Western girls are so hot and lively. If the two sides see each other right, they are probably already playing in the hotel's hot spring, or having sex with each other on the kingsize bed.

Even so, he was not disappointed by Cheng Meng's reaction. On the contrary, even a kiss was treated so seriously, which made him feel more novel and interesting.

Huaguo girls, like the world-famous porcelain in this country, are exquisite and beautiful, but precious and fragile, so they must be treated with care.Pete came to a conclusion in his mind.

Thinking of this, Pete gently held Chengmeng's slender little hand, stared at her piously and enthusiastically with his blue eyes, and asked softly, "Mengmeng, can I kiss you?"

Cheng Meng gently lowered her black eyelashes like butterfly wings, her expression was both shy and acquiescing to Pete's behavior.

Pete closed his eyes, brought that little white hand to his lips, lowered his head and pressed a kiss on the back of Cheng Meng's hand with great respect.

Cheng Feng sat on the wall as high as a person and looked at the mysterious small building. A black tulip-like butterfly was sitting on a branch not far away. Cheng Feng noticed that it was a plant he had never seen before.

The zigzag-shaped leaves are deep green, but the edges are glowing with a touch of fluorescent blue. At the end of each arm-like long branch, there are plump purple-red berries, the size of a cherry, which can be seen in the sun. With an alluring luster.

What is this...a fruit unique to this island?
As a foodie, Cheng Feng naturally couldn't resist such a temptation, but it's really not a gentleman's behavior to break into other people's gardens and steal their fruits to eat.

Of course, he can leave money as compensation, but if the fruit is not so common and he doesn't know its value, wouldn't it destroy the hard work of the owner here?
No matter how incompetent Cheng Feng is, he is still a child from a married family. Although he is a pure dude, at least his conduct is correct.

The ancient songs came intermittently from the small building, Cheng Feng thought, who is singing?

He turned his gaze to the small building again, this time, he saw a figure flashing past the upstairs window.

who is it?Could it be that mysterious singer?

Cheng Feng's curiosity was aroused again, he thought, maybe that figure is the owner here?
If he could say hello to the host who didn't know whether it was a man or a woman, maybe he could use the money or things on his body to exchange some fruits with the other party and bring them back for everyone to eat.

Thinking in this way, he finally had a good reason, jumped up, and landed lightly and delicately on the soft soil.

With a goal, his footsteps became brisk and strong, but this garden was probably neglected, far less tidy than the garden of his family, the ground was full of flowers and plants growing in disorder, and some of them were unprecedentedly novel and beautiful , Cheng Feng has never raised flowers, but he has been influenced by his family since he was a child. He is a person who cherishes flowers. He can't bear to step on those beautiful flowers that are in full bloom, so he has to walk on tiptoe from time to time.

Even so, it is necessary to avoid being swept to the cheek by the branches growing everywhere. Cheng Feng is like an extremely sensitive monkey, jumping up and down in the lush garden with flowers and trees, and his nose is always filled with a strong fragrance.

Walking into the depths of the garden, Cheng Feng realized why the big black butterfly came here. It turned out that on the trees full of purple berries growing here, there were huge and beautiful butterflies like black tulips inhabiting everywhere. Pay attention, you will think that the butterflies are black flowers on the tree.

The scene in front of him was so magnificent that Cheng Feng couldn't help but took out his phone from his trouser pocket and started taking pictures of those flowers and butterflies.

"Not repaysn' possè de past oujours
Danslemond de la coted 'amour
Maison reconnat pourtant
Quenousn' sommespasméchants
Nous passon save clégèreté
Parmitoutes les difficulties

Like the background music of an old movie, the ethereal singing sounded clearly again, this time it was closer, and Cheng Feng could barely hear the lyrics clearly.

It turned out to be a French song... Could it be that the person living here is a French girl?

Cheng Feng put away his phone and walked towards the direction of the singing.

"Nous, les Franais
Onne sefait pas d'bile
Onne complique pas
Queceser ad ifficile
Onfait cequinous plat
V'là commeonest

Walking through a small path covered by lush branches and leaves, Cheng Feng finally arrived at the destination of the trip——the mysterious ancient small building.

Surprisingly, the door on the first floor was closed tightly. Cheng Feng tried to knock, but there was no response.

"Is anyone there?" Cheng Feng put his hands around his mouth and raised his head to call out to the window.Thinking that the singing he heard earlier was a French song, Cheng Feng was glad for the first time that he had studied French for several years under the pressure of his mother Su Yang when he was a child.

The singing stopped abruptly, Cheng Feng secretly thought there was something wrong, and shouted to the window again: "Hello, I am a passing passenger, may I have a few words with you?"

