famous first flash marriage

370、She's Not Reconciled!

Shen Sa's journey went smoothly, and he soon arrived at a small gray building, and the office upstairs was where Cheng Lie Changcheng usually worked.

Shen Sa remembered hearing that when Li Su and Lu Yan were chatting, the growth officer usually didn't stay up too long at night because of his heavy workload during the day. No matter how busy he was at work, he would return to the army before eleven o'clock. Dormitory rest.

And now at this point in time, the growth officer will definitely not stay here to work.

Shen Sa felt relieved, she didn't choose to walk up the stairs with surveillance cameras, but climbed up the wall easily like a gecko.

In just a dozen seconds, that slender figure climbed onto the guardrail on the second floor, and then she took a step with her long legs, extremely light and graceful, like a leaf, and leisurely landed on the balcony on the second floor.

If anyone saw this scene, they would think it was an action movie.

Although she has always been habitually calm in front of her good grades, and seems to be calm about everything, after all, Shen Sa is just a girl in her early twenties, maybe there is still a little child left in her bones. Xinxing, she couldn't help but feel a little proud of the small victory in front of her eyes, and her thin lips curled up quietly.

Under the moonlight, the girl's clear and sly smile looked like an elf, but the smile was fleeting and soon disappeared in the boundless night.

Shen Sa turned around and came to the door of Cheng Lie's office. Sure enough, as she expected, the door of Cheng Lie's office was locked.

If it was an ordinary person, they would definitely have to retreat or attack from the window, but Shen Sa had already prepared for it. She calmly took out a small wire from her pocket, and inserted it into the crack of the door.

She closed her dark eyes, and concentrated on manipulating the thin and long wire in her hand with her slender and flexible fingers. About 20 seconds later, only a slight "click" sound was heard, Shen Sa opened her eyes, At the same time, bright brilliance bloomed in those deep black pupils—it was done.

She pulled back the wire and put it in her pocket, turned the handle lightly, and opened the door in front of her.

She subconsciously looked at Cheng Lie's office - in her impression, it was the second time for her to set foot here. She usually saw Cheng Lie mostly on the training ground.

Cheng Lie's office is very large, and unexpectedly, there are a lot of debris accumulated, - it is not very accurate to say that the debris is, Cheng Lie seems to be a gun fan, and occasionally uses his spare time to study the modification of guns, so there are people in the corner. There was a huge cabinet filled with all kinds of firearms, and a very large operating table, on which some firearms that may have been disassembled by the owner in the past two days and had not had time to restore them were piled up messily.

Although she is a girl, Shen Sa has loved these things since she was a child, otherwise she would not have embarked on this path. As soon as she entered the door, she was attracted by those guns, and subconsciously wanted to take a look. In such a dark environment, it is impossible to see clearly without turning on the light.

She vaguely thought in her heart that those firearms and parts were all disassembled by the growth officer herself... If only she could touch it and take a look... This thought just popped into her head , let her be surprised first, she shook her head fiercely, letting herself get rid of these unreliable thoughts, and at the same time reminded herself again, why on earth did she risk such a big risk to come here tonight? here.

Shen Sa knew very well what the consequences would be if someone found out about this matter. Maybe it was because of her trust in her own ability, maybe it was because she wanted to know Wei Xu's whereabouts, maybe it was because of the little girl deep in her heart. Small rebellion, in short, she chose this reckless adventure.

She thought, if Lu Yan knew about this, he would definitely try his best to stop her. From outsiders, it seemed that among Lu Yan and Shen Sa, Shen Sa was the honest and prudent one, while Lu Yan was the bold one who loves to cause trouble. The one that, in fact, is not.Deep down, Shen Sa is a person with an adventurous spirit.

Shen Sa first came to a file cabinet against the wall opposite to the cabinet where the firearms were placed. It was filled with various files. There are special file rooms in the army, but Cheng Lie generally has There will be backups to be consulted when manpower is assigned to perform tasks assigned above.

Perhaps it is completely unimaginable that someone would be so bold as to peek at the file in the growth officer's office. This locker with a password does not have such a complicated password.Shen Sa only used the very superficial part of the knowledge she had learned to crack the code, and easily cracked the code.

The corners of her mouth curled up again—everything seemed to be going too smoothly tonight, but this meant that her skills were absolutely passable and could be put into practical use.

I don't know when I will be sent out to carry out the task, and have a fight with criminals with real/live ammunition?

