famous first flash marriage

355、Like a fish drinking water, knowing whether it’s warm or cold

"I see..." Jin Xiaoyi lowered her eyelashes, looking sadly at Pei Yuancheng's sleeping side face, "It's just...whether I can stay with him or not is not up to me. Smile, he is very Stubborn, for feelings, I think he has his own choice. No one can force him to accept someone to stay with him because of sympathy."

"Xiaoyi, there is a saying that 'sincerity leads to gold and stone'. If you don't try it, how will you know it won't work? I think one day, he will be moved by you." Tang Xiao encouraged.

Jin Xiaoyi shook her head, and sighed softly: "But, if a person's love for another person is out of being moved and nothing else, isn't it also very sad... But even so, I will try to I did, because I no longer expect him to love me, I just want to stay by his side is enough."

"Xiaoyi, thank you."

"Thank me?"

"Thank you for being so brave... Thank you for being willing to do this, because I can't do it, and I am doomed to owe him in this life, so if it is you, Xiaoyi, I am really grateful. If it were someone else, I would be worried. "

Jin Xiaoyi smiled wryly, but didn't say anything.The car trudged through the mountains with great difficulty. Except for the sleeping Pei Yuancheng, everyone seemed worried.

After getting on the Panshan Highway, the driving becomes even slower. Looking out of the car window, one or two meters to the right is the abyss. If you fall from here, the consequences will be disastrous.

Even with snow chains installed, the situation on the road is still worrying. The driver Xiao Zhang's forehead is full of sweat. He has been driving for Pei Yuancheng for several years, and he has never been so afraid. His newly married wife appeared in front of him, and his wife There is still a three-month-old child in his belly... He regrets coming to Province C. Even if Mr. Pei's salary is higher, can he get his life in exchange?

But the house price in Chengbei is so high, he and his wife's parents tried their best to pay the down payment for a house outside Chengbei Fifth Ring Road, and the company that worked for three years made excuses for his wife after she became pregnant. He was dismissed, and the whole family's expenses were only paid by his own salary. Boss Pei paid a lot of salary. Before marriage, his life was considered nourishing, but after marriage, it was different. He had to pay off the mortgage and support his family. After repaying the mortgage every month and giving to his wife's household, there is very little money left in his hands.Thinking about it carefully, in the six months after marriage, he has never gone out to eat with his brothers, and he has never bought himself a new dress.

But when he thinks of his wife who always smiles gracefully, and the little life hidden in her protruding belly, he seems to be full of strength, able to bear all the pressure.

Keep going, my wife has already agreed with him that when the child is born and weaned, the child will be handed over to the parents in the hometown to raise the child, and the wife will go out to work again. At that time, the pressure in the family will ease a lot...

Before leaving Chengbei this time, his wife also said that the child has been a little noisy these days and always kicked her while she was sleeping. He knew his wife was not feeling well, so he often had morning sickness behind his back, and he was unwilling to leave on rare weekends. With his wife and children, but in the end he chose to travel to Province C because he knew that Boss Pei would always give a bonus to those who were on business. In other words, with this bonus, it means that I can help my wife buy more nutritional products...

Xiao Zhang silently prayed in his heart that the road would go smoothly. He drove carefully, keeping an eye out for the falling rocks on the mountain—while driving, he had already noticed that there were falling rocks in several places, and these rocks were large and small. , if one accidentally hit the roof of the car... Xiao Zhang didn't dare to imagine such a situation, he could only take a chance and reach the finish line as quickly as possible.

The weather is gloomy and humid, the rain falls constantly, the mountains are surrounded by a thin mist, the rocks and trees are all black, and the sky is so remote and vast, Xiao Zhang felt a touch of despair in his heart, He couldn't help thinking, when will this road end?
Perhaps aware of the driver's anxiety, the simple round-faced girl Xiaomei said softly: "Brother driver, after passing this mountain, you will see the first Zhuangzi. There is my sister-in-law and her family in the Zhuangzi. Afterwards, I’ll go to my sister-in-law’s house to get some fruit for everyone to eat? Brother, don’t worry, I won’t waste time, so I’ll get out of the car and get some fruit—that’s what my sister-in-law’s family grows on the mountainside, but It's so sweet, I'm sure you haven't eaten it."

Xiaomei smiled innocently, "By the way, my sister-in-law can also make leek pancakes, using wild leeks from the mountains. The wild leeks are fine and fragrant. Chop them up and fry them in millet noodles. They are delicious. It’s incredible, just thinking about it makes people swallow.”

Thinking of the moistness of the leek pancakes she ate in the past, Xiaomei really couldn't help swallowing, and her stomach let out a "grunt" along with it.

Xiao Zhang smiled, for this simple town girl.His wife is also from a small town in the neighboring province of Chengbei, and she always has the same kind and simple smile on her face as this girl. Therefore, he has an inexplicable sense of intimacy with this girl named Xiaomei.

