famous first flash marriage

380. Sorry, I love you

Pei Yuancheng remembered that when he was a child, when he could still run and jump, he liked to go to the playground near his home to play something called a trampoline by himself.

On the trampoline, he only needs to jump up slightly, and his small body will fly high into the air as if he has escaped gravity.At this time, he can't help stretching out his hand, looking at the little bird in the blue sky, and the little butterfly flying around him freely in the warm spring day, how much he wants to spend more time in the air Stay for a while and be with them.

He remembered that every time he returned from the playground, he would have the same dream. He dreamed that his body became very light, so light that it was no different from a bird or a butterfly.

He dreamed that he jumped lightly, and he jumped onto the branch, and jumped again, and jumped onto the roof again.

In the dream, he was really happy.After waking up, he was always disappointed, and even couldn't help but jump on the ground to see if he could still fly.

When he grows up a bit, he knows that people are not like birds, and people will never fly.

When he was a little older, he started to get sick. Amusement facilities such as the trampoline were no longer within his reach.

He couldn't even remember when was the last time he played on the trampoline or had a dream about flying.

All in all, from the first time he got sick, the happiness of those childhoods has been far away from him forever.

Since then, he has been firmly labeled as a patient.

If a person has a next life, he really wants to be a bird.Thinking in his heart, Pei Yuancheng exhaled lightly, and a helpless smile appeared on the corners of his pale lips.

But Tang Xiao, who was sitting behind him, couldn't see all of these.

When she heard his unfeeling yet relaxed sentence "Then don't think of me", she didn't know why, but she was slightly annoyed.

Why do you say what you say? Wasn’t it you who wanted to make friends with me?
Tang Xiao has not made many serious friends since she was a child, and her personality is not outgoing and proactive enough, so the people who can become her friends in the end are basically cheerful, lively and enthusiastic people like Ji Xiaoru.

Later, Pei Yuancheng, who seemed unreliable but actually cared about her very much, became her friend, and deep down in her heart, she also completely regarded him as her friend.

But this guy, this guy actually just announced unilaterally that she would never think of him again?
So selfish, so hateful!
Tang Xiao thought angrily, the world is so big, who would not be able to live without it?It's a big deal, in the future, they will really never get in touch with each other!

So she said in a muffled voice, "I won't think of you. Pei Yuancheng, you are so narcissistic that you think that no matter who the women in the world are, they will miss you every day? I admit that I used to think of you occasionally, but That's because I, as your personal doctor, will worry about your health, but I won't in the future. Anyway, you have so many medical staff, as long as you want, you can recruit a group of top international medical teams with just a flick of your finger. Why do you need me, a rookie doctor? Forget it, after returning from here, I will not be your personal doctor."

"Okay, just do as you said." Pei Yuancheng did not refuse, his voice seemed very casual.

Tang Xiao was startled, not knowing what to say next, and Pei Yuancheng obviously had no intention of saying anything.

The two were silent. At this moment, someone knocked lightly on the half-covered door twice, and then Jin Xiaoyi's voice came: "Mr. Pei, can I come in?"

"come in."

Jin Xiaoyi walked in holding the cashmere blanket, and saw Tang Xiao who was sitting silently on the stool. Although neither of them said anything, Jin Xiaoyi sensitively felt that something must have happened between the two.

Jin Xiaoyi put the blanket on the bed, and was about to help Pei Yuancheng spread it, when he heard him say lightly: "I'll do it myself, you guys go out for a while, okay?"

Originally, except for the patient Pei Yuancheng, the rest of the group didn't need to rest. Tang Xiao originally planned to stay and take care of Pei Yuancheng, but the current situation seemed to be inexplicably awkward between the two of them, so she got up, nodded, and Jin Xiaoyi, who was puzzled, walked out together.

"Smile, did you quarrel with Boss Pei?" Jin Xiaoyi couldn't help asking.

"How is it possible..." Tang Xiao shook her head, she would only quarrel with a heart patient like Pei Yuancheng unless she was crazy.

"But... you were a little weird just now." Jin Xiaoyi looked at Tang Xiaoyi and said with a smile.

