famous first flash marriage

429、My wife, be good.

no... no...

He couldn't do it with her when she was still injured. What she needs most now is to take good care of her and get better as soon as possible.

He took a deep breath, sat up suddenly from the bed, looked at her pink face, and suddenly opened puzzled eyes, his pupils were deep, he sighed and touched her head, and said softly: "good."

Tang Xiao took his hand and hugged it on his chest, like a child hugging his beloved doll.

His eyes gradually softened, and he looked at her with infinite pity: "Smile, get well soon."

"Well," Tang Xiao nodded, very determinedly, "I will work very hard."

Cheng Lie smiled again: "Fool."

Tang laughed and said, "Lie, take care of me every day, are you tired?"

Cheng lie shook his head: "how can you be tired. Being with you is what I enjoy the most. "

Tang Xiao hated herself a little bit, she said: "It would be great if I wasn't sick, and I want to take care of you—— Lie, we have been married until now, and we rarely have this kind of opportunity to be together carefree. I really I want to get up every day to make breakfast for you, and go to morning exercises with you. Then bask in the sun, water the flowers... and take a walk in the sunset together in the evening."

"Little idiot, we can do it now." Cheng Lie said softly, "Go to bed earlier tonight, and when you wake up tomorrow, we will go out for morning exercises together, okay?"

Tang Xiao was stunned for a moment, and said, "Is it possible? I can't walk by myself now..."

"It's ok." Cheng Lie patted her head and said, "Don't be afraid when I'm here."

"Hmm..." Her heart has settled down a lot because of him, but the arrival of her stepmother Li Yan is still a pain in her throat.

She finally couldn't help but say: "Lie...my stepmother..."

Cheng Lie stared at her, and there was strength in her quiet eyes that made her stable: "Xiaoxiao, no matter what she wants to do, I will not let her have a chance to hurt you."

Tang Xiao seemed to be able to guess what happened, and couldn't help sighing: "I'm sorry, Lie, if it wasn't because of me, you don't have to bother about this kind of person at all."

Now she somewhat understands why Cheng Lie's mother values ​​family background and well-connectedness so much.

If Cheng Lie married a rich young lady from a family similar to theirs, why would anyone come to her in an attempt to covet the cheapness of getting married?
She has lived under the same roof with her stepmother Li Yan for so many years, and she knows Li Yan's character very well.

She thought, Li Yan used to want to use Tang Mi to climb high branches, but now Tang Mi has changed, she is no longer such a vain little girl who is at the mercy of her mother, and Li Yan has realized that Tang Mi is unlikely to marry into a wealthy family. That's why I thought of her "eldest daughter" again.

She doesn't know how much wealth the Cheng family has, but in Li Yan's opinion, it must be because she is cheap and not taking advantage of it. She took advantage of her illness and was hospitalized to visit her under the pretext of asking for something in front of Cheng Lie.

Tang Xiao made the worst plan. If it really doesn't work, she can give all her savings to Li Yan, just begging her not to bother her again.

What she didn't expect was that Li Yan really came to ask Cheng Lie for something as she expected, but she underestimated Li Yan's ambition.

Cheng Lie looked at the worry and self-blame expression on Tang Xiao's face, and then recalled Li Yan's greedy face seen in the surveillance video, and felt even more disgusted in his heart.

His long black eyebrows were slightly frowned. For some reason, he suddenly felt that he was being too kind to Li Yan today.

Using such a gentle way to let her leave on her own will not serve as a warning. He has a hunch that Li Yan will come to her again.

There are always all kinds of villains in the world. They are greedy and selfish, trying to get something for nothing. They are shameless and lack the most basic bottom line of being a human being.

If you haven't seen it yourself, you will never know the horror of human nature.

However, his smile was so innocent, she would only risk her life to save others, even if she faced the person who hurt her, she had no intention of harming others.

His smile should not blame himself for the existence of those people.

"Smile, it's not your fault." Cheng Lie said, "You didn't do anything wrong, it was her. No matter now or in the future, don't say 'sorry' to me because of this kind of person, you need to apologize The people who hurt you are the ones who hurt you, aren't they?"

"Yeah." She nodded obediently.

"Trust me." Cheng Lie said softly.

"Okay." Tang Xiao smiled trustingly.

There was a knock on the door, and the nurse came in pushing a medical trolley to check Tang Xiao's body. Cheng Lie knew that Tang Xiao didn't want him to see his embarrassed side, so he turned around and picked a book from the bookshelf, and put it on the bookcase in front of the window. Sitting on a rattan chair, from his angle, Tang Xiao couldn't be seen, but Tang Xiao only needed to tilt his head slightly to see Cheng Lie's every move.

Tang Xiao thanked Cheng Lie for his thoughtfulness in his heart.Even the most intimate lover does not always need to be infinitely close. No matter who it is, at some point, it needs a little space.

Tang Xiao was very fortunate that Cheng Lie was a mature man, he was always considerate and thoughtful, taking care of her, and never made her feel embarrassed or embarrassed.

