didn't dare to say anything, and they buried their heads in eating quietly, while the table next to them was even quieter than them. Eat faster.

It wasn't until the people at the table left that the two dared to speak normally. Lu Yan looked curiously at the backs of the people outside the window and said, "Shen Sa, have you seen that officer?"

Shen Sa thought back on that stern face, shook her head and said: "During the time we came to the special brigade, I don't think I've seen this one...but..." She shook her head, as if she felt that her thoughts were a little bit Not quite normal.

"But what?" Lu Yan asked, staring at her.

Shen Sa hesitated for a while, but decided to speak out what was in her heart. After all, there was never any secret between her and Lu Yan.

"I always feel... as if I've seen him somewhere else before." Shen Sa said slowly.

Lu Yan clapped his hands and said, "That's right! To be honest, I feel the same way."

"Ah?" Shen Sa was taken aback for a moment, "No way? You also...?"

Lu Yan nodded sharply and said: "Really, I bet we must have seen that officer somewhere before, but it is said that he looks like that, shouldn't we have no impression?"

"What does it look like?" Shen Sa looked at Lu Yan amusedly and asked.At the same time, it was like playing a movie in my mind, replaying the scene of that person who appeared in the cafeteria just now, but the camera gave a close-up of that person, his eyebrows, his eyes, his nose, his mouth... To be honest Shen Sa has been a soldier for so long, and he has never seen such a good-looking soldier.

"Looks like a movie star." Lu Yan commented straightforwardly: "That nose, wow, looks like a mountain peak, that eyebrows and that eye, just like... just like, hey, I can't describe my bad grades , let me think for a while... Then what, isn't there a word called "Sword Eyebrow Star Eyes"? I think that's what the officer just said."
Shen Sa met Cheng Lie before, do you still have any impressions? o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

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