"Strange?" Tang Xiao thought for a while and said, "It's okay, I just talked about some unpleasant topics."

The two walked outside the house, just in time to run into Xiaomei's sister-in-law who had picked fresh vegetables from the field, and Xiaomei who was carrying a chicken.

The chicken was still alive, fluttering vigorously in Xiaomei's hands, and looked full of vigor and strength, but it looked thinner than ordinary chickens.

With bright eyes, Xiaomei showed off to Jin Xiaoyi and Tang Xiao: "Miss Tang, Miss Jin, look, this is the pheasant that my sister-in-law and I caught just now!"

"Pheasant?" Hearing these two words, Tang Xiao and Jin Xiaoyi, two standard urbanites, moved over curiously.

I saw that although the chicken had the word "chicken" in its name, it looked much better than ordinary chickens. It looked like a bird with beautiful feathers instead of a chicken.

Especially its long and brightly colored tail is really beautiful, and besides the tail, the feathers on other parts of its body are also bright and moist, which makes people wonder.

"As a chicken, how can you look so good-looking?" Jin Xiaoyi bent down and said to the chicken.

Tang Xiao squatted beside the chicken and looked at it, muttering: "This must be a male pheasant."

"Male? Why." Jin Xiaoyi blinked and said, "Look at its showy appearance, it looks like a cute little girl."

Xiaomei carried her cute pheasant, smiled and said: "Miss Jin, you have misunderstood. Among the animals, the ones that are good-looking and showy are usually males!"

"Yes, what Xiaomei said is right," Tang Xiao rolled his eyes, and his petal-like pink lips slightly moved, showing a shrewd smile: "Generally, male animals are showy and narcissistic, just like some people. !"

She deliberately amplified the volume of this sentence, and she couldn't believe that someone who was eavesdropping by the window couldn't hear it.

Ever since Xiaomei was excitedly showing off the pheasant she and her sister-in-law had caught, Tang Xiao caught a glimpse of Pei Yuancheng silently moving to the window and looking out from the corner of his eyes.

Hmph, what about resting alone?
Kicking everyone else out, and standing by the window leisurely looking at the scenery—do you really think that you are a son, elder brother and young master wherever you are?
Tang Xiao didn't even know what was going on, but he started to fight with Pei Yuancheng.

Jin Xiaoyi didn't know what was going on at first, but when she heard the last sentence, she looked at Tang Xiao's abnormal appearance, how could she, who was so smart, not understand what happened.

It seems that there was a little conflict between Pei Yuancheng and Tang Xiao, and Tang Xiao was teasing Pei Yuancheng on purpose.

However, between these two people, it is obvious that Pei Yuancheng likes Tang Xiao. No matter what kind of feelings Tang Xiao has for Pei Yuancheng, at least he has always taken good care of him. What happened can make the always rational Tang Xiao angry? Do you vent your anger on Pei Yuancheng like a child?

As a person who loves Pei Yuancheng deeply but has never been put in his heart, Jin Xiaoyi of course hopes that there will be fewer and fewer rivals in love around her, and in the end she is the only woman who can be kept by Pei Yuancheng's side.

She believes that as long as she stays with him for many years and takes care of him and does everything she can for him, he will be moved by her sooner or later. Perhaps, one day in the future, he will find her good and fall in love with her?

But it was very contradictory. On the one hand, she hoped that Tang Xiao would not appear next to Pei Yuancheng. In the end, the two parted ways in a fit of anger and never saw each other again. On the other hand, she did not want the dispute between Tang Xiao and Pei Yuancheng to continue.

Because, from the time she knew Pei Yuancheng, only when Tang Xiao was around, Pei Yuancheng would reveal the emotions and desires that a normal person should have.

When Tang Xiao is not around, Pei Yuancheng is always more like a programmed robot.

He always works so efficiently. It is said that he once locked himself in the office and worked for nearly [-] hours in a row, dealing with a problem that the entire project team could not solve after working overtime for many days.Although he reappeared after half a month's vacation, everyone knew that Mr. Pei was a superman at work.Some people even said that Mr. Pei's brain has an unknown structure, and it is more powerful than the most advanced computer.He recounted all the items he had reviewed, and he would never miss a decimal point.