Shen Sa opened the cabinet while thinking in her heart.

She has been waiting for a long time. It can be said that the reason why she trains so hard and keeps herself No.1 in the team is to be able to enter the battlefield earlier.

She has an indescribable excitement about participating in the mission. Some people dream of becoming a hero when they were young, and some people want to catch bad guys since they were young. Shen Sa may have these thoughts, but what she wants more is the truth battle.

It seemed that only the bloody battle could prove that she truly lived in this world.

Shen Sa clenched her fists secretly, thinking, maybe next time, maybe not long after... she will really be able to go out to perform missions, after all, she has always been the best special soldier in the team, hasn't she?

While thinking about it, she took out a finger-sized flashlight from her body, bit it on her mouth, and then flipped through the densely packed folders in the cabinet.

In Shen Sa's imagination, it was not difficult to find the documents about Wei Xu. She did not regard it as the most difficult part. At least as long as she could get to this office and open the cabinet smoothly, she would be very close to success. up.

However, ten minutes later, fine beads of sweat burst out from Shen Sa's smooth forehead.

She suddenly realized that there were really too many of these documents. Although they were arranged regularly, finding one about Wei Xu from among the vast documents was no different from finding a needle in a haystack.

If she was given enough time—maybe not a few hours, as long as an hour, she believed she could find it.

But right now, she doesn't have that much time.

The more time passed, the more dangerous she was exposed.

It is the most sensible way to find the file as soon as possible, put it back in place after reading it, and then return to the dormitory quickly.

However, it is impossible to find Wei Xu's file in a very short period of time.

Shen Sa stood at the same place, while his subordinates kept flipping through the files, while turning his brain rapidly.

In the end how to do it?

If she chooses to retreat for safety, it can greatly reduce the chance of being discovered, but in that case, it means that everything she has done tonight is useless.

She is not reconciled.

Do you want to keep looking?

Turning over one by one like this, even if you will get some of the rules to improve efficiency after reading thousands of documents, but time can't wait.

What if the guards responsible for patrolling the base pass by here at night?

Shen Sa didn't dare to imagine the consequences of being found out.

Sneaking into the chief's office privately in an attempt to steal secrets, even the lightest punishment is to be kicked out of the army.To put it more seriously, Hu will be subject to censorship and even imprisonment if he fails.

Shen Sa's palms were slightly sweaty.She stopped, fearing that the sweat in her palms would wet the document, she wiped it on her pants before continuing to read it.

And all of this is captured by a pair of eyes hiding in the dark.

He controlled his breath to prevent her from discovering his presence. In the darkness, he couldn't see her face clearly, but from her figure, it was easy to see that she was a woman.

So who would do the thing of sneaking into his office in the middle of the night?

Someone who came in from outside the training base?Impossible, the entire training base is impenetrable, without his approval, not even a fly can fly in, and no one can fool around.

Then, there are only people inside the army.

He first ruled out logistics personnel like military doctors. It was impossible to successfully sneak into his office without solid skills.

In this case, he could only be a candidate for this batch of special forces.

The faces of those female special forces came to his mind one by one.

Chen Liya?
No, this girl's character is a typical Northeast person's hearty and honest character, she is absolutely obedient to the officers, and she will definitely not do such a violation of discipline.Moreover, compared with Chen Liya, this figure seemed a little thinner.

Wu Qing?

This girl has a relatively rebellious personality, and occasionally dares to stare at him, but she has a small temper, but she doesn't have a big talent. It is unlikely that a girl with a bit of a big temper will do something like breaking into the chief's office at night. .

Lu Yan?

Her personality is rather multi-faceted, she has both the straightforwardness of a boy and the delicateness of a girl, and her skills are also good, but what is her motivation for doing this?


Cheng Lie eliminated them one by one, and in the end, only the girl was left——

That girl who always looks calm, but strives for the best in everything, never bows her head and admits defeat.

Shen Sa.

Could it be... is she?
In the darkness, Cheng Lie's handsome thick eyebrows frowned slightly.

He looked at the figure standing in front of the cabinet again.

Looking at it this way, he was more sure, and could even basically conclude that this person was Shen Sa.

But, why did Shen Sa do this?

Didn't she think about the consequences?

Even if she can't be a soldier in the future, she still has to do such a rash thing. Is this thing more important to her than her own future?
Cheng Lie wished he could grab Shen Sa and ask him for clarification, but he still decided to continue to see what this girl wanted to do.

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