This is also inseparable from the good education Cheng Lie received since he was a child, but it is not always true that the children of famous families have good character.There are so many domineering rich and red generations in Chengbei.

Perhaps this is also related to Cheng Lie's self-discipline and strict requirements on himself.Anyone who indulges himself blindly will only become more and more hateful, narrow-minded and arrogant.

These days, the nurse who is in charge of performing daily physical examinations and injecting drugs for Tang Xiao is a young and steady girl named Li. She looks only one or two years younger than Tang Xiao. Chengbei Military Region Hospital was selected as the most beautiful angel in white.

Tang Xiao was not in good spirits a few days ago, so he didn't pay attention to observe this nurse Xiao Li. Today, he feels better physically and has more energy. When Nurse Xiao Li gave him an injection, he took a closer look at Nurse Xiao Li's face. I found that the other party was very beautiful, and her skin without makeup was smooth and delicate. If she put on makeup, she must be a beauty with magnificent facial features.

Nurse Xiao Li looked a little embarrassed, but she never talked to patients at work. After the injection was finished, she whispered, "Did Mrs. Cheng just look at me?"

There are not many patients in the VIP building, and those who live in it are either rich or expensive. Those hospital staff who can work in the VIP building have long been required to memorize the patient's information. For this female patient who lives on the 6th floor, Everyone also collectively referred to them as "Mrs. Cheng". After all, her husband, Young Master Cheng, was so famous.

Nurse Xiao Li has a secret in her heart, that is, she has actually known Young Master Cheng for a long time, but she is sure that Young Master Cheng does not remember her at all.

A few years ago, when she had just graduated and came to work in the Chengbei Military Region Hospital, the first patient she was in charge of was Young Master Cheng.

That time was the first time she faced a bloody wound.

Cheng Dashao suffered a gunshot wound, and the bullet passed through the right side of his abdomen. When it was delivered, Cheng Dashao was covered in blood, but he still jumped off the stretcher and strode into the ward.

"Don't use anesthetics." This was the first sentence Cheng Dashao said to her.

Nurse Xiao Li's eyes were wide open at the time, she felt incredible, the man in front of her was so tough, he was injured by a gunshot wound!Ordinary people were hit by bullets and lost so much blood that they would have been unconscious for a long time.

And this Young Master Cheng was actually able to order her with confidence.

Young Master Cheng was lying on the bed, watching her fix the wound intently, and a few times in the middle of the process, he felt that her movements were too slow, so he helped her himself.

The first time Nurse Xiao Li dealt with a gunshot wound, she was completely changed by the tough and abnormal Cheng Dashao.

That day, as soon as the wound was healed, Young Master Cheng left directly.It is said that there are still urgent tasks to be carried out.

Nurse Xiao Li couldn't stop her, and she didn't dare to stop her—the short-haired, sharp-looking officer in military uniform exuded an aura of killing gods and killing Buddhas.

In fact, in the entire Chengbei Military Region Hospital, no one dared to block his way.

Nurse Xiao Li could only watch helplessly as the patient who had just had stitches left straightened up.

"Who is that?" Nurse Xiao Li heard the colleagues who came in with her around her asking seniors.

The senior replied: "That is Chengbei's king of special forces."

Later, Nurse Xiao Li heard many legends about Cheng Dashao from her colleagues one after another.

It is said that Cheng Dashao is a frequent visitor to the Chengbei Military Region Hospital, and almost every time he goes to perform those confidential tasks, he will inevitably suffer some injuries.

Ordinary hospitals encounter patients with gunshot wounds, I'm afraid they will be so frightened that no one dares to take over, but for military hospitals, it is indeed very common.

In the entire Chengbei Military Region Hospital, as long as they stayed for a short period of time, there was no one who didn't know each other.

Nurse Xiao Li often saw Cheng Dashao later, but he was really too busy, every time he came here covered in blood, and every time he left immediately after treating the wound.

Unless the injury is too serious and has reached the level of unconsciousness, he can honestly stay in the hospital for treatment, but such a situation is very rare.

Nurse Xiao Li only saw her once, and that time was the only time in her memory that Cheng and Young were carried in on a stretcher.

When she came to the hospital and saw Cheng Dashao with her eyes closed and her head covered in blood, she was stunned.She was really afraid that he would die like this——

In the eyes of her, or most people in the hospital, Cheng Dashao is like a god of war who will never fall.

They have never seen a person with such tenacious vitality, so although Cheng Dashao is always injured and always comes to the hospital, everyone is used to it, and they never worry that Cheng Dashao will die of serious injuries one day.

That time, Young Master Cheng almost died.But after he woke up, he left the hospital as quickly as possible.

Nurse Xiao Li was very conflicted. On the one hand, she always wanted to have the opportunity to see Young Master Cheng, even if she always treated his wounds and listened to his urging, she felt very happy.

On the other hand, she didn't want to see Cheng Dashao in the hospital again.

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