In his life, he gives outsiders two impressions, one is that he lives in seclusion, and the other is that he changes girlfriends very quickly.Therefore, some people say that Pei is always a playboy, and a small number of people insist that Pei is always a clean person.

Jin Xiaoyi has not been able to really enter Pei Yuancheng's private life so far. She is full of curiosity about his residence and his daily life, but she knows very well that it is difficult for her to have such an opportunity. With Tang Xiao, she can barely get closer He is more, when Tang Xiao is around, she can see the real him more clearly, so from this perspective, she doesn't want Tang Xiao to fade out of Pei Yuancheng's life before she knows more about Pei Yuancheng.

At this moment, Pei Yuancheng, who was standing in the guest room, leaned against the wall next to the window, and smiled self-deprecatingly.

Are you showy and narcissistic?Heh... this smile, as expected, is still angry.

He laughed and laughed, and suddenly frowned and coughed, but only the first cough escaped from his mouth, and then he tightly covered his lips with his slender and pale fingers.

With his back against the wall, he kept coughing with his head down, but the sound was muffled and didn't reach the window.

With the coughing, his chest continued to rise and fall, and his face became paler and paler.

Those handsome eyes filled with ink and ink were like fog, covering his vision in front of him.

His body gradually slid along the wall, and finally sat weakly on the cold ground.

But he, who has always had a serious cleanliness obsession, was unable to support his heavy body. He lowered his head and tried his best to cover his lips. His thin and tall body was shaking one after another due to coughing and heavy breathing.

After a long time, he closed his eyes, gently leaned against the wall behind him, his slender fingers closed into a fist, and slowly slid down to the ground.

Thick and slender eyelashes, like crow's wings, drooped quietly, leaving two faint shadows on the pale face.

In the backlit corner, his silhouette is lonely and desolate.

He understands that after all, he is completely away from this world, away from all the people he loves who love him in this world.

What's the difference between saying goodbye earlier and saying goodbye later?

He knew from a long time ago that no one could bear all this for him except himself.

Therefore, his driving her away was one of the countless correct decisions he had made in his life.

He was always so decisive and resolute, even though, there were countless times, those seemingly correct decisions made his heart ache like a tear.

No one is more lonely than him, and no one is more reluctant than him to leave the few people around him one by one.

But, how could he selfishly let them stay by his side and watch him grow weaker and helpless?
He has experienced the taste of despair, so he no longer wants to let his loved one suffer the same pain as him.

Smile, after this time, we really don't want to meet again.One day, you will completely forget about me, a selfish and wicked guy.One day, every memory of me will disappear from your mind.

You are so beautiful, you deserve the best and the best in the world, with Retsuko taking care of you, I can safely leave you.

As if thinking of something happy and gratifying, the person leaning against the wall with his eyes closed slightly pursed his lips.

A gust of wind gently blew the curtains, and the hand that fell on the ground slowly let go, and in the pale palm was a mass of bright red blood.

The few people not far from the window knew nothing about this corner, and they were still discussing enthusiastically around the unusually beautiful pheasant.

The new driver, Xiao Zhang, wondered and said, "It's really strange. I remember that although pheasants can't fly, they run very fast. Most people can't catch them. Xiaomei, you and your sister-in-law are just catching them with bare hands." Its? Or a slingshot air/gun or something."

Xiaomei lifted the pheasant that was constantly thrashing in her hand, and announced to Xiao Zhang triumphantly: "We mountain people, where do we get air/guns? My sister-in-law's house has slingshots, but the two of us just I went to pick vegetables in the vegetable field, and I didn’t think of anything to shoot at all. Besides, slingshots are generally used to shoot sparrows. Sparrows have little meat, so we don’t care about shooting sparrows, so we don’t use slingshots for a long time. Xiao Zhang Brother, don’t you believe me, this pheasant was really caught by my sister-in-law and I by surrounding each other with bare hands!”

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