famous first flash marriage

256. Big brother's woman

"How come?" Jin Xiaoyi said in surprise, "Although I have only met you for half a day, I think you are a pretty good girl."

Tang Mi smiled and shook her head and said, "Sister, I have many shortcomings. I am lazy, vain, and not very smart. I am a very bad person." She looked at her hands, "Before, I really didn't know Why do I live, what can I do in life. I always blame the people around me for not giving me better, or resent others for taking what should belong to me. I always hate people, I am really... too bad .Even now, I still can't get rid of my bad habits..."

"Don't say that about yourself." Jin Xiaoyi held Tang Mi's hand, looked at her and said, "Who in this world doesn't have any advantages and disadvantages? Because they are not perfect, they are human beings. You have seen some shortcomings. Is there anyone who doesn’t have one? When it comes to the dark side, I believe everyone has one, even the most noble and selfless person. Never compare your worst side with others, you are just yourself, not others , how do you know that other people must be better than you?"

"Yes." Tang Mi said, "Actually, I have an older sister who was born to my father and his ex-wife. Robbing her and bullying her. In front of her, I have an indescribable sense of superiority, like a little princess. Both my mother and I think that she should live in disgrace in this life. Who knows, my sister and her Smart and hardworking, he became a doctor after graduation, and my dad was stern with my sister on the surface, and was angry that my sister didn’t go to work in his hospital, but in private, he was proud of my sister.”

Tang Mi recalled: "Several times, I went to the dinner party with my father. When he drank with his friends and colleagues, it was inevitable that he would compare each other's children. Daughter Tang Xiao has excellent grades in medical school, and receives a special scholarship every year. After graduation, she entered a good hospital and soon became a gold-lettered signboard of surgery. She is young, capable, and good-looking. , so when my dad is triumphant, other people will also express envy to my dad, and those who have sons in their own families tell my dad that they want to form a family with our family, but guess what my dad said ?”

Jin Xiaoyi was stunned when she heard that, all she knew was that Tang Xiao's father treated her very badly, Tang Xiao used to cry secretly because of this matter, in Tang Xiao's student days, this was almost the most painful thing for her.Jin Xiaoyi remembers very clearly that there was a parent-teacher meeting in high school, but Tang Xiao’s father didn’t come because he was busy with work. At that time, she was sad for a long time. Jin Xiaoyi asked her what’s wrong. Her father has never been absent from the parents' meeting, even though her younger sister's grades are always at the bottom, she is always at the top of the class.Jin Xiaoyi looked at the always strong Tang Xiao with red eyes, but she didn't know how to comfort her.

However, from Tang Mi's mouth today, she knew that Tang Xiao's father still had this daughter in his heart.It's just that Tang Xiao won't have the chance to know.

What's more, the current Tang Xiao is no longer the little girl who longed for her father's love.When I needed my father's love the most, I didn't get any warmth. Even if I make up for it now, what can I make up for?

After a long time, Jin Xiaoyi finally recovered her voice: "What did your father say?"

"My father said that his daughter, who is such an outstanding talent, should dedicate her life and enthusiasm to medicine. Before the age of 30, she will definitely achieve greater achievements. At that time, what kind of person Chengbei will be worthy of him Daughter?" Tang Mi vividly imitated his father's self-satisfied appearance when he spoke.

Jin Xiaoyi laughed when she heard that: "And then?"

"There is no more." Tang Mi said, "My sister is no longer a doctor, but she is married very well, although my father is still not satisfied. My mother always complains at home, saying that my sister is married too well, so A good marriage should fall on my head."

"You think so too?" Jin Xiaoyi asked in surprise.

"To tell you the truth, I thought about it before." Tang Mi smiled wryly: "I told you, I'm a very bad person. I even..." Tang Mi suddenly stopped, "I even seduced my brother-in-law." In a word, I can't say it anyway.She didn't know why, but she said so much to a strange older sister today.But she knew that no matter how tolerant the other party was to her, she would not tolerate her despicable past.

She thought back to her twenty-odd years of life, because she always acted recklessly, greedy for vanity, and hardly had a single sincere friend around her.Her circle of friends is showing affection, diamond clips, cars and BMWs every day, as if all the meaning of life is comparison.She used to think there was nothing wrong with these things, and living for material things was the most natural thing, but during this time, her thoughts seemed to have changed slightly.

She thought that she needed a normal friend, not those so-called good sisters and girlfriends who seemed to be friendly on the surface but secretly robbed each other of men and compared each other.