"Xiaomei, later on, I wonder if we will have the honor to try your sister-in-law's leek pancake together? I'm so hungry for what you said." Xiao Zhang licked his lips and said.

Xiaomei covered her mouth and smirked twice: "Okay, my sister-in-law is definitely willing to do it. If she sees me getting up from such an imposing car, her eyes will almost fall out, but the driver brother," Xiaomei quietly approached. To Xiao Zhang's ear, "Is that man behind you your boss? Will he let us stop for a while? I think they seem to be in a hurry..."

"Hey, don't worry about this. It's the time of the last big size. My boss is very nice and will not be unreasonable. Maybe he will give your sister-in-law a few cakes and give him a few big bills." Zhang didn't hesitate to say good things for his boss, and couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled, stretched out his hand to call Xiaomei to come over, and chatted with her, "Xiaomei, let me tell you, no matter what our boss's attitude is, you Just tell the beautiful sister sitting next to him, that sister is more beautiful, she will definitely not refuse you, as long as she nods, it will be a star in the sky, our boss has to offer it with both hands, Let alone such a small matter?"

Xiaomei laughed "puchi" and said, "Brother driver, is that beautiful sister your boss lady?"

Xiao Zhang hesitated for a moment, as if he couldn't bear to spoil Xiaomei's interest, or maybe he sincerely hoped that Tang Xiao and their Boss Pei would have a good result, and said in a low voice: "Not yet, but... who will say what will happen in the future?" Accurate? With the character and appearance of our boss, even if the Nine Heavens Xuannv descends to earth, she can't help but fall in love with him, don't you think?"

Xiaomei nodded in agreement, and said with infinite longing: "It's great... that beautiful sister, life is really good, to have someone like your boss like... If only I had such a good life, hey ..."

Xiao Zhang smiled and said: "Everyone has their own life, Xiaomei, they have their own way of life, and we ordinary people also have our way of life, right? Look at me, I'm just a little driver, who looks like Ordinary, I don’t make much money, but my wife is always worried that I will be seduced by other women, ha, don’t even think about me being like a toad, who else would like me?” Xiao Zhang laughed at himself As he spoke, his plain face was filled with a happy smile, "In my wife's eyes, I am that Wu Yanzu. Of course, in my eyes, my wife is that fairy who descended from the earth. In this life, I can Having a child with my wife and living an ordinary life will be complete, and I don't envy anyone, haha."

Xiaomei was fascinated by what she heard, and she also lowered her head and smiled shyly unconsciously: "Brother driver, when you say that, I suddenly feel that I am also pretty good. Although my man is not as good-looking as your boss, But he is also tall and big, and I feel very safe with him. Although he is eight or nine years older than me and is going to be three years old this year, he usually dotes on me and thinks about me first when he eats delicious food. I went to the county town every month, and they all know how to buy me new clothes to wear. People in our town say that my husband treats me very well, and they all envy me..."

"Isn't that the end?" Xiao Zhang said with a chuckle, "Let's just say it, none of us need envy anyone, isn't there a saying called... like a fish drinking water, you know how warm you are?"

"Brother Driver, what do you mean by that?" Xiaomei tilted her head and looked puzzled. She grew up in the mountains, the only school in the village, ten miles away from her home, and there was a suspension bridge in between. She went to primary school When I was in fifth grade, there was a landslide and the suspension bridge was broken. In order to save the students, a teacher who came to support the school fell from the cliff. The body was not found until half a month later... Since then After that, no one dared to repair the bridge. If the children on the bridge want to go to school, they have to add another six or seven miles to the ten-mile road. to get to school.Going to school is too difficult for a child like Xiaomei, and there are fewer and fewer teachers in the school, so Xiaomei has never gone to school since then.

Fortunately, most of the girls in the town only finished elementary school or junior high school, and Xiaomei would not be rejected by her husband's family just because she only studied for four years.

"The meaning of this sentence, that is to say, everyone's life is good or bad, only everyone knows in his own heart. People, you can't just look at whether it's good or bad on the surface, you have to ask your own heart .” Xiao Zhang patiently explained to Xiao Mei.

The road was not only dull, but also frightening all the time. He was also happy to have a simple and innocent Xiaomei talking with him, which made him relax a lot.

"Like a fish drinking water, you know how warm it is...like a fish drinking water, you know how warm it is..." Xiaomei repeated it twice seriously, and said happily, "Thank you, brother driver, I will remember it."

Jin Xiaoyi, who was sitting behind them, lowered her head and looked at her fingers silently. She thought to herself, like a fish drinking water, she knows how warm she is...isn't she?In the eyes of outsiders, she and Pei Yuancheng are so glamorous, but in fact, they are both in love. They are really not as good as the driver Xiao Zhang, and this little girl named Xiaomei.

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