"Squeak—" With a sound, the heavy wooden window on the second floor that seemed inflexible was pulled open, and a brown-haired girl poked her head out from inside.

Even Cheng Feng, who had seen countless beauties, couldn't help swallowing secretly.

The girl looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, or even younger. She seemed to be a bit malnourished. She wore a black dress with a sunken collarbone, a slender neck supporting her thin cheeks, and long brown hair hanging in front of her body hair.

However, all of this did not damage her amazing beauty in the slightest. There were a pair of gray eyes on her pale face. Covered by thick eyelashes, there seemed to be a bright galaxy hidden in the deep and blurred pupils.

"You are so beautiful..." Cheng Feng couldn't help blurting out.Suddenly realized that he was speaking in Chinese, and immediately repeated it in French.

The girl looked at Cheng Feng and smiled slightly, but that smile was full of sadness.

"What's your name?" Cheng Feng tried to talk to the girl.

"Zoe." The girl squirmed her delicate lips slightly, but her voice was slightly hoarse, as if she had just cried a lot.

"Zuowei...that name sounds really nice." Cheng Feng asked politely, "Zuowei, is this your home?"

Zoe looked at him and nodded, then shook her head quickly.

Cheng Feng looked at Zuo Wei puzzledly: "Could it be that you also came here to play?"

Zuo Wei stopped talking, Cheng Feng tried to show the most sincere and harmless smile, and discussed with this beautiful but silent strange girl: "Zuo Wei, I want to pick some fruits in the garden, I guess they are edible ? I don’t know if you’d like to sell me some…”

Zuo Wei shook her head slightly, and then disappeared in front of the window. Cheng Feng stood there in awe, thinking that it seemed that he had no destiny with those fruits.But being able to meet such a beautiful foreign girl is not a waste of time.

Just about to go back the same way, at this moment, the door on the first floor creaked and was pulled open.

Cheng Feng walked over quickly, only to see Zuo Wei in a long black dress standing at the door looking around.

Seeing Zuo Wei's whole body, Cheng Feng realized that although Zuo Wei was thin, she was tall, which made her look even more bony.If ordinary people grow up with such a skeleton appearance, they will definitely not look good, but Zuo Wei does not.She has a strange and thrilling beauty, like a fragile but delicate work of art.

After staring at Zuo Wei foolishly for a while, Cheng Feng came back to his senses, and quickly smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry...I was distracted. Zuo Wei...you are so beautiful."

Zuo Wei didn't answer, as if she was used to such compliments, she just said lightly: "Let's go, I'll take you to pick the fruit. Be quick, otherwise..."

"Huh? Otherwise what?" Cheng Feng asked curiously.

Zuo Wei shook her head, a trace of fear flashed across her eyes, like a dragonfly skimming across the lake, that strange emotion was fleeting.

"It's nothing, let's go." Zuo Wei said, and walked forward by herself.

Cheng Feng hurriedly followed, Zuo Wei walked lightly, and Cheng Feng realized that her skirt was quite wide, like a huge black tulip, but her swaying posture was very similar to what Cheng Feng had seen before. The black butterfly who had been there and led him to this mysterious garden.

Cheng Feng almost suspected that she would flap her wings and fly as she walked... Soon the two of them stepped into the path covered by branches and leaves, moving through it deftly, the skirts were big but not stained with dust, It will not be affected by the branches and tendrils next to it at all, which makes Cheng Feng inexplicably have a strange association-could it be that this beautiful girl who lives in the ancient building in the garden is actually the soul of a butterfly?

Cheng Feng thought about it and then slowed down. At this moment, Zuo Wei, who was two meters ahead, suddenly stopped and turned to look at Cheng Feng. A kind of deep fatigue appeared on his pale and strange face, "Please go quickly!" One o'clock... time is running out."

"Time is running out?" Cheng Feng murmured in surprise.

After all, Zuo Wei didn't look like she was busy with anything, but her guess didn't represent the truth. What if she really took time out of her busy schedule to take her, an unexpected guest, to pick fruit?Cheng Feng felt ashamed for himself, and said guiltily, "I'm sorry for wasting your time."

Zuo Wei shook her head and said, "It's okay, I haven't seen a stranger for a long time... let's go."

Cheng Feng ran to follow behind Zuo Wei, and then found that Zuo Wei quickened his pace again, and he had to trot to keep up with Zuo Wei.

What is she anxious about?

Cheng Feng wanted to ask, but he didn't ask. After all, he was just a passer-by, and it was not suitable for him to get to the bottom of people's private affairs.

Getting closer and closer to those strange plants full of fruits, a group of butterflies suddenly flew towards Zoe.Zuo Wei stretched out her hand, and the group of butterflies obediently landed on Zuo's fingers and arms.

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