"...and I was jealous of my sister." Tang Mi's voice lowered.

Jin Xiaoyi's eyes darkened a lot when she thought of Pei Yuansheng's deep affection for Tang Xiao.

Although she was very reluctant to admit it, how could she not be jealous of Tang Xiao?

If Pei Yuancheng treated herself as well as Tang Xiao, she wouldn't be so sad.

Because Tang Xiao was in his heart, that person didn't even give himself a chance to get close to him.

"Silly girl," after a long while, Jin Xiaoyi showed a self-deprecating smile: "Who hasn't been jealous of others? People always compare themselves with those around them, but as long as they are alive, there are always people who are better than you and more beautiful than you." It is normal to have jealousy. As long as you are good at using jealousy to motivate yourself to become better, instead of attacking and framing others because of jealousy, what does it matter? Don’t always blame yourself, know that things happen for a reason, In this world, there are no unreasonable negative emotions. Of course, I will not encourage you to be jealous of others, but I hope you will face up to your own jealousy - it is very common, nothing unusual, and it is not worth feeling too much about it Confused, annoyed."

"Is this really the case..." Tang Mi was lost in thought. Is it true that everyone has ever been jealous of others? Then Tang laughed at her, and was he also jealous of anyone?
"Ding Lingling..." The wind chime hanging at the door was gently shaken by the wind, and the fine wind chime sounded, echoing gently in the quiet milk tea shop in the afternoon.

There were no other customers in the store, and it was the time of shift change at noon. The two clerks on duty in the morning were handing over to the clerk in the afternoon at the counter. Except for the occasional conversation, there was no other sound.

Whether it's Tang Mi or Jin Xiaoyi, at this moment, they all think of Tang Xiao—the woman who had an irreplaceable influence in their lives.

For Jin Xiaoyi, Tang Xiao is a classmate, a friend, and a rival in love.

For Tang Mi, Tang Xiao is a sister who makes her long for closeness in her heart, but she can't really get close to her.

What a contradiction.

"Mimi!" At this moment, a man appeared at the door, interrupting the short peace with his urgent call.

Tang Mi's eyes widened suddenly, and she stood up from the seat.But he looked at the man walking towards him in a little bewilderment.

Jin Xiaoyi saw the complex emotions on Tang Mi's face, and guessed in her heart that the person who came was probably her lover, the man named "Cheng Feng".

Turning his head slightly, he saw a very handsome young man who had already walked up to him. He was wearing a black suit and a Patek Philippe watch. His whole body exuded the aura that would only come from being pampered since he was a child.

This temperament made her involuntarily think of Pei Yuancheng whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

The influence of family background on people is fatal.People like Pei Yuancheng or Cheng Feng are always materially calm. This kind of calm is easy to say, but not everyone can do it.

Compared with Cheng Feng, Pei Yuancheng's calmness is not only reflected in material matters, probably there is no one or thing in this world that can make him lose his composure, except Tang Xiao.

Jin Xiaoyi sighed in her heart.

Cheng Feng seemed to have a lot to ask Tang Mi, but after realizing Jin Xiaoyi's existence, he immediately set his inquiring eyes on her first.

Jin Xiaoyi introduced herself: "Hi Cheng Feng, I am Mi Mi's friend, Jin Xiaoyi."

She self-assessed herself as Tang Mi's friend, otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why she appeared here, and she was sitting with Tang Mi seemingly intimately.Of course, she hopes that her identity can help Tang Mi mediate possible conflicts between her and Cheng Feng.

However, Tang Mi's eyes became weird in an instant.

She remembered that she didn't mention that her name was Tang Mi, so how did this strange woman named Jin Xiaoyi know her name, and how could she call her nickname so casually?

"Hello Miss Jin, I'm Mi Mi's boyfriend, Cheng Feng." Although Cheng Feng doubted Jin Xiaoyi's identity in his heart, thinking that she looked like a sister rather than a "friend" to Tang Mi, he still looked at her. Extended his right hand.

With two hands clasped in the air, Jin Xiaoyi smiled slightly: "Mr. Cheng, please sit down."

The three sat down, Cheng Feng ordered a cup of coffee, then looked at the Japanese-style matcha and blueberry egg tarts in front of Jin Xiaoyi, and asked a little puzzled, "When will the store sell these?"

"Yeah." Tang Mi was still angry with Feng in his heart, and because he was young, he hadn't learned how to put on an act in front of his lover, so at this moment, he looked numb and didn't want to act like Feng.
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